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no, they want their tiny little Scotland whom nobody will care about
@Jez So instead of calling them morons, maybe you should try to help them understand why they should want to keep you.
@Jez I was expecting a more clever rhyme than that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 i won't beg them. i got an email from the Lib Dems the other day asking me to, though. and to call up Scottish people.
those who are sensible will already vote no. those who will fall victim to Salmond's jingoistic rhetoric, i can do nothing to help.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They're gonna have to add a whole new language and translation services to the EU. What is it they speak up there? Basque?
@Mitch Haha Bursht is quite good.
Or draniki.
Or Beef Stroganoff.
Chicken Kiev... bleurgh.
@Jez But is that desirable? Cameron is not exactly having a good influence on the world these days.
@Cerberus i definitely think major electoral reform in westminster is desirable. then again, 2/3rds of Britain voted no to AV, including 2/3rds of Scotland!
so apparently they don't think so
@Jez No, instead of trying to help you're just insulting them. You're being patronizing and condescending. No wonder they want to ditch you.
@Cerberus You haven't been watching the more recent James Bond have you.
yeah. I don't get that. It's not like the voters have to do the calculation. Why not AV?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 s/help/beg/
yeah. i will not beg them
they should want to be part of something bigger than Scotland
What's ... AV? Auto-voting?
alternative vote
not proportional, but a small step in the right direction
you rank candidates
@Jez bah. By the same logic you should be fighting for pan-european nationalism. There would be so many advantages!
You mean like if you can't make it to the polls you can assign an 'alternate' but they can vote anyway they feel like?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 indeed! it would be glorious!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah but as we've mentioned, european countries have way more differences than Scotland does with britain
man, I would love it
so that makes less sense
@MattЭллен !!
@Jez So? Work together! Resolve your differences!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 also, the SNP ARE highly supportative of the EU. explain that!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yes!
@MattЭллен !! down with Africa! They want independence, then let it be so!!
Oops...that happened already.
they reject the British union in favour of the European one
@Jez they want to be part of Europe, something being part of the UK prevents them from being
@MattЭллен not right now it doesnt.
@Jez Maybe you should stop to consider, then, what Scotland hopes to gain. Maybe what they want is the benefit of a large nation, without their patronizing, condescending sibling always meddling and interfering.
maybe if the UK pulled out of the EU, that might be an argument
@MattЭллен I knew it. The Scots are secretly French.
Or French lovers.
@Jez Well, it does kinda. The UK is not in Shengen or the Euro for example.
This political talk is still going on? LOL
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 well they sure wont get that with the EU! hah!!!!
@Jez being fully integrated, like the UK isn't, though
It's obviously the cheese missing from their diet
@terdon no, and we still get a shitton more immigrants than we can handle
@Jez Join the club.
as for the Euro, good. we dont want the Euro, it's a disaster
most Scots dont either
@WillHunting IKR!! I keep trying to move it over to food. But it is not working.
true, they want to keep the pound AFAIK, regardless if they remain part of the UK
@Jez How about Cameron's police state?
@Jez Perhaps that's the kind of decision they'd like to make for themselves.
@Cerberus would Salmond's be any better?
@Mitch What do you think!
@Jez France is getting all the tourists that really want to go to England. How does that make you feel France?
@Jez Maybe it would be less policey...
@terdon they can, as part of the UK. "them"selves is pretty subjective, as you define "them" as people living north of an arbitrary line
@Cerberus i dont think so. Salmond is pretty fascist really. he wants to control political speech in Scotland
@Jez No, I define them as people sharing a particular history and culture.
The line is arbitrary, the history ain't.
@terdon which is tightly integrated with the UK. it's like ripping off an arm.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Just like feudal Europe, modern Europe (and also modem America/China) is layers upon layers of jurisdictions and autonomies. All this is about is a reshuffle of some autonomies between levels.
