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Oh I realised it was just subtitled in French, but the guy is speaking English. Boulder seems a great place to do some hiking/wild climbing (without ropes and all this stuff)
But ultra-trail is surnatural: 160km!
I could do that distance in that time ~20h, but with a bike on a road
@ABeautifulMind damn, I'll apply, I didn't read well they give a salary range "Rémunération entre 30 et 46 K€ selon profil et expérience." 30 is 30 000/12=2500/month still a lot for a lazy man like me but possible
@crl OK, don't apply if you are not ready.
I should be next week, I can't stand my parents...
I must find a job to not see them
Last job I had, in 2012-2013, I was sleeping at work the week-end, to avoid my parents and because it was fun to do so, spend all night chatting/coding, then I've rent a flat for a year or more, but left it because I was over-sensible to all smokers there
then I took those antipsychotics injections that took away many neurons and a lot of motivation :(
@crl Do you still take meds?
@ABeautifulMind Of course no, and I regret a lot having taken them
@crl Do you go for psychotherapy?
I see one woman psychiatrist, every 2 weeks, but now I may slowly stop with her, it's a bit useless. She said she had no solution for me
If she does not give you meds, what does she do?
@ABeautifulMind just talking
@crl If she said so, then she is really useless.
I pushed her a bit that time, to make her admit it
But the solution can just come from me, I just have to understand the smoke from cigarettes (brand cigs, cigars, e-cigs,...) is just some toxicity like we can find elsewhere, and in small quantity our bodies handle it easily
But I feel like each time our bodies fight with toxicity or a disease, it loses life expectancy
related, think I have spammed it before
@JohanLarsson related to what? sorry
@Robusto No. I would need a house for that, or some overpriced condo.
A condominium, or condo, is the form of housing tenure and other real property where a specified part of a piece of real estate (usually of an apartment house) is individually owned. Use of land access to common facilities in the piece such as hallways, heating system, elevators, and exterior areas are executed under legal rights associated with the individual ownership. These rights are controlled by the association of owners that jointly represent ownership of the whole piece. "Condominium" is a legal term used in the United States and in most provinces of Canada. In Australia, New Zealand, and...
Oh that, my parents live in an awful condo, with horribly lazy guardians highly paid. The charges are so high
They are proprietary, but with that charges it's looking like they rent the flat
1 hour later…
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Awwww . . .
I wanted to hear from someone who has gigabit ethernet.
@tchrist: I like this proverb: Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Well, I expect you to run out and buy a house forthwith.
2 hours later…
: If Windows and e-mail training are systems training types, what are safety and ethics training?
@Robusto Los viejos siempre decimos eso.
@crl It's unsafe to leave the condom inium.
That too.
@tchrist No tonto que un viejo tonto
Do you want un tonto que es viejo, or do you want un viejo que es tonto? Remember that no is always an adverb; the adjective is ningún.
A fool who is old or an old man who is foolish?
@tchrist I was going for "There's no fool like an old fool."
Then perhaps No hay ningún tonto como un tonto viejo.
It makes sense to put the adjective afterwards there. It's more distingishing/contrasting that way. Old usually come first but not here. Tu viejo amigo is your old friend but tu amigo viejo is your OLD friend--one who is old, not one of long standing.
makes notes
Remember tu bonita esposa is your pretty wife, but tu esposa bonita is your PRETTY wife (unlike all the others). Remember that article that explained there aren't "rules" for these, exactly, but there certainly are predilections and these are not random. El mero hecho that swapping them changes meaning shows that. (mero hecho = mere fact).
A good rule of thumb is that switching from normal word order in Spanish corresponds to italics or ALL CAPS in English, emphasizing the less common ordering.
Compare "Roberto lo sabe" (normal) with "Lo sabe Roberto": The second focuses on the subject but the first does not.
The second is of course the less common way, but in no fashion uncommon. It's saying what it wants to say: "Rob knows it".
Similar to vocal stress in English.
You prolly won't contrasting pairs like that in your lessons, but it is kinda important to know about. Of course, first you need to grasp what's normal order to see what is abnormal.
Italian and Portuguese both do this too, French a bit but not at alll so much; English almost but not quite never.
"Helms too they took."
Insert a verb above after won't, like get, see, encounter, find, be shown.
Another form of emphasis is dative doubling. No nos gusta a nosotros = WE don't like it.
No te gusta a ti = YOU don't like it.
Q: The merchant of venice

shawn taitDo you think that the Jew of Venice title would be more appropriate a title for this play than the Merchant of Venice?

But le sometimes takes a double dative just to disambiguate, not just for emphasis. No le gusta a ella for places where the antecedent of le might be unclear.
Voted to delete
Was waiting for the last close.
