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They asked him if he tried to light himself on fire. He said of course not I’m not crazy. They said then what happened. He said I dunno.
He can’t be alone for a while after discharge, that’s for sure.
@tchrist see?! That fits exactly with the pathology of Venom symbiote infection.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Actually, depreciate is not wrong.
@tchrist Most unfortunate.
Well, thanks for deprecating me because I still have challenges to go through in my life. Recently I've started hitting the gym and whenever I see doors say "pull", I "push" because it's a challenge. Thanks mate.
@Cerberus This one I am not trusting in idiot hands.
Light on fire...could the burns be caused by something like gasoline?
@EnglishMaster What does the gym have to do with things? I have only one thing to judge you by, and that's your writing.
By the time I saw them, they had sandpapered him down though, so I don’t know what it started as.
I cannot imagine that pain of being sandpapered.
I'm not judging you much, but let's be honest. Everyone judges everyone all the time.
Sandpapered his burns down??
I’m using vernacular.
That is beyond my comprehension, let alone my imagination.
But why??
You have to remove the burnt-dead flesh.
I thought burns need to be treated very carefully.
Disinfected, bandaged, but not abraded??
So they got him super incredibly drugged out, put him in a shower, and scraped off the necrotic tissue.
Because I'd choose gains over superior writing.
I had no idea.
@Cerberus 3rd degree is very serious. cooked through.
well, you can't just leave that dead stuff there.
At least smaller 3rd-degree burns are not abraded.
@EnglishMaster You'd choose gains in the gym over superior writing?
So at what time did he wake up? Did he call the hospital himself?
Woke up before dawn.
Do they have any idea how long he had been lying there burnt?
Gains is importanter than superior writing, mate.
His phone was not working.
Oh, dear.
His mobile, you mean?
Yeah, the dumb kid has no land line.
Neither do I...
But I have a spare mobile.
So he had to go find a taxi.
No neighbours?
@Cerberus That won’t work.
@Cerberus I think he must still have been too drunk for sense.
Why not, unless the network is not working?
@Cerberus You have to go to the carrier to get them to turn it on.
At least he suffered less, then.
@EnglishMaster If you say so.
Is that some weird system that we don't have?
I can just switch SIM cards.
We don’t have those.
You do have GSM, which I am certain has SIM cards...but perhaps this is CDMA?
But of course, he gets to the hospital and cannot call anyone. His only memorized numbers are his job’s, mine, and his family’s — who are long distance, so cannot be called from the hospital.
@Cerberus Never heard of anybody with a SIM card here.
Why can't the hospital call long distance?
Not allowed.
It would cost money.
@tchrist I know at least one of your largest carriers has GSM.
But anyway.
Again, no notion of "spare phones" here.
But they can just bill it to him?
This is not a jail. :)
@tchrist You don't have sim cards? Surely you have sim cards.
Never heard of a SIM card here.
Perhaps there is some CDMA system that doesn't have cards.
CDMA phones didn't used to have sim cards. But they all do now.
I know they don't have cards in Japan, the worst place of all for mobile phone users.
Unless this has changed recently.
Do you know you can actually make phone calls using military field-radio?
worse than China, where there isn't even proper national coverage by a single technological standard, and what coverage there is is non-standard Chinese tech that doesn't work anywhere else?
I've done it when I was in Marines
Anywya I have to go. cya later.
@tchrist hope your friend gets better.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Good luck on your phonic quaest.
@tchrist I wish your friend gets better too.
What's the prognosis?
Is his life in danger?
No, it is just under 10%.
Oh, OK.
Well, he could die of infection, but that should be avoidable.
Still a horrible accident.
[Prayer] ohh Jesus please help @tchrist's friend get better ohh!! I pray ! JESUS THANKS MATE! [/prayer]
Let us know when you know more about the circumstances.
I must go to bed now.
His family cannot really take care of him here, and they cannot take him back there.
I’m going to fetch him after discharge so he isn’t left alone.
He could hire a nurse?
You are too good.
No, the first 24h after surgery you should not be alone.
Oh, okay.
Plus he is simply on too much narcotics to be trusted not to do himself worse by accident.
But then why doesn't he stay in hospital?
I would like to know that myself.
Surely they won't just discharge him like that?
It seems wrong to discharge him. He can barely talk.
Well, when he's not in pain he can barely talk.
Yes, and it seems wrong for them to make you replace his bandages and stuff.
Not sure what the deal is.
hey, does "spotting" normally referred as "Assisting one another in the gym" to non-gym users too?
Call the hospital?
I will have to talk to the medical staff. I would think he would have to go back to the hospital every few days.