@Cerberus I think you should watch Casino Royale. The first 10 minutes is excellent parkours. Everyone could learn from that. How to do parkours. Not really international relations. Actually at the end of the scene someone gets shot in the courtyard of an embassy. I think that teaches something about international relations. I'm not sure what.
@Jez Really? How?
@Mitch Umm. I watched some Bond films as a child.
@Cerberus there are countless examples of his true colours in my opinion. when Farage was virtually lynched at a pub, Salmond said UKIP were "not the kind of politics we want in Scotland"
yeah, so he should get to determine Scotland's politics
Lynched how?
look it up
@Cerberus Well, most of modern China has been part of historic China for centuries.
Aren't UKIPpen kind of crazy?
@Cerberus You're missing a lot. Like the brand of Scotch the bad guys drink now. Those are things you just can't pick up from a book. You really need to see the movie.
@Cerberus one or two of their policies are, but most make sense
@Jez You're the one who made the claim, you should support it. Anyway, how is that "controlling political speech"?
@Mitch What brand is it?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Still, it consists of tens of layers of jurisdictions and autonomies that are sometimes reshuffled.
@terdon because he regularly expresses the desire to silence people he doesnt like. they're always complaining that they dont get enough media representation (so they can shout others down)
@Mitch What would I do without knowing what brand of Scotch the bad guys drink now!
when in fact they get more media than they deserve given scotland's size
@Jez I think I saw a speech by one of them in the European Parliament recently. Totally crazy.
@Jez Everyone makes that complaint. It's a far cry from that to "attempting to control political speech".
@terdon Should have watched the film!
@Cerberus I will, I actually enjoy them.
@Cerberus crazy how?
@Jez Wow, really? I can use google that way? Cool!
@terdon im pretty sure they would try to silence political enemies.
How is that an example of someone attempting to control political speech? It's an example of an extremist politician lynched.
@Jez Ah, now you're "pretty sure"? A second ago it was a blanket statement.
Big @Mahnax is back!
Olen takaisin, terve.
then of course, there's the treatment he gives other leaders who would like to see the UK stick together
@WillHunting Medium-sized, please.
@terdon Meh.
@Jez I'm sure he's an asshole. Most politicians are.
they condemned Obama for making a statement, and then Salmond laid into Tony Abbot of Australia for doing likewise
@Jez He was ranting, raging, telling everyone they were liars and Nazis, something like that. Or thieves.
@Cerberus The new ones were fun. They finally got someone who can act again and they're much darker. As a film about someone with a license to kill should be.
That was the flag of Georgia from 1956–2001.
@Cerberus Salmond's got him beat. he compared Scots' treatment to South African apartheid a few days ago
@terdon I'm sorry, action films are usually not my genre.
The idiot was for Salmond.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hah, I always think of the country first.
@terdon Glen llewellyn or some other celtic abomination. That's why they're even more veil now.
in 2001 they caved to the pressure of having such an obviously secessionist flag so they changed it, then in 2003 changed it again to this
@Jez Haha right, so equally crazy?
@Cerberus dunno, i havent seen the UKIP guy.
That is the current flag, and it is based on the original Confederate flag (the "Stars and Bars")
Do what is the new de-United Kingdom’s flag going to look like again?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Georgia wants to join the EU? Russian would never allow it.
@tchrist Presumably the same, minus one X.
@Cerberus You'd probably huddle in your understocked fall out shelter waiting for the fallout to snuff out all life. But now that you know, you can put it to practical use. Start drinking it too Dulls the pain.
@Jez He said all taxes were theft.
@tchrist dunno, but Scotland's needs to have Tony Blair's portrait in the corner.
"our hero, the man who gave us a parliament and a referendum on a silver platter!"
Confederate flag ^
@Mitch Sounds good. But what brand?
@Cerberus What? Thinking is overrated.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OK. I concede then. That's pretty in your face. But at least they're slowly getting rid of them.
@Mitch oh, so you don't support their right to self-determination?
@Mitch That one is the replacement! It's just that a lot of people probably don't care about the Stars and Bars as much as Lee's battle flag, which is more iconic.
