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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@sim Look, I'm sorry OK. But maybe you're not really upset with that.
@GraceNote Because you do three person's jobs.
Okay, now I can't even tell the relevance there.
@GraceNote Well, I mean that's why you are honoured, does it make sense?
And of course you are the user of the "oop".
Most people are honoured by things actually relevant to them. Moreover I don't particularly agree that I'm really deserving of being honored
@Jasper I am a user of it.
@GraceNote Well, it's just that I know not of another user.
There you go
(Nevermind the whole object-oriented-programming thing)
And Martha even said it meant "out of period".
In this case, I meant "Oop. I imported some stuff I shouldn't have."
Martha's out of her period?
Oh, and how about whoops?
Oh, that!
I never understood that.
@simchona i don't think it should be closed as it's possible someone can give a more thorough answer than a one-line probable explanation on MW with zero citations.
Except that it is some kind of encouragement or cheer?
@z7sgѪ You can comment there and let nohat know.
@Cerberus That it is, aye
@Cerberus It's a cheer, a whoop! I thought that's what you said, but now I see you said "whoops," which is different.
@Kitḫ Oh, yes, I was thinking oops and whoops are often used more or less the same way, aren't they?
@GraceNote You are the most frequent user of "aye" here. gives you aye award
@Cerberus Yes.
@Cerberus I only use whee.
@Jasper You'll run out of precious metals very soon if you try to give me an award for all of these kind of things, as it were.
@Jasper There I have done that.
@GraceNote Then I have to join gaming SE and find out how to earn more metals.
@z7sgѪ Good unicorn!
@Jasper You have the evidence? @Matt looks a strong contender too...
@z7sgѪ Hmm, just my gut feel. Though we could try searching the transcript, but the search seems not to work too well.
@Jasper Mind you don't patronise a unicorn, Mr Jasper, we have quick tempers!
I have searched and I think I'd give the award to Matt by a nose
@z7sgѪ Well, I was complimenting you, so you should thank me instead.
Matt has more instances
@z7sgѪ OK, I'm wrong. sighs
In terms of hits per post though... I don't know how we'd search for that.
@GraceNote But you win for "oop", or so I feel.
@Jasper Aye...
Now you have the unenviable task of retrieving the medal and presenting it to its proper owner.
@Jasper Instead of w00t?
No, MrHen has the honor of beating me in "oop"s
retrieves aye award from Grace and presents to Matt
um. thanks...
gives MrHen oop award
I'd like to thank Grace Note for bringing the word to my attention. Without that I would not be standing here on this podium accepting an award
> One amphibian did hold a larva in its stomach for two hours, but eventually regurgitated it. That amphibian was also eaten by the larva.
This beast is way cool.
Thanks @Aedia for that wonderful link!
@Cerberus But it will be consumed by a Cerberus.
@Jasper I might eat it. Or become best pals with it.
@Cerberus I won't take the risk. I'm human. sips tea
Well, you're not amphibian, are you?
Why always play safe!
By the way, I don't see the video no. 1 with a larva.
I play safe when it comes to food. I play dangerous when it comes to other things.
Only video 2, with the adult beetle.
@Jasper Ah, so you will befriend it?
@Cerberus No, I don't play with creatures at all. I leave them alone.
Wow. That beetle is really the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.
Another video, with a tree frog, really made me physically sick.
Its speed, its voracity, it's chewing mandibles...
I once walked on a normal road and suddenly saw a huge spider about the size of a hand, scary.
Did you kill it?
Yeah what did you do?
@z7sgѪ No, I just avoided it.
Walk around it? What kind was it?
@Cerberus Well, just black I think. We all bump into weird things now and then.
@z7sgѪ If I tried to kill it I might get killed instead.
@Jasper Well, we have no dangerous animals here!
@Cerberus you actually vomited?
Only ticks.
@Jasper No need to make excuses mate. You didn't kill it and that's that.
@MattЭллен No, no that sick.
@Cerberus I know, isn't it adorable?
@GraceNote Have you met @Vitaly?
@GraceNote I know! Sickening is the new lovely!
@z7sgѪ On occasion.
@Cerberus I think dangerous animals are everywhere. It's just luck that determines if you bump into them.
Our interests converge to a certain extent.
