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I understand.
Have you ever met someone that you knew from the internet at a party or something and found out?
Would probably be awkward. I don't know why I was thinking about that.
@Cerberus I'm trying to think if I have, but I'm not sure really. I have one internet friend I can think of who I never actually met in person, but talked on the phone and stuff, we're like, friends on facebook, some mutual friends. In college it wasn't too weird to make plans with a club or group either and finally meet only at the event we'd been planning, or at class (we were geeky and shy).
@Cerberus Found out what?
I've met most of my significant others over the past 8 years on the internet, so it's not strange for me at all to meet people offline later on after getting to know them online first.
I went to the Rally for Sanity last fall but I had switched reddit usernames by then and I was way too shy to go try to meet up with any internet peoples.
I've met well over 3 dozen people "IRL" that I originally met online.
Probably more than that even...
One of our Gaming.SE mods is coming to the Netherlands for a few months so a bunch of us Dutchies will probably have a meetup then, and I'll have more to add to my list.
I think it's different if you're hoping to meet up versus bumping into someone who turns out to already know you online. I'm sure I'm different in person than I am online, and a bit different depending on who's around, so I guess it could be awkward.
@aediaλ I think that goes for everyone though.
Heh, I suppose so!
Randomly bumping into someone I already knew online probably wouldn't happen. If we're close enough that we talk often enough to be considered friends, we'd likely tell each other that we'd be somewhere we're likely to bump into one another.
@aediaλ Ah OK. So you knew these people all from the internet? Every time I met people from the internet it was always on purpose.
I try to be as open as honest about who I am online as possible though, most of the time. I have to hide various aspects of my life enough offline that if I have a choice, I really would rather not to it online.
@FallenAngelEyes No I mean, you may very well meet people at a party that you know on line, but if neither of you is aware of your prior acquaintance...
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah OK but then you've seen their faces first, so you will recognize them.
@Cerberus I guess it depends on whether or not they've seen you naked on how awkward it would be.
(Kidding. Maybe.)
@aediaλ I think it would be very awkward, but also hilarious.
Seriously though, I think the chances are small enough of that happening that my reaction would be "Holy crap, that's awesome!"
@FallenAngelEyes I think it may have happened to you several times but you just never knew it.
@Cerberus Well then how can it be awkward if you never figure it out!
@FallenAngelEyes Hehe I see.
@FallenAngelEyes No, I mean, it's only awkward if you find out!
@Cerberus I think it would be cool!
It would be! But also awkward.
(This is obviously because I only hang out with awesome people online. sagenod)
@Cerberus Plenty of times I've met people only after emailing or chatting, for a project or volunteering or whatever. But usually intentional. I can't think of an accidental meeting either.
You'd have to explain to your non-internet friends whence you knew this person...
@aediaλ Yeah same here.
@Cerberus My non-internet friends know that I met my significant others online though, so there's less awkwardness for me.
I mean, if you knew each other from a dating site, the other person would probably be discreet enough to make up some story about a bar. But if from a Platonic website, it could be hilariously awkward, and your friends would think you had dated this person or something.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah but that may not be something you want to talk about at a party, in a group of people including your MiL...
Nice I can see "most controversial posts"(which have up/down stats ) even if i dont have 1000 points script
@Cerberus But... but my mother-in-law knows I met her son online!
It's fairly subjective based on your friends' and families' openness about such things.
Whenever I meet new people in the NL, they often ask how I ended up here, and I just tell them I met my boyfriend on the internet.
It's not that strange anymore.
I think my parents are still afraid of strangers on the internets.
@BogdanLataianu And not everyone is supposed to see that? I think they would have blocked that page if it had been supposed to be secret.
@Cerberus it is public
I've seen the acceptability of it change in the past 8.5 years we've been together. In 2003, it still had more of a stigma of "dating site." But now, with Facebook's prevalence, online gaming more visible in the media, and a whole generation of kids who've grown up with the internet, people don't tend to bat an eye anymore.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah I know, I know various people have met their whatevers through the internet; but it may not be something you want everyone to know at a party. Just as you might not want people to know that you dated a certain person not from the internet.
