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Two fire trucks just arrived at the sex place at the canal around the corner. But thankfully it was nothing serious, perhaps some short-circuited S&M tourists.
I can imagine it's no fun, being tied up and gagged when the lights go out.
@Cerberus — I'm sure some would enjoy that.
I don't think I'd like being gagged at all.
I suppose it adds to the thrill.
It's so easy to scare the US. Fukushima: statistically insignificant radiation level rise, and news networks are talking about how to duct tape your house up. If China wanted to invade, they need only fart in California and the people would come out with the white flag.
The deadliest earthquake in China killed a million people
@Jez — Which is statistically insignificant. A rounding error, considering their population.
@Jez Agreed.
Which EQ was that?
The 1556 Shaanxi earthquake () or Jiajing earthquake () was a catastrophic earthquake and is also the deadliest earthquake on record, killing approximately 830,000 people. An -wide area was destroyed, and in some counties 60% of the population was killed. Most of the population in the area at the time lived in yaodongs, artificial caves in loess cliffs, many of which collapsed during the catastrophe with great loss of life. Geography The Shaanxi earthquake's epicenter was in the Wei River Valley in Shaanxi Province, near the cities of Huaxian, Weinan and Huayin. In Huaxian, every single b...
Protip: don't live in loess cliff caves
Look where that article brought me:
The Nestorian Stele (also known as the Nestorian Stone, Nestorian Monument, or Nestorian Tablet) is a Tang Chinese stele erected in 781 that documents 150 years of history of early Christianity in China. It is a 279-cm tall limestone block with text in both Chinese and Syriac, describing the existence of Christian communities in several cities in northern China. It reveals that the initial Nestorian Christian church had met recognition by the Tang Emperor Taizong, due to efforts of the Christian missionary Alopen (Chinese: 阿罗本 pinyin: Āluóběn) in 635. Buried in 845, probably during rel...
Wow, they took a 830k hit 500 years ago and still managed to get to 2bn people?
Very interesting.
I had no idea Christianity had already spread to China during the Tang.
And they called it the Roman religion.
Sort of.
@Cerberus I bet it hadn't spread to 99% of China
@Jez You mean 99 % of the people? Probably not. But at least it found a favourable ear at court.
Q: Plural and singular use Are there or Is there

StackUnderblowSometimes while I am making a question to post here and there. I hesitate whether I should use Are there or Is there. Are there any words I can reference ? Is there any word I can reference ? At that moment, my mind is messed up wondering which one should be used ?

@Reg, is there any way to make this user accept answers? He's at a 10% rate
Also: gen ref
Q: Let go, refuse and decline

StackUnderblowI'd like to know how the following are different: I let go of you I refuse you I decline you Are there other verbs or phrases which are similar in meaning to these?

