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It brings down trees on things, and there's quite a lot of rain as well.
Hmm trees bad.
Getting anywhere with the Jews?
We have a lot of underground power lines here instead of aboveground, but they can be damaged by flood.
Can they?
Aren't they laid in insolated tubes?
My power went out during heavy rain, but that was probably because water got into the lines inside the house.
@Cerberus I think the lines are probably pretty safe but it's more like junctions or stuff.
My power company doesn't seem to explain it well, but this Florida one has a concise answer.
> Underground systems face outages from trees collapsing on above-ground transformers and switch boxes or from tree root systems uprooting buried cable when trees topple.
That makes sense.
But the flooding still sounds odd.
In a 2006 release my power company also used the word "facilities" about the underground bits. I guess they mean not the lines, but some other part.
> Sustained wet and rainy conditions—which continue to bring trees and branches down on power lines and flood many underground electrical facilities—have already extended power outages and are still causing new ones.
Well I suppose it is all very complex.
pepco.com/home/emergency/maps/stormcenter is how it's going here right now.
It's cool that they have that map, but those outages look bad!
I'm in one of those bits near DC where there aren't as many yet.
Thank God...
How often do you have hurricanes near W?
Like, never.
Oh! Good.
At least, this is the first one I can think of.
What force or magnitude is it?
I live in Ridgefield; it means we live in high grounds. But all other areas near us are flooded.
@Cerberus There are probably plenty that come up the coast from Florida but they usually are weak and nothing to worry about; we don't get warnings about them here. We have worse thunderstorms.
Is Ridgefield near Washington?
Its in Bergen County.
@Cerberus Hmm, I only know what wind we're supposed to get in mph, and that probably doesn't work for you. Like 50mph winds. Looking now to see what actual hurricane category it is...
So there's hurricanes everywhere now?
Chaos is in New Jersey I think, right?
its supposed to be 80 mph right now.
@aedia yep.
This one's so big it covers the whole east coast.
I thought there was some 1–5 scale.
We don't have anything like it.
Irene is catogory 1.
Right, 1.
So not too bad.
@Cerberus Yeah, there is, I just didn't remember it because it wasn't too relevant to the question of whether it was gonna knock my house over.
I am learnging Factorial Function right now. I just found out how to prove that 0! equals 1. want to hear it?
@aediaλ I understand. Well I'm glad you're not really in danger or anything.
Is it true that many houses in hurricane areas are made of wood?
@Cerberus Here's my local weather service (still in mph unfortunately)
Some are in knots, I'm not really sure why.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū 1!/1=0!
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū 0! equals 1, really?
Yeah, and I know how to prove it.
I thought 0! was just 0...
here is proof...
Suppose you have 9 sluggers for the baseball team.
@Cerberus I think so.
Actually I don't know the exact definition of x!.
Just that 3! = 1*2*3 = 6.
so, in order to figure out the number of posssible combo, you do this.
9 times 8 times 7 times .....
on and on.
So what does the ! stand for, exactly?
3! = 3 times 2 times 1.
Yes, I know.
But that's not a definition.
What is 0.5!?
@Cerberus it can be generalized, so in fact you can have for fractions too like 2.3!
so, in 0!, you have 0 sluggers. there canbe only one possible combo, which is 1.
@BogdanLataianu I know, but I forgot what that means exactly. Ten years ago I last had to do that...
You're talking about possible combinations?
it gives the number of permutations
for example 123,132,213,231,312,321 there are 3!=6 permutations
