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03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Woo. That question didn't even trigger Old Smokey before it was deleted.
which question?
don't worry, I found it :D
I should probably have marked it offensive instead of simply deleting. Never mind.
yeah, it's not important
This feels like it's asking for a Latin word
Q: What's the opposite of "pro bono"?

hoc_ageThe Latin pro bono is used to describe performance of (often professional or specialized) services for free or for reduced compensation. Is there a corresponding (hopefully Latin, perhaps pro-SOMETHING) phrase for performance of services for pay (i.e., normal/conventional compensation)? I perus...

Feels kinda off topic
@MattЭллен Editing is good and rewarded. Just remove the Latin request.
maybe I'll leave it to the regulars
if they're not worried, I probably shouldn't be
@AndrewLeach nice badges. apparently I have one :D
toodle pip
I think that if there were such a Latin word that was used in English the way "pro bono" is used, then it's on topic. If we need to coin new latin words then it's off topic and nonsensical.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected, Phone number detected: +919950211818- …(**Lo@!ve VAshikaRAn spEcialist baba jidfdf on english.stackexchange.com
@MattЭллен Yeah it is a rather bad SWR.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 flagged for anti-leprechaun sentiment
wow you're reading all that stuff?
@terdon They were hiding on the other side... you know, to test your faith.
Sneaky buggers.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 people responded to what I said. I feel honor bound to read their replies, misinterpret them, and respond back.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Or you could say even if it is Latin originally, it is what is used when speaking English, and therefore English.
@Mitch well, yeah. That's sorta how I see it. Latin words that are used commonly in English become English words. Coining new Latin words is therefore out of scope.
@terdon Check the sock trap in your dryer, that's where they all go. Your missing pens really are being stolen by other people. Terrible terrible people.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, maybe not in lawyerese. Anyway, Andrew's was a joke.
@Mitch Yeah, I know.
@Mitch I don't have a dryer! I'm looking for small gnomes with mismatched socks.
@terdon Look for one-legged ones. Their socks won't be mismatched!
@oerkelens Damn, I hadn't thought of that!
Two-legged ones may steal whole pairs, but that doesn't attract so much attention!
@MattЭллен Pro bono is technically legal jargon, but has a wider currency in English.
Q: Can you show where in, Einstein’s "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" (Relativity), is “Time” reasonably shown to exist, and not just “assumed”?

MattMarsGiven the widespread acceptance that “Einstein’s Relativity” reasonably proves the existence of Space-‘Time’, and thus “Time”... Can any member of the Physics StackExchange please show precisely where, in "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", (or related core Relativity) papers, “Time” is a...

I refer to Kant: space and time are constructs of the human mind to order sensory impressions. And they work damn well.
@Robusto yes, but asking for its opposite in Latin seems a little off topic
but like I said, I'll leave it alone
@MattЭллен Oh, didn't realize that's what he wanted. Never mind.
@MattЭллен I agree.
Prove space exists. — Kyle Kanos 4 hours ago
@terdon Oh. Then it's magic.
"Morgenbesser was leaving a subway station in New York City and put his pipe in his mouth as he was ascending the steps. A police officer told him that there was no smoking on the subway. Morgenbesser pointed out that he was leaving the subway, not entering it, and hadn’t lit up yet anyway. The cop again said that smoking was not allowed in the subway, and Morgenbesser repeated his comment. The cop said, “If I let you do it, I’d have to let everyone do it.”
Morgenbesser replied, “Who do you think you are, Kant?”
Due to his accent, the word “Kant” was mistaken for a vulgar epithet and Morgenbesser was hauled off to the police station.""
Anybody know what the last keystrokes in the Move Code Element Up and Move Code Element Down menu items are?
Some kind of up/down arrow, but I'm not sure.
This is a Mac keyboard, and I can't find the right keys to hit.
@Robusto Page Up and Page Down
@ProgramFOX Bingo! Thanks much.
You're welcome!
This site is a very useful reference on OS X keyboard shortcuts: osxkeyboardshortcuts.com
Man, my NetBeans is redlining its heap space all of a sudden.
Maybe that's what I get for converting tabs to spaces and back.
The undo queue needs a limiter, most likely.
posted on October 08, 2014 by sgdi

There once was a cranky dragon Who found it quite hard to have fun It burned down a castle Which caused lots of hassle The dragon’s fun had just begun

1 hour later…
Github has a chat feature
have you upgraded to 4.5 yet?
The Archbishop of Poland:
> , Archbishop Gadecki warned that encouraging boys to clean up after themselves so as to subvert gender stereotypes could have dangerous consequences.

“Some parents like to teach boys that they should clean up after themselves, and not wait until girls do it for them.”

The archbishop suggested that such leanings should be treated with caution, because “parents often do not realise” that same-sex partnerships are also championed under the banner of “overcoming stereotypes.”
So teaching boys to tidy up after themselves might make them gay!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 worse... any suggestion of overcoming stereotypes can lead to gaydom.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What an asshole.
@Mitch That is funny. But I must caution the writer: the term intended is not really an epithet.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hilarious.
I repeat my statement that religious people occupy themselves with the most preposterous and obscene subject matter.
And most of the time it is not about God.
Indeed not.
Religion is about controlling people...
As are most things.
Religion does it in the name of their God.
You forgot format.
Or did you mean cd?
That is a smiley.
(-: <---man

c: <---boy
DOS is hardly smile-worthy.
Especially if you have accidentally formatted your c drive.
I just got an email from Maria, yay!
Which one?
03:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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