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@RegDwigнt Breaking Bad Lite.
A track from the son of one of our friends. Fifteen years ago already I said this kid had talent.
I have a bunch of his stuff on my iPod.
@Rob I was thinking of you today.
I’ve been plunged into the dazzling drizzle of the middleware world yclept PSGI, and I make same pronouncement as on all intricate frameworks: when they work they work, and when they don’t, you’ll spend three days trying figure out what the fuck went wrong.
@tchrist My view of frameworks exactly.
I was of course doing backend stuff when I belong. I had to do a tiny piece in the middle that dealt with the frontend. Totally ridiculous.
And if you need something 3% different from what the framework gives you, it takes a 97% effort to get it.
All because somebody didn’t think of a really simple thing.
Which happens ALL . . . THE . . . TIME.
That's why I write my own front ends. At least that way I only have 3% more work to do and I get everything I want.
Like, how dare I have the temerity both to set a cookie and do a location redirect at the same time?
In the old days, this was common. And it is trivial to do.
And I just lost three days of my life to somebody else having never thought of the need to do this.
Which framework are you using?
Hmm. Never had the pleasure.
It actually isn’t Plack’s fault.
It’s the fault of a now-former employee who did a very stupid thing in a way that was hard to trace.
You can’t just pop into a debugger in these things, you know.
Well, you can.
Or you should be able to.
And a compact dump of the object is in excess of 50k — lines.
Well, yes; you could indeed run it in singlethreaded static/non-FastCGI mode.
And secret games rewriting your exceptions behind your back really piss me off.
Hmm, yes. The hard part is when you have minified, obfuscated code to deal with.
So the stack dump lies.
So annoying.
The now-ex-employee thought it would be a cute way to do Location redirects by throwing an exception object with a "Found" and a Location => wherever property.
He then neglected to emit the rest of the needed HTTP headers necessary for the cookies I had dutifully housed there.
Since I’m not a front end guy, I’m not fixing the JS side of things this release, just a few of the AJAX bits that actually hit the server.
Fortunately, the most senior guy on the project (but for my boss, whose eyes haven’t been in the code for a while) lives in Denver not the east coast, and was also working today to play catch-up. He helped me see where the silliness was happening.
I don’t know if I mentioned what I’m doing. Basically l10n'ing stuff right now.
Using the pretty-much-standard GNU gettext stuff layered very deeply down underneath.
Trying to l10n a content-delivery system after-the-fact is A. Lot. Of. Work.
I left the tiny middleware bit till the end because I figured it would be trivial. It was supposed to be trivial, and should have been. But somebody else just wasn’t thinking, and limited all future choices by doing a short-cut cheat.
I’d guessed 1 hour for that part; took 3 days. How can you plan for shit like this? You can't.
Fortunately the corporate structure is flat and very software-savvy, so at least it is not like long reporting chains where they simply never understand how these slips can happen.
Was supposed to be done yesterday. Wasn't. Will be though.
Plack is middleware that uses the PSGI stack, also used by many other middleware layers.
So I take it that you got the new job?
Congrats pal :-)
I also see why they have a really rigorous interviewing process. You can’t really afford to hire people who don’t know crap.
All the work really is taken up by going from langs=1 to langs≠1. The actual count isn’t that big of a deal.
It also really helped, much more than they would ever have anticipated, that lang#2 was Spanish. We had a native speaker do the basic initial translations, but I caught a hundred things that would have been missed by someone less than very well schooled in Spanish.