Te lo dije ayer = I told you it yesterday. Add an a ti at either end and it becomes YOU, emphatically.
Funny, but I live a few towns away from Ayer, so I can travel to yesterday whenever I want.
Estoy cansado, así que voy a la cama.
They also have an anteayer as one word for "day before yesterday".
Am already there. Night!
¡Buenas noches!
A: What is the optimal algorithm for the game, 2048?

nneonneoI developed a 2048 AI using expectimax optimization, instead of the minimax search used by @ovolve's algorithm. The AI simply performs maximization over all possible moves, followed by expectation over all possible tile spawns (weighted by the probability of the tiles, i.e. 10% for a 4 and 90% fo...

[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted user: What does the following line mean? by user103567 on english.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
What does regression mean in mathematical context?
2 hours later…
@imVoid Wrong room.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted user: What does the following line mean? by user103567 on english.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
@tchrist: I have a hard time with the duolingo voice, telling the difference between ellas and ellos. I think I need to hear a larger variety of voices.
Those should really sound very different. Vowels do not reduce in unstressed syllables.
But ellos sounds like aiyoos to me.
And ellas sounds close.
Like is choose?
Or like the Latin -us ending.
It should be very close to the vowel of spoke just no diphthong.
That's what I would have thought.
Maybe you can listen to the duolingo voice and tell me what you think. Go to duolingo.com, choose the Spanish course, and take one of the "test-out" tests.
There are only five vocalic phonemes, and while there is some allophonic variation in certain situations — for example, a bit of nasalization when followed by n or m — it should not vary that much.
While I'm doing that, did you listen to those sound clips on Wikipedia I pointed you at once?
Yeah, but I forget now.
It doesn't show me Spanish as a choice.
My computer is in Spanish mode. :)
Maybe it knows you.
What's the URL?
@tchrist Oh, haha.
Okay, it helps if I change the site language from its default of Spanish.
Sí, es verdad.
Ok, she's speaking Standard Spanish, but with seseo. I found one instance of ellos, which didn't sound wrong to me.
My only mistakes were typos in the English. D'oh.
The one I had to listen to twice to get was "A él le gusta el mar" — that's the dative doubling I told you about. The fusion of the adjacent L's makes it hard to lex out separate words unless you realize that’s the only thing it could be.
¿Qué es seseo?
And do you think this is a natural voice, or is it synthesized. Maybe it's a lo-res rip?
El seseo es el fenómeno fonológico en que no se distinguen la ce o zeta y la ese.
It is typical of southern Spain.
It is not considered "wrong", and is universal en América.
Her Spanish is from Spain.
But for that.
@tchrist Entendí que.
¿Entendiste que qué?
Oh, entendiste eso.
Did you see how I used inversion in the subordinate clause? It's especially common in non-active type verbs, but I can tell you no rule.
I'm not at the level of drawing fine distinctions yet.
Also, that se is a middle voice, best translated into an impersonal passive in English.
Are not distinguished.
You can do the "strengthen skills" exercise and maybe hear more ellos and ellas.
No se habla inglés aquí is "English is not spoken here."
Or you can go to the "words" section and just click on ellos and ellas to hear them.
Her ellas and her ellos sound very different to me.
In the Words section.
Then it's just my ears that need training, I guess.
I think that must be it. You have to get used to throwing things into just five buckets.
You’re used to 14 buckets in English alone.
They do cut the clips a bit tightly.
@tchrist Well, I just checked and she is making an effort on the single words to clearly articulate them. It's not like that when they're combined in sentences.
I see.
She is well spoken, all things considered.
I can always hear the difference when I click the "turtle" to hear the sentence (individual words are articulated).
¿Cuándo voy a aprender?
Cuando hayas escuchado más, quizás.
Which I know is a tense you don’t know, sorry.
hayas is the subjunctive of has.
Heh, of both English and Spanish! :)
When you have listened more, maybe.
Or Once you've listened more, maybe.
@tchrist Hayas looks like the Southern U.S. pronunciation of has: gratuitous diphthongs!
Hayas gonna tells ya sumtun.
He hayas two pickups
Oh, but the h is silent. :)
But yeah.
Oh, right.
I keep forgetting that.
One of the first things she said was ayer. She leant on the Y rather hard, so I momentarily wondered if she was Argentine, but no, she doesn't do it non-emphatically, so she is not.
One of the harder words for English speakers to pronounce is alrededor meaning "around". It's on her word list, and it sounds perfect.
I know about alrededor. Lots of tongue tapping.
A cheap cop-out is to just use cerca. It works in some but not all places alrededor does.
