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@tchrist Funny.
I'm not too familiar with Dutch book-binding.
But, in the days of Elzevier, much of Europe had its books printed here.
In the days of the real Elzevier, that is.
quick question
why do people use the phrase "drawing a parallel between X and Y"? Does it have to do with geometric parallelism?
@edaniels it could mean hat the situation at hand is A and B and there is an analogy with X an Y.
Or they could just be confused about what parallel means.
I just hear that a lot. Like making a parallel between the USA's and Russia's politics
well each by itself is complicated. but you can copmare them and so draw parallels between the complicated parts.
so that makes sense
Oh I understand that
I guess I mean the origin of using parallel in such a way. Treating it as a word of similarity
Two parallel lines are just equidistant at all points and don't intersect. How does that translate to making similarities?
oh. it's not -that- literal. it just means that comparing A to X and B to Y is so a like that if the comparisons were lines, they'd be very even.
As much as the questions and answers on Quora have a tendency to idiocy, I found the following pretty good: quora.com/What-works-the-best-when-learning-a-new-language. (@tchrist, @Robusto)
I guess that's somewhat satisfying :)
paralllelism is a pretty well known figure of speech.
Was that directed at me?
@edaniels no. it was very general. we have lots of questions here about 'how do I learn Enlgish well?'
I had just found that and came here to tell people but you had an interesting question so I answered that first.
It's interesting how some figures of speech/idioms come to be, especially when better phrases/terms exist to express something more exactly
zeugma, syllepsis, etc
"outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. inside it's too hard to read."
@edaniels Yes. It is a metaphor.
@edaniels Yeah, sometimes this variation is pleasant, at other times it is unpleasant.
is "Inquiries about XXX" same as "Enquiries about XXX"?
I mean they are notoriously confusing, aren't they?
Oh, it's an ad
I was wondering why he looks so actorish
2 hours later…
@Cerberus Did you read that code? I suspect we may have more than one kind of language barrier here.
Te escribo en castellano dado que tu fuente es en ese idioma, y para que no quede duda alguna. En el primer lugar, has elegido el sitio SE del inglés y no uno de la programación: no tenemos nada que ver con código fuente aquí. Pero también hay el problema que mencionó @JasonC: que tu pregunta (pues, o pedida, como parece ser) no está lo bastante bien escrita en su forma actual para cualquier otro sitio SE tampoco. — tchrist 6 mins ago
5 hours later…
@Robusto then again, who needs yet another nichtsingenden Dachdeckermeister?
3 hours later…
@MattE.Эллен Are you Oxfordized or Oxoniated? :)
@tchrist Barely, I only looked up enough to determine the subject.
Technical jargon, yes, no doubt.
All the identifiers were in Spanish. :)
Names of things.
Variables. Functions. Classes.
Oh, that question?
I thought this was about the book-binding.
@tchrist se dice fuente solito así? Tipo tu fuente esta mal escrito? Solo lo había visto entero: código fuente
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
css appears to be broken yes
@Cerberus did I tell you my nexus screen is dying?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, no!
How did that happen?
When did it start?
a band about 1cm in the upper-middle part of the screen is unresponsive to touch
last week
it displays fine, but you can't swipe across it or touch anything in it
You could try reinstalling the touchscreen driver.
Probably won't work, though.
I'm fairly sure it's a hardware problem
I tried painting the screen black in a paint app
there are reports of lots of people having problems with the digitizer
That sucks!
I like that phone a lot still!
I have literally no no-brainer option to buy
A phone is like a wife, eh?
I want a nexus - or something with stock android and FAST updates. I want something that is CM compatible. I want something smaller than 6".
@Cerberus coincidentally, my wife is now getting really frustrated with her phone.
You could replace the digitiser yourself, it's only € 17, apparently ^.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Was that her Gnex?
@Cerberus yes
@Cerberus assuming I don't make it worse
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How is it frustrating her, and has she tried a factory reset? A new battery (they're cheap)?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm sure you are able to replace a screen/digitiser.
In my opinion, a phone with a band like that is lost anyway. If you should make it worse, you lose little.
@Cerberus assuming I don't need specialized tools, etc. I was under the impression that the glass and screen were a single assembly.
@Cerberus well, it's still useful right now.
I just can't play games or do any mission-critical swiping.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That is possible. Then you might need a heater and such. Then you should probably replace the entire screen.
@Cerberus It's very slow. She doesn't want to factory-reset because she doesn't want to lose data.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I like how averse to upgrading you are! Keep the old, resist the new!
@Cerberus yeah. Actually I read somewhere that heating the screen can fix the problem. I just haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Then back up her user data.
@Cerberus It's mainly because I dislike all the new things. If this had happened when the N5 was the current Nexus I'd upgrade in less time than it takes to type this message.
If she gets a new phone, she will lose her data as well.
@Cerberus yeah. She may as well get a new phone.
I like the Moto X 2014 but it's not widely available here.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, really? Interesting...make sure you don't fry the phone's innards.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So then why not get a Nexus 5?
@Cerberus like you said, "not really making it worse"
@Cerberus It's too old now for the price.
also, not widely available.
also, used models out of warranty.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Depending on how she uses it, I'm sure a factory reset will work just as well to make it feel fast again.
@Cerberus I'm not really sure what a factory reset would accomplish.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Okay, well, if you're happy with fast CM updates, get a G2.
I think as soon as she updates Chrome or something then it will be slow again.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It worked for me. Until I put back all the apps that made it slow, such as Tasker.
yeah exactly
She doesn't have that many apps though. But the ones she uses aren't getting any lighter.
But, depending on how she uses it, she will probably not put all the apps on it that I did.
I think she just needs more ram. The phone is from 2011 after all.
The RAM is indeed the bottleneck.
But there are many browsers that she could use.
Or revert to an earlier version of Chrome, if you really think that's the main culprit (I strongly doubt it).
I hate reverting Chrome. Browsers are full of security bugs.
Anyway since my phone is otherwise fine, and her phone is slow, this is normally the time when I buy a new phone for me and give her mine and we both end up with upgrades.
but it looks like we'll need two new phones.
I'd consider the 1+1, it's cheap, but too large
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Meh, on Android? How often do viruses really infect Android through a browser, if "unknown sources" is off?
@Cerberus There have been security bugs. I don't have them memorized.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 People say one gets used to it fast.
@Cerberus It's amazing what one can get used to when one lowers ones expectations.
And there are ways to quickly move the interactive area of the screen downwards temporarily for one-handed use.
I use that on my G2.
That way, I can reach across the entire screen when I need to.
The notification shade can move down too.
You can also move it to the right.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Meh, but in practice?
I hold my phone in my left hand
You're a lefty?
I'm sure you can also move it to the left, let me check. At any rate, moving it down is far more effective anyway.
@Cerberus "in practice" is something that is prevented by people running patched browsers, so that it's not profitable to widely exploit the bugs.
@Cerberus No. But just like I hold my notepad in my left hand so that I can write on it, I hold my phone in my left hand so that my right hand can do whatever it needs to do.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know: tons of people use the old stock browser, including myself, because it is smoother than Chrome.
@Cerberus yay, bugs! security flaws!
At least starting in 5.0 that component is updated from the store.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So you actually operate it with your left hand in those cases?
@Cerberus There is a significant degree of left-handed operation, yes, because that's where the phone is.
we've discussed this before.
like how the soft-touch keys are always on the right no matter which way you rotate the phone.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes. But starting in 4.4 (or 4.3?), it uses the standard Webview. And now I can no longer increase the font size, it has become much worse, less usable!
I am even considering somehow getting the old Webview from 4.2 back on my G2.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 There are settings for right, left, top, and bottom, and any combination thereof.
The module is called Onehand Mode.
> ... statements by the Canadian Prime Minister that CETA's ISDS is non-negotiable. However, Harper has a general election coming up in October this year, and might prefer to accept CETA without corporate sovereignty rather than risk losing the political prize of a trade agreement with Europe altogether by refusing to renegotiate on this critical point.
What say the polls? Will Harper stay?
We don't want him, do we?
@Cerberus I don't know. I've been trying to get rid of him since before he was elected.
> When asked about federal vote intention, 32 per cent of respondents said they’d cast a ballot for the Conservatives. About 28 per cent are planning to vote Liberal, 23 per cent NDP with the Greens bringing up the rear at nearly 10 per cent.