The guy who had been going to do it was the previous new-hire. He’s smart, probably damned smart, but his Perl is not quite as strong as mine and he is a French speaker not a Spanish speaker, so wouldn’t have realized errors looking him in the face.
They didn’t hire me for Spanish, of course. It has just been really lucky.
Getting used to gettext took a while. It is not very friendly, because too “C-minded” if you take my meaning.
The only always-good translations were when the translator was given entire sentences or paragraphs. You just cannot do single words, because without context, there is on way to know what word to pick.
The gettext supports that, allowing for a compound key lookup by not just "msgid", essentially the English text, but also by a message context, which is arbitrary but could be something like "noun" versus "verb".
Imagine a UI element that says "View" in English. Which one should that be?
It most other languages, you have to pick the noun or the verb. And in fact, in some places in your UI, it will be one and not the other.
So somebody who didn’t know Spanish wouldn’t have realize how wrong those would have been.
I bitched the other day about how dreadfully long “hover for tooltips” becomes in Spanish. Or French. Or anything but English.
Turning “hover for tooltips” into “Pase el cursor por encima para ver las direcciones emergentes” simply will not fit in a UI element. Just fill it with eels and call it good.
I hate frontend shit.
@tchrist - thanks for the explanation of the indicative (will-future?) subjunctive. I've amended my answer.
@tchrist - also, not that I understood more than about 10 words in a row above, but congratulations on your new job!
3 hours later…
@Mitch Have a minute?
4 hours later…
@RegDwigнt do you have any hence? I'll take some off hence
1 hour later…
@MattЭллен How was your Sat? In the end, I did not have to return to camp.
It was great. I went to visit my Brother, and see his new born baby girl :D
glad to hear you're not off to camp
@MattЭллен Why is brother capitalised?
no reason, just happened
@MattЭллен I am still thinking if I want to have kids. I guess it's a bit too early to think of such things!
@JasperLoy dunno. I suppose having a good idea of what you want from life is sensible. I don't know if I want kids, but I'm so happy to have a niece :D
I have been off my meds for 2 weeks, and I feel no worse.
Today I ate noodles for lunch and noodles for dinner, lol.
@medica What made you change your pic? Are you that old?
@JasperLoy glad you're still feeling fine
@MattЭллен I hope you don't have to go for any more therapy too!
thanks :)
this site could be therapeutic
Hello @arrow always changing your pic, lol.
@JasperLoy Yes. I find it good to change them :)
@JasperLoy Nice pic btw :)
@Arrowfar Taken when I was 16, lol. Good old days, before I went mad.
I see. haha
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected, Phone number detected: +91-9950211818 Women Vashikaran Mantra on english.stackexchange.com
4 hours later…
This chat is dead.
Soon chat will reborn
Yes, unless it has attained Nibbana.
What is Nibbana? That is a very deep question. Only a Buddha truly knows the answer.
I was going to ask that!
If you are interested in Buddhism, you should study the 4 major Nikayas. Check out Wisdom Publications Teachings of the Buddha Series.
I am trying to punctuate: I never know how to respond when my friends ask "What do you want for your birthday?".
It seems like maybe a duplicate of english.stackexchange.com/questions/1560/…, but the quote is at the end.
This is for British English and using -- ?". -- seems really awful, and I would never do ?." in American English.
@StrongBad It looked completely natural to me. I had to read your last sentence to even understand what you were worried about.
@terdon thanks
Personally though, I would probably rephrase it if at all possible and avoid the issue: I never know how to respond when my friends ask what I want for my birthday or When my friends ask "What do you want for your birthday?", I never know how to respond.
posted on October 12, 2014 by sgdi

