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@Arrowfar I had never heard of a miswak before.
Do you just use a manufactured toothbrush
Yes I prefer toothbrush
seems like just an alternative.
forks vs chopsticks
Yes it is. It's an old thingie
You are right forks are very easy to eat noodles with. I can't never use chopsticks
Same here
I think the trick is you use the chopsticks like a shovel; you put the bowl or plate up to your mouth.
I think.
Only try that at home.
Chinese and other asians are great at using them.
Like anything, if you grow up with it it's easy
One time I tried using them and hit my face with the sticks instead (The pointy ends) :D
So in public place you always use forks while eating Chinese dishes?
some americans use forks some chopsticks (with east asian food)
I see
Or guns.
Or flags.
what? :)
They use those things.
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: nichts besonders (no tags)
Immer besser.
@Robusto Robusto you can speak both Chinese and Japanese? Or one of them
Just heard on the radio that studies are showing that kids who grow up bilingual do better in school than monolinguals. No surprise there, yeah.
Even German?
@Arrowfar ぼくが中国語話せない。
@Arrowfar What do you mean, "even" German?
@Robusto From the room topic words
I speak OK German. Used to be better.
@Robusto だから、日本語を話すことができます。私が参照してください。
Google translator.
@Arrowfar ええ、ま、なんとか。
I speak Urdu and English BTW
Urdu is Pakistani tongue?
Yes it is
Thought so.
And very similar sounding to Hindi too
Similar meaning as well? Or totally different?
Similar like it is spoken almost similarly but scripts are different
Who speaks Pushtu then? Afghanis?
No pustho is spoken by pathans in Pakistan
Pathans are likely to be soldiers?
Yeah they are like that :) How did you know?
You in military Robusto?
I see
Hmm, it seems Pathan is the Persian term for Afghani. Hill people.
Wait, I have that backwards.
Afghan is the Persian for Pathan. So I was kind of right.
Good to know.
I remember it from reading about this guy:
Dost Mohammad Khan (Persian: "دوست محمد خان", (Pashto: دوست محمد خان, December 23, 1793 – June 9, 1863) was the founder of the Barakzai dynasty and one of the prominent rulers of Afghanistan during the First Anglo-Afghan War. With the decline of the Durrani dynasty, he became Emir of Afghanistan from 1826 to 1839 and then from 1845 to 1863. An ethnic Pashtun, he was the 11th son of Sardar Payendah Khan (chief of the Barakzai tribe) who was killed in 1799 by Zaman Shah Durrani. Dost Mohammad's grandfather was Hajji Jamal Khan. == Background and rise to power == Dost Mohammad Khan was born to an...
@Robusto Are you Japanese American looking or just Japanese?
I am American American. Not Japanese at all.
I see. Then you learned Japanese. I thought you were Japanese due to your name in japanese
Your name is in English, but I did not suppose you were English.
hah. You are right, I thought wrong :)
My name is not in English.
Gut genug.
Oh. So you can read that?
tries to think of another name
skullpatrol is taken :-)
Hey pal :-)
Hi pal
How are you?
Good. You? How are you doing?
Fine thanks.
> I am flagging this question because

it is spam This question is effectively an advertisement with no disclosure. It is not useful or relevant, but promotional.
"With no disclosure"? Why should we care about disclosure?
That almost sounds as though Stack Exchange were condoning the practice of advertising.
I've moved into my new place!
chain smokes
drinks heavily
passes out
@Mahnax Your parents will be proud!!
How do you like it?
@Cerberus I don't think that image is canonical
@Mahnax You forgot to mention the rampant fornication
@Cerberus An advertisement for a product could be a useful answer for a question in some circumstances but maybe the answeree is required to disclose whether or not they are promoting the product and if they are employees, etc?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't!
@Cerberus I'm pretty sure a scene like that didn't occur in the movies.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't see how an advertisement could possibly be wanted here.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It is a very long scene, the first one.
@Cerberus If it answers the question, and is also an advertisement?
unwanted by you, maybe, and yet not necessarily by people who aren't allergic to capitalism.
If you are impartial and you recommend a product, that could theoretically be OK.
What if you are biased, but the product happens to solve the problem anyway?
Do you understand what capitalism is?
