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Now you do!
what did you remove? :)
missed it again
(watching a tutorial)
@JohanLarsson There.
It's not super interesting.
My relative.
ok got it this time
:17858793 So, we now know your name presumably. Else you wouldn't be so anxious ti delete it ;)
@terdon Well, no.
Ha! Now I can stalk you. Yes!
We shall have fun.
But it will still be far easier to find me through the link in my profile...
Where's the fun in that?
Hang on, I remember visiting that and it was actually your page. Did you change the link or have you been hijacked?
My friend somehow let the domain expire.
Which is rather a shame.
The site is still on his university space and visible.
@RegDwigнt Do Russians turn down their mouths like that?
@Cerberus I never knew there was a Schwedisch-Brandenburgischer Krieg.
Well, the Swedes had to fight people to conquer and maintain their German possessions...
Them pesky Swedes.
And look at 'em now. They're all doing C++ instead of fighting.
They are indeed.
Where's the honor in that?
But how dare you forget the most important war of north-western Brandenburg in all of the 1670s!!
@Cerberus Refresh my memory.
@JohanLarsson I'd be more impressed if it was, like, a bodybuilder who was doing the bending.
@Robusto Well, I know its name. From the article.
8 hours later…
London is calling Da raiders
who wants to do that?
and why?
Complain have come that Iphone bends when it is in pocket.
it's like buying a brand new car and driving it a wall
So he just tested that
don't keep it in your pocket without a case
I see, that must have been just after God invented the integers
yes, as a mathematician once said
all else is the work of man
and Satan
Today I saw a card that said "Expect Miracles". This is a sign that miracles are about to happen in my life...
"Expect the unexpected." Is this a sign that the unexpected is about to happen in your life?
@IceBoy Yes.
@WillHunting Ohhh. Do you belive in all this stuff?
@hey Maybe.
@WillHunting Have you had your second appointment yet?
@IceBoy No, I am still thinking if I should go.
@WillHunting did you discuss your medications yet?
@IceBoy He said I should not go off them but I think I should, so I am also thinking if I should cancel my next appointment.
@WillHunting can you look for a second opinion?
I will think carefully before deciding, thanks.
a second or third opinion is good for comparison's sake
finding the right doctor is a difficult task
@IceBoy My psychologist looks like the man in your picture, lol.
find someone who can help you
it's tough to do it alone
I will start some running next month.
that should help
I pray that Kit will return to this chat.
I don't know too much about all these stuff, but whenever i required psychologist instead of going to some professionals i go to my favourite teacher.
She always help me.
how old are you?
A teen probably.
I have not gone to my favourite shopping centre for a month, lol.
have your books arrived?
Two volumes of Marsden have arrived. Waiting for the last one.
enough to get started :-)
The books are larger than the usual size.
And they were printed this month, lol.
@IceBoy Look! @IceGirl is here, lol.
Hi all
@WillHunting you changed your name
@IceGirl Indeed.
change it?
For fun.
@MattЭллен Wembley Stadium tickets look expensive for the match on Sunday.
Is the game going to be on local TV?
Miami remain one of the NFL’s best supported teams in the UK, with a fervent fanbase dating back to the halcyon days of the 1980s, Marino and the league being shown on Sunday teatimes on Channel 4.
@IceBoy there's amatch on Sunday? yeah, tickets to big stadiums are exprensive
@MattЭллен The raiders are playing the Miami Dolphins
that's pretty far from home, no?
seems an odd thing to do, but whatever :D
yep, it is part of some international promotion of the league
I see. Trying to usurp football as the international sport ;)
2 hours ago, by Ice Boy
London is calling Da raiders
The Clash :D
Football is a clash of helmets.
that's how they get those thick necks that stick out past their ears
plus steroids, of course
How is your rx Matt?
I can't remember what rx is :D
probably not that good
I'm fairly descriptive
so I guess my prescription isn't that great. Which reminds me: I need to pick up my prescription, later!
@JohanLarsson I haven't used the reactive extensions. I should give it a try one day
A: Javascript Array grouping category

Matt Ellen // important code var numberToGroupOn = 4; var numb = [5,10,11,6,7,18,1,8,2,1,15,12,4,5,3,4,6,7,15,20]; var srt = numb.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); var groupCount = Math.ceil(srt[srt.length-1] / numberToGroupOn); var grps = {}; for(var i = 1; i <= groupCount; i++) ...