I talked to them a little, but that was before the transplant decision, about which I have no details. He was too out of it for clarity.
It is all very bizarre.
He was originally told he had to stay in the hospital for 7–10 days.
Now it’s all like a whirlwind.
7-10 days would make more sense.
I cannot help but wonder if this is insurance-related.
He has coverage through his employer.
But I doubt it is "great" insurance.
I’m the only person I know with "great" insurance ("platinum-plus") but I have a very generous employer. He doesn’t.
I told him not to worry about it. Obviously it would be inappropriate to worry in his condition.
Can he afford to spend some money on uncovered stuff?
Well, yes.
For medicines and bandages.
Not for staff.
At any rate, surely the hospital won't physically kick him out.
I seem to recall that he has some sort of 70/30 plan, where he still has to pay 30%.
He is in the Burns ICU.
That is not cheap.
I would actually pay exactly nothing if it were me there.
Surely they don't want patients collapsing in front of the building.
Neither would I.
@Cerberus More business. :)
And slightly negative publicity.
He has not been able to sleep there.
This is a problem.
Despite the drugs?
I would want to be drugged into oblivion.
He couldn’t keep food down for a couple of days.
Because of the pain drugs they were giving him.
He couldn’t keep food down for a couple of days.
Have you ever been on narcotic painkillers? Can you sleep?
I cannot.
I did once have to be given IV hydromorphone because nothing else was strong enough to let me sleep. I think I had weird dreams for 2 hours or so.
But regular hydrocodone and oxycodone certainly keep me awake. Stupid, but awake.
You should sleep.
@Cerberus He mostly is. He let his dose drop while I was there, but it was too much for him.
@tchrist I don't know.
I was under narcosis as a child once.
You mean general anaesthesia?
But not narcotic painkillers.
That is different.
The transplant surgery will be under general tomorrow.
His family asked him if he was ok and he says he told them no. Wish one of his two sisters could take care of him, but they’re working moms with young families far away.
And he has to stay here for the burn center.
But he can’t stay there. So dumb.
Ask the hospital what they will do.
I shall.
If noöne can pick him up.
Oh that. Interesting.
"Will you just kick him out onto the street, or what?"
They cannot let him go without a responsible adult who will drive him away and sign the discharge papers attesting that he will not be left alone for at least 24h.
Why would you sign any papers?
So he can leave.
I see your point.
Is it in his interest to leave?
Maybe. Sleep is important. It is hard to sleep in a hospital. It is loud and they wake you up every hour or two anyway to check on you and take your vitals.
But this is a very new and good hospital. Best burn center for several states in all directions.
And the room is incredibly spacious.
Then again, if you're tired enough, you will get some sleep eventually, unless you're in such a bad condition that you can't sleep at home either.
Right, that is good.
That’s why I want to understand the sleep part.
I would also ask about the bandages.
Some of it is pain. He is on one of those buttons.
The food there is actually really good. I could not believe it.
How difficult is it to replace the bandages for a layman?
I don’t know. Anything.
Right, so ask that.
And assume it will be twice as difficult as they say.
I have a midlevel bedroom he can stay in for a few days at least, one with a bathroom right there.
@Cerberus Everything is many times harder than you think, even when you take that into account.
Basically, his family are all too far away.
And he doesn’t have enough trustworthy friends for something like this. At least, again not ones close by.
He has a few, but they do not live close enough.
And you are close to him?
He’s just a kid.
Hm, ok, he’s a bit older than you are. :)
By eight months.
Still acts too much like a teenager at times. Obviously. Or this would not have happened.
Not that I was ever an idiot as a teenager. At least, not this sort.
To be so drunk that you don’t remember coming home is bad, but so drunk you don’t know where you got third-degree burns? Sheesh!
He’s helped me out with house-projects I just couldn’t muster the will to tackle by myself.
I see.
I guess I will have to take him by his apartment on checkout to get some clothes and stuff. Maybe I will see something that explains it. Maybe I won't.
Nothing bad had ever happened to me due to drink.
Except slurring your diction. :)
That's not so bad!
If you shay sho.
Now, to bed!
Good luck with your friend.
Thanks. Good night. I too must sleep. Way too late.
Tell me about it!
Just a quick question
It seems like it's mandatory to say "the gym" instead of "gym" although "gym" is just a uncertain noun
why does it happen?
btw, wordpress is the best piece of software in the world
7 hours later…
@EnglishMaster If you say "I'm going to gym" people will think you are going to a gym class.
@EnglishMaster No CMS is worthy of that title.
