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Wow the Wikipedia article on Roman numerals is quite good.
If you want to know where they came from, and learn the history of various other marks that may be familiar to you from buildings, manuscripts, and elsewhere, read this bit:
{| style="text-align:center;float:right" |- | |- |"" as a Roman numeral |} The numeral system of ancient Rome, or Roman numerals, uses combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet to signify values. The numbers 1 to 10 can be expressed in Roman numerals as: :and. The Roman numeral system is decimal but not directly positional and does not include a zero. It is a cousin of the Etruscan numerals. Use of Roman numerals persisted after the decline of the Roman Empire. In the 14th century, Roman numerals were largely abandoned in favor of Arabic numerals; however, they are still used to t...
@Cerberus I would say most Wikipedia articles are good. I was quite surprised by the quality when I first started reading Wikipedia.
@Cerberus — Yes, it's interesting. Here's something I didn't know: "A dot • indicated an uncia "twelfth", the source of the English words inch and ounce; dots were repeated for fractions up to five twelfths."
@JasperLoy Yup, though articles tend to get worse as they become extremely specialized.
@Robusto You silly people are using Continental measurements after all!
@Cerberus — "You silly people?" What do you mean "you silly people"?
@Robusto You inch-users.
you inchworms!
@MattEllenД Haha you got it!
@Cerberus — Try to divide your metric measurements by 3 ... go ahead, I dare ya!
@Robusto 10/3 cm.
There I did it.
I'm listening to podcast #58 (back in 2009) and Jeff and Joel were going to stop after Superuser! They were thinking of gaming as a sub category on Superuser. Oh how things change.
@Cerberus — No, you started it. You're not finished yet, not until you produce an infinite number of 3s after the decimal.
@Robusto Now you try using your measurements for anything.
@Robusto I am quite finished thank you.
@MattEllenД What does Jeff sound like?
@Cerberus I'm not good at describing voices.
@Cerberus — 4" is 1/3 foot. There.
Does he sound like a friendly guy?
yeah, sorta. He sticks to his guns, but his voice is friendly
@Robusto If you seriously think your system is practical, then...
it's not a weird voice
@MattEllenД Mine is weird if you hear it.
@MattEllenД "Sticks to his guns" sounds like what we'd expect.
@Cerberus — It's practical for some things. Like carpentry.
@JasperLoy I think I have a weird voice. In my head it's great, but when I hear it back I sounds nothing like what I think I sound like
@Robusto What a strange hobby.
@rob I noticed you use the dash in half your chat messages. That's a weird style.
@MattEllenД Everybody has that.
@Cerberus yeah, although he did apologise to Joel in this podcast
@JasperLoy His dash is exactly 1/5 of an inch.
@MattEllenД A miracle!
@MattEllenД What other people hear and what you hear of yourself is always different. I found out when I recorded my own singing.
Most people I know think their own voices sound weird when they hear them back, including mine own.
@JasperLoy I'm so glad there is no recording of my singing
I've hired thugs to make sure.
Talking voice and singing voice also sounds different.
Many people who sound great singing have a terrible accent otherwise.
@Cerberus That is another matter, not the voice itself but the pronunciation.
@Cerberus I occasionally hear American bands and think that they're British
or an American singer, even
@JasperLoy True.
@MattEllenД Remarkable!
@Cerberus I think I thought that about the Killers
I haven't listened to them in a while
If you're practising a fixed line, it is easier to get an accent exactly right.
When singing we articulate in a certain way different from ordinary speech.
@JasperLoy — Half? Closer to all.
@Robusto Ya, I have not figured out why.
@JasperLoy — Separation from the person addressed. What seems to you a bug is actually a feature.
@Robusto I see. That is very thoughtful of you!
Some of us like to be clear, help out the reader. YMMV.
I have to go.
Cya @Cerberus
cya @Cerberus :)
I'm out too. TTYL.
Another see you @cerberus darling!
C you @Robusto
OK @rob!
And I am not "darling".
@matt What we just did is called polluting the transcript.
is it?!
oh dear
@Cerberus Sorry.
oh, @cerb, darling, you totally are!
@MattEllenД I do have male friends calling me darling honestly.