3 mins ago, by Mitch
@terdon Glen llewellyn or some other celtic abomination. That's why they're even more veil now.
@Jez You can agree to someone's right to self-determination while also calling them out for being racist, glorifying their racist past, or whatever statement they are making with that flag.
@Mitch A film bores me if it does not make me think.
@Jez A flag is not self determination. It's marketing.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 maybe they're just making a statement that Lincoln forced them to stay part of the US
Even thinking about silly things is enough.
maybe it's not to do with racism
@Cerberus So basically you don't like films.
And thanks a lot guys... thanks to the remark that most of UKIP's policies made sense, I looked at their site. Saw they claim that the UK is the EU's biggest export partner which made me look up the numbers. Unsurprisingly, it is nonsense. And now I still don't know what makes sense about UKIP :P
I think about how dumb that guy is he should have hooked left, feinted then punched right, instead of the other way round. I think about that all the time.
@oerkelens have a look at the SNP's site, see whether their claims stack up
@Mitch erm, yeah, marketing the fact that they want self-determination
like the Scots who wave the Scottish flag
I'm not saying they're any better
But that doesn't mean UKIP makes sense :P
My main question is how countries like Spain would react to Scottish independence
@Mitch I don't often watch films, but there are enough that I like.
@oerkelens independence
@Jez I think the US would be better off if all the confederate states seceded. But the slaves in those states would not be.
@oerkelens The EU doesn't have an export partner that is a part of it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They could be freed first.
Apart from that. I looked up some numbers. January 2014 UK imported for some GBP 17 million from the EU
@oerkelens i think UKIP's main point is that the UK would not really suffer economically from leaving the EU.
@Cerberus Why would those states secede if they had to free their slaves? The right to slavery was like the main point of seceding in the first place.
@oerkelens which is more than you can say for Scotland leaving the union
EU exports some USD 280,000 million to the US per year
I doubt we would feel the pain if the Brits don;t want our stuff anymore :P
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You rush in, free the slaves, then leave forever.
@oerkelens From the rest of the EU.
@Jez Based on the assumption Europe wants (needs!) a free trade agreement with them
@Cerberus The numbers ar efrom the UK
they say from the EU
@Jez But it would.
@Cerberus and Scotland will be just dandy leaving the union?
You know them: across the channel is Europe :)
@oerkelens Silly.
Not really. They import form EU, from US, from the rest of the world
@Jez No, it would cost them a lot of money, probably. Unless the new money they get from all the oil and gas reserves turns out to be enough to compensate.
They do not import from themselves, so from their point of view it;s fine
@oerkelens Europe, but not the EU!
@Cerberus hahaha SNP green credentials down the toilet there
The Netherlands have the same kind of statistics probably
Even the Brits cannot deny being in the EU.
Yes, the EU
@Cerberus That wouldn't work. In fact, after winning the war, the North freed the Slaves, then the South went and passed a million laws to restrict black people's freedoms until they were no better than slaves. Repairing that damage is still an incomplete task.
even if you are a part of it, you can trade with it
Wow, a direct quote from the UKIP's site: "Remove the UK from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. "
Amsterdam has tourists from the Netherlands
Same thing
@oerkelens I suppose. But it just sounds silly.
That kinda wraps it all up nicely.
@Jez ha ha..ok touche.
@terdon Yup they are crazies.
@Cerberus And their immigration stuff...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hey, at leas they did what they could...
@terdon yeah, that's another one of their dumb policies unfortunately. it mostly stems from the fact that there was a terrorist guy we couldn't deport for a long time because of the ECHR
@oerkelens They should be totally against it, because it will give Catalonia an idea that they never would have considered otherwise.
@Cerberus They didn't do enough. They could have done more.
I spoke to a Brit recently who was convinced that all those Indians and Pakistani immigrants in the UK were the result of the EU
@terdon Perhaps some of the immigration stuff is less crazy.
@terdon no, their immigration stuff is totally reasonable. most countries want proper control over their borders, why on earth should the UK be different?