So often a baby is born The normal response is to yawn How many a day Keep coming our way A miracle’s special as dawn

@Gigili I do now.
@JasperLoy I think she aspires to be that old. I aspire to be older. And even more respectable.
@JasperLoy looks it up in wikipedia
Nyah, nyah na-nyah nyah. I am the Buddha now! Woo hoo! Eat it, suckers!
Minions, go forth and crush the populace into submission.
Tell me when you're done, or in an hour, whichever is later. I'm taking a nap.
@Robusto yeah not even that. Calling Weeds Breaking Bad Lite is insulting to Breaking Bad. And to Miller Lite, for that matter.
`@RegDwigнt Um religious people occupy themselves with prohibitions (and practice) of horse porn too. So that is already included.
And hello.
It's an okay show, and it has its place, and I've watched a dozen episodes now, and I will probably watch a dozen more. But it's Breaking Bad Lite about as much as Married with Children is King Lear Lite.
Ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport.
@Cerberus oh I didn't know that. I am not up to date on religion. Will brush up.
Practice, practice, practice.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.
I am now the black square.
@RegDwigнt What craziness is this?
esltrail.com/2008/02/whats-difference-esl-efl-esol-ell-and.html explains the difference between ESL, ELL, EFL, and ESOL.
@Cerberus it's a bit of bible verse, coincidentally quoted in Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction
Ezekiel 25:17
As you can see, the god depicted in the bible is very vengeful, unlike the Buddha.
and some other verses
Maybe I should go to Germany and teach English, LOL.
@MattЭллен Umm okay. Hi!
actually it's only the last line that's from ezekiel 25:17, the rest is probably Tarantino
I wanna ask some words. I know urinate and defecate. What is it called when you burp gas?
or belch
What is it called when you fart gas?
y u trollin?
Are there more formal words for burp and fart? No, I really wanna know.
If necessary, I will post a question on main.
the act of farting is called flatulence
Breaking wind.
Expectorating is spitting.
@Cerberus yeah, that too
Burping (also known as belching, ructus, or eructation) is the release of gas from the digestive tract (mainly esophagus and stomach) through the mouth. It is usually accompanied with a typical sound and, at times, an odor. == Physiology == Burping is generally caused by swallowing air when eating or drinking and subsequently expelling (or inhaling) it, so in this case the expelled gas is mainly a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. Burps can also be caused by consuming carbonated drinks such as beer, soft drinks, energy drinks or champagne, in which case the expelled gas is primarily carbon dioxide...
Flatulence is defined in the medical literature as "flatus expelled through the anus" or the "quality or state of being flatulent", which is defined in turn as "marked by or affected with gases generated in the intestine or stomach; likely to cause digestive flatulence". The root of these words is from the Latin flatus – "a blowing, a breaking wind". Flatus is also the medical word for gas generated in the stomach or bowels. These standard definitions do not reflect the fact that a proportion of intestinal gas may be composed of swallowed environmental air, and hence flatus is not totally generated...
Right, eructing.
Not eructating?
Maybe. I only know eructing.
I guess both words exist.
pee, poo, spit, burp, fart = urinate, defecate, expectorate, eructate, flatulate, QED!
@Cerberus it's a made-up passage from the Bible.
Wow, I feel my vocab has increased exponentially, LOL!
@RegDwigнt ...unlike other passages from the Bible? What are you trying to tell me??
posted on October 12, 2014 by sgdi

I have been eating some seeds To fulfil my snack craving needs Their chewiness sates A need that is great For my jaw to continually feed

1 hour later…
@JasperLoy - lol! No, I'm not that old (not yet). I am a big fan of Maggie Smith and the early - say 12-14 years - Simpsons. Two in one. :-)
yo guys.... Jasper, whys your profile pic black? XD
Is it "Standing in front of him", or "Standing on front of him"? Preparing for PSAT's, I need some grammatical advice from people I trust.
> in
Really... but you are standing on the ground, arn't you? English is confusing QQ
On x = above & touching x.
In x = enclosed by x.
When you are standing on the ground, you are above it and touching it with your feet.
When you are in front of someone, you are neither above it nor necessarily touching it.
At any rate, prepositions are very often used idiomatically, as in this case.
I see. That makes much more sense.
I'm going to quote your explanation and say that I got my grammatical lessons from a three headed dog. Heh-heh
Hmm, one more question.
So, a singular subject calls for singular verbs, and plural subject vice versa. But what if two subjects are separated by or/nor (thus, not making them plural), than, if both subjects are singular, than singular verb is used, and if both subjects are plural, than plural verbs are used. But what if one subject is singular and the other subject is plural? What verb should be used?
If you are confused (understandably) I could give examples.
example please
@PhonicsTheHedgehog Very good!
@PhonicsTheHedgehog You normally make the verb agree with the last element, says Fowler.
So a man or two women were..., but two women or a man was.
But other style guides my recommend using plural if either element is plural, singular only if both elements are singular.
Unicode hates me.
She is a misocochliast.
Q: IPA and diacritic rendering

snailboatI wrote an answer that looks like this in my browser (SeaMonkey on Linux): Firefox on Linux: See the little diacritic under the [c]? Well, for Darius, it looks like this: Which one of our browsers is rendering it correctly? How should I fix it, if it's broken? Help! Additional...

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