@JasperLoy In the UK darling tends to be used to refer between family members, or lovers
or it's used by a certain type of person, that I'm not apt to describe, in a particularly camp way. then it tends to be pronounced daahling
flamboyant thespian types is what I mean
@MattEllenД Perhaps the same may be said of dear, which can also be used more generally.
@JasperLoy yes, I think so
people use too much abbreviations here
MJ=Michael Jackson, OJ=orange juice, dv'ed downvoted
haha and VVV me :=)
VVV? what? you don't know what is VVV? poor you
its just my firsrt name otchestvo and last name
Hi all
I need an impressive paragraph before writing a paper .
I remember i was use to of a pagraph "Before i take my pen into action let me explain the fact........" i do't remember more
I wanna start my paper writing with some attractive paragraph .
Can some please help me with that
@ChaosGamerel, Hi ...: )
@miss yo.
@miss first of all, what kind of writing are you trying to do>?
the way to start a paragraph varies by what you are writing about.
Is it persuasive?
well i have to write a paper rough paper on "Hand Detection"
I just wanna an interesting statement before my introduction of my paper
Ok, hand detection. Are you trying explain about hand Detection?
Like Explanatory paragraph?
hm yes .. .well in start should be an impressive Quote ..
then start my explanatory paragraph
I read in my school days , i was used to of "Before i take my pen into action let me explain.... blah blah ......" i do't remember
Ok... Now I'm getting somehwere. Can you give me summery about the whole paper? Just to get an idea.
ok i can explain
Its hand detection with its coordinates and direction .. in HSV space
and in this line, there are many things to explain
like why HSV, why not RGB space
Skin color detection
and why skin broken if i move near to camera
or so on
Do you have some Quotes ??
Well, for starters, you have to write something that will capture the reader's attention. for example, is there any kind of characteristics of this "Hand Detection" that will help or may interest the reader? That is the great way to start the paragraph.
yes , Hand detection helps in controling the things
like control .ppt file using ur hand instead of mouse
ahh i have no idea how to explain characteristic
actually i am new in this work
so not have much ideas
i know why and what i am doing
but expressing to other
its difficult
Thats good. How about this: Have you ever been tired of just using mouse for everything?
"Hand Detection lets you control things with your hand rather than using something else."
well after reading many papers
i make this paragraph
The direct use of hand as an input device is an alternative method for providing the natural natural- computer interaction (HC I) in which gesture recognition plays an important role in interactive games, remotely control of home appliance, virtual reality.
In other sense, hand as an input device provide rights to control the things, it can be called as “Human Remote Control System “.
or since i am newbie so your statement is good
What do u say ?
Hmm, that is all good, but you have to write how will it help the reader if they ever actualy use it. Like, what kind of benefit it will give. That usally captures their attention.
@jasper! will you lend us a hand? I can't stay long here.
hmm i see
@miss so like, this hand detection. Is it like Kinect on Xbox or something? Does it do same thing like other games where the console detects your hand and does things for you? Like Sonic Free Riders, or Michael Jackson Experience. does it work like that?
hmm yes its depend how much things i control
Well i am newbie in this area
So, right now i am jsut controling .ppt or image files for "next and previous"
like if i move my hand to right, next image or slide should come
and if i move my hand left side, then previous slide should come
This time i am just covering this using "Hand detection"
@miss IMHO It is not so much about writing an impressive opening paragraph that you should worry about, but rather your English in general.
So I would suggest trying to polish up your language skills in general and everything would be resolved.
@Jasper who knows. This is chatroom. Everybody writes quickly. Maybe she is just making careless mistakes.
@Miss you are native speaker, right?
hmm @ChaosGamerel you said well.... :)
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I doubt it!
Whatever Jasper writes its always right, and whatever I write I write well.
yes i am native speaker...
@miss there is a person who looks over your writings before publishing it, right?
@Miss This paragraph is quite incomprehensible.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Ya I would suggest getting someone over there to look through everything when done.
@Miss don't fell dejected. We just fuss over writing well, thats all.
Yes of-course my Professor .. Actually , My vocabulary is getting weak day by day . And i do mistakes in English Speaking because Korean people can't speak English .. but they effort good , and in writing, my mind do't work with me .. I think something else and write some thing else , Hence i miss many words in English writing.