clearly the best answer
@MattЭллен Why do you need a custom sort function? return a-b precisely what the native Array.sort() method does?
@Robusto nope. array.sort sorts alphabetically
Hmm, I didn't know that.
nor did I till I tried to answer the question :D
@MattЭллен Nevertheless, you do realize that Array.sort() is destructive, right? In the code you created, numb === srt will be true. The original array will be sorted whether you intended that or not. If you don't want it to be sorted, you should create srt = numb.slice(0) and then sort srt.
@Robusto oh! I didn't know that. thanks.
Array methods like .sort() and .reverse() do not return a copy of the array but the altered array itself.
mutable ew
same as list.Sort() in C#
@MattЭллен That's funny, because I always feed the sort method a custom function for alpha sort, since I always want alpha sorts to be case insensitive.
@WillHunting I saw a sign that said "Do not Walk". I took it as a sign. So I ran.
@Mitch In Singapore you could get caned for that.
is it just me, or are the long fluorescent lightbulbs less reliable than the CFLs?
half of the ones in this office have died
Probably China quality
@Arrowfar You think goods from China are of poor quality? Hmm, perhaps.
@WillHunting I was just saying. Sorry pal :-)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 howdy ninja! :-)
@Arrowfar Why sorry? I am not a friend of China. I am in this world, but I am not of this world.
@Arrowfar what i don't get is why my CFLs at home last 5 years or more
@WillHunting haha I see. I thought you 'd get offended :-)
yet the fluorescents in the office stop working much quicker
@Jez Yes, I like them too. CFL's.
@Arrowfar Do you know that I once got flagged for saying "I am in this world, but I am not of this world"? LOL.
@WillHunting No way! :D
@Arrowfar howdy ----------------------->
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 How is it going? :)
@Arrowfar It happened in the math room. They also flagged "I am only a banana", LOL.
@WillHunting Why? Math room seems strict.
@Arrowfar Nobody knows who the flagger is, usually. Could be anyone logged into chat. You don't need to be in the room to flag.
I see. That is scary.
So no one can flag the flagger there I guess.
The way to flag while not in the room is to log into chat and read the transcript.
@Arrowfar Okay. Things are irritating me.
Like source as a verb.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You mean English related things?
I see :-)
Is there a term for the inappropriate use of a question mark at the end of a declarative statement that sort of hints at a question?
Example: "Please read and let me know if you have comments or concerns?"
That makes me want to punch babies.
brb coffee
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hmm, you should ask on the main site.
@WillHunting I thought we already had that question.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 If you think so, you can try to find it. I am bad at looking for questions.
We have many questions about it, although some are about uptalking instead of this phenomenon.
@mahnax How is school?
@WillHunting It's alright, I suppose. Busy and a bit dry.
@Mahnax I guess the classes will become tougher with each term.
@WillHunting Hopefully.
Right now we're being spoon-fed limits. Spare me.
I have a question for the Europeans in this room.
looks down at Finland hoodie
According to CEFR, what level of proficiency are most native speakers of a language at?
The 6 levels in CEFR are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.
C2, I should think.
- Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.

- Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.

- Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.
@Mahnax Hmm, but not all native speakers can do that...
@WillHunting Most adult native speakers can do that.
At the very least C1, barring a language or learning disability of some nature. That would complicate things.
@Mahnax OK then. Anyway I must find out if I need to take TOEFL too.
@WillHunting Might be a good credential to have. I'm sure you'd ace it.
Although I have never heard you speak…
what does "the most complex situations" mean @mahnax
I am not sure how I would do in the GRE general paper though. I just took a look at its contents today.
Verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing are the three sections.
I guess it is somewhat like SAT but harder.
@IceBoy Something like a high-level talk on an advanced subject, or a very fast-paced and advanced podcast or radio show, or dealing with complex dialects, I should think.
@Robusto Better a cane on the back than a fender on the front.
Oh, so they like fast talkers?
Like a slick used car salesman.
I am not sure fast talkers know what they are saying.
I was thinking that a combination of speed and complexity would result in maximum difficulty.
So not just a used car salesman, but a string theory researcher who talks like one.
Lol, well said.
Strings are used to attach buttons to shirts.
That is all there is to string theory, folks.
@Mahnax s/talks like one/talks/
ha ha. string theory is dumb.
@Mitch Beg pardon?
@Mahnax ha ha. successfully trolled!
Alrighty. You do you.
@WillHunting How long is your piece of string?
Are you a troll in training?
posted on September 26, 2014 by sgdi

There once was a man called McGrath Whose antics would fill you with wrath He scared all the birds Picked up and threw turds And never did once take a bath

