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I don't know why I have so many email addresses (I have far more than the two you know) I really should get rid of some of them.
Indeed. Clear up the mess in your life.
@JasperLoy It's like you know me!
so much mess in my life
In the meantime I shall continue pondering the answer.
@MattEllenД Of course, I know more than you think!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 A reasonable project with an unreasonable deadline.
@KitΘδς His question should be closed as not a real question.
@JasperLoy I disagree.
@JasperLoy Hey now! It's real! Subjective and argumentative, maybe.
@JasperLoy I'm working on an unreasonable project right now. sigh.
I think this ham sandwich should be closed for not having enough honey mustard.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 do they have you dividing by zero?
@KitΘδς not a real sandwich
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Talk to your unreasonable boss or customer then.
@MattEllenД What's wrong with !DIV#0!
@MattEllenД No, but they have me adding pages to the site to force the user to click a button saying that they agree to divide by zero for us.
@KitΘδς It should be edited and not closed.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 lol
that's crazy
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Bucket of suck, man.
Life sucks.
@JasperLoy Mine doesn't.
@KitΘδς it's annoying. oh well.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sounds like you have plenty of time to do it in, though.
Live slugs!
Sucks life.
@MattEllenД No live slugs! This is a training exercise! Waive off, waive off!
@KitΘδς enough time, anyway.
if my database query ever comes back, that is.
Or should it be "wave off"?
I don't know
I've done both just in case
If only there were somewhere we could ask...
some sort of website that accepted questions and gave answers about the appropriate use of waive and wave
I don't know. How would you fund such a site?
Waive vs wave: closed as gen ref, just ctfd.
@MattEllenД By making more and more sites just like it.
@JasperLoy Really, Smarty McSmartsmart?
@JasperLoy cute, tantalising, fire daemon
You think so?
@matt Anyway I will try to refrain from any action till I hear your opinion.
@MattEllenД Your opinion or his?
@JasperLoy ok, but you can trust your own mind, Mr. Loy!
@MattEllenД I actually think so too. Many a time I followed others and realised I should have done it my way!
@MattEllenД No, no, no! Never trust your own mind. It lies, it does. Sneaky brain! smacks self in head
@KitΘδς Well, he was talking about mine. :)
For what is a man, what has he got, if not himself, then he has not
@KitΘδς your mind! oh! what a terrible thing to waste.
@MattEllenД What? Mine? Or just in general?
To say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels
@KitΘδς yes
OK, I am pleased by the reference to Old Blue Eyes.
@MattEllenД boggles, reels, staggers backward into chair
@KitΘδς restrains himself
They say he who kneels before God can stand before man. I say also that he who kneels before man can stand before God.
The first is a just man, and the second is a humble man.
A man without fear is a man without faith.
In general I find Kit and Cerb's opinions mainstream. It is good to listen to Matt, who is perhaps not so mainstream.
A man without ear is a man without face
Now all of you are just MSU!
A man without beer is a man without farce.
@KitΘδς what if his faith makes him fearless? like, religious extremist terrorists?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's a quotation. "A man without hope is a man without fear. A man without fear is a man without faith."
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think those are usually given a large sum of money or told they would meet 77 virgins in heaven I heard.
@JasperLoy What's "mainstream"?
@KitΘδς It doesn't follow, IMO.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The things most people would say.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 sigh But...it's... sigh
@JasperLoy To be pedantic, most people don't hang out in EL&U chat rooms :p
@KitΘδς yeah but it doesn't make sense to me. So even if "someone said it", it doesn't bear repeating if it's rubbish, right?
I find I am more different from most much more than most are different from one another.
Hope you can parse that.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Now hold the phone. It makes perfect sense. Just because you want to invert it doesn't mean that it's wrong.
Your logic is faulty.
@JasperLoy Aren't we all?
@KitΘδς I must say that only the first sentence makes sense to me.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think that that is a different fear you're looking at.
I think I said this once: "There's no point hating people because they're all me from another perspective"
by "makes sense", do we mean "is parseable english and presents a coherent statement" or "is likely to be true"?
Also, a man without a beer is just a man who drinks his beer fast enough. Unlike those pseudomen still holding their bottles and not knowing what to do with them.
"What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My questions take me through the physical, to the metaphysical, to the delusional, and back. And I have made the most important discovery in my career, the most important discovery in my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love that one can find any logic."
@KitΘδς I'm just saying that "no fear => no faith" is a false statement. Some people lose their fear because of their faith that their god will protect them. Heck, it's Psalm 23!