@Japser maybe they already have one. I mean, for company that does big things like producing Hand Control things must have some people looking over writings before publishing them.
@Miss You are Korean too like Chaos!
@Jasper now now, don't flip out.
@Jasper what she means is that she is korean in blood, but she was born here.
ahh @ChaosGamerel, Are you Korean ???
@miss yes I am.
ahh no
Ohh that's really good to knwo
I love Koreans ... he he he they are really good in thinking.. .
@Miss OK I will take it as that, but I still have doubts, sorry.
Doubt for what ?
Anyways, I am not Korean . I am from Pakistan . and studying here
@Miss That you are a native speaker. Because I find it very hard to understand what you are saying.
@Miss Studying where?
@BogdanLataianu I'm not aware of the OJ.
English is hard fro some people, an for some is not. for example it took me 2 Years to speak like native, 3 Years to write like native, and About 4 Years to be able to hear English no matter what kind of accent the speaker has. It was a long way.
@JasperLoy actually Chaos introduced it
With spaggeti. I think you missed it.
Guys, dont refer to me as Chaos. Otherwise, you'll confuse me with this guy:english.stackexchange.com/users/4526/chaos
You can refer to me as Sonic.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū You are more interesting than him, since he doesn't come to chat.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Why not just change your username to sonic?
@Jasper I have to wait untill Sep 11th.
Damn these 30-day waits....
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū OK I look forward to it. Maybe I will change mine too!
@Jasper is good. Reminds me of that fat guy in sword in the stone movie. XD
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Better than the 6-8 weeks.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Which movie?
@Jasper you know, that movie disney made.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū No idea. I only know he is a vampire in Twilight.
@Jasper Whats Twilight?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū A movie.
you guys
I think Miss is afk.
a movie about vampires, famous among teens and preteens
Here is a question: Can Paladins be evil?
Miss disappeared.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū What are Paladins?
@Jasper ....Magician and Warrior combo.
Fun Fact: Paladin was a name of one of the 12 warriors Charlemagne controled.
Fun Fact two: in CharleMagne's time, it was Dark Age with iliteracy. Charlemagne couldn't even write his own name.
well if, say their wives cheat, they can become evil
@Bogdan I don't get it.
anybody can become temporarily evil
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū When their wives cheat, they get upset and become violent.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū this is a question for rpg.stackexchange.com
That is evil in one sense but not in another.
(p.s. it is in beta)
i was joking-I suppose you mean evil in general, professionally evil
so to say
@matt May God bless you for introducing me to this Beta.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Then you will also be blessed for introducing me to kimchi!
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū you're welcome :)
1 hour later…
Knock knock
who is there?
to whom,. geez, this is EL&U after all
Thank you, I'll be here all week.
I walked into that one! :D
I am teaching my daughter knock knock jokes so I figured I should practice.
Unfortunately I can't seem to find many funny ones. I wonder why that is?
they're probably funnier if you're a child
they're hardly the height of sophisticated comedy!
The problem is my daughter finds them TOO funny. She laughs at whatever I say after she says "who's there?".
Me: Knock Knock. Her: who's there? Me: Banana. Her: hahahaha Me: psst, you're supposed to say who's there! Her: Do the banana one again!
banana is quite funny
holy smokes it's like pitch black outside
I suspect my power is going to go out soon. major thunderstorm.
maybe your windows have been painted with pitch while you weren't looking...
That would be annoying. But it'd give me a good excuse to get them replaced.
so what kind of programmer are you?
I'm like a hooker. I'm what ever kind you need
but I'm best at c# desktop
although at the moment I'm doing python web based
Cool. I'm just installing the Android SDK right now to see if I can make my phone do cool things.
cool. I've considered it, but I've not had an idea
plus work is satiating my desire to programme!
all my side projects are on hold
plus, of course, EL&U chat
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I see you do J2EE and other web based stuff. What is Java like for the web? I've only used it a little at uni, and I didn't like it. I've had to use tomcat with Alfresco (a Java CMS), but I found it very confusing
@MattEllenД yeah I know what you mean
@MattEllenД J2EE is good and bad. It makes web development more formalized like desktop app development, in that you typically build your application and then deploy it in one piece.