The first R is mandatorily "strong" because it follows an L. The one at the end is only "strong" when spoken in isolation. It becomes normal in other situations, and its "strongness" is not required even in isolation. But it helps a learner hear it.
She’s a seseísta because when she says almuerzo, there is no “theta”.
Another thing to get used to, which you probably already have, is that words like almuerzo have 3 syllables not 4. The UE is a diphthong.
Yeah, for the u to be pronounced it would have to have the dieresis.
Not exactly.
That’s with gue vs güe.
But puedo is 2 syllables. Pronounce the u as /w/ there.
When it starts a diphthong, U is always /w/.
It’s just like an I at the start of a diphthong is the English Y sound, or /j/.
ua ue ui uo = wa we wi wo; there is no *uu.
ia ie io iu = ya ye yo yu. (Well, phonetic /j/.)
@tchrist But it frequently sounds like j or ch. As I've mentioned previously, yo sounds like Joe and llaves sounds like Chavez to me.
Only in isolation or emphasis.
Or sentence-initial.
Well, utterance initial.
Those are allophonic variation.
It is as normal as us saying "diju" for "did you".
The reason it happens is because the Spanish Y is a tighter sound than the English one.
So it easily affricates when people get excited. :)
dincha know?
I'd have to hear more of her phrases instead of words in isolation.
One does different things with isolated words than one does in full phrases.
So no, she is not machine-generated.
Sound clips are at the bottom of es.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
Perhaps, as you suggest, the clips are clipped too severely
I think so.
The speaker of the Wikipedia clips has virtually the same accent she does, with the only difference being que él no sesea.
@tchrist Now I remember. Those crashed my browser.
Note that the Wikipedia clips are showing actual phones, not abstract phonemes.
I wonder why.
The affricated phone you are hearing there at the front of ¡Yo! is technically [ɟ͡ʝ].
But the one in inyección is a simple [ʤ] like English.
Does it crash your browser still? It works fine with Chrome on Mac.
Her words in isolation are a bit more forced than his are.
His sound more like what you would say in a phrase.
That’s right. It’s standard in all parts of Spain except the Canary Islands and Andalucía.
But those are the two places that all the settlers came from.
As you see in the URL, it's an unvoiced interdental fricative, which is a long way to say it is the same sound as heard at the start of English thistle.
There are some rural speakers in the high Andes who do something similar, but you’re unlikely to come upon them unless you’re on an adventure trek. But anywhere you go in Spain, you’ll hear it.
Note that Granada in Andalucía is the exception: it is NOT a seseo city like the rest of Andalucía because it is a very new city, being repopulated by Spanish-speakers only in 1492.
When they kicked out los moros.
In a place that has Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek, and Roman ruins — and some even older still — a place that has had humans for over a million years, 1492 seems a very short time ago.
Yet compared with a human lifespan, 523 years is a long time.
It is.
So much happened for them in 1492.
Columbus being only one part of that, and not the greater one in terms of past history, only for future history.
== Acontecimientos == 2 de enero: los Reyes Católicos conquistan el Reino nazarí de Granada. El último rey musulmán, Boabdil, se retira a las Alpujarras después de casi 800 años de presencia musulmana. Fin de la Reconquista. 31 de marzo: en Granada (España), los Reyes Católicos firman el decreto de la Alhambra de expulsión de los judíos sefardíes de España. Algunos van a contribuir al desarrollo financiero de los Países Bajos, entonces bajo dominio español, otros encuentran refugio en el Magreb (los territorios ocupados por los musulmanes), en Portugal, en Italia o en el Mediterráneo oriental. Son...
Notice the very first entry: they finally took Granada.
@tchrist I know. That has occurred to me before.
It was the end of a seven-century war.
We have never had a seven-century war.
Apparently Isabela was the visionary, more than Columbus.
Plus she had something to "prove".
Yep. An interesting woman. I'd like to read more about her.
At the time of her marriage, her kingdoms were the poorer compared with her husband’s.
She was what we call a "queen regnant".
She did not cede the throne upon marriage.
Unusual for the time, I think.
@ABeautifulMind I get it. The grass isn't very green in Antarctica.
Elizabeth I never married because she would have ceded the throne.
However, Salic Law was a European thing.
It really doesn’t apply well to England and Spain, being peripheral states.
In English history, only William and Mary mirror Fernando and Isabella.
They were co-monarchs in both cases.
Isabella I (Spanish: Isabel, Old Spanish: Ysabel; 22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504), also known as Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León (Crown of Castile). She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the political unification of Spain under their grandson, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. After a struggle to claim her right to the throne, she reorganized the governmental system, brought the crime rate to the lowest it had been in years, and unburdened the kingdom of the enormous debt her brother had left behind. Her reforms...
Believe it or not, there was no such country as Spain while she reigned.