Of note, 52 per cent of respondents see the country going in the wrong direction and 57 per cent said the same thing about the federal government.
> ... The report suggests the reason Conservatives maintain a slight lead over the other parties comes down to the party’s hold on the senior vote that’s so important for electoral success. Harper’s ability to convince that group and others that the prime minister is the only leader who can answer the most important national questions — around terror and security, for example — convincingly has produced an advantage. A modest, but significant, rise in fortunes in Quebec doesn’t hurt either.
This was yesterday.
I don't want you to tell me bad news like this.
Harper is a terrible PM.
and apparently seniors are dumb.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I apologize.
But the good news is that Harper will probably not get CETA.
At least not in the form in which lobbyists have told him to make it.
@Cerberus one can only hope
@terdon No dije que su fuente estuviese mal escrita, sino sólo su pedida. :) Pero sí, debiera ser código fuente como escribí después.
What do we need to do to get this implemented?? — Hellion 3 hours ago
Sigh. I guess I can personally pester the CMs. If you never hear from me again, you’ll know why.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, the European socialists are most probably going to block ISDS. And all national parliaments will probably need to vote on the treaty too, of which several will probably vote against it. Greece certainly will.
@tchrist I'm going to assume it was an accident involving perl, a mountain lion, and two tickets to Burning Man
1 hour later…
@tchrist Do you think coiso is much like "thingy"?
It's cool that they kept repente intact!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How dare you, you ageist! We need to respect and suport our elders no matter how old they are. Alzheimer's, if nothing else gets you, is what getting old is all about, and it doesn't ask for your belittling treatment. You'll be that age yourself someday, God willing, and you should hope people treat you well.
Wait. Unless of course you mean people like my 90 year old uncle. He's so conservative!
@Cerberus Coiso?
A: Request for aggregate data regarding deleted questions with subjects containing CORRECT, GRAMMA, or RIGHT