@simchona — Stop answering his questions.
You can't force anyone to accept, no.
@simchona I fail to see how that's a dupe of that other question, though.
Which is not to say that it's answerable...
@RegDwightѬſ道 It relates to the subject/verb agreement of what comes after (or before) "there"
I don't think he's asking about the agreement. He's got his agreement just fine.
@simchona Both the examples agree so I'm not sure that's what he's asking. It seems more like he doesn't know how many words he wants.
He's asking whether "is there any car" is preferable over "are there any cars", or vice versa.
@aediaλ In that case, I'm not going into his head. He's like vgv all over again
Wait... how can we tell him when he means plural?
The answer is sometimes.
the same way we can make him accept answers. Rendition
If that's a purely stylistic question, you can comment to that extent and vote to close.
I am trying to think of situations where it isn't.
But yeah, he does have a history of poor questions (and answers).
Are stylistic questions off topic now?
Questions about if questions are off topic are off topic
@Cerberus I did say "can" rather than "must" and I did say that I refrain from voting myself for the time being.
I still haven't given up the hope of someone getting the Reversal badge.
I've just heard: Questions are off topic
Right, but it seems some people find stylistic questions off topic.
That's one half of the questions I like.
@Cerberus — Stylish doggy.
(I'll be serious for a moment) It does depend on how people perceive the site. Stylistic questions can be very subjective, and SE doesn't handle subjective well, so those types of question can get marked as off topic.
@Robusto Look who's talking. Do you enjoy the single-word requests or the "what is the difference between" questions?
@Cerberus — How are you getting offended at being called stylish?
So if the site is perceived as a strict SE site, then stylistic questions will typically be off tpoic
@MattEllenД A good answer should encapsulate this subjectivity, by saying "hey, style guides disagree, and you will find it here but not there in literature", or something like that.
questions about tpoic are on topic
@Robusto Merely returning the compliment. Like a stick. It's what dogs do.
@Cerberus If there's context in the question and it can be discussed with any evidence at all about how different speakers would accept or not accept the differences, I don't mind them. I like discussing dialect and register. I just don't like ones like this; it's like asking if you should wear black or brown shoes without us knowing the rest of your outfit or situation.
@Cerberus It's not that simple. Having one answer saying "this is purely a stylistic issue" is perfectly fine, and we have a few of such questions open. However, having a bunch of answers "this is a stylistic issue and you should use X", "this is a stylistic issue and you should use Y", "this is a stylistic issue and you should use Z" is a different thing entirely as it amounts to a random poll of a random group of people.
So, you are quite fetching, in a stylistic way.
@Cerberus Go ahead and post such answers. I will be the first one to upvote them, and have in the past.
@aediaλ Right, I agree, more context is needed. But it is rather the quality of the question than the topic that's the problem. And if there is no evidence at all for either right or wrong, then isn't that an answer too? "There is no evidence, so it is presumed that it will be OK." I'd find that a useful answer, as a visitor: "if these guys can't find any evidence, that shows it isn't clearly wrong, so perhaps I will use it". If it were closed, it would be useless to anyone.
"But it is rather the quality of the question than the topic that's the problem" is kind of what I'm saying all along.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, then those answers aren't very good. On the other hand, what if answer Y gets loads of votes? Doesn't that say something? That would be some kind of a useful poll among "experts", or at least people interested in the language.
I think it's also a choice about if we want a place where we have a noticeable amount of questions where the answer is "no one knows"
@RegDwightѬſ道 Then why is everybody saying "off topic"?
@MattEllenД I think those can be great! Such an answer is very informative to the visitor.
@Cerberus Incidentally, this question of yours highlights the very problem with that question.
@Robusto Thanks! So I am.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh?
We have like four people here, and like one of them ever said "off topic". But you perceive it as "everybody says 'off topic'".
And that's precisely what people will take away from online polls.
@Cerberus I think they could be good, so long as the answers are actually informative and not just "no one knows". I think trite answers are terrible
@Cerberus 'Cause only Reg had the chutzpah and the mindreading skillz to edit the question.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I seemed to hear more people saying that, on different occasions.
@Cerberus Ah, well, if you're talking about the big picture, that's something different entirely.
@MattEllenД Those aren't great, but still informative, as a negative answer.
But still, as I said, we do have a whole lot of style question open.
It's just that in those cases we have to be doubly careful about what our answers actually say.
Yes. That's what makes it so incomprehensible to me: why do people say one stylistic question is off topic because it is stylistic, but fail to complain about others?
Oh, well.
@Cerberus I don't count "no one knows" as informative. to me it's just saying "you wanna know? join the club!" it doesn't help, in fact I would say that it hinders because if people are searching and come across an authoritative source (like us) saying that, they will give up. Even if there is an answer elsewhere, they will give up because we say so.
You will know that I have argued time and again that even the most basic/stupid/meh question can be turned into a fountain of knowledge by providing great answers.
It's still the same question, though.
So if a question attracts poor answers, we must either do better, or kill it.
It's as simple as that.
@MattEllenД Well, I am assuming that, if we cannot find it, hardly anyone can! So it would give an accurate picture. Unless few people look at the question at all...
@Cerberus Not everyone looks at every question ever. You don't. I don't. So please don't complain that others don't, either.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'm not so sure about that. In any case, I don't hear people reasoning that way, that a question should be judged by the quality of its answers.
@Cerberus Aye. Well maybe. We are the best :)
@RegDwightѬſ道 I wasn't complaining at all; I was conceding a fair point to Matt.
erm... how are you supposed to pronounce "Chutzpah"?
@MattEllenД Indeed!
I would've pronounced it like Michelle Bachmann
I don't know... is it Jewish?
ch like j in spanish?
Yiddish yeah
Gotta motor. Later.
More like the ch in German.
cya @Robusto
I've only ever heard it pronounched tchutspah
@Jez Goes with Tchanookuh
@Cerberus You don't have it in Dutch? The Germans have it in German.
Looks like FF is getting really annoyed with SU
@simchona Again, I'm not getting it
how did she pronounce it wrongly?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I've never heard of it, except vaguely in English!
Chuzpe [], auch Chutzpe (aus dem jiddischen חוצפה [chùtzpe] von hebräisch חצפה [chuzpà] für „Frechheit, Dreistigkeit, Unverschämtheit“ entlehnt) ist eine Mischung aus zielgerichteter, intelligenter Unverschämtheit, charmanter Penetranz und unwiderstehlicher Dreistigkeit. Im Hebräischen enthält der Begriff eine negative Bewertung für jemanden, der die Grenzen von Höflichkeit und/oder Anstand aus egoistischen Motiven überschreitet. Im Jiddischen und in den meisten europäischen Sprachen schwingt Anerkennung für eine Form sozialer Unerschrockenheit mit. Hier spricht man insbesondere von Chuz...
@Jez I imagine it should be pronounced hutspah but with a lot of back of the mouth tongue reverberation on the first h and hut is not hut
Wikipedia has articles in a dozen languages. Wiktionary has sound files and IPA and SAMPA and everything.
It would appear that in AE, a simple [h] is perfectly fine.
We have Gotspe!
oh. well i downvoted the youtube vid. wasnt a major mispronunciation and apparently all Americans mispronounce it the same.
I didn't know it was the same word.
It's war! BRB
I don't pronounce it like the video. @RegDwight's explanation sounds good to me.
I say like the top right. Ish.
Q: Use of word Imagine/Imaginative/Imagined/Imagining

