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07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 is what I'm saying. Infrastructure.
@RegDwigнt And a private person in Canada won't know what a wire transfer is.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it's plain expensive here (US)
I bet a wire transfer in Canada will also cost like $120 bucks just because of that.
@Mitch well, there is that too. Most forms of money transfer are expensive.
In fact I'm pretty sure it will.
whereas with a cash transfer you have to pay for the briefcase and the martinis.
Someone wire transferred us 4000 bucks the other month. Only 3200-something arrived here.
That was from the US.
And they tell us to move to the 21st century.
@RegDwigнt friction loss along the electrical cables
Yeah. Them tubes won't lubricate themselves.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Regular shops and bars won't accept credit cards here, such as supermarkets. Most people don't have a credit card. I only have it for purchases outside Europe, online. Everybody uses bank transfers here, because they are easy and free.
@RegDwigнt mmm my favorite candy bar...Troglodytes!
@RegDwigнt Only 3200 euros arrived, but 4000 dollars had been sent? Outrageous.
@Cerberus that's the US for you. They use the other 800 to pay for George's free miles to Australia.
@RegDwigнt Yeah. well, in some ways bot places are stuck using old systems. "cash" for retail? how quaint. cheques/expensive wire transfers for non-retail? how equally quaint.
@Cerberus the punch line is, the product actually costs 40,000. But that poor guy didn't have that much money and we knew him from some projects, he's cool and all, and is only just founding his business, and so we said he can have it for 4,000.
@Cerberus that's civilized. like how civilized every icecream shop has an extruder so you can make 'ice cream spaghetti'
And then we get 3,200.
@RegDwigнt oh. huh. do you have any spare Tesla's hanging around that I could have for 10%?
I'm cool and all.
We do. But you have to found your own company and become poor and cool.
@Mitch oh I didn't know that.
how about now?
Now just learn some Englishe's with their proper plural's. Then we'll talk.
@RegDwigнt I'm lying and shit so I can get the damn car. Duh!
@RegDwigнt Screw you and your ability to type and think.
@Mitch sorry, that's not English. In English, you must say "I'm lying and shitting", or "I lie and shit".
The aspects have to agree.
@RegDwigнt That sounds unsanitary.
That is the way of the English.
Learn it, and you shall see.
with their shit and goddam and other scat talk
That's bollocks, chap.
Bloody bollocks.
not like the quebecois and their religious expletivating
choir boys vs farm hands
farm choirs vs boy hands
@RegDwigнt Not the exchange rate?
@Cerberus exactly the same here, word for word, except I don't have a credit card because after one free year they start charging you 40 Euros per month just for having one.
@Cerberus no, it arrived in the same currency, then our bank exchanged it. We've seen the balance sheet, it explicitly said "800 dollars for various expenses and fees like George's free flight to Australia".
@Mitch An extruder? We only have ice-cream that they put into your horn or cup by spoon.
@MattE.Эллен Morris sitters vs boy blands
@Cerberus only free in the same country? transferring abroad costs me money
@RegDwigнt That's awfully nice of you.
@Mitch Morris sitters everytime
@RegDwigнt 40 a month, really?? I pay 15 a year.
@RegDwigнt Wow! That is truly horrible, it should cost 1 cent.
@Cerberus ?? Oh. At least you've reached the 4th c with the invention of spoons.
@Cerberus but you still pay. Over the pond, they charge nothing, and then give you coupons and free cars on top of that.
@Cerberus mine's free all the time!
As I said, infrastructure.
@RegDwigнt Okay, someone probably needs to check all transactions against international embargoes or something, that costs maybe €1 per transaction.
@MrShiny has the infrastructure in place to get a card for free. We only have the infrastructure in place to pay for it threefold. As in, literally three times over.
@MattE.Эллен It's free within the Eurozone, hah!
Outside the Eurozone, it's still very cheap, at least to England, right?
@Cerberus stupid British people and their fear of the Euro
@Cerberus I don't know. Probably
@Mitch I think spoons are older: I prefer mid-Antiquity.
I know my friend is looking for a cheap way to transfer money to his mum in Eire
@RegDwigнt Yes, alas.
@MattE.Эллен Your credit card? I see.
First you pay a fee. (Be it 15 a year for you or 40 a month for me, doesn't matter. Still a fee. Still not free.) Then you pay the horrendous interest rates (currently 17% sound good to people writing their marketing copies, even though the market rates are below 0. We have deflation, for fuck's sake.) And then you pay the 3% surcharge they don't even tell you about.
Not to mention not getting free coupons and cars.
