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@Mitch Yes, long ago.
Tomorrow is a work day...
4 hours later…
He’s licking his lips, dreaming of venison.
But they return the favor.
And now for something completely different.
He’s saying, “That’s it! Next year I’m staying in Central America all year!”
from today?
Not the snow, no.
Although I did some butt-skiing in snow today.
I haven’t processed today’s batch yet. I’m too exhausted from the hike.
sounds like a good day
The oriole shot is from May 12th.
Well, I let myself get a bit dehydrated, I think, and got a bit careless. Fell hard once and caught myself on the heel of my dominant palm. Big bruise.
This is at 11–12 kf though, so these things can happen if you’re not careful.
did you walk alone?
But it is a very popular trail.
There were many people on it.
Some dogs.
are phones working there?
Oh Lord God, never.
This was in Indian Peaks National Wilderness area. Not even chainsaws work there, let alone phones.
ok careful sounds good then
not try to jump over creeks to stay dry etc.
I “never” do that.
I did have to ford several cascading waterfalls, but there were places to put your feet.
Not dry places, of course, but places. I’ll put my foot down on solid in the water rather than risk falling.
how far did you walk?
was it raining?
I’m trying to figure that out right now.
There was quite a bit of snow in some places, little in others.
I often drik too little when it rains
Oh, there was no rain, just cobalt skies and searing sun and freezing wind.
I think I walked about 3 miles out and ~1300 feet up. Then I came back.
This is right at timberline by then.
timberline meaning only bushes onwards?
@JohanLarsson Yes.
At timberline proper, the pines become Krummholz shrubbery.
it is high, in Sweden trädgränsen is 900m in the south and 450m in the north
That’s like nothing. Ours is 11,500'–12,000 depending on north/south part of the state and also which way it is facing.
Krummholz or krumholtz formation (German: krumm, "crooked, bent, twisted" and Holz, "wood") — also called knieholz ("knee timber") — is a particular feature of subarctic and subalpine tree line landscapes. Continual exposure to fierce, freezing winds causes vegetation to become stunted and deformed. Under these conditions, trees can only survive where they are sheltered by rock formations or snow cover. As the lower portion of these trees continue to grow, the coverage becomes extremely dense near the ground. Common trees showing krumholtz formation include European spruce, mountain p...
I’ve no few krummholz pix from today.
“Banner trees”, too.
Know what those are?
It’s when because of the wind, the branches grow on only one side, so it looks like a flag waving.
Oh, the Krummholz page on Wikipedia includes those, too.
I saw lots of yellow-bellied marmots. There are quite loud, too.
And cute little tassel-eared grey squirrels. And chipmunks. And white-crowned sparrows.
Krummholz is a nice word
@JohanLarsson It is. There are art galleries named “Twisted Pine”.
@JohanLarsson I have pix from today looking very like that, except that that is autumn coloration not spring.
And it is early spring way up high.
in the north we have only birch, in the south there are conifers.
Strange for us it is the opposite: birch give out before the conifers.
Well, aspens give out. There is shrub willow up there, too. Cute little pussy-willows are still showing.
We don’t really have much paper birch in Colorado. In Wisconsin, the birch starts in the northern part, with the pines, when the mixed hardwood forest gives out. If you go north into Canada far enough, I believe eventually even the birch must give up.
Conifers are much more resilient than broad-leaved trees.
yeah they look tougher
I did find little tiny aspens no bigger than me with tiny, tiny reddish leaves just peaking out. The red will go away when there is more chlorophyl, until fall.
I also found more Calypso bulbosa, which cheered me greatly. It was right near the end, when I was exhausted, minorly injured, and just wanting to get in my car. I had missed them on the way out.
Lots of shooting stars (Dodecatheon) with deep magenta. Oh, and up on the tundra, the little miniature “pincushion” flower-types are starting.
There are analogues for all the big plants but in pincushion mode.
So super-tiny miniature versions of normal flowers, all in a mound.
Forget-me-nots, primrose, more.
I wil try to put some up tomorrow.
I have to go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow.
Hi guys :D
@tchrist So tchrist where is this nice place in Central America where you visited?
@tchrist Oh! I guess you went to bed after all. Talk to you later then :D
When will sick people learn that their sickness is not a gift they should be giving to everyone else in the office. Stupid inconsiderate fuckwits.