@Jez Their entire policy is "We're better than the rest". Same as all other nationalists.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Like what?
@Mitch That is the risk for Scotland. If Spain block their entry to the EU, they have a problem.
@Cerberus They should have nationalized all the wealth of the south and then redistributed it to the people over 100 years.
@Jez Allowing only people who don't need help in is absurd. "Sure you can come here but only if you're rich enough not to need to".
Thereby eliminating the original sources of power that broke the laws.
@oerkelens heh heh. but do they though? i personally think their policy of "switch our laws from London to Brussels" is the dumbest of all... surely they want to make all laws in Edinburgh
@oerkelens Build a wall!! Stop the flood!!
@terdon no, it's reasonable. sorry, but we dont have an obligation to help out all poor people in the world
Right after the Civil War black people could vote and stuff. But then the old rich white men who maintained their money and stuff got the laws changed and black people couldn't vote any more or get elected.
@Jez They can make many laws in Edinburgh. But they will need either the UK or the EU for economical purposes. And the UK seems an unlikely ally :P
@oerkelens i dunno. there are pussies in London who will probably just forgive them and roll over to the SNP as usual
@Jez Inasmuch as possible we do, yes. It's called not being a selfish bastard. Yes immigration is a problem when it overwhelms the local infrastructure but allowing only rich people to immigrate is ridiculous.
@terdon not so much rich as qualified, i think
@Jez Well, there's another option. Scotland independent. Then invades England 8)7
@terdon most countries do it, they cherry-pick their immigrants. and no, we do not have an obligation to let everyone in
> Immigrants must financially support themselves and their dependents for 5 years. This means private health insurance (except emergency medical care), private education and private housing - they should pay into the pot before they take out of it.
So, rich.
@oerkelens The EU was behind the entire dismantlement of the colonies. That's why the Seven years war was fought. Treaty of Paris was really the Treaty of Europe.
@Jez Of course they do. What's at issue is how big a part of their political platform that is and how they deal with it.
@terdon i struggle to have an issue with that. do you have any idea how much immigration has increased to mainly south-east England?
@Mitch And granting colonies independence is a bad thing, because...?
@Jez I know you do. Having seen the rest of your political ideas.
Well, obviously keeping them for economic profit brings more profit
@oerkelens They should go the route of Norway. Actually they should unify with Norway. Become the 'Northern Empire'.
scribbles invasion plans in note book
I'm not saying all countries need to open their borders (though that would be nice) but only allowing people who can support themselves for 5 years and expecting them to not join your own schools is ridiculous.
@Mitch They'll surely look forward to having Vikings ruling them again :P
northern empire lol
holy fack wick-it is good
actually i think Salmond said he wanted Scotland to become like Denmark. I was unfairly dismissed by a Danish company so yeah that seems about his style
Forza Scotia!
anyway, shopping time!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It would have cost a lot of money and lives to arrange that.
@Mitch Scotia is Ireland.
@Jez Every time I think you might be open to rational debate, you come out with a statement like that. Sigh
@oerkelens Exactly. The raping, the pillaging... oh. ruled by the Vikings?
Scotia was originally a Roman name for Ireland, inhabited by the people they called Scoti or Scotii. Use of the name shifted in the Middle Ages to designate the part of the island of Great Britain lying north of the Firth of Forth, the Kingdom of Alba. By the later Middle Ages it had become the fixed Latin term for what in English is called Scotland. == Etymology and derivations == The name of Scotland is derived from the Latin Scoti, the term applied to Gaels. The origin of the word Scoti (or Scotti) is uncertain. It is found in Latin texts from the 4th century describing a tribe which sailed...
@Cerberus So what is Scotland then? Hebridea?
What is Ionica?
@Cerberus Those are the people though, not the place. Right?
@Cerberus Well, it cost money and lives to not do it, too. The US is still paying for it.
The Romans often used the name of the people who lived somewhere to designate the area.
@terdon the scots invaded pictland from Ireland
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Wouldn't secession have been cheaper for everyone?