I am not allergic to capitalism. I think moderate capitalism is like moderate democracy: the lesser evil that we need.
If I ask a question "How can I get from Toronto to Ottawa? I have lots of money but no clue how to get there?" and a Ford dealer comes along and says "You could buy a car, and we at Ford would love to sell you one! It has these advantages...", how is that an inappropriate answer to the question?
@Cerberus It's nice.
It is not necessarily the best possible answer, but it is an answer.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It is biased and untrustworthy. We want the best answer here, not some biased one that is bound to be worse than the best.
@Mahnax Great!
@Cerberus Yeah! I have two Chinese roomies and one Angolan roomie.
@Cerberus It is biased. It is as trustworthy as any random answer. And sure, we want the best possible answers, but that is not the criteria for what answers we allow
@Mahnax Sweet.
@KitFox Yeah!
@Cerberus I mean, everyone has biases. If we can only answer questions where we have no biases whatsoever, then there will basically be nobody answering anything anywhere.
@Mahnax How big is your room?
Are you renting a house, or something?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I am renting part of an apartment owned by the University. There's four bedrooms and two bathrooms.
My room is maybe four meters by eight meters.
Oh that's nice for a freshman.
Or five by ten. Hard to say.
I don't have a measuring tape.
@Mahnax wow, 4 bedrooms?! nice
@Mahnax you're so unprepared
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. We share the kitchen, and two of us share each shower/bathroom.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 shrugs
@Mahnax having your own bedroom is nice.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes. I have a little fridge in here that my parents gave me as an early birthday present.
So I can keep some things to myself.
And my espresso machine is in here too, of course.
@Mahnax Fridge, espresso, computer, bed... what else do you need? Nothing.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Exactly.
@Mahnax Wow! Exotic. How are their Englishes?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 This is a bias that runs directly counter to providing the best answer. No open mind, no willingness to consider a different answer—in fact, its quality is of no concern whatsoever to the answerer, only that he wants to make money.
@Cerberus Well, the Angolan guy speaks OK English. The other two are a little more difficult to communicate with. We'll get by, though.
@Cerberus You know that's not necessarily true.
A good answer presupposes and requires trust: trust that the answerer is honestly doing his best to give you a good answer.
I have met lots of salespeople who are ( gasp! ) actually honest about their product and its pros and cons
@Mahnax That's huge! Especially for a freshman.
@Cerberus Haha, yes. It's spacious.
@Mahnax A year from now, their English will bear a huge mark: "Mahnax Was Here".
@Cerberus Hah.
@Cerberus A good answer presupposes trust. But any answer where the answerer doesn't declare their identity, workplace, religion, biases, etc, etc, etc, has insufficient information to establish trust. Whereas an answer by a declared representative of a company actually gives you lots of information.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It is in their interest to be dishonest, however. Do you not see the problem?
@Cerberus Do you truly believe that people cannot be honest? Even if they work for a big bad business?
Who can you possibly trust in your life?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The former may or may not deserve trust: we do not know yet. The latter has been confirmed to deserve no trust at all.
Certainly not me. I work for an employer who pays my wages. I am probably lying to you all the time, trying to make more money for him.
I'm sorry you are so paranoid that the entire world is so dishonest.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 If it is their job to make the product appear better than it is, which I presume is the job of an advertising person, then it is possible, but unlikely, that they should be honest.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Is your job in advertising? Do your wages depend directly on how "well" you create advertisements?
@Cerberus Do you think that only the big bad advertising departments are capable of posting on internet forums? None of their other employees ever frequent the SE sites?
The success of a good company does not depend that much on advertising, so its employees shouldn't be all directly dependent on advertising.
@Cerberus My job doesn't depend directly on how well I create ads. But my tasks sometimes include finding ways to generate more money.
@Cerberus The success of just about every company depends heavily on advertising.
Or pure luck.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I am not talking about "other employees": we are talking about an advertisement posted as an answer here. It is frankly quite absurd.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Then that is different.
@Cerberus No, we are talking about answers that could be construed as advertisements.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Nah, not of a good company that makes good products.
Not necessarily pure ads.
I am not.
I was hoping I would come in tonight and not to a stupid argument.