n! = n × (n - 1) × (n - 2) × ... × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
@BogdanLataianu But how about fractions?
I still don't remember either how that works for non-integers.
which can be seen from @Chaos 's argument 3*2*1
Yes, I know how to do it with positive integrals.
for non-integers it is given by Gamma function, yes, a integral
Math Geeks Unite!
Oops I meant integers. So you would have to use integrals for fractions, OK.
Which integral exactly?
I think think your definitions only work for positive integers.
They lead to the wrong answers for anything else. Or impossible functions.
tries really hard to remember enough calculus to understand the Gamma function wiki page
caculus is hard.
I have no idea, I don't think we were ever taught to use ! with anything but positive integers!
@Cerberus that's right, checking wikipedia, it is defined for any complex number, except the nonpositive integers
@BogdanLataianu But it still doesn't work for fractions?
the thing is that the gamma function is the unique function with some nice properties including f(n+1)=(n+1)*f(n)
Suppose (1/3)!. Is that 1*(1/3)?
@Cerberus it does for fractions
But how?
Your definition just starts with "1".
And it doesn't say how to end the sequence 1*2*3...n.
In mathematics, the Gamma function (represented by the capital Greek letter Γ) is an extension of the factorial function, with its argument shifted down by 1, to real and complex numbers. That is, if n is a positive integer: :\Gamma(n) = (n-1)!\, Although the Gamma function is defined for all complex numbers except the non-positive integers, it is defined via an improper integral that converges only for complex numbers with a positive real part: : \Gamma(z) = \int_0^\infty t^{z-1} e^{-t}\,{\rm d}t\,. This integral function is extended by analytic continuation to all complex numbe...
Damn, we need more nerds. How did we turn EL&U Chatroom into Math chatroom???
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Your fault!
chuckles Guilty as charged.
@Cerberus for each z, you get the corresponding integral, solve that integral and voila...as you see (-1/2)!=square root of pi
Maybe we should put our heads together and figure out how to make Factorial Function's equivalent for negative numbers.
@BogdanLataianu It looks pretty.
@aediaλ Uhh too many unknown variables.
@BogdanLataianu Sorry but I don't understand that Wiki article. It doesn't say what z and t are.
@Cerberus Yeah I am kinda confused too. They keep talking about complex numbers and I want an explanation for non complex numbers that are just non integers.
I presume z is as in f(z) = z!?
I think the z bit is for complex numbers.
I don't know what complex numbers are.
Ones with imaginary bits.
The article assumes that I know lots of terms and concepts that I don't.
like the square root of -1
I think math people say "parts"
The square root of -1? That is a complex number?
A complex number is a number consisting of a real part and an imaginary part. Complex numbers extend the idea of the one-dimensional number line to the two-dimensional complex plane by using the number line for the real part and adding a vertical axis to plot the imaginary part. In this way the complex numbers contain the ordinary real numbers while extending them in order to solve problems that would be impossible with only real numbers. Complex numbers are used in many scientific fields, including engineering, electromagnetism, quantum physics, applied mathematics, and chaos theory. It...
yes, and square roots of negative numbers
@Cerb no, thats only imaginary number, i
it's a long story
@Cerberus I meant that is an example of complex number, the one from which complex numbers are build of
Right. I can see the need for something like i, and I think we used that in school sometime. But I don't understand why they use a+bi, nor what for. Lots of terms I don't know, like real and imaginary numbers.
But that's all right.
I must go to bed.
