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da nada
I thought it was de nada?
But I don't speak Spanish...
ha ha...I have no idea
portuguese maybe
That's why France scares me, notice the little white cylinder in his hand
It looks like a cowboy with a gun
but this gun only gives smoke, and no bullets
Who is that, what am I seeing?
@nosmoking The more you think about it and obsess over it, the worse it is going to get for you my friend :)
@Cerberus an anonymous, on google street
@skullpatrol ok, you're right, I must let them 5 meters, 5 meters of irresponsibility, as long as I don't put my feet in those 5 meters I'm safe
Oh, it's just a cigarette?
@Cerberus I guess so
Why France specifically?
@Cerberus because France smoke more than all its neighbors, source: who.int/tobacco/surveillance/policy/country_profile/en
Oh, is that so?
nah not significant, but 35% of men
@nosmoking ok, that's a start. But don't keep thinking about it. Try to not think about it too.
take Italy: 26%
@skullpatrol ok
Just some friendly advice.
Hi pal @JasperLoy how are you?
@skullpatrol Hi. I slept the whole day today.
@JasperLoy Do you feel well rested?
@skullpatrol Yes, I think it is because of the flu meds.
@JasperLoy luck man, I can't find the sleep
"trouver le sommeil" not sure I can translate that word by word :/
@nosmoking You have trouble sleeping?
@JasperLoy yep, but it's a 2ndary effect of the medic
Man, I hate gold digger chicks. Not that I am rich or anything.
I have trouble doing everything in short, even the vision
@Arrowfar i.imgur.com/Fwf2Rye.gif this gold star digger?
Some girls after pubbing just ask strangers for money to take a cab.
@nosmoking haha Yeah may be :)
@JasperLoy in Singapour?
@JasperLoy Exactly :D
@nosmoking Well, it happened to me once, lol.
the Singapourian girl is not cool
Little do they know that I am a beggar.
I take care of money too
@Cerberus This kind of figures are biased
because French buy tons of cigarettes in Italy
yes, right
The Dutch also buy lots of cigarettes abroad.
And I though Indians smoke more? they make their own cigarette but don't buy brand cigarettes
Apparently not that much.
My "life" answer got 22 votes, lol.
@Arrowfar I know it hehe
> Published by the American Cancer Society and World Lung Foundation, the tobacco atlas
Yeah it's very common video :)
@Cerberus I'll try to remember it, and try to think French don't smoke that much, it can help me thanks
@nosmoking Here in Colorado’s Boulder the tobacco smoking rate is 14.3% ± 2.2% margin of error. No bars, clubs, pubs, or restaurants allow it, nor does the downtown outdoor pedestrian mall and central square. It is hard to get rates for marijuana usage, but as is to be expected, it is higher than tobacco use.
@Arrowfar Have you gotten over the girl?
France is not that bad...
Whatever the percentage, it is illegal to smoke marijuana in public.
@JasperLoy No man. I am still in grieving mode :(
How about trying to not remember ANYTHING about smoking, and just get on with your life @nosmoking
@JasperLoy You? Found anyone?
@Arrowfar OK. You could join a dating site, like okcupid.com
@Arrowfar Nope, my priority is to get well first, though some say the order could be changed.
@JasperLoy May be....I'll look into it :)
It's interesting to see how many more people die from tobacco use in France than in England.
@JasperLoy Yeah my priority now is to complete my qualification first :)
Or Holland, probably.
Luckily I don't smoke.
So even though statistically, about one Boulderite in seven smokes tobacco, this is a misleading number because you nearly never see anybody doing it, and also because it is skewed according to class.
I know it is easier said than done @nosmoking :)
@tchrist The lower classes always smoke more...
@Cerberus Precisely so.
And they eat more.
There is probably some obvious reason why they do so, but I do not know it.
I have no friends who smoke.
@tchrist I have plenty.
@tchrist Partly because they realise less how unwholesome it is.
Partly because they have more problems?
@tchrist interesting, like in California
but are tobacco users the same as marijuana users?
no I guess
@skullpatrol yes hard, above all, when they are on your path
because in France as it's illegal, marijuana is very low, <5%
@nosmoking yes, try your best my friend :)
@skullpatrol the medic will do the job, if I can't
@nosmoking Umm I don't believe marijuana use is low in France?
@Cerberus wait a minute, fetching the source
Then we have conflicting numbers.
At any rate, the others maps say cannabis use in France is higher than in most of Europe.
@Cerberus wow Morocco is high (in value I mean)
How do you mean?
because I don't like the puns with high
It's one of many regions where lots of cannabis is grown.
@Cerberus I likewise have no friends who routinely spray passersby with radioactive residue, rob banks, vandalize automobiles, shit on my sidewalk, pee in my potted plants, intentionally set fire to their neighbors’s barn, or brutally maim and slowly torture kittens and puppies to a miserable death. The sane man naturally gives such parasites and social terrorists a very wide birth.