@MattE.Эллен Well, I'm not saying all's good with the Euro, but it definitely has some advantages.
So make that fourfold, actually.
@RegDwigнt I pay 0% interest and 0% surcharge, except when the receiving company requires a credit-card surcharge, which is usually not the case.
@Cerberus Oooh... like the security pattern on the front that xerox copiers recognize so they'll deny service.
Oh, and then you go out and try to actually pay with it, and it's about as fit for that purpose as a used sock.
@RegDwigнt depends on the size of the sock.
@Mitch Um, what?
@Cerberus yeah your situation generally sounds much better. But still not anywhere comparable with Canada, let alone US.
@RegDwigнt Oh, I am sure. But our ordinary bank transfers are far better than their credit cards, right?
@Cerberus I don't know if they are better. I just know they are completely invisible and I don't have to carry a piece of plastic on me at all times.
I have enough LEGO. I can go home and build me my own credit card any time.
Speaking of which, I shall mute commies shortly.
@RegDwigнt Yeah I once bought some Lego from a kid in the UK. The seller and I didn't know each other so we agreed to split the deal into two transactions: I'd send half the money, he'd send half the bricks, then repeat. I sent the money the only way I knew how, by international money order. It cost me a fortune to buy the MO and then it cost them a fortune to cash it. For the second half we both set up paypal accounts and sent the money for pennies.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 sounds about wrong, eh.
Those dots.
That dude. He signs every single banknote. His arm must've fell off by now.
@RegDwigнt yeah. So if I were to try to send money far away again, my first choice would probably be Paypal.
@RegDwigнt True.
The unmentioned security device (holograms, checksum, watermarks).
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 which, of course, are Worst Scammers Ever in their own right.
@RegDwigнt I pay someone else to sign it. That bill in fact
@Mitch Mr Draghi!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But is it easy to be able to accept Paypal?
I know I can't.
@Mitch if you paid that Bill to sign it, but it says Mario, then your monies has been signed by an impostor I'm afraid.
@Cerberus Mario
Super Wardraghi.
@RegDwigнt That's my security. Since he's an impostor, the signature is void and Iget to reclaim the bill by beating him senseless and pulling it out of his hand
Cold, dead hand.
I'm not a monster, I wouldn't kill him. If he were dead already...
Good to know Mitch would take the money. I would take the gun. Then I would use the gun to take Mitch's money.
@Mitch Si, questo!
@RegDwigнt You clever bastard, taking a gun to a money fight.
@Mitch oh sorry honey, we totally forgot to tell you: you are a monster.
@Cerberus Claro que so!
@Cerberus I always say sí to queso.
@RegDwigнt At least I'm not adopted.
oh sorry honey, we totally...
@RegDwigнt we could share
I will share my cheese when you pry it from my cold, dead hand.
@RegDwigнt as long as you're the aliens and I'm not
@RegDwigнt OK. You can keep your cheese. I'm not really hungry any.more
what is more elegant wat to say "I have passed the exam"
I am off, folks. Have fun.
"I have passed the exam!"
@JudeNiroshan I have passed the exam with flying colors!
wait, that's less elegant.
You're less elegant.
@Cerberus Yes, anyone can accept paypal... that's how ebay works.
@RegDwigнt CU
ok. with flying colors !
@RegDwigнt blushes
Wait... that's not what 'less' means.
makes the sentence colorful
'with flying colors' means you did very well on it.
there is elegance in simplicity
@Mitch Ah, they say claro in Italian too, don't they? I have become all focused on Portuguese claro.
ok. got it sir
Hi folks!
@RegDwigнt Queso Hollandese?
@Arrowfar hi
@Cerberus I think you've been focussing too much on Portuguese claret.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Umm I cannot accept Paypal!
You have to have a special account and stuff, and probably pay, right?
@Mitch If only...
Stupid buses. Whenever they are not on strike, they are on time.
Have to wait for 6 minutes now
Oh the horror.
"I droped this college degree"(what i meant is i didn't selected the college degree to follow up).... It seems like the sentence doesn't interpret so. can anyone makes this sentence nice ? or another way to express my idea ?
@Mitch if you didn't do very well, you could still say "I passed the exam with lying colors".
Nobody will notice the difference.
@RegDwigнt ^_^
But now the bus is impending. Bye again.
And now, the bus is near, and so I face the final burden.
@RegDwigнt Such horrible public transport!
Good luck.
@Cerberus No, you don't. You can send money from one personal paypal account to another.
they take a commission like usual?