@Cerberus You know how sometimes you have some stuff under the square root sign, but you can simplify it so you can have an integer outside? Complex numbers are kinda like that, you just take the real part out so you can work with it and treat the other imaginary part just as a coefficient of i.
@aediaλ Ehh sorry I don't understand. I don't know how you imagine taking this integer outside of the square root sign.
Math books and articles are always very succinct.
@Cerberus Umm.. here if you scroll down to where they have "five, root three" there's an example
I couldn't think of one on my own heh.
@aediaλ Oh, right. I know that.
@Cerberus It's late there, innit? I must stop keeping you up, poor doggies pats you on the head
Ok I understand your first sentence. But I still don't get imaginary and real...
@aediaλ You're right!
I was going to go to bed early hehe.
Good night, and good luck!
I'm sure it will all blow over.
@Cerberus Thank you! Sleep well.
@Cerberus I hope not everything! ;)
Ehh all real and imaginary parts of the storm!
@Cerberus Have nice imaginary dreams
Thanks, I hope my dreams won't become real!
betterexplained.com/articles/… is a pretty nice explanation. But... it was a good refresher. I'm not sure how helpful it is if you don't work through lots of problems. I sure don't remember understanding imaginary numbers when I first saw them.
Whoa, momentary brownout. Unnerving.
Time to shut off some more stuffs.
Stay safe, all.
@aediaλ You're still alive!
Thanks for that page!
It actually explains it, unlike those other ones that just assume it.
Very nice.
@Cerberus Hey, dreamer! Quit sleeptalkin'.
takes food out of fridge with eyes closed, walks stairs, pees in corner
reads with eyes closed
I was trying to be so good and not @ you too!
It is hard! But you are doing very well at it.
@Cerberus One of these days you're getting a bill for a computer I destroy by spitting out liquid laughing.
@Cerberus I feel like I'm interrupting something
@aediaλ My advice: do not chat in a good chat room if you're on a laptop! Really not wise.
@simchona Nah! I am "going" to bed.
@Cerberus Is that the royal "I"?
Ehh the royal Cerberus would be the imaginary number that is (-3)^(1/2).
Or perhaps (-3)^(1/3) if some of my domains are unruly.
that would be Cerebellus
a very brainy creature
Thanks! We are.
But now we're really off.
@Cerberus Tot ziens!
@aedia Did you see Chaos' comment on my answer for the question we both answered?
The one on the futile effort
> Woman, you know everything! – ChaosGamer ΕΛ-Υ ēel-ū 1 min ago
I tried to answer that one.
You make me laugh, @ChaosGamerel
going to bed in... 15 min. Mom insists me studing upto 1:00.
Studing Factorial Function..
Atleast I learned how to prove that 0! equals 1.
@simchona Oh, I didn't even answer! I just edited the question 'cause I saw a typo or something you missed :P
@aediaλ Oh! I saw your name and thought you answered
it was someone else who answered
I tend to speak in "Vegeta" langauge. I.e. start every sentence with "Women'.
Anyhow... I right now stumped on deciding to use bitcoins or not. What do you guys think?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Does Vegeta use a funny word order? I can't remember.
my total bad
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū To do what?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū The question was "use bitcoins to do what"
I don't think it's worth investing in them but I think there are ways to have your computer join a pool to compute the sums for them. I think my husband has a fraction of a bitcoin from that.
It's kinda interesting, the whole idea. I don't think it's going to be, like, huge. But it's a neat idea.
ALright. Thanks.
going to bed now...
G'night @Chaos
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Sleep well!
Hi @brilliant
@simchona Hi :)
Scary hurricane is scary.
Hi @brilliant!
@aediaλ One is coming here upon Taiwan, too. It's gonna be nasty for about 3 days they say as this time typhoon is a bit slow.
Q: reasonable vs applicable?