@RegDwightѬſ道 I only drink wine, and you vodka bucketwise.
@JSBᾶngs It's weird because it swaps over. I should be able to at least parse it, just not understand, but it's incomprehensible to the point of being unparseable. To me.
@JasperLoy bucketwise is not wise, when drinking any kind of alcohol, I think. You can quote me on that.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I cannot quote a "Mr Shiny and New".
@RegDwightѬſ道 What is?
@JasperLoy No, you can. You have my blessings.
"Bucketwise is not wise." -- Mr. Shiny & New, 2011, EL&U chat.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Thank you. I am not yet powerful enough to bless others.
@JasperLoy The power was within you all along! Go forth, and bless!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think "fear" in this case is the so called "Fear of God".
Not "fear of mortal threats"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hey don't look at me, I'm on the same page with you on this one.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Just because it could be that faith -> fearless doesn't make no fear -> no faith untrue.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for you are with me.
@JasperLoy Even in the year 2011, the Bible continues to get rewritten. By Hollywood, no less.
Fear leads to hatred, hatred leads to anger, anger leads to suffering.
Beer out of bottles? That's not how a real man drinks beer.
@GraceNote And yes, I believe that's the point.
@z7sgѪ Tap that keg!
@z7sgѪ exactly - he drinks cider from a pint glass.
@z7sgѪ No true Scotsman would drink beer anyway.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hah!
@KitΘδς Let's put aside @GraceNote's definition of fear, which, on reflection, may solve this for a second. If "a man without fear is a man without faith" then that is a statement of fact, which says "no fear implies no faith". But I think it's pretty clear that for some people, faith is what actually removes fear, thus no fear implies faith.
Except that it is a fear of God, so faith would not remove that.
Anyway, if the whole quote is "a man without hope is a man without fear. a man without fear is a man without faith" then "no hope -> no fear of god -> no faith"... I don't think that's true either.
stick a fork in me and call me jack
@MattEllenД stabs Matt with a fork
@MattEllenД forks Matthew
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Jinx!
calls Matt Jack.
@MattEllenД Jack!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 If you have fear of God, you have respect of God's capabilities, which in turn would grant you hope in life.
@GraceNote But the inverse is not necessarily true.
@GraceNote I don't see how fear could possibly give hope, sorry.
@KitΘδς I can't speak for you because I don't know that much about you, so I just speak for myself if you parsed that correctly.
You might have no hope, yet still fear god because of your faith.
If I fear something, my only hope could possibly be that the fear is unfounded.
Raise your hand if you always thought it was weird that you should "fear god". raises hand
A jolly discussion has turned into a very deep one here.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Where does it say that I should?
I must've missed a memo.
@JasperLoy Such is the way of this incomprehensible room.
Oh ferchrissakes. Take it up with Stan Lee.
@RegDwightѬſ道 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of all wisdom."
that's in proverbs
@JSBᾶngs I am glad to have missed that memo, thank you.
I've been happily trying to collect wisdom all on my own.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Note that I'm not actually religious, but my understanding is, "fear of God" is really something of comprehension of the sheer might that God is capable of. In a sense, it's like having a strong bodyguard - you might be afraid of what that power is capable of in understanding how strong it is (you would not want to be on the receiving end), but you have safety because that bodyguard is on your side.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I was taught it in church.
@GraceNote I understood it as "If you do something bad, God will send you to Hell for eternity".
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Funny things you people get taught in church. I am saying that as an Orthodox.
@GraceNote Sounds pretty much what I have heard.
In as such, your fear and your hope are in opposite directions - your fear (comprehension, rather) is what leads you to have hope because your hope is supported by your fear. If that makes any sense, which I imagine it doesn't.
@GraceNote I've always thought of it as though it means feeling the awe-full power of God.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i'll raise my hand at that, but i've come to a conclusion that a large part of my problem is a different cultural frame with how fear is understood. it was common in the ancient world to approach e.g. the king "with fear and trembling", while this is not something that we normally thing of as required for meeting presidents, etc.
@Mana Mana interjects with his deep presence.
@KitΘδς That's roughly the way I figure it.
@GraceNote I was agreeing. grins
Ahha, heh
@KitΘδς Yeah, like that one time, someone tried to win over the hearts and minds by shock and awe. Look where it got them.
@JSBᾶngs But the king could be cruel and have you beaten or tortured or whatever, on a whim, if he thought you offended him, which is why a peasant would fear the king. It's a real, physical fear.