StackUnderblowIn order to describe a person{maybe a patient} who always imagines things that are unreal, will the term "imagine" like I use it as follows be in a good place ? He always imagines about the immense deserted field, all of his imagined people are nice to think about. His imagined scenes rem...

@Jez It's not the vowel quality that matters; it's her "ch" that's egregious.
@aediaλ I don't say it quite like those examples. More like top left, though, but in a girly voice. :)
there is no ch in chutzpah
@aedia I would've pronounced it the same way...
I'm not bothering with a gutteral 'r', it does your throat in
@aediaλ I'd object to the American pronunciation of the vowel from that link, even though I'm American.
like footspa, but with a hu
So she pronounced it /tʃ/?
Blame silly spelling.
How do you pronounce 'chad'?
@SpareOom Now that I listen to the two top ones I think I say it somewhere between them. Wiktionary's is better.
as in the country
@Cerberus Yes, and /x/ or /h/ are more acceptable.
Makes sense.
@Jez /tʃæd/.
@aediaλ merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chutzpah Maybe more like the one on the right.
ok so hutzpah is a reasonable spelling
@SpareOom Blarg, it needs some plugin I haven't got. I knew there was a reason I didn't listen to that dictionary's audio.
"Saif al-Islam announced that government troops were close to victory."
how obsessed with Libya is the US media?
Here, I am getting thoroughly sick of it.
Wake up every morning to Rebel Radio HQ.
I try not to watch the news any more. Only for earthquake information.
@MattEllenД Have a good night!
Bye @MattEllen
Yeah I only half read the papers.
But the final phase is somewhat fun to follow.
@SpareOom Same here. I have rabbit ears for my tv that I put up to get the network stations when there are snowpocalypses and stuff.
Guys! Now I have IE 9! Better then FireFox 6 or 7, Better then Opera.
No it isn't.
(I think it's the loop part of the antenna that actually does stuff and now the rabbit ears are only decoration.)
Although the Favorite button is smaller..
@aediaλ I can't remember what I used before cable, but come to think of it, I did get some digital stations with an antenna before it was mandatory.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I usually use Safari.
@Spare Omm Mac lover.
Me? I'm loyal to Windows. No Ubuntu, No Mac, No nothing.
I also use Firefox.
God bless Bill Gates... Although he is already rich.
@SpareOom The pictures here say the ears are for VHF but I don't think I get any of those. I can only get like, two news and one telenovelas and one QVC or something.
All UHF stations I think. But I dunno much about tv except it's full o' commercials.
I don't know what I'd do without Hulu and Netflix, though. I might get around to reading books.
There are some movie channels that don't have commercials.
I forgot about Hulu.
Books that you can't get in the library any more?
DOn't tell anybody this.. But I only watch PBS, occasional Pix 11 on Sat. Cartoons on CN and Nick are... Not good these days. Old days were better, with duck dodgers, Bugs Bunny in 50's.
Libraries seem to be leaning toward computer cubicles.
@SpareOom Huh?
You can't get books at the library?
@Spare shakes head you been reading too many Pendragon novels... computer cubicles...
I'm just complaining about the neighborhood library, which is closed for renovation.
18 months have turned into 2 years and they haven't even started the work. They just put up a fence.
@spare that sucks. What are they doing?
@SpareOom Ah OK.
@SpareOom Waaah! That's terrible!
I think the city is waiting for money.
@SpareOom Oh no! That sucks. Why are renovations and constructions always so terribly executed and untimely?
Well, now we wait for someone to win a Million dollar lottery and gernerously donate it to the city Spare lives... This is going to take a while.
I don't know about always. But they are inconvenient.
I bet the entire group are procrastinators....
I think they used city money to renovate the high school instead.
I see work progressing on that quickly.
@Spare I guess we can give them that... I mean, high school is important...
Also, some government money seems to have gone to the roads.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Yes, and it was in dire need, actually.
And they say: "Libraries can wait. XD"
I'm worried about book stores going bankrupt. There used to be a nice one just a couple miles away.