They can smoke outside, you know.
@Cerberus nvm I though the big cannabis leaf was over Morroco but their color is normal lower than France
@Cerberus That depends.
@nosmoking It is a lot lower than France.
We have a fifty-foot ordinance.
@tchrist On what?
yes sorry
Everybody has the ability to go outside.
They cannot smoke within fifty feet of a building entrance.
That is perhaps a bit too strict...
not really
it should be 100 feet
Walking by a group of smokers for 10 seconds isn't going to kill you.
Also, our university campuses are 100% no-smoking anywhere on the university property. At least, at the medical school it was. This is because it not insignificantly lowers the health insurance rates for employees of the university, who are legion.
@skullpatrol All in moderation.
@tchrist those 100% places are a heaven
You also cannot smoke in most of the city open space for fear of forest fire.
@tchrist Which is strange, as I have shown, since smokers are probably cheaper on the system.
@Cerberus including taking a known cancer causing agent?
@tchrist Now that may be a good reason, if it is really necessary.
The smoking ban in parks is not a blanket one. It depends on the current fire danger.
@skullpatrol Yes. We are all subjected to factors that can increase our risk of getting cancer every day. A tiny bit of cigarette smoke matters little.
So whether it is or is not in effect is decided by the county fire marshal according to measured incendiary potential.
@skullpatrol I prefer 20 feet downwind than 50 feet upwind, also
@tchrist A street is not an open space?
@Cerberus Of course not.
@Cerberus *the earth atmosphere is closed
I sense fanaticism.
I think you are unfamiliar with the reserved-word “open space” as used in the West.
or schizophrenia :)
I hate smoking like the next guy, but let's stay reasonable.
You perhaps would call it parkland.
I live in the West, as you know, and it would include streets here. Anywhere that's outside of a building.
Open space is land set aside for undevelopment.
It is public.
I feel bad for the persons who worked in smoking allowed indoor places
However, there are agricultural partnerships at times.
The staging of a "protest" on the Crimea.
@tchrist The French do all of that!
Therefore you have no French friends
Most open space areas have footpaths or even horse trails and such. Some have picnic tables or park benches.
keep smoke away from children!
reminds me my neighbors
a young couple, that smoke near their baby, the baby is coming at them, they just try to not burn him, but he's taking the smoke
I think it is a “Western” term/notion more than it is one from the overpopulated east.
It means undeveloped land permanently set aside in its natural condition.
Sometimes there are grazing agreements an such, though. It is not like a National Wilderness Area created by an Act of Congress.
A park is just one kind of public open space.
I feel like going to the new world, with my boat
Or maybe you would call them all parks. I do not know.
@nosmoking Be brave!
@tchrist :))
Smoking is normally forbidden along open space trails, because they traverse dry prairie at times.
Isn't Colorado one big park anyway?
It is too dangerous.
However, if there is a designated picnic area with a special fire pit for barbecuing, it is often allowed there. You must discard all ashes into the protected pit.
@skullpatrol with a few wild perl programmers
@nosmoking :D
Pot smokers may not be as careful, but you are not supposed to smoke pot in places where the children may be watching.
portable pots maybe? (I hope not)
It's funny how people think pots are safer/cleaner
the smoke just pass through water, but that doesn't clean anything
@nosmoking that would make them the "wild life"?
@nosmoking Are you referring to bongs, hookahs, and other assorted water pipes?
@tchrist yes hookahs sorry
googles pot smoking
I’m pretty sure it must do something, because the water gets all gunky.
@tchrist yes a part is absorbed
but not all, it passes my bubbles
@Arrowfar she spat in his face :O
like a camel
classic reaction, but not classy
But I feel bad for this girl though
She's a prostitute? don't think so
accepting rides from strangers is good practice for her future career
@nosmoking Don't know
@nosmoking It seems kind of icky.
@skullpatrol haha yeah
My adverbial portfolio is swelling.
A: When does one append "-ly"?

tchristAdverbs versus Adverbs TLDR: The word real is a modifier which — like very — works as an intensifier. Just like very, real can function not only as an adjective but also as a special kind of “adverb”. It’s an adverb that does not work on verbs. As an adverb, it can only intensify other modifi...

jsbin.com/muquv/latest#____ the purest alpha I've ever wrote
That we should have adverbs that do not work on verbs shows what a flopsy, mopsy, and cottontail POS system we have, don’t you think?
> I very need to write my very aunt a very nice latter.
One of these things is not like the other.
very true
my very aunt = my authentic aunt, right?
Kind of.
More like "my aunt, of all people!".
