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I didn't think of that.
There's better things that they could serve me upstairs...
Must be some comfort, at least. But not like the good ol' days?
Alas, no.
Having to sell the land and sack the servants... it sucks.
Perhaps they enjoyed going into the sack?
Breeding like bunnies...
Finally home. Real computer. I don't know what to type! So much freedom to write so quickly.
Of course, now I've gotta scrounge up something to eat. All this talk of being served makes me wish I were going out, but no dice.
@Cerberus mumbles with mouthful of avocado uu eet annghulls!?
@aediaλ Hahaha I know the feeling.
@aediaλ They don't come down here, alas.
Avocado! I am just eating crackers with molten cheese.
Ooh, that's good too.
I was going to eat my avocado on some toast or a salad, but then it was gone when I looked again.
Yeah that's sad when that happens.
Mid-20th-century Italian pop is great.
Looks a bit like my father when he was that age.
I can't understand it but I like it!
I can't understand much of it either.
Somehow I like singing better when it's not in a language I know very well.
@Cerberus Really? Cute! You would not have caught my dad looking like an Italian singer at that age. My parents were hippies.
@aediaλ Haha... but are those incompatible?
My dad has a great story about how he once wore a short-hair wig to job-hunt, to please his mom.
@Cerberus The short hair and kempt appearance (is that a word?), those are.
@aediaλ Hahaha brilliant!!
My parents were too boring to be hippies.
Haha is that your father?
I'm not sure that this really is young George Thorogood, but it seems representative of the photos I've seen of my parents' friends.
It's (possibly) George Thorogood, who my dad played guitar with at least once, or so he says.
Before George got famous for Bad to the Bone or anything.
Of course they say those things.
Just believe him.
More fun.
@Cerberus Imagine the same dude looking a bit less sullen, and with grease on his hands from working on cars, and you've got my dad.
@Cerberus :)
@Jasper Hi!
I almost didn't see you there.
@aediaλ Nice! My dad still works on cars, loves it.
He used to repair a friend's car, who would do his teeth for free in return (dentist).
@aediaλ It's OK. I changed my name after all, and I am always changing my avatar. But I have not changed my heart since the last change.
@Cerberus Errr... do his teeth?
@Jasper Yes?
It may seem a strange deal.
@Cerberus Nvm, noone gets my jokes.
My father is a lawyer, but how often do you need those?
@Jasper Ohh... sorry! I'm slow.
And tipsy.
@Jasper I'm not refreshing!
@Cerberus I'm sure your parents aren't really boring! They just didn't have Vietnam to bring them together like my parents' generation...
@aediaλ Hehe... my father has always been right wing, so I doubt whether that would have helped!
@Cerberus And I'm not ever going to change my heart again.
@Jasper No? But you already did once...
@Cerberus Well, I didn't say that the last time did I?
@Cerberus Surely right wing in the Netherlands is still like voting Democrat here? ;)
@Cerberus It's OK, I don't get your jokes either.
Hello @sim! I've changed my name, and Chaos has turned into Sonic The.
@Jasper I suppose not.
@Jasper I saw his name change, but didn't see yours
@aediaλ Yes, more or less!
@simchona Well, just a shortening in my case, so not obvious. How is your first day?
That is, conservatives here are atheists, pro abortion and gay things, but against taxes and Muslims.
Twas good. I just got into my room an hour ago
But our taxes are way higher than yours anyway.
sighs wistfully I need to move somewhere where even the conservatives think most people deserve rights.
Well, Muslims may be out of luck!
I'm thinking of putting a ♣ after my username, reminiscent of the ♦ for mods. Whaddaya think?
drɱ65 δ♣
@drɱ65δ Hmm people might think it was a diamond at first glance...?
Looks weird.
Plus I like clubs.
@drɱ65δ I hate all symbols, but what's impt is what you think dude!
@aediaλ At least Americans are more tolerant towards religions.
@Cerberus I probably won't do it.
Clubs are my favourite suit, even though they are the lowest in Bridge.
@Cerberus Ha, ha. Very funny.
@aediaλ Well, they really are!
Though I'm not sure I always like that...
Americans are more tolerant of Abrahamic religions that start with C.
@aediaλ Hehehe.
What if I put a ♦ after my name? Would I be sued for blasphemy? ;)
@aediaλ That is a very poetic way to put it.
@drɱ65δ Yes! Everyone got his pitchfork ready?
@drɱ65δ No, maybe a suspension of a decade.
@drɱ65δ You'll be edited by a real one!