The whole chain is going.
Not the book store! They are more important than statue of liberty!
Borders Group, Inc. () was an international book and music retailer based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The company employed approximately 19,500 throughout the U.S., primarily in its Borders and Waldenbooks stores. As of January 30, 2010, the company operated 511 Borders superstores in the world, including 508 in the U.S. and three in Puerto Rico. The company also operated 175 stores in the Waldenbooks Specialty Retail segment, including Waldenbooks, Borders Express, Borders airport stores, and Borders Outlet stores. Borders Group formerly operated stores in Australia, New Zealand and Singa...
So sad...
I'm sad about that too!
Amazon has taken over!
Atleast Barns and Nobles is up and running... Favorite places to read manga freely...
E-books are fine, but I want the option to look through a book.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Yes, but I have to travel farther for that.
The pictures are better when they're full size. I don't think an atlas would make a good e-book.
There was a Borders I used to go to with some friends in high school, when we first could drive on our own (we lived somewhere rural, and it was exciting to drive to where the shops were). We used to hang out for hours there and get coffee and eventually buy a magazine or book or two. I wonder, where will the kids go?
Borders use to be open late, too.
The cool kids were mall rats. I don't want the nerdy outcasts to have to go to the mall.
Some were open until 11 pm.
@aedia good point. Kids nowadays gets stuck in their home, playing computer games for hours.
Then nerds like me and my friends used to go to hacker's convention.
@SpareOom Yeah, that too! It was awesome to hang out there and then go to a friend's house... felt exciting to be allowed to be out late, say, on a Friday. We were such good kids now that I think about it. Man.
There's a new need. Maybe someone will fill it with a new idea - a gathering place for nerdy kids.
The only other place to go late was like, Dunkin' Donuts, not exactly the coolest coffeeshop.
We still went.
There's Starbucks now. And some of them have free wi-fi. That's nice and nerdy. :)
But I don't think they're open late.
Oh why, oh why can we live in harmony? Even when we were kids, we are segregated! I miss the days where race issues were about who ran the fastest, when the word "do" was thought as doing something rather then.. you know.
@SpareOom And I'm pretty sure those still don't exist very close to where I'm from.
Are they disappearing too?
Nah, just there aren't any in rural areas.
@reg ................
They can Photoshop reality now, it would seem.
Moldovians, no less. @jsbngs
@RegDwightѬſ道 Poor kids.
Yes, but...
lil kid doing MJ's dangerous.
I wouldn;t say O-M-F-G, but stil..
What is wrong with people?
Is there anything right with people?
This person's comments are bordering on rude:
we came in at same time... what happened?
I think chat went down for a bit
Ya chat went down a bit, the main site too.
@Jasper.. wait, mainsite was fine to me.
@sim I agree. Who is this guy?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Just a bit, for a while. Maybe due to the earthquake that I see mentioned.
@simchona Still checking him out?
..earthquakes on cyberspace? Next someone is going to tel me that there are tsunamies in network!
@JasperLoy ...Yes
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū No, earthquake. I saw it in the transcript.
Ties, gags and carries struggling Déjà vu away
@Jasper ..how can there be earthquakes on internet?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Real earthquakes damage lines and so affects internet connectivity.
@Jasper ...stupid me...
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū No, Sonic is not stupid. Only ignorant of this thing.
Sonic begins to refers himself as third-person.
Sonic says he can;t stop.
Sonic says OMG
Sonic says STop please!
Sonic says AHHH!!!!
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Do you like IE9?
Q: User of the word "virtual"

StackUnderblowI use this word in my programming class, but I never hear anyone say it in daily conversation. I hope I can make you virtually happy although my life sux for real right here. It's not your fault anyway. :-D Does something like that make any sense to a listener ? My mom told me I should be o...