The assassin bug is also fascinating. But it doesn't kill large prey, like the Epomis.
@Jasper Huh? Like which? We really don't have them here.
I can imagine... some of those creatures are fascinating but I can't help the feeling revulsion.
Oop! And that is why we save our work.
@Cerberus how rude! it didn't clear its plate
@z7sgѪ But the revulsion is what makes it fascinating!
@Kitḫ eep!
@Cerberus I mean, don't tell me you are God and know every single animal in the world and their location.
@MattЭллен I know! Kid beetles don't know proper etiquette any more these days.
@Jasper I said "here".
No need to get snarky.
@Cerberus The same comment applies.
I suppose geese and swans could hurt you. But I don't consider them dangerous at all.
@Cerberus It's not enjoyable for me. Makes me look around my room fearing scary insects in every corner, even though I know there are none.
We also have adders, in woods.
@MattЭллен Let's try it again from the top...
@z7sgѪ I know! I also cringe when I feel something like a hair on my cheek!
@Cerberus Are they black?
@z7sgѪ The scary ones usually hide in places unimaginable.
I've seen many adders.
@Kitḫ If only! I don't think they have those off the island.
@Kitḫ arp?
@Jasper I think the tropics are just very different in this respect.
@z7sgѪ Could be worse. Could have a centipede crawling right up your leg in the middle of the night.
Or demon hornets the size of your index finger, those in your lawn.
@Cerberus I mean, for example, don't tell me there is not a single poisonous spider in the whole of Netherlands?
@GraceNote Seriously?
@Cerberus Maybe not in plural, but I ain't joking 'bout the size.
@Jasper There isn't any that comes close to a wasp sting, as far as I know.
@GraceNote I don't have fingers in my lawn
@GraceNote You and your abbreviations.
@GraceNote Wow. Index finger is freakishly long.
We have hornets here.
@Cerberus You can imagine why I just plain abandoned the lawnmower that day.
They look like very large wasps, and I believe their sting isn't worse than a wasp's here.
@MattЭллен growls low
@GraceNote Scary whit! Where do you live again?
@Kitḫ ook!
The recluse spider also scares me, which many people in America supposedly have in the garages.
@Cerberus New England
@GraceNote Oh, that's not even deep south!
@GraceNote What? Huh? What's posionous?
Giant hornets.
The brown recluse?
Giant hornets?
@Kitḫ I don't think it's of poisonous danger to us
Grace sees giant hornets around the house; I mentioned recluse spiders.
@GraceNote Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.
The latter are dangerous, I believe.
brown recluse spiders are very poisonous, but that's all we've really got around here.
@z7sg I have voted to reopen the "stories" question. I guess simchona did so too.
One of the largest apids, the Cicada Killer, is actually very peaceable towards humans.
@Kitḫ But those are incredibly scary!
@GraceNote Oh... and what if you accidentally sit on it? How bad is its sting?
@Cerberus And they hide in woodpiles. Guess how most of us heat our homes?
Not as bad as the black widow though.
@Kitḫ Ahhh!
@Kitḫ widow
But you'll normally be all right after a recluse-spider bite as long as you go to hospital, right?
@Cerberus I don't think much worse than other hornets and such.
@GraceNote Oh, OK.
@Cerberus Yeah. Quickly.
It is said the black widow is moving north into Europe...
You might lose a body part to gangrene, but meh.
It's got a poison it uses for its prey but I don't think it's particularly dangerous to humans.
@Kitḫ Nooo...
The brown recluse spider or violin spider, Loxosceles reclusa, is a well-known member of the family Sicariidae (formerly placed in a family "Loxoscelidae"). The spider has a venomous bite. Brown recluse spiders are usually between 6–20 mm ( in and  in), but may grow larger. While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from cream-colored to dark brown or blackish gray. The cephalothorax and abdomen may not necessarily be the same color. These spiders usually have markings on the dorsal side of their cephalothorax, with a black line coming from it that looks ...
I once read a blog by someone who had been stung by a recluse and didn't go to hospital.
The pictures of the wound became terrifyingly hideous.
you people are whiners
@Cerberus in the name of science?
@Kitḫ Huh, are they that small??
i live in a place where we have black widows and brown recluses, and wood ticks (Lyme disease!)