@aediaλ Muslim women and Jews are forbidden to wear any and all religious symbols here if they are acting as judges or policemen.
I think I've mentioned this before in this room.
Oh yes. I remember that discussion.
@Jasper I wish @Reg was here.
Reg ♦ that is.
Reg just went to sleepy town.
Oh yes. GMT +1
@drɱ65δ Btw are you a he or a she? I called you dude just now.
Ugh, I feel sobriety looming close.
@Jasper He. I suppose you never saw my profile? My real name is Daniel.
That was never a girl's name.
By the way, I spoke to a Jasper for a long time tonight, and a Daniella...
@drɱ65δ I saw it, but did not see Daniel there.
@Cerberus But only speaking to me satisfies!
@Jasper Of course! But what was I supposed to do without a substitute?
Luckily I found the Jasper in the bar.
@Cerberus Thanks. I meant that in jest only you know.
@Jasper Haha.
@KitΘδς Hmm there was no Kitty... that's why I went home.
I will be satisfied even if you are lying just to please me.
@drɱ65δ That sounds very Christian. Not necessarily but most Daniels I know are.
@KitΘδς Girls are so easy.
@KitΘδς Then that is called self-deception.
Tibi dono rosas.
Daniël is quite a common name here, and noöne is Christian.
@KitΘδς Tibi gratias ago!
@Cerberus I don't think so. That's why I never had success.
@Jasper What have you tried so far?
Perhaps you should say "Kit is so easy."
(Phone. BRB.)
@KitΘδς You know I am a diplomat.
@Cerberus You mean my whole life? Well, nothing much really.
@Jasper See?
Seriously, get on a dating site.
@Cerberus I didn't know that. Have you also had sexual relations with world leaders?
There are plenty, and they work very well for a great many people.
@KitΘδς Not yet.
But I hope I've bred some.
grins Me too.
This yours?
It's so stupid that Russia killed off all its old money.
Now they have only buffoons left.
@Cerberus No. Seriously I won't change again. Seriously.
@Jasper Why not try?
@Cerberus Oh, I remember that weekend. He was all messed up on meth.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket...
@KitΘδς Did you plant the poison?
@Cerberus You know I can't answer that.
@Cerberus If they all crack, so be it. Like I said, this will be my last one.
Wouldn't you like to have some practice first?
@KitΘδς Wise.
Before you commit to someone you don't even know?
Practice makes purrfect.
@Jasper Why?
Yeah I'm not saying you should court flocks and herds of girls...
But a few?
Hey, Norway is only 600 km away!
No idea it was that close.
@Cerberus No, I am very focused. And this one is special like I said.
@Cerberus Are you planning to meet sb there?
I would very much like to visit Scandinavia.
I have recently become infatuated with the west coast of Norway, which is where my ancestors purportedly originate.
I would also like to ride Icelandic ponies and visit Elsinore.
@KitΘδς OK, hope it happens soon then!
Oh, it won't be soon. But maybe in a few years.
@Jasper Well, how much information do you really have? I have dated people I'd never seen before, and it was never really a success. If I don't see lives images and speech, it's totally different.
@KitΘδς You naughty Vikingess! I knew it.
@Jasper Not really, and 600 km is way too far!
An hour by train is my max.
@Cerberus Who me? I was thinking more like Valkyrie. Maybe that's too dark.
@KitΘδς I see. OK, good for you.
But it would explain the devotion to Frigga.
@Cerberus That's a very low max.
@KitΘδς No that's excellent!
@Jasper Is it? If you're living in a decently-sized city, there's plenty of fish.
@Cerberus OK I hope you find your fish soon.
@Jasper I don't need to. I like having my own bowl.
@KitΘδς Oh my goodness Icelandic ponies are sooo cute!
I just want to snuggle them!
@Cerberus I don't need to, but I want to.
@aediaλ Is that frowned upon in unicorn circles?
And paint them purple before humping them?
@Jasper Then why not try a bit harder?
@Cerberus I will keep the current one in view. That's all for now.
Going to loo, brb.
@Jasper You are a free man!
@KitΘδς A bit of cross-species fraternization might be okay, but really, they're only suitable for keeping as pets. Not as... er... companion animals.
Very nice term.
I can't find a suitable Valkyrie picture.
Except maybe Xena as a valkyrie.
At least it's not Asian.
That's just...no.
This would be easier if it weren't a fetish.
I had no idea this was a fetish btw.
I thought the sixpack might be OK.
Which is a pretty remarkable thing for me not to know.
@Cerberus No, no, no. Valkyries are warriors. They wouldn't wear such stupidly impractical getup.
@KitΘδς All my female friends tell me high heels and tight pants are perfectly comfortable.
@kit, I thought you might have something to say about this
Q: Please re-open the "oldest profession" question