@RegDwightѬſ道 well, you were saying the other day that stoopid catholicism != orthodoxy, and protestantism is even more different
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hey, we fought back with "hope-y change-y" stuff (and things, @JSB).
Anyway. That division by zero isn't going to divide itself.
Bai! Have fun!
Much love for you!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i actually don't think that's it. perhaps an expert on the ancient NE could correct me, but it's much more like fear = obedience and respect, both in the case of the king and the case of God
Division by zero does not give infinity, it is simply undefined. That is how it should be taught in schools.
@JasperLoy that is how it's taught in schools. at least the schools i went to
@KitΘδς It's funny, though, how people went with change they could believe in, rather than, you know, actual change.
@JSBᾶngs Then you are lucky.
@RegDwightѬſ道 bubble bursts
That's what beliefs will do to you.
@RegDwightѬſ道 actual change is most likely impossible under the current electoral system
wilts prostrate
But I'm just pointing and laughing at the slogan.
but no one wants to listen to me rant about how democracy and universal suffrage are bad ideas again
By the way, cot should be defined as cos over sin, not 1 over tan. There is a subtle difference.
@JSBᾶngs Oh, but it is such fun.
@JSBᾶngs I am voting this Sat for the president.
@JasperLoy vote for none of the above!
The four candidates have the same last name.
democracy, like socialism, is a great idea for a small, homogenous group like a village or a religious commune. it sucks balls for huge, diverse industrial nation-states. (@Kit asked for it)
@JasperLoy LOL
@JSBᾶngs What should we have instead?
@JasperLoy the more time passes, the less last names remain. The larger the population, the faster this process.
@JSBᾶngs Yay! cheers up
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i honestly don't know. i have some random ideas, but none of them are very realistic and they probably have huge flaws that i haven't thought of yet
@JSBᾶngs sags slightly
@JSBᾶngs Democracy is like how a man has testicles on the outside. It's not the best way to do it, but it's a compromise over worse ways.
Their last name is a trigonometric function: Tan.
but what i hate even more than democracy is these stupid tests that never work properly
@JSBᾶngs Well, the original democracy kind of took the best of two worlds. Everyone could vote, but only for very small values of "everyone".
honestly, i think that the problem is not so much democracy but the nation-state. most of our governmental problems go away if we scale everything down by a factor of 100 or so
If only everyone could agree perfectly and live happily forever. Sounds like heaven.
yesterday, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
@JasperLoy a) you stole that proposal from Lennon, b) look what happened to him.
plus, that's the worst song that lennon ever wrote
at least Happy Christmas (War Is Over) is catchy
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, John Lennon = JL = Jasper Loy.
@JSBᾶngs claps happily
@RegDwightѬſ道 I expected to see the massive sarcasm quotes on the first "Everyone" not the second. ;)
It's the modern problem. Everyone has the notion that bigger = better, but it is simply not true.
@JSBᾶngs I love Imagine.
And I love that David Archuleta too.
@Powerlord That way my statement wouldn't have made sense.
@KitΘδς yes! and things like the EU and the UN just make the problem worse by trying to "globalize" everything.
@KitΘδς Exactly. For instance, fried is better than uncooked , despite it shrinking during cooking.
@Powerlord high fives Yes!
@KitΘδς How is that problem modern?
@JasperLoy Pssh, David Cook is cuter.
@Powerlord plus the cooking is how you get the all-important grease for your grease can, which can then be repurposed for vegetables
@RegDwightѬſ道 Because I've only just thought of it.
> Comedian Nick Helm has won an award for the best joke of the Edinburgh Fringe.
@JSBᾶngs I am so happy right now!
@JSBᾶngs Or french fries if you're McDonalds.
> He won for the joke: "I needed a password eight characters long so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves."
@GraceNote If I were a girl, I would go for Archuleta.
No wait, that's beef fat.
<3 McDonalds and their "100% Pure Vegetable Oil" french fries, which were actually cooked in beef fat.
@JasperLoy He has his appeals but I prefer KCDC.
@Reg has a point that this isn't just a modern problem (though it gets much worse in modernity). the problem, if you can think of it as such, is to come up with suitable incentives to counteract the human power-seeking impulse, which drives empire-building
@Jez Ha ha ha.
@Powerlord Well, to be fair, it was vegetable oil with beef fat in it.
@KitΘδς Then it's not 100% Pure, is it? :)
Oh well, McDonalds got sued over that and lost, hence why they don't advertise that any more.