The Bonn Convention is the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species, better known as CMS.
Speaking of migratory species, the shore birds have been shrilling away in the marshlands as I've ridden by them on my bike lately.
They do that.
Hm. I should spend more time with them. I haven’t even been to the marsh this spring yet. I was going to go with a friend and her newly birding young son but they got delayed by traffic so we just went to supper instead.
Poor excuse.
Any idea what you’re hearing? I only know songbirds by sound.
I'm not adept enough to be able to single out species.
Can you see them?
I thought I saw some phalaropes, but when I looked them up it turns out they don't transit through the eastern U.S.
In our mountain streams we have the most curious sort of “shore bird”: the American dipper, which is a diver but not a loon. :)
hello room :)
I need to know the correct use of "etc" in a sentence . For e.g "Gather critical assets information e.g software version, O/S updates status, IP info and etc through performing active reconnaissance of network using tools such as NMAP and NESSUS"
That’s wrong.
First, don’t use etc.
Second, et means and.
@Saladin And at least, don't use and
and and and so on?
Also, use a comma before and.
What do you mean by etc anyway?
What does that mean in English?
I was confused. Simply.
Finally, etc. is an abbreviation that mandatorily takes a little dot after it, just like all of them do.
so in even without use of "and" i should not use etc
@Saladin In formal writing it is frowned upon. Prefer "and so on" instead. For most writing, however, it makes no difference.
In txtpk33k, sure.
Perhaps in recipes.
"I went to a party and had cake, ice cream, etc."
Nobody gives a shit about that in most cases where you are not being scrutinized for style rules.
but the information i want to put in resume ? i guess that formal writing.
> Gather critical asset information (such as software version, O/S update status, IP info, and so on) using network reconnaissance tools like NMAP and NESSUS.
@Saladin Most readers of resumes are not style mavens, and hence don't care.
But it is painful to read "through performing active reconnaissance of network".
@tchrist agreed:)
> The sexual dimorphism and contribution to parenting are reversed in the three phalarope species. Females are larger and more brightly colored than males. The females pursue and fight over males, then defend them from other females until the male begins incubation of the clutch.
let me make changes thanks guys for fast input
@Robusto Most of that sounds fine. Except that incubation part. :)
Yeah. Well, we have to take the bitter with the sweet.
@Saladin Aim for brevity.
@tchrist excellent suggestion for my case which is writing a resume
Less is more in résumé writing.
It's an art, really.
Or at least a craft.
I can't tell you how many résumés I've rejected because I simply couldn't get through them. If people can't organize their thoughts clearly and concisely in a résumé, then they're unlikely to do so in a job.
Can. Not. Abide. Muddled. Code.
Most code, then, you cannot abide.
@Robusto wow that so profound and very threatening as well:)
Threatening? In what way?
the fear of rejection from not thinking straight or clear.
I've never been afraid of that.
because you happen to work on other side of line:)
@Robusto do you have a HR job?
@Saladin No. I am a coder. But I often have to review résumés.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: "In a call" versus "on a call" by rahul on english.stackexchange.com
oh @Robusto nice to know.Isn't it kind of oxymoron being a coder and also being good in English language? But that's true for most IT jobs or spell-checkers fav jobs i say:)
Clarity of thought is essential for success in either pursuit. Also clarity of expression, as it happens.
and you forgot one other aspect willing to help others the reason we are having this chat:)
"laconic" - great word. Thanks Greeks! Just made a coworker Google it to be able to reply to me :-D
"Through consultants approved methods for security requirements data gathering identified gaps in discovering and defining information protection requirements of critical applications. The task was supported through well-designed comprehensive application security assessment questionnaire to complete understanding of threat, security context and environmental constraint for that application."
anyone can proof-read above!^
@Saladin I'm afraid I don't even understand it. What are you trying to say? A couple of commas might help.
• Information projection needs of critical business applications: Through consultants approved methods for security requirements data gathering identified gaps in discovering and defining information protection requirements of critical applications. The task was supported through well-designed comprehensive application security assessment questionnaire to complete understanding of threat, security context and environmental constraint for that application.
its part of resume
@terdon what part is difficult to understand?
@Saladin Most of it. I have no idea what the first sentence means. I don't understand which is the part you did and which is describing the tools you used.
@terdon understood. Let me revise it
"information projection needs" is a noun phrase. It would have been better to substitute "requirements" for "needs" there, because needs can initially be interpreted as a noun or verb, which is confusing.
Through consultants approved methods for security requirements data gathering I helped identifying gaps in discovering and defining information protection requirements of critical applications. The task was supported through well-designed comprehensive application security assessment questionnaire to complete understanding of threat, security context and environmental constraint for that application.