Andrew GrimmPlease re-open Why (and since when) is prostitution called “the world's oldest profession”? . Talking about a well-known euphemism that's used in polite company (even Ronald Reagan has referred to the phrase!) shouldn't be closed because the subject matter is somehow "dirty".

Oh, sorry, that's a Fjord, not a Valkyrie.
@aediaλ Ah I like the black stripe.
@Cerberus Depends on what they are planning to do.
@KitΘδς Riding flying horses and collecting souls, while brandishing weapons?
I don't know what women do.
@Cerberus They're adorable. Their thick manes are usually cropped short like that to show off the striping (and to keep them out of the way, because they're draft horses, though I've only seen them in demonstration, at horse shows).
@Cerberus Mostly lie on their backs or bitch, as far as I can tell. Unless they are shopping for shoes.
@aediaλ I think it's also cute how round their bellies are. Like Americans.
@KitΘδς Hehe. Or unless they're working as judges—a profession dominated by women here.
@simchona Thanks. I wrote an answer.
OK. She's kinda hot.
Even if she's not too practical-minded.
A little too angelic though.
She looks very practical minded.
In certain professions, her dress would be supremely useful.
Back from the loo. It was a big one.
WAY too much information.
Learn not to overshare!
@Cerberus I think that was alright.
@Cerberus Certain professions, but not valkyri'ing.
How about this?
@KitΘδς You never know when other professional skills come in handy!
@Jasper ...
Or this?
@Cerberus I'm not the one biting ears here.
That's different and non-serious.
@KitΘδς Don't you have one fully clad?
Q: Origin of "C**p"

CoomieI've heard some far-fetched stories of the origin of the word "crap". Does anyone know its real origin?