@MattЭллен Yeah, and they don't belong in ERs either! (Well, that's not exactly true. Luckily lacerations and broken bones aren't contagious.)
yeah! the world would be so much worse if broken bones were contagious!
I am tempted to send a huge ranty email to the whole company. People with immune deficiencies don't get free 'flu jabs just because we're really cool.
but I would get a big telling off if I did that, so I won't
I agree; it's not cool to bring illness into the work place. I write notes for sick people all the time, I don't know whether they use them. I mean, lots of people have lowered resistance everywhere. Though, people like to point out that doctors make money off of the illnesses of people as if we don't also treat and sometimes catch them... but yeah, it sucks.
Such a pretty nonsense fragment: "not unpleasant blue veins in doctor years". I just couldn't see it disappear forever without some small notation.
Q: What should I say if I am not drunk but I feel that my head is heavy?

Amir MasoudImagine you had several beers, you are not yet drunk but you feel that your head is heavy, you know, feel good. Is there any specific word for that?

I don't know, but can you not ask here? SWRs. Sometimes....
aaaaand, once again, a good answer comes up.
1 hour later…
@MattЭллен Aww you're sick?
But you get flu jabs?
@Cerberus I might be. someone else is sick and they're sat across from me and I'm cross at them
@Cerberus yes, on the NHS. Because I'm asthmatic, so my immune system isn't in the best condition
Get yourself a big paper bag, cut some eyeholes and write GERM PROTECTION on it. That might make the point.
(Oh, for you to wear, not your colleague)
it's very tempting
@MattЭллен That sucks! But so it's not the flu, so what else could it be?
@Cerberus they probably just have a cold, but that's not good for me either. anything that infects my airways will make my asthma worse and increases my chance of hospitalisation (although in this case I'd probably just be ill for a week, my asthma's mild).
but I don't want to be ill because I'm meant to be going to a festival at the weekend.
I don't see why people who are ill aren't just sent home immediately
@MattЭллен Oh, no!
"Oh but I can still work"
That really sucks.
I don't care! I'm not sick! Get away from me!
@Cerberus yeah
People are stupid.
Is your nose all congested?
frustratingly so
Do you have any sprays that help?
@Cerberus not yet. if I feel the least be peaky tomorrow I will stay in bed
@Cerberus all my sprays are to dampen my immune response :D
@MattЭллен Sounds wise.
@MattЭллен So...yes?
Your immune system is such a power house!
Like a body-builder who accidentally damages things all the time.
@Cerberus not exactly. they are great against hayfever. but they increase my chances of being infected by things
If you're sick tomorrow, you can at least tell your boss, "someone must have gone to work sick, so it's his fault I'm sick now".
@Cerberus yes, quite a good analogy
@Cerberus yes. I will make a point of it :D
Ugh, I have to go help someone with an art project.
I'm already late...
sounds fun!
are you to be a model?
Haha no, more like painting and sawing things, I have no idea, really.
Take care!
I hope you will be better tomorrow. Or at least get to rant your heart out when you call in sick.
thanks :D
BBC blog on Indian English:
1 hour later…
@MattЭллен I found English interiors to be quite stuffy and in need of a good airing. No doubt that contributes to asthma.
Probably. I don't know how I acquired it. I wish it would bugger off though
> When you can't breathe, nothing else matters.
I had asthma as a child, and it sucked.
I was diagnosed after 16. I don't know if I had it before, but possibly. I haven't shaken it since.
(bbl, lunch)
@Mitch nudge Hey @KitFox, Skullpatrol and Matt have a bet going that in a hundred years, mnemonic will lose the pronunciation of the first n (S for and M con). Can you remind me to set up the bank accounts and escrow and interest and stuff? Also to wake them up from their nap at the retirement home for the big event? Thanks!
Good morning.
I'm sorry, I am quite sick, but my work is at home.
Speaking of stuffy though...
Holy crap, this gross old window is full of dead ladybugs. I happen to be allergic to ladybug death.
oh noes!
Good morning
Hi. I just saw a guy who had the autographs of The Doctors tattooed on his arm.
He also had some pretty color work, but I couldn't tell what it was.
you saw him or saw a photo?
Graham Norton Show.
oh! cool
No my kinda show
I don't usually watch it.
I think I've managed a minute or so of that.