@MattЭллен Did they really?
@Cerberus yes. that's where the Scots came from :D
I thought the Celts just invaded all of Britain and Ireland long before Roman times.
@Cerberus Yup, they were searching for their pots of gold.
@oerkelens Dismantling is such an ugly word. How about agreeing to disagree?
@Cerberus Yes, except then how long would it have taken for slavery to die off? How much worse would it be for black people in the Confederate States?
@Cerberus but that's the whole of Britain. there were tribes among the Celts
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know, perhaps they were better off as slaves?
@Cerberus lol. No.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How is the US still paying for it? They invented Coke in the South, the rest of the world is paying for that.
@MattЭллен Right, okay. I wasn't sure how serous you were. Good to know.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Slaves can be better off than servants...
Nobody actually believes the war was fought over slavery do they?
let me find a picture...
It was one factor?
@terdon Um, it clearly was. The states even said so.
Oh, they said so! OK then :)
> “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world,”
That's why Mississippi went to war.
@terdon The southern governments were totally fighting to have slaves. The actual soldiers on both sides, not at all.
I know it was a factor but my (limited) understanding is that it was more about the economies and that the southern one was based on slavery.
@Mitch OK, I meant that it was not a war "to free the poor suffering slaves".
It was a war that did so, but I am far too cynical to believe that was the root cause.
@terdon The North may not have gone to war specifically to free the slaves, but the south went to war to protect Slavery.
The northern government went to war because, the direct cause, the secession (lost territory, and they attacked a Northern fort (Fort Sumter).
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 To protect their assets, yes.
@terdon they asset, being Slavery
It was economically disastrous when they lost that.
And their right to own such, yeah.
@terdon Probably.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Or it was one thing among several related to the fight against centralisation.
@terdon It was totally the root cause for the southern states governments (and rich people.
And so they then went about changing the laws so that blacks couldn't be slaves, but they also couldn't be free
Which has taken place in many places.
@Mitch Fair enough. It's the idea that the North went to war in order to free the slaves that I don't buy.
@Cerberus It was the biggest thing. The first armed raids (by the South) were incursions into the North to recapture slaves.
The South was upset that the North allowed blacks to vote and stuff. They were upset that NY didn't even allow slaves to visit: if a person came to NY, they must be free, because slavery is illegal; this meant that white people couldn't bring their slaves with them when they travelled.
Basically, the South wanted to impose their will on the North.
apparently the Scots invaded North Wales...
they must have gone north
@terdon yeah, that's sort of a reasonable deduction, but is just not the case. Yes, they were abolitionists up north, but that's not the reason the northern government decided to 'return fire' against the South.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And the North upon the South.
@MattЭллен Wow!!
Did you draw that?
How old were you?
yes :D 9 or 10
@MattЭллен Yes, very cute!
So cute!
@Mitch just 23 years ago or so, yes
When did the Scots invade Britain? Surely earlier than the Jutes...
Totally needs a picture of you with a bad haircut.
The Jutes came around the fifth century?
@MattЭллен So you are good at drawing too :D
I think you copied that out of an encyclopedia.
@Cerberus my... uh... "notes" don't cover that level of detail :D
@Mitch probably
noöne had taught me about referencing back then
@Cerberus Well, sorta. Not as directly as claimed.
So who won the Scots/Britain and politics debate above?
@Arrowfar there is no winning that debate :D
On Aug. 22, 1862, President Lincoln wrote a letter to the New York Tribune that included the following passage: “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.”
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So you seem to be favouring the North!
@MattЭллен True
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So he cared less about slaves than about centralisation, as always.
@Cerberus well, he cared less about abolition as a cause of war. But abolition was going to happen anyway, gradually, and the South went to war to prevent it.
Were the religious wars of Europe really mainly about religion?
@Cerberus Of course I favour the North. I am torn about whether freeing the slaves through bloodshed was ultimately worth the cost. I can't answer that. I suspect yes. But had the south no slaves, then going to war to prevent secession would be bad, in my opinion.