@nosmoking Mi tía misma. Ma tante même.
my real aunt
@tchrist ah
Ahah, the very allusion I was looking for!
It has something of a built-in ipse to it.
I see
hmm that's latinish fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/ipse
Ipse is Latin, yes.
ellipse is from this root?
That's Greek.
From leipô "to leave", and ek- "out".
Leipô is from a Proto-Indo-European form somewhat like *likʷ-, as can be seen in Latin relinquo, which gave rise to reliquary.
Emprunté au latin impérial ellipsis (« omission »), issu du grec ancien ἔλλειψις, élleipsis (« manque, insuffisance »), de ἐλλείπω, elleípô (« laisser de côté, négliger »)
In philosophy and criticism, there is a distinction made between mismismo and ipseidad, but beats me.
an ellipse is a bad circle, drawn with negligence
Ipseidad es un término filosófico que suele asociarse a la idea de sí mismo, pero en filosofía se recurre generalmente a él para hacer contrapunto respecto de la noción de mismidad. En ese contexto, que remarca la dimensión existencial y no la estructural de la esencia, Jean-Paul Sartre plantea en su obra El Ser y la Nada que la ipseidad constituye el circuito que se encuentra entre el ser en sí y el ser para sí. "La reflexión, pues, capta la temporalidad en tanto que ésta se revela como el modo de ser único e incomparable de una ipseidad, es decir, como historicidad", concluye el pensador. En...
En filosofía, se entiende por mismidad la idea que apela a la unicidad del ser y no a la condición que adquiere por el hecho de devenir, como sugiere, en cambio, el concepto de ipseidad. Desde la perspectiva de la identidad, la mismidad es aquello que no fluctúa en el proceso que va, por ejemplo, de la semilla al árbol. En otras palabras, mientras la mismidad alude a la dimensión estructural del ser, a lo que perdura a pesar del tiempo, la ipseidad, tal como la concibe Jean-Paul Sartre en El Ser y la Nada, apunta a la determinación de la esencia en su existir. "Una imagen es un acto, y no una cosa...
El mismismo es un vicio gramatical que consiste en el empleo indebido del adjetivo mismo como pronombre anafórico de una frase, es decir, como referencia a un enunciado anterior en ésta. Ejemplos de mismismo son los siguientes: Debe rellenar estos impresos y depositar los mismos en esta ventanilla Ahora podrán ver nuestro plan de pensiones y las ventajas del mismo Nos referimos al contenido de su carta y a las consecuencias de la misma Criticó al término de la asamblea las irregularidades que se habían producido durante el desarrollo de la misma == Corrección == El mismismo es completame...
Oops I spoke too soon, it is from leipo + en.
Not ek, of course.
The last one is amusing: "a grammatical vice". :)
If Herself had been wanting something of me, I’d’ve known by this little bell She always rings.
But that’s something else. It still sounds cute.
It is politically correct, not grammatically correct. — Cerberus 13 secs ago
> 26 out of 45 customers spend an average of 3 minutes taking photos of the food.
Do people actually do this at restaurants?
No wonder the other half of the Internet is so dreadfully boring.
Do they do what?
Take phoneshots of food?
I’ve never seen such a stupid thing.
I have seen the pictures but not the perpetrators.
May be those are commercial photos.
People do this.
Yay! I got the fanatic gold badge here.
Okay, this is asshole crap:
A: Correcting the usage of singular "they" and "their"

guifaPart 1: I've not really ever heard a term used for this other than just gender neutralization. Since that can be done other ways, via he/she or most traditionally just using he, I'd say gender neutralization with singular they. Otherwise, I mean, we could go to the extreme and say gender neutra...

He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and now he’s decided to call us a forum and to be insulting as well.
No one need respond to that crap.
Nor it is reasonable that it be tolerated.
call a mod
Just remember that those who know more than you will correct you if you are wrong, and that those who know less than you will correct you if you are right.
I did so. I won’t enage.
let the mods handle it
Yeah, some people are very rude for no reason. May be they experienced a bad day.
some come to the internet to be rude
But that is very jerk like.
the world is full of them
I know
hah :-)
I admit, I was surprised with how much people can "get away" with...
...self-included :(
@tchrist The example had need to, not need + inf.
Secondly, a subjunctive would be most unusual, dare I say archaic?
It was clearly an error by the OP.
:-O How dare you say "archaic" :-)
Wel, screw comments.
I will simply vote.
Let them forever wonder why.
Why? He is right, at least in this case.
@Cerberus See, now there you go with this intrusive the again! That is what was missing from the original, and which needs to be there. Its absence causes complete confusion.
I want abbreviation removed so I can see what poster wants sentence to read.
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or how it is related to need to.
I am talking about not understand what hell he trying to say.