Gah, a mod-only room.
It just had a thing with two Doctors, so I watched a clip.
@RegDwigнt Bit late to the party?
@RegDwigнt Well, I'd leave, but that wouldn't really help.
eventually all EL&U users will be mods
and it will create peace amoung men
and women
and foxes
Thank you.
But not hippos, eh.
Always forgetting the hippos.
but not flying orc heads. we will always be disruptive
I was thinking of turning into a woman. Haven't decided yet.
oh, and Lego hippos
In fact it could be Lego hippos who bring the most peace. By eating everyone else
Do LEGO hippoes eat?
they're the most deadly animal in Lego Africa
so I've heard
Nobody ever tell you that.
Hi guys
Now I have that Toto song in my head.
@KitFox Ms Fox you changed your profile photo. Yay :)
@KitFox I miss the planes over A A frica
smiles, nods
@KitFox Rosanna's number was 857-5309. I forgot the area code. 212?
So when people say that something "gets to" me it means that it is 'annoying'. But I don't get the use of "get to somebody" when it is in the context of let's say "Do you think he can get to her that quickly" (i mean in the sense if reaching someone).
So the second usage is correct??
@Mitch 867-5309. No wonder you've never been able to get hold of her.
@Arrowfar Yes.
@Mitch Also, that's Jenny's number
It was Jenny's number.
Slow jinx.
so slow it's in the past tense
@KitFox How? This usage is not in the dictionaries.
I'm trying to adjust my monitor display without the remote.
WTH Rosanna, was she playing me?
Aw crud.
My network is messed up. brb
@Arrowfar It's complicated. phrasal verbs are slippery and sometimes overlap with a context where it really is a prepositional phrase afterwards.
@Mitch Thanks.
I get to attend school (I am allowed to and I am happy to go to school)
I get to the airport in 10 minutes (I will arrive at the airport in ten minutes)
I get to her when I make that noise (I annoy her when I make that noise)
It really gets to me when I see poverty like that (poverty like that deeply affects me)
In Soviet Russia, you get to poverty?
do I? how exciting!
Yes I guess
how does one poverty?
@MattЭллен Matt I don't get your question? :D
I have deliberatly misinterpreted Mitch's joke to imply that poverty is a verb
Oh, I see haha
Thanks guys
> At the mean time, could you create a summary report, and send it to us?
What do you suppose is meant by "report"?
Or "the mean time"?
"At the mean time"? Who are these people?!
Or "send it us"?
@AndrewLeach Americans also say "write us" when they mean "write to us", and similar
it's a crazy world over there! ;)
I just removed the names, missed the "to".
Even Americans wouldn't say "send it us".
So, is the report a database report?
Oh. fair enough. it seems like a parallel construction.
@KitFox a few numbers in a table and some vague explanation implying that the person reading the report is really pleased with the numbers in the table
Yeah, I'm thinking that I never agreed to write any report. Pretty sure that's the ex-project lead's job.
is this from the old job?
spits venom
Yes, which ends today.
I was to have pulled the data this weekend, but I didn't.
That's easy then. That request didn't arrive till tomorrow.
And since I have the day off, I thought I might as well wrap up loose ends.
Well, I got it five days ago.
And acknowledged it then.
Oh. Awkward.
@KitFox And here "Erica would love my cake if she were here with me today" and "Erica would have love my cake today if she were here with me today". These both grammatical? If 'yes' then how because both are talking about 'today'.
Erica would love my cake if she were here today. Eric would have loved my cake today if she were here.
That's that backswitching thing again.
Both are fine.
You're talking about a hypothetical situation.
@KitFox Thanks. So both can be used to mean the same thing Right?
Which one would you prefer?
If it were "Erica is here with me today and she loves my cake." that's different than "Erica is here with me today and she loved my cake."
Yah that I know :)
@Arrowfar "Would love" to me implies that in general Erica would enjoy the various cakes that you make, and that you plan to eat or are currently eating. "Would have loved" suggests possibly a particular cake and there is no possibility of Erica eating it in the future.
But that's just a vague impression, and not a distinction that I would hold anyone to.
And if "Erica" is someone (who is deceased) then?
Still either way. Erica loved cake. If she were here, she would love this cake. She would have loved this cake, if she were still alive and here with us.
I think I'd have a tendency to use "would have loved" if Erica was dead though.