Is the Ukrainian war mainly about protecting Russian citizens?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Right.
@Cerberus Sometimes, yes. But religion is just a convenient tribalism.
It's just that I would be a bit more cynical about any war and the reasons behind it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So...
@Cerberus So... it's pointless to care about what kind of tribalism is the cause of the war? "Was it religion, or just tribalism?" Yes. It was.
But slavery was for sure 100% one of the main causes of the US civil war. The Southern states felt their rights to slavery were being encroached, and saw that that could be economically disastrous, so they tried to secede. Also they raided across borders to capture slaves.
How is that not going to war for slavery?
The north went to war in response to the south.
anyway I have to run.
@Arrowfar We all won. Because we learned something. Which is that there is no convincing anyone.
@Mitch Dammit, you reasonable types take all the fun out of arguing.
@terdon lol :D
@terdon OK. We all lost. Pyrrhic victories on all sides.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The didn't go to war because of slavery or to stop it. They went to war to stop secession. The secession was for slavery. 'because' is not transitive in a two player game.
the motivation of one is not the negative of the motivation for the other.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Is that how you interpreted me?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Overt acts and rhetoric need not reflect the main causes, if those are less palatable. But it may be a main reason, sure.
In case you all care, I took care of my personal food problem. But I am still willing to turn this into a discussion of whose food is better, the North or the South (Obviously the South). Hm.. thinking about it, I could eat more.
Full disclosure that's all. I thought you'd be interested in my thought processes.
It is boring in this chat, lol.
You're kidding, right?
Aren't you following?
I rather talk about Maria than politics.
We've solved devolution.
Wait, I have a question.
We've solved the war of Northern aggression.
Next... cold fusion.
Is it correct to say "I rather talk..." or "I would rather talk..."?
Or lunch.
@WillHunting If I had my druthers it would be 'I'd rather talk".
Your first one is a foreignism.
I have this habit of omitting the would.
You should get in a habit of including it.
Well, ... it depends.
I rather think so.
But that's a different meaning of the word.
If you mean "I'd rather talk" then you should definitely say that.
I rather not talk.
But "I rather talk" might be OK in a slightly different meaning.
@Mitch That would mean you talk a lot.
Yes. or would like to.
@Mitch Would like to? How? I rather talk would be a (rather strange) way of saying I talk a lot.
You need the would for the would like to sense.
@terdon OK. then JL should say #2
"I'd rather talk" wins
@Mitch What was your food problem?
> According to writings from the 9th and 10th centuries, the Gaelic kingdom of Dál Riata was founded in the 6th century in western Scotland.[47][48] The 'traditional' view is that settlers from Ireland founded the kingdom, bringing Gaelic language and culture with them. However, recently some archaeologists have argued against this view, saying there is no archaeological or placename evidence for a migration or a takeover by a small group of elites.
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Using all commas, Oxford, and, Cambridge. (no tags)
@KitFox Hello! You don't visit this chat very often these days.
@DamkerngT. Hey!
Oh, hello!
@DamkerngT. @Arrowfar Hi guys :D
@IceBoy Hi!
@IceBoy hi :)
@DamkerngT. I feel like I am in the ELL chat right now :-)
All we need is @snailboat and we can take over this room
ha ha
Stack Exchange iOS app sounds interesting.
you use it?
I'm considering using it. :)
@DamkerngT. So Damk you don't talk much here. Hehe
Not very often, lately.
Wait until the Hats season. :)
@DamkerngT. I think ELL should change its name to ELU and ELU should become EnglishOverflow just like MathOverflow is for professional mathematicians, what do you think?
@DamkerngT. Hats season? :)
@IceBoy Somehow that sounds very logical!
Thanks :)
@Arrowfar I don't have any link back to the last Hats season, but I think they will have it again late this year.
@DamkerngT. I see. So it's like some SE thing?
nods -- And we can do anything just for the hats!
@DamkerngT. should I ask on meta?

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