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@Jasper Oh! phew
@aediaλ How long do you think until the Beta starts? (I know you don't know this any better than I do, just blurting out questions because I'm in an enthusiastic mood.)
@Cerberus We got announced on Linguist List! I bet that did it.
I answered another of my answers here on Christianity; So far none of my answers have negative #. I just answered another one. Look at my answer and also look at my profile plz.
A: Did the Church Fathers advocate celibacy?

Sonic The HedgehogIf you look close enough, there is enough verses in bible that says that celibacy is spiritualy higher then being married. Let us look at 1Corinthians 7:8-9 8 Now for those who are not married and for the widows I say this: It is good for them to stay unmarried as I am.9 But if they cannot co...

@Cerberus I dunno. It's my first Beta!
I hope soon!
@aediaλ Oooh nice!
> Using real names reminds everybody that they are corresponding with real people, and it demonstrates a certain level of personal investment in your MathOverflow identity. If you use a pseudonym and you get into some kind of trouble (e.g. fights in comment threads or spammy-looking posts), the moderators are much less likely to give you the benefit of the doubt."
@SonicTheHedgehog Since this is your submitted answer, may I correct it slightly?
This sounds silly.
@sim just edit it.
@Cerberus It does.
@SonicTheHedgehog Done. If they accept it, please take a look
@sim k, thanks.
I have gone to way more personal effort to create my pseudonymous identity than my real one. I didn't even name myself in real life. What kind of commitment does that show, huh?
@SonicTheHedgehog You're welcome.
@aedia then you should fully go into internet, or until you die.
@SonicTheHedgehog Huh?
@aediaλ Good point.
@SonicTheHedgehog Couldn't she just have her brain copied digitally and sent to SE?
like, creat youself in internet, sync it with your mind, then you die, and then you go into internet, balh blah blah... Great, now I am making Yugioh reference....
@Cerb exactly my point.
@simchona Ah, I didn't know you are on that one as well. Perhaps I should join too.
@Jasper To be honest, I joined to make the edits
@simchona For dear Sonic?
@Jasper Yup
@simchona That's nice of you.
@SonicTheHedgehog Oh, you would love Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom.
@sim Well, least I could count on you to correct my spellings even if there is some kind of moron who tires to take over universe. :)
In the story, it's possible to back up your mind electronically.
@SonicTheHedgehog You forgot an article again
@SonicTheHedgehog You can count on me too.
"take over the universe"
@SonicTheHedgehog tries
In fact @sonic, I think I corrected more of your spellings than @sim.
@aedia nah, had enough of digital copiing from Yugioh. Turn on you TV at sat to pix 11, I forgot what time, but it consists of Kaiba being dueled by his step brother who had his mind digitaly sent into cyberspace before he died. Crazy...
I'm sorry you felt that you couldn't count on me. :-(
@Jasper well, you would too be busy cracking british black humor to do that.
@SonicTheHedgehog I wouldn't do that. No interest in humour, and also not a British.
@Jasper You're adding an article too many
@Jasper then why did you say:
1 hour ago, by Jasper
Ooh, I just got an email saying I have won a million pounds...
@theta yo.
I changed my name too.
@simchona Thank you Sim.
@SonicTheHedgehog I expected sonic but ..hedgehog?You must like them
@theta come on, you must know sonic the hedgehog.
@SonicTheHedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog
@SonicTheHedgehog i was reading today a wikipedia article about sea urchins, they look like hedgehogs
He is so famous that some kind of hedgehog part was named sonic hedgehog.
@SonicTheHedgehog capitalize your own name!
@simchona Now we are correcting capitalisation too?
@Jasper It's a name. It's even his name
@sim I'd like to humble my-self, thank you very much...
Like JSB.
@SonicTheHedgehog honey, you're important. You can use capitals
@sim I'm flattered. Never heard anyone say THAT at school...
@simchona But you don't use it yourself.
@Jasper I don't write my own name
@simchona Hmm OK, though it is more your real name than it is his.
After all, you bring happiness.
We are the world(we ar the world)
We are the childeren(We are the childeren)
@Jasper Twice over, according to two of my names
@SonicTheHedgehog Please don't spam lyrics
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
@sim heheh...
@SonicTheHedgehog are
@SonicTheHedgehog children
@simchona Yes I just discovered from Wikipedia. Not many people here have that name. It's very rare.
@SonicTheHedgehog Pretty funny.
This one cracks me up.
I knew that one.
This isn't very funny, just cute.
Dear Yahoo,
Idk, I have never seen anyone say, "Lets Yahoo It!"
@SonicTheHedgehog That's because Yahoo! was created as a portal to keep you in their own website, rather than directing you on
@sim Dear people of the world,
I don't mean to sound slutty, but use me whenever you want.
Truly yours,
Dear reader,
Please do me right now, on the kitchine table, on the desk, on the couch, hell, even do me in front of TV, jsut do me like you have never done me before.
Your Homework.
I don;t get the last one.
@SonicTheHedgehog *kitchen
And I'm not explaining it
What other meaing does "do" have?
@SonicTheHedgehog meaning
@SonicTheHedgehog You're too young
@SonicTheHedgehog "Do someone" can also mean have sex with someone.
@simchona It's OK.
Dear Voldemort,
So they screwed up your nose too?
Michael Jackson.
@Jasper ...ok...
@SonicTheHedgehog Wow, now we have ellipses before and after.
Gah not again.
Dear school,

I thought it was a nice touch when I saw that every tiny plastic american flag you handed out at the assembly had the words "Made in China" inked onto the stick.