I don't know if you approved methods through consultants or if you used methods that had been approved by consultants.
Through ~= using ?
@MattE.Эллен the "information protection needs" is separate security function or task which is written or describe as it is. The tasks comes before requirements analysis ....
I think "consultants approved methods" might be better rendered as "consultant-approved methods" or "methods approved by consultants."
so, that would be consultants', not consultants
I think
What's "the discovering and defining information protection requirements of critical applications."?
maybe not
but consultants seems wrong, some how
anyway, I should be working...
This is slightly better but still clunky:
> Using consultant-approved methods for gathering data on security requirements, I helped identify gaps in the discovering and defining of the information protection requirements of critical applications. The task was supported by a well-designed and comprehensive application security assessment questionnaire to complete our understanding of the threats.
I don't like in the discovering and defining of the information protection requirements of critical applications.
@terdon me too. Let me work on it. Thanks.
Did you discover gaps in the requirements of the critical applications or in the process of discovering their requirements?
well to simply put I helped analyze and identify security protection requirements e.g confidentiality, integrity and availability for the subject application?
@terdon Maybe "discovery and definition of . . ."
yeah rightly.
@Saladin That is much clearer. Why not use that?
In fact, always ask yourself if you can state something more simply.
In other words, start with "simply put" . . .
the "discovery and definition of..." clause?
you want me to follow through the simply put sentence and substitute it ?
I mean use that instead of what you have, or use it as a model for rewriting what you have.
agreed @Robusto
Let me do some revision now.
Thanks you are very helpful:)
Good luck. I have a meeting in two minutes, so . . .
oh I will paste the change on chat In case you come back and want to have a look.
@terdon So many prepositions. :(
@tchrist They can be useful.
If you want to know whether the nose of the clown in the circus is red, just ask whether the circus clown’s nose is red.
This is not Romance. :)
We can cascade noun–noun compounds.
> Through consultants approved methods for security requirements data gathering I helped identifying gaps in discovering and defining information protection requirements of critical applications.
Tell me that needs no prepositions.
It needs 80% chop.
@tchrist Precisely but since I can't do that, not knowing what is and is not important, I added the prepositions to at least get the meaning clear. Once that was achieved, a rewrite would be in order.
I don’t think I’d put that I approved something on a résumé.
Through consultants approved methods for security requirements data gathering I helped in discovery and definition of information protection requirements of targeted application e.g confidentiality, integrity and availability. The task was supported through well-designed comprehensive application security assessment questionnaire to complete understanding of threat, security context and environmental constraint for that application
@tchrist He didn't, hw was using consultant-approved methods. (I think)
Just too ugly.
@Saladin as a general rule, avoid long sentences in English. Unlike some other languages, they are very hard to make clear. The full stop is your friend.
@terdon I agree but then I have to not put too many breaks in continuity of thought?
No one can follow that thought.
You’re saying way too much. Cut the details.
"..., I helped in discovery and defintion" => "I created"
@tchrist that I know. I try to put it out in 2 lines less.
The whole "was supported" line is nasty.
> I used consultant-approved methods to gather data on the security
requirements of key applications and helped identify gaps in the
discovery and defining of their information protection
requirements. A comprehensive application security assessment questionnaire was used to
understand the threat, security context and
environmental constraints for each application.
I don’t think I would be able to read this.
Who wrote the questionnaire?
I would still remove a lot of detail there. What does "consultant-approved" mean anyway? Why is that relevant? Why is the questionnaire relevant?
@tchrist I'm changing entire high-level thought.
Don’t way "well-designed" or "comprehensive" or "complete".
I think all you really need is something like:
I will change to what is needed to be told and cut everything out.
> I helped identify gaps in the discovery and defining of the information protection requirements of critical applications.
Although I still don't really like in the discovery and defining.
Right, strike that.
Neither of those can really have gaps, it's the process of discovery and defining that can have gaps.
> I identified gaps in information security requirements for critical applications.
> I identified information security gaps in critical applications.
Pick out the logical heads of each long noun phrase and discard nearly everything else.
It wouldn't hurt to refer to "information-security requirements" there as well.
Use active verbs.
But were the gaps in the requirements or in the process of defining said requirements?
this is more closer to work I perform ...
"Followed a questionnaire based approach in discovering and definition of information protection requirements e.g confidentiality, integrity and availability of targeted applications. The results of the task which included threat, security context and environmental constraints information was later integrated in system security plans and supporting documents which allowed consistent support throughout the life-cycle of application."

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