kkpIs the word applicable in the following sentence fine? What about the word reasonable? My intention is that there is no need to run a program in all the configurations available on my machine because except a few, there is no significant difference in the performance among all other configuration...

@simchona Removed.
@matt I replied to the email you sent last night.
And congrats for having 3k! Now you can close questions.
Hello @Jasper :) I got your reply (I've just been catching up on the transcript)
Do I have you to thank for the extra up votes? :D
@MattEllenД Should I be expecting a reply?
@MattEllenД What do you think?
@JasperLoy I will reply, yes.
Need to go make a new identity card next week. The picture on my old one was taken whe I was 12.
It rained when I went out last night. Seems to be raining everywhere in the world this week.
I had to do that for my drivers licence the other month
@JasperLoy yep, it rained a lot here yesterday
luckily I was inside for most of it :)
This is getting weird, we send each other emails but here is the notification place. :)
I guess I'll check my emails more regularly now!
I thought about things again. My plan remains. I will not be moved by obstacles.
I think I will keep this sun for a while.
jolly good :)
Now you can close questions on Pirate's Day, but the whole idea is just silly.
Yarrrr! tis true. I shall be a-swashbuckling and a yo-ho-ho-ing with me maties!
I like silly ideas. they keep the doldrums at bay
When it rains and my socks and shoes get wet, I get rashes there the next day.
do you have poison ivy in your rain?
Don't think so.
sorry, I come up with silly reasons for things :)
I wonder what causes the rashes
Anyway I apply some betamethasone and after a while it is OK. Just an allergy.
ah. I have that as an inhaler for my asthma
it helps prevent the inflamations
Hey I had asthma too. I used ventolin but my asthma was all gone after 14.
I didn't know betamethasone is for that too, it is very strong.
Wonder where sim went to.
It's a cortical steroid, so it good for such things. I use ventolin too, but for relief when I have an attack. clenil (beclometasone dipropionate or beclomethasone) is used for prevention
That may not be the same thing. You are quite a good email writer, I should email you more often then. There are too many secrets not to be shared here.
I've just looked them up - they're not the same, but have similar functions
Thanks, I like to put effort into emails to friends :)
It's OK, just don't spend too much time. I write emails quite easily. Just let my thoughts flow so it is pretty instantaneous.
I have decided not to correct spellings or typos here and not to say jinx anymore. The novelty has worn off, and it is transcript pollution in a sense.
However there are some things which will not wear off, you know what they are.
aye, it seems that way. I've not seen others doing it either
You just polluted it with your morning, afternoon and night. Then everyone will start saying to everyone!
well, I like to get people's attention sometimes :D
and I like pretending like GMT is the only correct time
I never used abbreviations. I only started using nvm and tmr when I started using sms.
I use abbrv. as my mood takes me
Sometimes I don't even feel like using contractions like don't, can't.
I do not contract for humorous effect, or when I'm being very serious
or when it seems like a good idea
I saw many copies of strunk and white last night, I wanted to put a sign beside them to say this is not good, please don't buy!
I'm quite flaky with my style
I like cornflakes, but I haven't had any for a decade I think.
prescriptivists bad! four legs descriptivists good!
I hope Cerb's thesis is going well. My friend just finished his PhD and got married. My two good friends married psychologists. Seems to be a pattern there.
And here I am in the UK, a psychology graduate, and single
I need to move, obviously!
Your chance will come soon, I sense it in my bones.
I had another friend who was about to get married, even bought an apartment with the girl. A few weeks before the date, the girl decided to leave him. He was quite shocked.
Good thing is, he is now with someone even better. I just met them on Friday night.
it sucks when that happens. I was living with my last girlfriend for 2 years, but it didn't work out. It's been a year since we broke up.
@JasperLoy yay! that's good
Sim is busy answering I think.
probably getting her reps up!
I edited her answer from completely synonyms to completely synonymous, yay!
Anyway the other good thing about the breakup was that my friend earned 10 per cent profit when he sold the apartment!
!! I was renting (I still am), so i needed to find a new place. This is expensive and annoying.
Letting agents are the most frustrating and seemingly incompetent people. I just don't get how they make their jobs so hard.
Perhaps she is trying to hit 10k before school starts.
hi @sim :)
@JasperLoy I was answering, yes. But nobody was in chat so I didn't keep the tab open
@simchona I edited your answer.
@JasperLoy I saw. Good edit--I was too busy stealing the OALD from you
@simchona So school starts next week? You are flying back there?
@JasperLoy Yup. I'm worried about the hurricane though
@simchona If it gives you any problems just let me know. I will subdue it with kimchi and sashimi!
@JasperLoy Thank you
A lot of the questions you brought up in chat have been removed by the author. Probably because you left a comment there I was thinking.
The other possibility is that the author was spying on us in chat and found out that we were talking about it.
@simchona I am glad he made you laugh. I remember you said he is not funny.
@JasperLoy He has his moments
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Tell your mum that staying up late is no good. At your age you should also try to sleep about 8 hours per day.
meh. sleep when you're an adult! there's too much fun to be had before you grow up.
@simchona Well, I don't write it, but while you were stealing that I was thinking of how to steal something else, but that's my secret!
@MattEllenД But to enjoy the time you have awake you would need to have sufficient sleep.
@JasperLoy is that not what school's for? ;)
During national service, we were so tired that we were fighting to keep our eyes open throughout the day.
But sometimes you get so tired until you don't feel like sleeping anymore.
It's like sometimes you feel so hungry that you don't feel like eating anymore.
And once I had a pair of shoes that was so smelly until it didn't stink anymore. Somehow the smell just vanished.
most unusual
Aye, many unusual things happen to me.
good morning @Cerberus :)
2 hours later…
I voted to close this as GenRef
what do you think?
Q: How do you abbreviate "(a)synchronous"?