I didn't know crap has to be bowdlerised.
@Cerberus What do you mean? She's fully clad.
@KitΘδς Is that how your mother-in-law goes to work?
No, but she's retired...
Ooh, I just got an email saying I have won a million pounds...
No way!
OK I get these about once a month.
I just got an e-mail that I have a hot girl waiting for me with herbal medicine in her hand.
Just don't open them or you will be virused.
@Cerberus Really?
@Jasper Come on! Step it up!
Hi @sonic!!!
@Jasper you do know that if you just put you head into thinking, you would have a way to block those?
Gmail has very good anti-spam. But sometimes my legitimate mails go into spam as well.
@SonicTheHedgehog It's interesting to get spam once in a while. Life is too boring without spam.
@Jasper maybe I could make something... IDK that British use Gmail.
I never open mine. I can live without it, I can live with it.
...I don't know. Maybe I should stick with the fox.
@sonic You also inspired me to change my name. And you should learn to use the right and left arrows.
This avatar makes me feel a little too badass, methinks.
And I also rather resemble JSB.
@KitΘδς I don't like your avatar, but it's what you like that matters.
yesterday, by ChaosGamer ΕΛ-Υ ēel-ū
user image
You know, his legs Are a little thin.
Well, I'll keep it for a bit and see how it fits.
But my friend say that it turns her on. o.o
MJ has like, most anime-ish body.
@Jasper I know you'd prefer kittens or unicorns or rainbows, but they just don't suit me.
@KitΘδς There can only be one kitten, which is Sim.
There can be only one hedgehog, which is me!
What about Shadow?
Or, I wouldn't be if I actualy mange to convince Shadow to join....
@SonicTheHedgehog Yes dear.
@KitΘδς Fierce!
@SonicTheHedgehog Who's shadow?
}} is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Shadow is an artificially-created life form. His trademark hover shoes propel him at extreme speeds that rival those of Sonic, and with a Chaos Emerald he has the ability to distort time and space using "." Often referred to as being the "Ultimate Life Form," he is a black and crimson male hedgehog that debuted in Sonic Adventure 2. He resembles Sonic in many ways, such as the ability to travel at incredible speeds. He has been featured in a variety of media, including his own self-titled game. Shadow is an antihero, and works toge...
@SonicTheHedgehog Looks evil.
Shadow is just mis-understood.
@Jasper nah, just a powerful anti-hero.
@KitΘδς Like me IRL.
Good night, all!
blows kisses
@KitΘδς Night.
@Kit night.
Sweet dreams!
@sonic When are your exams again?
@Jasper Life too boring? Not getting your daily dose of spam? Subscribe to our newsletter, now with Vitamin Spam!
@aediaλ Haha. Anyway I take a multivitamin pill everyday.
Vitamin C, B, K, V, E, ect....
@Jasper No but I often get spam from hot girls or about herbal medicines.
@Cerberus You mean real ones? Then that's lucky.
@SonicTheHedgehog etc
Cookies. Delicious.
@simchona What kind are you having now?
@Jasper Warm chocolate chip ones. The House faculty made them
@simchona I see. I usually don't eat cookies or snacks of any kind. But I do like Oreos.
It's best to have proper meals and do away with snacks altogether.
@Jasper Oreos is a kind of cookie.
@SonicTheHedgehog I know, hence I said usually.
Your name is too long so the Hedgehog doesn't appear.
@Jasper SHould I chnage it to The Blue Blur next month?
@SonicTheHedgehog Up to you, do whatever you like dude!
@Jasper Real ones? Of course not!
Those do not exist.
@Cerberus Though I'm not sure yet if you like those or sth else. Your underwear is too difficult to fathom!
@SonicTheHedgehog change
@SonicTheHedgehog totally
@SonicTheHedgehog rad?
Hey, today my tech class is going to practice typing without seeing keyboard. I can do it a little, I just make few mistakes. See, I am doing it right now.
@jasper Radical.
@SonicTheHedgehog Why don't you yell at Jasper for correcting you? :p
@sim Idk, don't take me wrong, it is just that I talk more to you than jasper these days. :P
@SonicTheHedgehog I was trying to find your FB just now, but there are too many ZK's.
@simchona Does he yell at you?
@Jasper ahha, Zach is pseudo-name.
@Jasper Just a little tiff
yesterday, by ChaosGamer ΕΛ-Υ ēel-ū
@sim I'm not turning up my nose. I am just saying that it is not nessesary to correct every little thing. It makes me feel like I am in English classroom.
@SonicTheHedgehog OK I shan't guess then. Until one day when I could visit you.
@simchona I see. TIFF=tagged image file format.
just click and read the whole "discussion"
@SonicTheHedgehog @Jasper, don't read it. Let sleeping dogs lie.
@simchona OK, but that's Cerberus!
@SonicTheHedgehog I feel that your English is improving. Hey when are your exams? I hope you do well. You are in my thoughts.
@Jasper thanks. It is like...
The first week of Jan.
The Test.
@simchona Yes I know that one.
@SonicTheHedgehog plays ominous music
@SonicTheHedgehog Ah, what a way to start the new year. Christmas is just three months aways. Yay! I get to see the lights again.
@simchona Yours should be in Dec right?
@Jasper Mhm.
"Who" is it plays
I Gave Her Money
I Gave Her Time
I Gave Her Everything
Inside One Heart Could Find
I Gave Her Passion
My Very Soul
I Gave Her Promises
And Secrets So Untold
And She Promised Me Forever
And A Day We'd Live As One
We Made Our Vows
We'd Live A Life Anew
@simchona Well, I'm sure you'll do well with that brain of yours.
And She Promised Me In Secret
That She'd Love Me For All Time
It's A Promise So Untrue
Tell Me What Will I Do?
@Jasper Thank you
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter
And It Doesn't Seem Right
'Cause The Will Has Brought
No Fortune
@SonicTheHedgehog Lyrics don't need to be in camel case
Still I Cry Alone At Night
Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Lying To Myself
And The Reason Why She Left Me
Did She Find In Someone Else?
@Sonic: Please stop spamming
@sim I just like it that way.
@simchona I just learnt "camel case".
@SonicTheHedgehog Another MJ song?
@Jasper yep.
@SonicTheHedgehog I only like MC.
@jasper Master of Ceremonies?
@SonicTheHedgehog Mariah Carey.

Proposed Q&A site for professional linguists and others with an interest in linguistic research and theory.

Currently in commitment.

Omg omg omg!
@Jez: Did you know t came from te in a-t-il etc.? I like French.se already!
@aedia comitted.
@Cerberus wake up! private beta any time now!
@aediaλ Hahah!
Wow that went fast.
I always board the train last.
Like i did at bitcoin.
I did post the link on German Meta illegally... perhaps that helped.
@Cerberus That's not illegal. At most a suspension of a decade though.
Haha, I'm sure it did!

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