@Powerlord It's 100% pure vegetable oil with beef fat in it. What's hard about that?
MOS Burger > Burger King > McDonald's for taste.
For what it's worth, most of the time I go to McDonalds or Burger King, it's to get something with chicken in it.
Which seems backwards, I know.
i visit fast food as rarely as possible, but when i do Burger King definitely wins out over all other competitors
I only eat Big Mac at McDonald's and Mushroom Swiss at Burger King.
@JSBᾶngs Are you sure we're not the same person?
The only reason to visit McDonald's is the Playplace.
, doing business as (Japanese, "MOS" or "Mountain Ocean Sun"), is a fast-food restaurant chain (fast-casual) that originated in Japan. It is now the second-largest fast-food franchise in Japan after McDonald's, and owns numerous overseas outlets over East Asia, including Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, and until 2005, Hawaii. It is also the name of the standard hamburger offered by the restaurant, being its first product when the restaurant was founded in 1972. Its headquarters are in the ThinkPark Tower in Ōsaki, Shinagawa, Tokyo. At one time its headquarters were in...
@KitΘδς having seen pictures of both of us, i'm pretty sure i have more beard and less boobs
Stupid Not-Having-Playplace Burger King. Makes me sad.
@JSBᾶngs ...goo...oo...d...?
It's so hard to make funny vocalizations in here.
@KitΘδς do your kids make you go to the playplace? mine haven't been to fast food often enough to ever ask for it
@JSBᾶngs They don't make us. It's just more convenient if we want to sit down.
I love the Teriyaki Chicken burger at MOS.
Of course, we feed them fast food every day.
@KitΘδς of course i shaved my beard now, so i'm full of doubt.
@JSBᾶngs I know you shaved it in Casino Royale.
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Oh right. I was doing something.
@KitΘδς Getting me coffee?
@aediaλ Yes! Here!
@aediaλ coffee for Aedia
@aediaλ smooches Hi!
@KitΘδς kisses
Thank you both for the coffee! I'm sure I'll make it through the afternoon now.
I haven't had much aediatime lately. You been busy, or just me?
@KitΘδς Yesterday was a long, long day. It felt like two. Or maybe that was the one before that as well. Have yours been like that?
Yes. Very much so.
Stoopid project.
And I'm trying to work and have a vacation at the same time.
That doesn't sound like a vacation.
@KitΘδς That sounds like a way to ruin both work and vacation at the same time!
Well, it took me a few days to figure out why I wasn't getting either one done.
So what's your story, @aedia? Bogged down on a project as well?
Anybody off the top of their head remember if .Net has an IsNull function like the SQL function that replaces a value if it's null?
What the heck is that
@Jez Oh god. blargh
@KitΘδς Well, I was in Cape Cod for a week. And now't I'm back, they seem to have saved all the problems for me.
@aediaλ Well, I hope you enjoyed the Cape.
smiles encouragingly
@KitΘδς what do you need compared against null? usually you can just do == null
@aediaλ So tranquil, so relaxing.
I keep meaning to post more of my pictures publicly but in the meantime you will have to make do with this picture I took at the beach (where I typically bring an older camera). There are seals on that sandbar, all seals.
All the black dots. It was awesome.
There were little baby ones.
@JSBᾶngs I know how to compare. I wanted to replace the value if it's null. You can do that it SQL using IsNull(thiscolumn, newvalue).
@aediaλ Sweet.
How about (sandwichName == null ? "No sandwich name" : sandwichName)
@JSBᾶngs But my logic was faulty anyway. I just added a second conditional to my if statement.
This is someone I don't know fishing on the bay side where I stayed.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What is that?
@KitΘδς an expression using the ?: operator, which tests "is sandwhichName null? if yes, return a string, otherwise, the sandwhichName"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Right. What syntax is that? I don't recognize it.
basically, (boolean_expression) ? value_if_true : value_if_false
It's in C, C++, Java, and I assume C#
any C-like language, I'd expect
Really? I don't remember that at all and I used to program exclusively in C/C++.
How funny.
Maybe that's why I could read it.
In computer programming, ?: is a ternary operator that is part of the syntax for a basic conditional expression in several programming languages. It is commonly referred to as the conditional operator or inline if (iif). It originally comes from CPL, which equivalent syntax for e1 ? e2 : e3 was e1 → e2, e3. Conditional assignment ?: is used as follows: condition ? value if true : value if false The condition is evaluated true or false as a Boolean expression. On the basis of the evaluation of the Boolean condition, the entire expression returns value if true if condition is true...