@MattЭллен I think it was in the name of hubris and stupidity!
@JSBᾶngs Waahh!
and if you go out into the woods, we also have wolves and bears
@Cerberus ah! typical internet behaviour :D
We have Lyme everywhere here, at least in the country.
@MattЭллен Hehe, yes! If ever someone was wrong on the internet, it was that guy.
@JSBᾶngs Oh, yeah. Lyme disease; we've got deer ticks here too.
@JSBᾶngs Doesn't that terrify you, when you walk into your garage or cellar, pick up some wood from a pile?
We really have only Lyme that's dangerous, nothing else.
@JSBᾶngs He's talking about poisonous things though, right?
@Cerberus You're just talking about poisonous things, right?
@Kitḫ I will count other dangerous animals too!
We have moose.
poisonous bears
The conversation took this turn when Jasper mentioned his scary spider and said that everyone can stumble upon a dangerous animal.
OK, OK, cross your fingers...this time with feeling...
crosses fingers
I'm going to a tiny cottage in the country next weekend.
Most people catch a tick or two there after a walk.
...246 users created...
i think you a verb there, @cerb
@MattЭллен I used the wrong verb!
...738 users-in-roles! Yes!
@Kitḫ woohoo!
@Kitḫ I take it your testing is going as planned? Yay!
@JSBᾶngs We have a local bear here, too
@Cerberus oh!
@Cerberus Just make sure you get the mouth parts when you pull them off.
@GraceNote Is it your dad?
One of my teachers also had a lynx in his backyard
We have, we are those called, fisher cats?
@Kitḫ I know. I have tick pincers, but... it's very hard, sometimes.
@Cerberus I have no idea whether to take that positively or negatively.
@GraceNote Ehh it was rather a random joke!
"A local bear" just sounded funny.
like it's friends with the neighbourhood and will come over to your house and have a beer
@Cerberus Then keep them off you with repellent and long pants.
@Kitḫ I always wear long pants, those probably help, but not enough.
Hmm I could buy some kind of repellent...
@Cerberus You should really wear gaiters too.
But if you pull the tick out within 24 hours, the change of Lyme is supposedly very small.
Or, here's an idea, not worry about it.
@Kitḫ I should like to wear gaiters. And lacquered shoes. And a tricorn.
You're just going to be sitting around the fire, drinking beer anyway, right?
@Kitḫ Sitting on the patio, mainly.
@Cerberus Funny. If that's too stylish for you, you can rubber band your pant cuffs.
And people always want to take walks.
@Cerberus Then don't worry about ticks.
@Cerberus Through long grass?
i like bears
@Kitḫ I suppose I could do that.
my friend got bitten by a tick and got lyme disease. and he lives in LOS ANGELES
@Kitḫ Probably. In any case, I got ticks there countless times.
@JSBᾶngs Did he catch it in the city?
@Cerberus And how many times have you gotten Lyme disease from a tick bite?
my brother had his car hit by a bear. it was running along and ran head-first into the side of his car. left a dent.
@Kitḫ No idea!
@Cerberus yep.
@JSBᾶngs Huh that is extremely weird! Why did it do that?
@Cerberus we have no idea
@Kitḫ I know, as long as you check your whole body before bed and remove all ticks within 24 hours, you're pretty safe. But it's still a disgusting idea that you might catch a disease from such a tiny stupid animal.
does a little dance
looks like Kit just got done with another quickie
get down with your bad self
@Kitḫ What, was it your bear?
@Cerberus You mean like plague from lice?
@Kitḫ Exactly! Not my cup of tea, somehow.
Is your website behaving well?
@Cerberus it's a good story because when you say "my brother's car got hit by a bear", people always ask, "you mean he hit a bear?" And the answer is, "No, he really got hit by a bear."
My site worksoh yeah, my site worksI'm gonna launch iton Monday
@Kitḫ congratulations
Thank you!
@Kitḫ Congrats!!
How synonymous is "complacent" with "weakened of will"?
Your work in this chat room has finally come to fruition!
@Kit my zune's shuffle just served up a great David Bowie song in honor of you
@GraceNote Hmm... complacent can be the result of this weakening?