@Cerberus You're rationalizing now. Face it, you cannot trust me, or anyone who works for a company. My paycheque depends on my business succeeding.
My position is: if an answer is really an advertisement, then it is automatically unworthy of our trust and hence worthy of deletion. It may accidentally not be so bad, the chance seems small enough that deletion is warranted. As is already standard practice: you would flag it too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 See my more specific statements above. Strawman.
@Cerberus So my Ford example above, you would say does not answer the question?
And that answer should be deleted, solely because a Ford employee posted it?
Instead, here is Cerb contradicting himself again. We should never, ever delete any content whatsoever, except when we should.
If a Ford employee hadn't posted it, would it even be an ad?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Can he directly profit from the answer? Would you call it an add? If so, then, yes, it is bad.
A vague, indirect profit is more iffy.
But if it is his job to advertise, and the answer is part of his job as an advertiser, then it needs to be deleted ASAP.
We all profit when our answers get upvoted.
@Cerberus You know what? I don't even care if he CAN directly profit from it. I'm not opposed to people profiting from things. People buy stuff because they get value from it.
@KitFox Your insults are unworthy of a moderatrix. If you do not like our discussion, then go elsewhere.
It's okay, I don't have anything further to add. You wanted to know what the wording meant, I merely suggested a possibility.
I'm stating facts, not throwing insults.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Strawman. Directly profiting from an advertisement you have created ≠ profiting from things.
If that possibility offends you, what can I do about it?
Very well, perhaps SE was thinking something along those lines.
So if you don't like it, you can go elsewhere.
But I strongly disagree.
@Cerberus Don't deliberately misunderstand me. I am not opposed to someone saying "I have a problem" and someone else coming along and offering an honest solution that costs money, and then profiting from that solution.
@KitFox Why are you in such a foul mood? Maybe you need to take a deep breath.
This topic is probably more appropriate for The Tavern or something. Not here.
If an answer honestly provides an answer to a question, it should stand. And declaring bias lets one judge the honesty.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Of course.
I'll say no more about this.
If the answerer works for Ford as, say, an engineer, then it may be OK.
hi all
But if he is just an advertiser?
I want to have
but I am poor
OK I'll be right on it.
@kuku You should try the cooking site? They have cooking there.
lots of cooking.
oh, ok
Some of it is weird tho
Rice is good, and also cheap.
Like one guy who wanted to make strawberry spaghetti-like noodles
Jolene proved that lemon juice doesn't work if you want to keep avocados from browning, the other day.
Nor any of the other acidic foodstuffs she had in her kitchen.
In fact, they accelerate browning.
@kuku I'm only joking though, you can hang out here if you want too. But we have a cooking site that might have good advice.
Did you know? David Attenborough, the guy on all the good nature shows, is Richard Attenborough, the late actor,'s younger brother.
I knew.
I didn't know. I was wondering today when my wife told me that Richard died, and I was trying to remember which one he was.
I found out today. But I didn't know who Richard was.
Then I went to wikipedia and saw that someone already updated David's page to say that his brother is late.
One or the other is or was Lord Attenborough...
There must be someone out there, or an army of someones, who dive into wikipedia whenever a celeb dies.
updating all the text to say "the late"
We should get some of them over here to SE to update our answers whenever new information is released.
Someone interested in him might have lots of articles mentioning him in his following list.
They should just script it.
Put tags in the markup that you can toggle when a death date is entered.
Has tchrist left stack exchange @cerberus?
Evening, @skully.
how are you?
I've had better weeks. Yourself?
fine thanks
@KitFox That'd be neat. But you'd need all the authors/editors to remember to use the special markup.
I wonder if names are already marked up.
Like semantic web stuff.
@skullpatrol He is on a training week for his new job.
I bet some are, but enforcing rules like that is hard enough even for people who are trained and paid.
I presume he will return, but we can't be sure.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 True dat.
School starts Wednesday. When's your school year, @Mr.Shiny?
@KitFox we start Tues after labour day
The little one doesn't start until the Monday after Labor Day.
Are you ready? We did school shopping today, I think the last of it.
and I just heard that the before-and-after-school daycare for my son may not be available because there are fire-code issues with the building. (Note: the building is the school... so the fire dept has no problem with students being there from 9-3:30... nor with the grade 1-5 students being there before 9 and after 3:30, but the kindergarten students? NO WAY! IT'S A DEATHTRAP
No secondary egress from the K classroom?