I mean, you push out your app in one monolithic deployable, whereas something like PHP you have individual files on the server which coincidentally make up an app.
within J2EE you have lots of flexibility about how you want to structure your code. you can put it all in JSPs like you would with PHP or you can use servlets (which are a little like CGI) or you can mix and match.
Lots of frameworks, lots of libraries. It's a bit overwhelming for beginners.
I like it well enough but it's a lot of overhead for small projects. But a typical web app might have hundreds of classes and pages, so it's nice to put it all in a structured package.
And the Java language is ok. It's half-way between C++ and python, I'd say. More dynamic than C++ but more rigourous than python.
if you program in C#, you'd probably be ok in Java. The site I maintain, the java code is a bunch of classes and some JSPs, and we build it using an automated process, so it's easy enough and the framework doesn't get in the way too much. The only annoying thing is that it takes a long time to undeploy/deploy the app, so some kinds of changes are painful to debug. you might have to wait a few minutes between iterations.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i've done a bit of C++ for myself, not professional, and I could get to grips with that. I think the thing I didn't like about Java (years ago, when I was introduced to it) was that there was no obvious way to just make it go. I can write hello world in c++ or python, but trying to get it to run in Java, I had no clue. Then there are all the versions!
with c#, at least microsoft are in control. with java , I have no idea what's going on. It's probably a necessity thing. I had to learn C# for a job. I imagine if I tried to learn Java again, with a purpose, it would be easier.
@MattEllenД So in C++ there are global functions and the primary entry point is one called main(). In Java there are no global functions (for better or worse) so ANY class can be used to start your program, provided it has a public static void main(String[] args) method.
@MattEllenД Well, there's essentially one vendor in charge of Java. Oracle sets the direction.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 And that's a whole other problem! :D What with how they're treating open source communities at the moment.
Anyway, once you are doing web programming, the underlying framwork is J2EE. But J2EE is a little bare-bones, so there are frameworks you can add on top to make that easier. Like Struts, or Faces, or Wicket, or ... :)
@MattEllenД Well, yeah. But that's a recent development. And there are Free java implementations so if Oracle goes off the rails it will fork. But hopefully that won't happen.
It's bad enough that Android is a fork of Java.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Ah. I've head of various web frameworks for various languages, but I've not really used one (except, now I'm using mako for python) I've always preferred keeping html/css/js very separate from the server side.
But anyway, one nice thing about Java is how much free stuff there is. You can get fully Free everything right now, from IDE, to JDK, to application server, to application frameworks, and lots of supporting libraries like cryptography, logging, xml processing, basically anything.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's so weird with all the patent and copyright issues at the moment. What do they really gain?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 aye. it's good that there are so many open source and free things these days.
@MattEllenД Well, there are different frameworks that do different things. Like Google Web Tools emits server/client code in the form of Java/Html/JS, but there are also tools that merely enforce a code structure on the server-side code and provide libraries for common tasks, like Struts or Wicket.
@MattEllenД I'm not quite sure what Oracle's goal is wrt. Android.
Well, gotta run. Turns out that laundry didn't fold itself. Maybe I can program my phone to do that.
good luck!
1 hour later…
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Looks like Horatio!
@JasperLoy It is.
hope you all have good Mondays! g'night
@Chaos good job trying to help Miss earlier. She (?) is far from a native speaker, and you seemed real helpful
Quick poll question for all (reply to me even if you see this hours later): how well do you know the IPA?
how well?
I usually use it
I know it reasonably well for English.
Not for the more exotic sounds.
Oh, and follow-up: How did you learn it?
From various sources at various times: from books on linguistics, the internet, dictionaries.
I am still learning it
Would you be interested in seeing a blog post on learning it quickly? Or something a bit more advanced? I'm trying to think of things I can write about for the blog.
I'm not sure what the intended audience is. But I'd prefer something a bit more advanced myself.
more advanced too
but an intro for ELU users who are not familiar with it would be useful
lonely shepard click on the right link
then 2 times
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