You can also set up a merchant paypal account fairly easily. I'm not sure if there are annual fees. The transaction rates are actually pretty fair and clearly communicated. It's way better (for the merchant) than the situation with credit cards.
@crl I think so, but it's small, like < 3%
disclaimer: haven't done it since 2004
well cheques are commission-free
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 but still not great. People can claim non-delivery and paypal will almost always side with the buyer and refund
@MattE.Эллен Well, I'm not sure how all that works, but there is a dispute resolution process and the vendor has an opportunity to make a case.
from what I heard, they always lose
but maybe that was just a disgruntled seller
well, speaking as someone whose company provides services purchased through paypal, we've won many disputes
but we have business accounts.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps that is only possible in North America, then.
@Cerberus well, and the UK, because that's where I sent the money
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm then perhaps this has changed?
I remember looking it up, and I needed some special kind of account or something, years ago.
@Cerberus dunno.
@RegDwigнt Or if you did both good and bad, you could say "I passed with ying colors"
@Cerberus but I have no idea. all I know about italian i picked up from Super Mario bros. All I know about Spanish I picked up from Taco Bell menus. Claro?
@RegDwigнt mama si to queso
si. creo que tu entiendes nada
@MattE.Эллен ?? I don't understand.
@SmokeDetector why is this a thing? I mean I detest unbalanced quotes as much as anybody, but if you don't try to nest them, you'll never get any good practice.
dunno, looks ugly though
@Mitch Actually, that does sound quite Italian.
@Mitch y tu madre, por favor
@Matt you need a flipview right?
I'm not doing c# at the moment :D
what does it do?
Decent support for styling & touch.
The transitions are extremely customizable from xaml
@MattE.Эллен I never knew that! It's like perl's 'or die' (but I don't know that either). Either way, seems like a hack. ducks and runs
Hi Mitch!
So I give some answers on ELU main site once in a while. But I don't know whether I give good answers or not. I try my best.
Trying is good. Sometimes I try real hard and I think I've done a great job, and then no one cares, and other times, you just throw something together quickly, not caring yourself, and people think it's great.
People are stupid.
Yeah that's what I think. chuckles
I thought about writing something in my profile. I wrote this:
> Well, I like English language. Sometimes I hang around in English chats.
Sound kinda meh, but I like it.
@Arrowfar 'meh' works. it is what it is. A tautology is a tautology. "yields truthiness when proceeded by its quote" yields truthiness when proceeded by its quote
"is grammatical even if it doesn't end in a period" is grammatical even if it doesn't end in a period
"sounds unnatural when followed by its quote and is in fact nonsensical because it should be 'preceded'" sounds unnatural when followed by its quote and is in fact nonsensical because it should be 'preceded'
or maybe it's 'proceeded'
Yep, should be 'preceded'
You sure know how to talk difficult :D
It is 10:03 PM here. Good thing my internet is working perfectly.
I hate summers here. I enjoyed winters.
Everyone here loves winters. Best time of the year for us.
I think it is one of the advantages of living in the Southern Hemisphere.
Oh, sorry, my bad. I'm not in the Southern Hemisphere. I just checked the map.
That's new.
@Mitch Trying is not always good
Another way to say that: Trying can be trying.
But I totally agree with you, 99.99% of people are stupid.
Never try to try, as they put it
@Arrowfar you're not even in the Southern part of the Northern hemisphere (below the Tropic of Cancer). But I don't doubt that it is unbearably hot there.
Quit Trying
Quit trying not to try
Quit quitting
said Yoda after eating some bad mushrooms.
I've finally demonstrated enough !
Why ain't this in the dumper yet?
@RegDwigнt, @MattE.Эллен, @Andrew? ^^
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 We are all suitably impressed.
That is odd, strange, and weird! — Mitch 29 secs ago
Bad mushrooms
Could you review the abstract I have just finished writing @Mitch?
> High dimensional data platforms make computational challenges despite the opportunities they might create. Due to that, dimension reduction is a significant discussion in many areas. The dimension reduction could cause simplicity in classifying, compression, visualization and data illustration of high dimensionality.
Different methods have been proposed in the area on dimensionality reduction of a set of data. In this thesis, we study such methods.
non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques, which has attracted lots of attention in scientific societies in the last decade, all believe
Thanks in advance (!)
Hahaha, @Mitch will never appear around here!
@Gigili Nevar!
Gotta run...will review when back later. But skimming looks good overall. No obvious grammatical solecisms.
@Robusto I was pleased to see that the new user profile thingy shows badge progress.
@Gigili also, aren't you staying up kinda late for this? When is your defense?
07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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