If a train is moving at 90 miles an hour and a bird flies in a perpendicular direction at 50% of its maximum velocity, how much does aedia wish the w*rkday was over?
There is another type of “bug” that affects mathematicians—the attempt to solve certain problems. These problems have been called “diseases,” which is a term coined by the great graph theorist Frank Harary. They include many famous problems from graph theory, some from algebra, some from number theory, some from complexity theory, and so on.
@Cerberus I think it means breakfast in German. Or hand grenade. Or something.
> If you're very quick, you can either close the gate on Racine and prevent him from leaving his lot before you reach his truck
Wrong. Nobody's that quick.
> - or you can wait until he gets down the street a short ways and trigger the steam pipe along his route. One hit and he's toast.
Wrong. You never get the chance.
Seriously, what kind of superhuman gamers can actually do this shit? I'm moving this guy as fast as he goes and Racine is always out the gate before I can get there.
No steam pipe, either.
Then it's a race through the streets, with his minions blocking me and knocking me off the road.
@Cerberus There is a key piece of context missing in this quote: "Young man, the first thing you need to know is that in mathematics you don't have to understand anything, you just get used to it."