@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū RegDwight says BH!!! Which coincidentally is German for bra.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū But he does give away a lot of money.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You mean bh is a word?
Sonic says prompt Sonic says.
@simchona Aye, only chat was down
Sonic says Damn, I can't do CMD things on these.
Sonic says Lets all refer ourselves as third-person!
Wheel of fortune usually does CDMA.
StackUnderblow seems very determined...
I wonder why all the contestants choose CDMA at the last round.
@Reg Sonic says determined as what?
Determined as hell.
@Reg Sonic says I meant, what is he tring to acheive?
You do realize you're just wasting precious lifetime with all those "Sonic sez" prefices? It's not gonna be given back to you, RegDwight says.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū achieve
@RegDwightѬſ道 prefixes
Sonic says its not his fault.
@JasperLoy I am not saying that I am not linking to the Wikipedia article on joke again again.
After looking at enough wrong spellings, one may start to think they are right. That is the danger in using chat.
Hence my proposal to just spell everything in Cyrillic.
English teachers are in danger too as they see misspellings everyday.
See, but they couldn't tell a Cyrillic misspelling from a Cyrillic spelling.
Apr 23 at 23:58, by RegDwight
I could transliterate the entire protocol into Russian.
Ha, well, Russian is too hard for me. I won't learn it in this lifetime.
Hey, how about we just speak in international Phonetic Alphabet?
Tamil is hard too. Seems it has more than 200 letters in its alphabet.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū ʃʊə ʍaɪ nɒt
@JasperLoy That's more letters than some languages have words.
Apr 28 at 20:12, by RegDwight
Yeah, I would love to see questions about toki pona.
"How do I say X in toki pona?" — "Dude, here's our canonical list of 120 words, just look it up."
"How do I say Y in toki pona?" — "Du-uhde! Teh list! Just use it already!"
I propose we homogenise the world: one country, one language, no wars, no foreign languages.
@JasperLoy a) you stole that proposal from Lennon, b) look what happened to him.
That might actually happen in a million years from now. Just like earth will be destroyed in trillions or more.
@Reg: On the "virtual" question, the OP just commented: "Hello, come on please just tell me if I have made any mistake in use of the term virtual as written in the above sentence ? – StackUnderblow 13 secs ago"
ˈheɪ ˈðɪs ˈɪz ˈkuːl.
@JasperLoy Earth will assplode before people will stop fighting.
@sim he is worse than I am.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Hey this is cool.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū You see, you actually ask mostly good questions.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Sure, why not.
@JasperLoy That took you that long?
@RegDwightѬſ道 No, I just chose to reply to it only now. But I have not seen the inverted w.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū NO! One! Speaks! With! An! ACCent! On! EVry! Word! Not! Even! ChrisTOpher WalKEN!
@simchona I did not expect you to say that.
@JasperLoy He does. He just doesn't research them first. But he doesn't ask off-topic questions as much as this one does. And he can generally speak English.
@Reg I! Want! to! settle! this! on! yo! mama! duel!
OMG I saw on news that Borders here is closing. I didn't know it is closing worldwide too!
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Yo mama so fat, she sat on a binary tree and flattened it into a linked list in O(1) time.
Borders was one of my hangouts ten years ago. It was the first store here to sell Dover books.
Yo mama so fat, her high school pic was taken from helicopter.
Well, nvm, there's still a huge Kinokuniya here.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I think Reg already won
I wonder why Borders ended up like that, thought it was doing well.
@JasperLoy It didn't do eReaders
@Jasper maybe because of Amazon.
The best is Amazon, but there is shipping fee, so I only ask my friend to help me bring back the book.
@jasper lol...
My photo teacher says that ebay is dangerous place, and he loves amazon. So dose my mom.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū does
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Dose your mom with what?
@simchona With love.
@sim @jas .... I don;t know what to say.
Also; guys, we are in cirisis. The school opes in a week, and school me and my brother attend to does not have enough teachers to reopen. Thye also didn't send supply list. Hooray!
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū your English is in crisis too.
Love changes everything
@simchona Correlation = causation. QED.
@sim hahahah. Very funny.
@JasperLoy If love changes everything, does it also change itself into hate?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Correlation not = causation. OED.
@Reg oppisit of Love is Jelousy, against the popular misconception.
@JasperLoy Correlation != causation. I fixed it.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Wow. Please start spelling slowly.
Opposite, jealousy
You may use Unicode in this chat. Also, FTFY is the way to go.
So, repeat after me: "Correlation ≠ causation. FTFY."
"Correlation ≠ causation. FTFY."
Hmm that didn't work.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū First of all, [citation needed]. Secondly, noöne was talking about opposites. We were merely talking about change. So I could have just as well went with "love changes itself into daffodil".
I wonder why....
@Reg I know :).

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