Sincerely, Made in Irony.
They are having their priorities mixed up.
Dear Waldo,

Please return my invisibility cloak ASAP.

Sincerely, H. Potter
Dear Edward Cullen,

Avada Kedavra!

Sincerely, Tom Riddle
I just realised Kit changed her avatar.
Dear Sonic, please stop spamming. :-)
Breaking Dawn will be out later this year, yay!
@SonicTheHedgehog I've given up on the Harry Potter movies. Too many and I don't feel the continuity.
@SonicTheHedgehog I only know abacadabra.
Dear Voldemort,

A couple of lies would take care of that.

Sincerely, Pinocchio
@SonicTheHedgehog Please stop spamming
going to sleep... meh.
bye, seeya.
@SonicTheHedgehog Night!
Chaos Control
@sim Aren't you going to sleep too, or still busy with homework?
Q: Using "that" and "this" interchangeably

remLearning and using English I'm always confused about what word to use for referring to things that have been described by me a few sentences earlier: "that" or "this". Confusion comes from the fact that only the equivalent of "this" is always used in my native language for such referring. But I...

Do the second and third examples in this question sound like written by a native speaker?
Not to my ear.
The first example is just a sloppy/casual native speaker.
@Jasper This is college. We don't sleep.
@simchona I see. I used to run on campus after midnight too.
I'm not sure how to explain this, except that it's to
Q: "To" instead of "Of"

BraveyardI've been checking a grammar book in which I saw this sentence that looks weird to me: Kyle gave Loren the keys to his new car. I would have hoped to see "of" instead of "to" but it must be correct since it was the sample sentence. Kyle gave Loren the keys of his new car. Can someone...

Both could be correct semantically / if you look at common patterns; but to happens to be the idiomatic preposition of choice here.
I think it's not of because that would imply that they belong to the car
I mean, they belong to the car in that they are closely related to the car, just as this plug here belongs to my phone.
@simchona That's just the way it is sometimes. Just like we say solution to a problem instead of solution for a problem.
Either way, you could theoretically use of, just as in the lid of the teapot.
How does one put 'that's how English is' in an answer?
It is idiomatic.
I leave it to you.
@simchona I thought you liked ngrams? I'm not sure how relevant those are though.
Nah you do it.
I have to go to bed.
@Cerberus Enjoy your sleep!
You too!
@simchona That is a weird trend.
@Jasper I can't answer the person. Just provide a "you would be right 200 years ago"
@simchona Be sure to always check ca. 5 Google Books hits for anything you check on Ngrams, because it can be very quirky...
@Cerberus I'm seeing things like "keys of the heavens"
@simchona Right, that would seem to show that it's rather old fashioned, right?
@Cerberus So both are right, but one fell out of favor?
That what it looks like, yes.
I'm always a bit suspicious of Ngrams, but OK.
You could also search for "keys to his car".
Well, I'm really off.
Hello @brave. Sim just gave you an answer on the main site.
I saw it, thanks @Jasper
I was right 200 years before said @simchona
@Braveyard Sorry it's sort of a non-answer, but it seems to be "just one of those things" in English
Usage shifts over time, and in this case your instincts matched what was a common usage
you are right @simchona but your answer is really elaborative, thanks for making effort on it.
I am wondering if "keys of" could also mean sth else: keys in that place but not necessarily keys to open that place.
Thanks everyone, I need to go, gotta go to work tomorrow :)
So "keys to" is actually more descriptive to me as it suggests the use of the keys for opening the place intuitively, more so than "keys of".
@Braveyard Bye!
@Cerberus huh? We got the letter 't' from French?
3 hours later…
Knock knock
1 hour later…
who's there?
Me. lol :D
ok, that wasn't funny
@Urbycoz I'll write it here in order to avoid cluttering the comments. I voted to close your question because the answer was easy, but noy just for us, but for everyone. That's what "general reference" means, everyone can find the answer, so there would be no need to post it here... There was nothing personal from me regarding you, I do that with everyone, not just you.
@Urbycoz I'll write it here in order to avoid cluttering the comments. I voted to close your question because the answer was easy, but noy just for us, but for everyone. That's what "general reference" means, everyone can find the answer, so there would be no need to post it here... There was nothing personal from me regarding you, I do that (the closing question thing) with everyone I think is eligible for that, not just you.
I can't delete the first one lol
@Alenanno If the user hasn't been here, they won't see that probably
> @simchona The user deleted it because it was closed. I've asked it again because I needed an answer and the first question was closed for dubious reasons. I think you are all guilty of the utmost pedanticism. – Urbycoz 3 mins ago
@simchona Boo! Good morning.
Hi ^^
Why paste the comments here?
@Jez No no, I mean the t in l'homme, a-t-il beaucoup d'argent?
But it turns out that I probably misinterpreted that: it was the t in va-t'en!.
Which makes more sense.
@jsb Are you here? I saw your answer on the will question.

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