Jon EricsonIncluding deleted answers: Deleted Closed Open Cl/Op% Del/All% ------- ------ ---- ------ -------- CORRECT 938 1513 1687 47% 29% GRAMMA 250 341 333 51 37% RIGHT 111 17 294 38 24% Any 1299 2031 2314 47 30% If...

@tchrist Yes, the word coiso in Portuguese.
@Cerberus Não coiso muitos problemas.
@tchrist It can be a verb, I saw that.
But as a noun.
Or an adjective.
Someone said, "I feel...coiso".
That's slang.
As far as I know.
Spanish has causar where Portuguese has coisar BTW.
I'm sure it is.
But what is "thingy"?
Is that a proper question? :(
The answer is, "thingy is (not) slang".
1 hour later…
> That puts ELU in 6th place when it comes to close rate. (For the curious, the top 5 are Programmers, The Workplace, Network Engineering, Christianity, and Patents.) When compared to the median close rate of 15% (TeX—LaTeX and DBA), the grammar questions look pretty bad. But compared to this site's close rate, titles like '%right%' are awfully similar to other questions.
Jon, thanks very much. So it looks like closed+deleted for "CORRECT" is 59%, while for "GRAMMA" it is 64%. Those were the figures I was most curious about. In building my list of "bad 250 questions", I had separately come to the conclusion that "RIGHT" wasn't anything like good enough at distinguishing questions likely to be closed. Oddly, it seems that it is a good indicator of whether it is going to be deleted iff it is closed in the first place. — tchrist 1 min ago
Q: what is word to define state of emotion in the following scenario

Rohit Boharai was having dinner with my friend and all of sudden my friend told "o my god it is Good Friday and i am having chicken". He is christian and he thinks it is not considered proper from one catholic christian to have Non-veg on holy day but that's totally his choice. my question is what is a word ...

Memo to self: I must not look at ELU just before bed. Gah.
You still here?
Only just.
41% closed/deleted for all questions vs 54% and 51% for those with the target terms.
Now I don't know what to think, to be honest.
> If more than half of questions containing a word in the title are closed or deleted, Something Is Definitely Wrong.
That is what I was thinking, till I saw the 41% overall figure, which gave me pause.
That's a separate issue. That's an indication of general question quality. (And still useful; but in a different way.)
You know, we could always back it out if it proved a problem.
It wouldn't be irreversible.

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