Oh, okay
Because there is not really a possibility that she will have cake in the future.
I see
Clear as mud, huh?
Yeah haha
@KitFox Can you tell me how do I save the particular comments (from here in chat) where I ask small questions like these, so I can save them on my computer?
I don't know.
You can put a bookmark, but everyone can see those. Still, it's OK to do if you are specific enough with the name that you'll be able to find it.
You mean my name?
Thanks, Matt. I'm a little scattered right now.
This delicious bagel should help.
@Arrowfar there's no automated way to save a conversation to a text file, but you could just copy/paste the text
@KitFox mmmm bagel
mit cream cheese
unt chives?
@MattЭллен Sorry to ask this but how do I bookmark my conversation here?
@MattЭллен Not this time. I particularly like with green olives though.
Can't seem to locate any button here?
@Arrowfar in this room, you can create a bookmark.
Yeah how?
@MattЭллен I poverty all the time. It's not very comfortable.
@Arrowfar Use the room dropdown over above the avatar list on the right.
@Arrowfar over the list of avatars, under the title, there is a menu item "room▼". click on that. the second item is "create bookmark"
@Mitch perhaps you should see a doctor
Q: I do not OR I not

sunnyIn the below sentence, do is not present. My doctor proscribes that I (do) not eat donuts with chocolate sauce and hamburger patties for breakfast. Why is the do not present in the sentence? Which grammatical rule would be violated if do is included in the sentence?

This needs a better example.
Thanks guys you rock :D
I can't think of how to put one together.
But there is a very particular instance when you'd drop the do.
@MattЭллен Crazy? It's beyond that. You should be here!
I don't think I should
@KitFox when it's a recommendation or order?
Wow, my voice is about two octaves lower than usual. I'm kind of digging it.
and it's in the simple present
@MattЭллен So you suggest that I not do that kind of thing?
That I not sing when my voice hurts?
It's imperative you not sing when your voice hurts
I wonder why it's expected to drop the do there. I never noticed it before.
I guess it gives the recommendation more force.
it's possible to keep the do in, but there must be name for the do dropping
I think it's only expected in AmE.
If you keep the do in, it waters it down.
Feels like to me, anyway.
Bye guys. See ya :)
Now we've all got our fingers in the pie.
Never mind.
mmmmm. pie
It looks like we don't have any questions on negative subjunctive.
Is that what that is?
I wouldn't think it is were be subjunctive.
(or just no copula at all!)
The teacher insists that the student believe him.
The teacher insists that the student not believe him.
Hmm. How very British sounding.
Believe is subjunctive.
Speaking of, I think I should get my tingle on.
Or what might conveniently be called subjunctive, pace Prof. L.
Is that pronounced "pace"?
And does it mean "following" like "as such and so said or did"?
Par-chay. Latin, and means "notwithstanding". Prof L doesn't like subjunctives, says the mood doesn't exist in English, and would kill it off altogether.
so the mood doesn't take him
Moin moin
@MattЭллен I think a banker would help better.
Plus plus
Even more better
@KitFox according to...
@Mitch ha! you think wrong. A banker would deliberately make things worse and then profit from it
I'd say 'pah kay' but I'm not Andrew.
I say "peace"
@MattЭллен I think not.
Literally. I'm not thinking at all.
@MattЭллен I say peace of cake.
mmm... cake.
you say tomato, I say potato
people will sit down and have cake together...world peace. and world diabetes.
@MattЭллен Did you know that those are near species? You can grow potatoes and tomatoes in the same plant?
diabetes world: you're never sweet enough
@Mitch Suffering is what unites people
@Mitch really?
The fruits are tomatoes, the roots are potatoes.
Sadly the leaves are poisonous or something.
@Mitch Hmm. Too much Church Latin and not enough Classical Latin. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
'Pah-chay' sounds like Italian (not that I've actually heard any of this).
@Mitch what do the potatoes taste of?
@Cerberus would actually know.
@MattЭллен Look man I'm just reporting science gossip I don't actually know anything.
@Mitch oh. I can't really fault you. I do that all the time
in The Bridge, 4 hours ago, by Matt Эллен
(2 billion years ago is recent, apparently)
@MattЭллен oops. I just put out a release and forgot to change the default setting.
So "despite what Prof. L asserts"?

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