@GraceNote complacent means doesn't do something due to negligence
There's just the little unfortunate matter of having to copypaste another 281 userids into the People table, but that can't be helped.
@JSBᾶngs "Little China Girl"?
@JSBᾶngs Yeah it is funny, in a way. Though I presume he didn't find it very funny when it happened.
@Kitḫ "Fashion", actually
@JSBᾶngs Sweet.
@Kitḫ Write a macro?
@GraceNote so if the negligence is down to being weak willed then somewhat
ok guys, i'm out for now. see y'all tomorrow
Trying to find the right adjective to explain why I've taken more headache medicine in the past week than I have in the past 6 years.
BRB need to make phone call.
otherwise, not very
@Cerberus No, can't be done easily.
@GraceNote is this because you've been complacent in the past or weak willed in the present?
@GraceNote My God, are you alright?
Which, those past 6 years, I never took headache medicine out of stubborn refusal.
@Kitḫ Good luck copypasting, then! sigh
@GraceNote Do you have conjugate eye movements?
@GraceNote so you should have been taking it?
@GraceNote whew, otherwise I'd suggest the adjective "cancerous"
Are your pupils symmetric?
@Kitḫ I do not have a clue what that means.
@GraceNote Do they move together properly when you are tracking motion?
@Cerberus Ewww! But wow! But ewww!
@Kitḫ I believe so.
1 min ago, by Kitḫ
Are your pupils symmetric?
Am I the source of your pain?
For the record, I just took an over-the-counter Tylenol. That's all.
If I was taking my prescription higher level stuff, I'd be away from the screen here.
But just one?
Just one, yes.
You had a normal headache and took one tab of Tylenol?
And now you are feeling fine?
Actually it's a massively painful tension headache.
And I feel better, I wouldn't call it "fine".
Are you have skin-crawling sensations?
Not right now, no.
Have you noticed a change in your motor coordination?
Are you having trouble speaking?
Do people keep pestering you with questions?
have you tried taking the acetaminophen + muscle relaxant? It makes you drowsy but it is great for tough headaches.
I had negative dexterity two days ago, but that was an isolated incident (and I didn't have a headache that day, either). I do not have trouble speaking.
Are the questions making your head hurt?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Taking drowsy medication before a teleconference seems like a terrible idea
I'm sorry. Old habits die hard.
@GraceNote or an awesome one
@Kitḫ No, they aren't.
wait.. what habit are we taling about?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's why all the best medications include caffeine!
@aediaλ like vodka and coke
@MattЭллен I was thinking of prescription headache drugs but that works too.
@SonicTheHedgehog I used to do neurological assessments.
Great.. another chore... Ever since school started I have no time to do anything...
see ya later
Chaos Control
@SonicTheHedgehog Just wait until you start working. And never buy a house. Gods, that's a lot of work. Takes me 3x as long to vacuum as when I lived in a condo.
I am feeling a little giddy. All of my tables are updated and ready to go.
I just have to update some user roles, and check the database integrity.
@Kitḫ Because you danced a bit too much just now.
Q: Why do we refer to the floors of buildings as stories?

FaraWhy do we refer to the floors of buildings as stories? Example: I live up on the sixth story.

One more to reopen.
Not too shabby for ten months of mostly solo work.
@Kitḫ Congrats. Here's a pat for you.
@Jasper No thank you.
@Kitḫ don't you just love it when a plan comes together :D
@Kitḫ Why not?
@MattЭллен For every one that comes together, ten fall apart perhaps.
@Jasper I don't want a pat; I want a stiff drink.
@Jasper. You're voting to reopen when you applauded it's closing?
@simchona Er, did I applaud its closing? its
Let me check to see if I applauded then...
OK I checked. Conclusion: I did not applaud its closing.
@Kitḫ Though maybe you don't want my pat because I have sweaty palms.
@Kitḫ Congratulations!
@Kitḫ feeds drink
@kit I heard about you talking about your website, but I want to know more details, if you please. Also, what is the URL going to be? :)
@sonic I think it's part of her job.
1 hour later…
@SonicTheHedgehog Sorry, kiddo, I can't give you the URL.
But I can tell you that the website is for literacy teachers to keep track of their students' progress.
@Kitḫ Was the logic something like URL of website-->too much information that can be gleaned from that?
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