UserHow should one go about abbreviating the word(s) "(a)synchronous"? Is the most correct for "(a)sync." or "(a)synch."?

1 hour later…
I'm in two minds about that. On one hand, it does seem general ref - since in the dictionary both abbreviations are valid. On the other there is a preference that is not noted in text (that I'm aware of) for using sync and async (especially in programming). I had not realised that synch was a valid abbreviation until today.
OP admits this is a dupe:
Q: What is the word to describe the placement of two contrasting ideas next to each other?

JustinYWhat is the word to describe when two ideas (often contrasting) are placed next to each other to enhance the situation or idea being presented? I believe it could describe the placement of two words or ideas in a poem, or two melodies in a song, or two objects in a piece of art.

2 hours later…
@Kit you might like this: boxerhockey.fireball20xl.com/?id=27
2 hours later…
@Cerberus remember that power outage map I showed you last night?
Apparently I'm like, the only one with power
2 hours later…
@MattEllenД Awesome! Bellicophagery will be mainstream in no time.
@aediaλ Ah HA! Now I know where you live.
@KitΘδς I really think that map has got to be wrong. I went outside and everything seems to be electrified, even though zillions of people are supposed to be out of power.
@aediaλ smooches Well, it's up in my neck of the woods now. My tub is full of water, and I have D cells on the counter.
2 hours later…
@matt I saw your email. Agree with you. Good night there!
hi @Jasper! OK :) well, I'll see about bed at some point. It's a national holiday tomorrow, so I can stay up later!
@MattEllenД It is also a holiday tmr here Tue, Hari Raya!
Is it Monday in Singapore already? time flies :D
@MattEllenД I guess there's nothing much to say for now with regard to that matter, I'll wait and see how things go then.
@JasperLoy yes, that's a sound plan
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū No transcript pollution!
@Jasper hmmm... :)
Death Triangle!!!!
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū What is the hmmm about, the transcript pollution, or do you know what Matt and I are talking about?
I am a chaos after all. But I chnage in 97.
hello @sim
Allo @Matt
@aediaλ She is alive!
good gasoline answer @simchona, much better than that other one, which sounded made up on the spot.
@MattEllenД Thank you
Q: Why does gasoline have the word "gas" in it, if it's never gaseous?

drɱ65 δThe etymology according to Dictionary.com: gasoline coined 1865 as gasolene, from gas (q.v.) + chemical suffix -ine/-ene. current spelling is 1871; shortened form gas first recorded Amer.Eng. 1905. Gas station first recorded 1932. Why was it originally called "gasoline"?

I <3 the OED
I was looking around for something good, but the best I could see was wiki saying it is from an unused trademark. No actual origin
hi @Cerberus :)
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Oxford English Dictionary
One of the most authoritative dictionaries of the English language
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū commonly used abbreviation <- this will educate you on our shortcomings shortenings

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