Asking for us to come up with a name for something when the sentence is not grammatical in the first place is a waste. I cannot tell what he means.
I have asked.
And all I get is insults.
No more talk.
let it go
If you think you know what the sentence he meant to write should have been, tell him.
Because I just get bitchslapped.
It read like pitchin English. I no understanding.
Start with a false premise, and go where?
Anywhere, meaninglessly.
@tchrist Of course it is.
I should like a valid premise.
This is about the answer to the question and your critical comment on the answer.
I’m glad you agree it is a waste.
The answer is fine.
This is not grammatical:
> It's insulting that OP needs to explain himself for each case. Sometimes he should but not always.
I see no problems there.
Except on The Andy Griffith Show of old, starring Ronnie Howard as Opie.
Sentence needs article.
At any rate, there is no need + inf.
What is OP?
Oh, the OP.
Then it should bloody say that.
It confused me.
All right, I totally glossed over that one, focused as I was on the subordinate clause.
Because it is not grammatical.
So I was trying to figure out a way it could be grammatical.
But it is also not what the question is about...
It is probably a typo.
If you start with an ungrammatical sentence, then start asking unrelated questions about it, how can anyone know what is to be done?
I still don’t understand the issue at all here.
I am not being belligerent.
I am being completely honest. I. Do. Not. Understand.
And keep getting bitchslapped for trying to understand.
20 mins ago, by tchrist
I did so. I won’t enage.
Um who kicked me and why?
I flagged the comment as rude and stopped answering him.
Nobody is asking you to be Ghadi here :)
That’s that fish spelling, isn’t it? :)
7 mins ago, by skullpatrol
let it go
I have a vocabulary question: "What is the word for a person who is obsessed about some point and won't let go of the thought?"
You're getting "bitchslapped" for unjustly criticising the answer.
@Arrowfar An obsessed person.
Stop provoking me.
@Cerberus Any other good alternatives?
@Arrowfar I think it's good enough!
@Cerberus okay. Thanks.
I cannot understand what the error is purported to be.
The OP...need to explain should be the OP...needs to explain.
If it that someone wrote "It's insulting that the original poster need to explain themself for each case. Sometimes they should but not always.”? That’s pidgin English then.
I also don’t believe that it is a class of error that is actually made.
The singular "poster" is right next to the verb "need".
Yes, well, that is what the question says!
Let us assume that this is or is not a common error. Your choice. I’ll bat left-handed or right-handed on this one.
I don't understand.
Ok, so the guy is saying that this is some sort of common error, right?
Why common?
I don’t believe any native speaker would immediately follow a singular noun with a plural verb as the very next word. Do you?
He does not mention frequency.
Well, he thinks it deserves a name.
And I don’t believe it is even a thing.
It is a SWR. What did you expect? The question sucks.
Then we are in perfect agreement.
13 mins ago, by Cerberus
This is about the answer to the question and your critical comment on the answer.
Maybe, just maybe, he is asking what you call it when somebody commits the class of error that is demonstrated by this sentence: “One of the very hardest things in both America and Europe are getting your coins exchanged at a fair rate.”
The straightforward interpretation seems to be the best.
But there isn’t one for me.
Hence my question.
You have a singular subject with a singular finite verb. Then you put they somewhere in the sentence (but not as the subject). Then you make the mistake of changing the finite verb to plural because they and the subject both refer to the same thing in reality.
The poster needs to explain himself better.
But it is far down the road.
I don't know whether that is a common mistake (probably not very common), but he wants to have a name for it.
Why would there be a word for a random and not-common mistake?
Because SWRers are what they are.
It’s a RNM: a Regressive Numerological Magillicutty.
Or should that be aN RNM?
How about an IWNATQ?
I wished he hadn’t wanted to ask the nonquestion.
I Will Not Answer This Question.
Every man is Adam.
Let Adam name everything.
That should keep everything in fair order till Eve.
Ah, so you are a Nomist?
When we say "son of Adam" we mean "both males and females" right?
“If one of my sisters want something” is a class of error occasionally seen, but I would be astonished in the extreme if there were a single word, and a generally accepted one that were known to all, which described said phenomenon.
But this is even worse than that.
Because we don't say "Daughter of Eve or Adam"
Because he call it something with the wrong number of the verb simply due to the way that later on in the sentence there occur forms that are plural in construction, there just ain’t a word for using call there instead of calls. It’s lame.
At least, I now think that is what is being asked.
I am probably still wrong.
@Arrowfar I don't know, I don't say that.
I see.
@Arrowfar It’s the Daughters of Eve and Cain that I worry about.
You guys watched Noah? I think it is an okay film.
Aren’t Single Word Requests supposed to include examples of how that alleged word is to be used?
@Arrowfar The jokes weren't that funny.
@Arrowfar They have an idée fixe

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