@KitΘδς It was really really cool. The picture with the seals is from one of the times we went over to the ocean beach, which was nearby, but the bay was visible across the street from our cottage. I went in it nearly every day. I wish I were still there...
@aediaλ Do you get to go much?
It's like a mini if-statement in one expression. But you could always just write a function to do the same job.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I like its compactness.
@KitΘδς The wikipedia page shows the syntax for the same idiom in other languages that don't do it the same way.
Anyway, time to beat up some gnocchi. Then eat it.
@KitΘδς My parents try to go to the Cape every year at least for a weekend - been going since I was a kid. But since I was in college I haven't always been able to join them. This trip was great because we got my husband's parents and my grandfather there for part of the time too.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Go get it!
@aediaλ That sounds great. We do something like that here, except down on Eggemoggin Reach. That's why I am at work and on vacation at the same time.
Most of the extended family comes for a visit.
I don't get to go to the beach much beyond that. It's kind of a pain down here to get away for even a weekend, because of the traffic. I've been to Ocean City (MD) once, last fall, and that was nice.
@KitΘδς Eggemoggin Reach is somewhere I'm going to have to look up... oh, that's farther north in ME than I've ever been!
Looks nice though.
Mental note: Do not use "AndAlso" when you really mean "Or." Do not use "<" when you mean ">."
@aediaλ It's similar to the Cape, from what I've been told, only quieter and more sheltered.
@KitΘδς I worked at a place where they banned use of it in case it confused people.
@z7sgѪ OMG. Dolts.
here is my writerly advice for the day: a good noun is worth a dozen cheap adjectives
@JSBᾶngs A dozen cheap, tawdry, smutty adjectives?
@z7sgѪ I worked at a place where the project lead wanted everything documented "to the level that [they] could modify the code later, if needed." Keeping in mind that the people he expected would modify the code were secretaries and accountants.
that is a great noun right there: smut
@KitΘδς they're just sluts.
@JSBᾶngs I love Hussy.
@KitΘδς manager's dumb idea 42323 of a gazillion
@z7sgѪ I told him that I had documented it the level where if you couldn't understand the documentation you shouldn't be tampering with the code.
@Kit that's a good answer
@JSBᾶngs :-) Are you going to upvote me?
@KitΘδς accountants tampering with my code??!?!? nooooooo imagine the hell that would break loose if i were permitted to tamper with the company's books
@KitΘδς i've starred you instead ;)
@KitΘδς I've been to the ocean near Brunswick, but not farther north. Popham Beach, I think. That was really nice. Interestingly full of big rocks.
@aediaλ Most of our coastline has big rocks. Little ones too. Not so much sand, hence "Sand Beach."
@KitΘδς Not so much sand, hence "Sand Beach" is that a playfully ironic name then?
@z7sgѪ Oh, no. I mean, it's actually a usefully descriptive place name.
"Which beach?" "Sand Beach." "The one with the sand?" "Yeah. Duh."
@z7sgѪ It's not tampering. It's making sure your contribution is valued and included in the product design.
@aediaλ Hmmm... I beg to differ!
Everyone's contribution is valuable. We must come to consensus before we move forward on the important topic of whether this month's bank balance is positive or negative.
today is CAKE THURSDAY? why didn't anybody tell me there would be cake?
Then, going forward, we will schedule a meeting to discuss whether bold italic or all capital letters are better for emphasizing our FREE deals on the website.
@aediaλ Don't forget to assign your action items in the approved meeting notes!
Q: Is it always ok to use the verb "to say" after a question?

ghshtaltDoes it sound strange to use the verb "to say" after a question? For example: "'Why is it called a memorial?' said Laura." If I were to have written this, I would have used "asked" instead. Am I alone in feeling that it sounds a little strange with "said", or am I just imagining it?

^ belongs on writers.se
@JSBᾶngs You speak and I obey.
@KitΘδς Should I put the action item of approving the meeting notes in the meeting notes? Or should I send a separate round of emails asking if the meeting notes are approved? Hmm. I think it's too hard. A separate meeting to approve the meeting notes!
@aediaλ Nonsense. What kind of place are you running there? You should have a standing committee for the assignment of action items that reports to the sitting chair of the committee for the approval of meeting minutes so that they can coordinate the joint approval of the inclusion of the approved, assigned action items in the approved meeting minutes. tch Duh.
(The frightening thing is that the whole sentence actually makes sense.)

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