Hispania was the Latin word for the peninsula we now use Iberia to indicate.
It was a piece of geography, not a nation-state.
But it was pretty important to Rome. Much of the Punic wars saw major battles there.
Yes, it was super-important to Rome.
It was also the first "colonia" whose residents would be recognized as Roman citizens.
You remember Caesar's famous "Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres". The Romans seem to like dividing things in three: Iberia too was divided in three parts: Hispania Baetica, Hispania Tarraconensis, and Lusitania.
The capital of the Bética was Córdoba, birthplace of Seneca.
Lusitania became Portugal
Or always was, depending how you look at it. :)
I had a 3h conversation with a close friend from Lisbon last night as a birthday present.
That’s Hispania cerca 10 AD.
Portugal -> Foundation: 868 , yes you're right
I teased him about Portugal being a county. :)
Because of the event you mention.
Notice the well developed highway system.
Paved highways..
The city of Caesaraugusta is now named Zaragoza: time wore down the original something fierce. Some cities have the same name, like Segovia. Others like Toletum > Toledo, Conimbra > Coimbra followed standard sound-change rules.
@crl Concrete, in fact, if I recall correctly.
oh, modernity. Easier than paving actually
It is hard to overstate the impact that the invention of concrete had. It was very very important to Rome.
Valentia became Valencia. Palma is still Palma.
Gades became Cádiz, but the demonym is still Gaditano.
It was not a Latin word.
Just Latinized.
@tchrist Hence the notion of the "Roman triplet."
It is one of the few remnants we have of Phoenician.
They founded it, then Carthage took it.
@Robusto And triumvirates.
Well, Carthage was pretty much "New Phoenicia."
The name Carthage itself meant "New City." Meaning new Phoenicia, I guess.
Dido and Aeneas.
Well, Aeneas fled Troy for Rome, and ditched Dido somewhere along the way.
Eventually settling upon Lavinia, so to speak.
And thus was history made.
Or invented.
The Phoenix ever rises from the ashes.
> Đone wudu weardaþ wundrum fæʒer fuʒel feþrum se is fenix haten.
We should have kept the old spelling. :)
I believe that George Martin’s Tyrion character is a case of nominative determinism.
Martin isn’t beyond such bludgeoning clues: Roose Bolton, traitor.
Yes. He succumbs to the "good characters have cool names, bad characters not so much" principle.
Cersei = Circe = witch
Why Roose though?
Well, Victarion Greyjoy certainly believes himself destined for greatness.
Greyjoy. How Presbyterian.
However, Victarion is also dumb as a lug.
Stark = strong
The old that is strong does not wither / Deep roots are not harmed by the frost.
Stannis = "tin man"?
Yes, exactly that.
He has no heart.
Tyrion is destined to wear the out-of-universe Tyrian purple of monarch.
Viserys is just an ugly name. You knew he was not going to end well.
Your gut knew it.
And excuse me, but Samwell is just a cheap ripoff of Samwise, IMO.
That was intentional, yes.
However, it kinda gives away than Jon must be the hero, although not one who ends particularly well.
When do we get the next book, btw? I kind of want to put paid to this whole series.
When the sun rises from the west and the mountains crumble to the sea.
@tchrist As usual.
Well, we’ll know the ending in 2017.
By the way for 2 people who love to disparage his writing, you sure know it well :)
@Robusto This year in the HBO series.
@terdon It's a love/hate relationship.
I wish I'd never started the series, but now that it's started I want to see it through.
Love to hate?
@terdon Where is the rightness in trash-talking something one is ignorant of?
Yeah, that's how I felt about that steaming pile that is the Wheel of Time series.
Now that one IS a POS.
I hope he doesn't do anything dilatory, like inserting a prequel before he gets to the finish.
Or dying as whatshisname of WoT did.
@Robusto He set aside both the next Dunk & Egg novella as well as his annual HBO screenplay for the series in order to finish Winds faster.
I felt dirty reading those books. They're complete crap and yet addictive enough that I read them all. And hated myself for it.
@terdon I’m sorry.
@terdon I hate that feeling.
I got out when the going was still good.
Hate to love.
I bet you guys don’t know about Martin’s 1993 letter to his publisher outlining the series as he then envisioned it getting “leaked”.
@tchrist do tell
His publisher framed it and hung it in their offices.
Somebody took a picture with an iPhone and posted it.
The last paragraph was redacted.
But not all that well.
It’s good that he did not write the books he said he was going to write. Somewhat cheesy.
Almost everything has been recovered, especially from the glare but about half of the black.
It is much easier when you know it is a Courier, giving exact character counts, and that the author double-spaces sentence breaks. :) Pus the ascenders and descenders leak.
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