No, they have those. The deficiencies are all stupid. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the before-and-after program for kindergarten students.
And the school is deemed safe for all the other students, at any time of day. But the kindergarten before/after program is new, so it needs certification.
and we can't certify.
So the code has changed?
No, nothing like that.
So all the rest is grandfathered?
That doesn't make sense.
Does the certification have different rules?
The rest might be grandfathered, but there's no logical reason to prevent using the same rooms at different times of day by the same students.
It literally makes no sense.
And furthermore, it's not the daycare's fault. It's the school board's fault.
It's a long story.
It's always the school board's fault.
But the upshot is that the before-and-after care might not start on time.
And that's your problem and not the school board's. Bucket of suck.
Or are they arranging an alternative?
It's doubly my problem as I'm on the board of the daycare.
I forget you're Canadian and so you are all probably very polite and helpful to each other.
our president is now directly appealing to the minister of education for the province to try to intervene. Also, to the fire chief.
And the ironic solution is that they will then shut the school down.
It just seems silly to prevent the operation of one part of the daycare's business when EVERYONE ELSE gets to use the same rooms at different times of day.
Heh I was thinking that that could happen.
Not bloody likely though, there'd be uproar. The deficiencies are really really dumb.
Like what? No sneeze guard on the salad bar?
Like, one of them is "when an alarm goes off in zone 12, the LED on the alarm board for zone 10 also lights up"
Someone should probably fix that.
So you know where the fire is.
yeah, send all the kids home! It's a deathtrap!
I think it would be more efficient to fix it.
Oh wait. Don't send ALL the kids home. Just those aged 4 or 5 years.
On alternate Tuesdays before 9am.
And don't send them home all day, only before 9 or after 3:30. At other times, those same kids are perfectly safe in those same classrooms.
it's so. dumb.
Maybe the LED doesn't light up then.
Why don't they fix it?
Who knows? It won't be fixed in time. There's no way.
Anyway some of the deficiencies will take months to fix.
I don't think it takes two weeks to remove a jumper.
Well, I was only teasing anyway. That's very annoying. I hope they can find a compromise.
yeah it seems to me that a pretty easy compromise would be to allow the daycare to use the space and to require that the school fix it in a timely manner, the same way the schools fix code deficiencies that arise at any other time.
Right. That's reasonable.
But you're right. Meanwhile, the daycare is left looking like chumps, when in fact they can do nothing.
Must be something in the water, or the alignment of planets or something.
I have a video of my littlest that I would like to upload and share.
But that will take hours and I don't know when I will have time to do it.
I am not looking forward to tomorrow and it's keeping me awake again.
I hate that.
And yet, I still feel like I enjoy my job.
I'm putting in overtime, but I think I'm nearing the end for today.
You're working?
I'm writing a thing that will pre-load some expensive data on app startup, to lessen the load once the server is put into service.
That sounds fun.
yeah it's not really.
I was teaching my son how to code this weekend. I forget how much I miss it.
I should do that. my kids never ever use the computers.
There's code.org that is a really simple intro to computational thinking.
It's gimmicky, but my eldest solved all twenty puzzles in about thirty minutes, and moved on to app programming.
He had a harder time with that, but he keeps going back to it and fiddling.
huh. that looks neat.
It's fun.
Even if it's teaching javascript.
I wish my IDE was angry birds
The block coding thing belongs to MIT. It's used for Scratch as well. A lot of elementary educators were raving about it, and I have to keep biting my tongue and keeping perspective.
It's really good and fun for the basics. And it's not going to teach them anything about safety or versioning or compiling. And nor should it.
yeah I'm working through the puzzles
I didn't mean to drop you into a rabbit hole.
it's okay I was compiling my other code :)
hm, the "artist" puzzle, where it tells you to set your colour and then draw a square, penalized me for setting the colour 4 times. I defy your monochromatic rules!
I haven't seen that one.
after finishing the first 20 puzzles, there is a "learn more" link and there are a bunch of exercises. I skipped the "offline" ones and went straight to stage 5
oh how I wish my connection to the database wasn't so slow. The one drawback of working from home.