@Robusto same vid?
Wow, there is a speaking section for TOEFL, what if I am lost for words? I don't have that many things to say, lol. I think I will just say lol.
@WillHunting I don't think they make you talk at length on some random topic. They probably have just some oral parts, listen to speech, respond with the right answer in a full sentence. Well, you shoul dlook at the TOEFL docs to make sure.
@Robusto That link tells me: "This video is not available in your country. Sorry about that." I love you, Big Brother!
That question is tagged . I wonder if that's random?
Page not found
we should put honeypot tags up that trip auto-spam traps
@IceBoy you need to be 10k
It's Indian black-magic spam
Hey, I gotta hand it to Apple for making their new iPhones' data encrypted. The gov't is bitching about this because "what if we need to go after legitimate criminals?" To which I say, "You made your bed, now lie in it. If we could be assured you would only ever use it to go after legitimate criminals, no problem. But you can't give us that assurance because you spy on EVERYBODY, not just 'legitimate criminals'."
well said^
@Robusto Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Sadly it's only a matter of time before they try to make that illegal, or argue that it already is illegal under CALEA or similar.
Fuck 'em. And the whores they rode in on.
Technology will always be ahead of the law.
It's like trying to define "Art."
@Robusto Well, encryption has almost always been subject to laws. So I wouldn't be surprised if Apple's move brings the legal hammer down. It could lead up to a decade-long fight.
@IceBoy It isn't necessarily relevant. If the government makes a law making it illegal to sell devices that they can't break open, it won't matter what tech is possible, since you won't be allowed to use it.
1 hour later…
Quick question, is there an official policy whether a question belongs on ELL or here? (With a question of mine I am not sure where to post~)
A: How do I determine whether a question fits on English Language & Usage or on English Language Learners?

J.R.I've mulled this one over for a long time now, and I've realized that the right place to ask not only depends on the nature of the question, but sometimes it depends on the nature of the answer sought. If you'd like someone with a strong background in linguistics to give an explanation that goe...

hopefully that should answer your question
@MattЭллен Just wondering, shouldn't most single-word-requests be migrated to ELL in that case by most of those standards?
@DavidMulder Well, we've had SWRs forever, so there's not really any stopping them now.
You could bring it up on Meta if you'd like us to give it a try :D
@DavidMulder what kind of single word are you looking for?
@IceBoy Not sure which meaning you mean? O:)
Q: Verb for calling a phone only with the intention of letting it ring

David MulderNot sure how 'common' this is, but during phone calls I will often agree to call somebody with the sole intention of letting the phone ring so that the other party knows that whatever event we agreed on has occurred. The most common example would be to let them know I have arrived at their place ...

@DavidMulder just let it ring
@IceBoy Yeah, that's what I nowadays tend to say "I will call you when I arrive and just let it ring, don't pick up". If I don't explicitly add the last part people tend to always pick up no matter what... which happened today again, so that was why I was wondering :P
> MOORE, OKLA.— A man who had been fired from a food processing plant in an Oklahoma City suburb beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official, police said Friday.
> While questioning the suspect's co-workers, investigators learned he had recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam
That sound you just heard was 1M muslims world-wide doing a facepalm
@DavidMulder or you could make up a code name like "let it ring-away"
@IceBoy You could make up a code-name or coin a new word, but you'd still need to explain it to everyone.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 don't you think "let it ring-away" is self-explanatory?
@IceBoy nope.
no more than "just let it ring"
which is not a single word, but rather a full sentence
If there were a word for this behaviour, you'd say "When I get to your house, I'll pre-ring your phone" and the other person would know that "pre-ring" means "don't answer"
But if you just say "When I get to your house, I'll ring your phone", then most people would just assume they should answer it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh well, I have scored myself unlimited free international calling, so I am lately instructing a lot of people to just ring my phone when they need me, but both in Dutch and English I have been surprised by how much longer the conversations tend to be to make the agreement than they are with Slovak and Czech friends. And today it went wrong the other way round and I was just s*** it, lets check on here whether there isn't actually a real term for it after all :P .
@DavidMulder Well, as I said in my answer, I'd be surprised to find such a word in North America.
Is there call display?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha, good thing I just realized you were the person who answered the question. Was about to write the same thing as above to you in a comment as well :P
Especially since these days there are so many no-fee ways to communicate. Pay per minute? send a text. pay per text? send IM. etc.
The ol' let it ring + callback trick isn't as useful.
Q: Migrate (a lot of) single-word-requests to ELL

David MulderSo, today I wanted to ask a single-word-request but was unsure whether to go to ELU or ELL. After requesting clarification on the issue on chat I got redirected to this question on meta.ELL.SE, which if applied to ELU would require the migration of a lot of questions. Per Martha's higheset vot...

(That's odd, I changed the title, but seems it's being pulled out of some cache)
2 hours later…
Not much, how about you pal?
I went to a birthday party with my boyfriend.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know which jurisdiction you're talking about, but I am quite sure this will not happen in most of Europe.
And by the way @Robusto, Android will soon also have encryption by default.
how many candles were on the cake?
There was no cake.
And I don't know how old the birthday girl is.
What have you been up to?

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