I should probably sign into my son's account and verify his signup.
Except I can't remember his password.
And the recovery email is my old work address.
Ha. Did it. Now to sign him in on the iPad...
And good night.
5 hours later…
Why are there so few people in chat today?
Today's Listening | Dubstep / DnB / Breaks (Mixsets day 25)
Hasn't the world moved on from dubstep yet?
I seem to have missed that step.
What if a user keeps answering badly and all you want to do is downvote. But they answer so often and (so potentially downvoted often) so that it triggers the serial downvoting prohibition?
@Mitch Then let it be triggered and see what happens.
Also, what if you find every comment, not exactly rude or offensive, but flaggable for being irrelevant (like 'Me too!" or "+1 I think this answer is great!!")
@JasperLoy How does one (or the system) differentiate between legitimate consistent downvoting and malicious downvoting?
@JasperLoy I'd rather not.
@Mitch It can't, lol.
@Mitch You would need a mindreader to do that.
@Robusto yes. But it moved from dubstep to Eurodance, so there was a petition to please go back pronto.
@RegDwigнt Wake me when we move on from both of those.
I am thinking why Bobie is suspended.
So the sick fuck who cut off James Foley's head was a Brit.
Now we can't even blame it on medieval savages from hell.
He is still only a suspect.
I am not talking about this particular person.
I am talking about the fact that the executioner was speaking with a London accent.
Wasn't it the French who invented the guillotine?
Everyone invented something.
We've all used to be medieval savages from hell.
Point is, now we are supposed not to.
@Robusto you can't have your cake and dance it, too.
@RegDwigнt If by "used to be" you mean "still are and always will be," then I agree.
They say that part of the human brain has evolved similarly to that of a reptile.
@skullpatrol in order to be more humane (than the alternative which I guess was axeing).
It's not a horrible way to die.
Sure, there are worse ways to go.
There are probably better ones too.
Better ones too.
!!double jinx
or is it metajinx?
infinitely many jinxes
... plus one.
you can't add any real number to infinity
because it's not a number to begin with
1) I didn't (I added an ordinal). 2) you can add a real number to infinity, it's just the same (real) infinity.
There are an infinite number of jinxes in an infinite number of worlds.
And in all of them a plane, and a man.
@Robusto if by "I agree" we mean "I will invade your country and rape your car", then I agree.
@KitFox dangit. If I say that now, it won't be a jinx, just plagiarism.
there is no such thing as a (real) infinity
Sure there is. A well defined object called infinity that one can append to the reals. You can make it so there is just one additional infinity, or two (a pos and negative).
append all you want, it is not a number
infinity is not a number
a number must have a value
I had some infinity for breakfast.
a 'number' is what you say it is. infinity is not considered a member of the named objects the reals, the rationals or the integers. But one can get a consistent system by appending infinity and also some special case rules for it interacting with the other numbers.
@skullpatrol what's the value of 2?
@KitFox I bet you're full.
Why are we talking about math in this room?
Why not?
@Mitch The value of 2 is the number it names.
Today I learnt that there is a new distro called Ubuntu Mate, which will become an official derivative of Ubuntu soon. Yay!
@JasperLoy here
@skullpatrol Hehe. I should give you a link to the math room, lol.
I was just heading there
@Mitch I don't know yet.
I changed from phone 1 to phone 2, decided phone 2 was unusable, and changed back to phone 1, having to pay an admin fee for that, damn.
Hi @Jasper!
Happy belated birthday.
It was Saturday, right?
@KitFox Oh hello! Thanks. I guessed you suspended Bobie because he was too disruptive. Yes, Sat.
He expected it.
@JasperLoy Did you do anything to celebrate?
I thought he was a teen until he said something about being 80.
He is lying about being 80.
@KitFox Nothing, but my aunt bought me some cake and some sashimi.
hi @JohanLarsson
@JasperLoy That's nice.
Q: Proper Term for knowing 4 or more Languages?

Ryan JIf bilingual means you know two languages, and trilingual means you know three languages. What would be the proper term for knowing four, five or even six languages?

If you knew four, five, or even six languages, you'd know the word.
There need not be a word for everything.

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