@BogdanLataianu OK.
@Cerberus I'm honestly not sure what else I would say if I didn't want to tell the truth.
@FallenAngelEyes True; but it's still no less awkward than off-line dates, and you don't want to tell everyone that you dated this person at any moment in any company; and if people think "oh, internet, must have been dating" when it was just Platonic internet, then...
But I'm also not someone who likes to lie for the sake of social acceptance. I've had to do it too much in the past, so nowadays, I tend not to bother if it can be helped. If you can't be arsed to accept me for who I am and not judge me or my life, you're not someone I really want to bother with anyway.
Besides, the older generation isn't always so enthusiastic about it...
@FallenAngelEyes Sure.
But that doesn't mean you have to like it if private things become public.
Telling just the salient parts of the truth is good for privacy.
@Cerberus All the 65+ people that I've met here in my drawing and painting courses are very nice and just think it's neat that I met him that way. :)
@Cerberus No, but I have control over how much I let people know. It's only awkward for me if I'm bothered by it. If someone else becomes uncomfortable with the answer I gave, then maybe they should have thought harder about what they were asking and whether or not they actually wanted an honest answer or just a polite platitude.
Sure and good for you!
BRB, need to quickly fight a few battles against the Xenotrannies.
@FallenAngelEyes I didn't know you dated 65+-year-olds at drawing courses.
@Cerberus :P
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah but but... do you enjoy it when you have to introduce your boyfriend to an ex of yours?
I go to a buurthuis for drawing/painting courses and, well, I imagine you're familiar with the general audience of those places. XD
@Cerberus I'm friends with most of my exes, and he knew some of them before they became exes too.
(I'm polyamorous, so my love life is complicated)
@FallenAngelEyes Actually I've never been in one... is it fun?
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, but still.
@Cerberus It is. :)
@Cerberus I'm not ashamed of who I am, who I date, or why I date them, so there's no awkwardness on my part. :) And as stated, most of the people I've dated over the past 8 years I originally met online anyway, so it'd be silly if my exes were judgmental over it. :P
You don't need to be ashamed, and your ex needn't be judgemental—but it could still be that you're simply not in the mood to talk to this person or introduce him or whatever.
But if none of this could ever be awkward for you, then good for you!
@Cerberus I wish I could say it never was! Alas, the world is not perfect.
Nor am I.
I kinda feel bad here for coming into your room and talking so much when I don't do much on your site. >_>
@FallenAngelEyes You certainly don't need to feel bad for keeping our room active! Someone's gotta keep the fire burning ;)
I've just been scrounging up some food before I starve.
Yeah, this is one of those rooms where you are allowed to play with matches.
Not much left in the house when we went away, and haven't been grocery shopping yet.
Hullo @Reg!
@aediaλ Hehe, okay, I just don't want anyone to feel, I don't know... offended is too strong a term. And hi @Reg!
@Reg Your owl looks very stern.
Ooh, it's thunderstorming outside. Spooky.
@FallenAngelEyes it has to.
Jul 15 at 19:58, by RegDwight
"I changed my gravatar to a viscacha and all I got was all hell breaking loose and NO STUPID T-SHIRT!"
@RegDwightѬſ道 I had to wiki that. It's adorable.
I can imagine that's not really the aura you want to emanate as a mod.
"Please be civil on our site." "Awwwwwwwwww, wookit da widdle mod, he's so cuuuuuute!"
Argh, it's 3am, how is it 3am already.
I had something interesting I wanted to bring up, but I need to sleep now.
Hm. Interesting. It's 3am here, too.
So you're from the same planet!
@FallenAngelEyes Well, it doesn't have to be perfect! These little things can also be funny to make jokes about.
@FallenAngelEyes That is absolutely fine! You make it more lively.
@FallenAngelEyes Sleep??
Are you mad?
@RegDwightѬſ道 ...or so you think! dun dun duuuuun!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Perhaps you should link her back to Zombo.com
@Cerberus I'm going to Cologne this week so I can cover Gamescom for Gaming.SE, my schedule needs to be proper so I can be awake at the same time as the convention!
Would be practical, yes.
I know the problem.
I've never been to Cologne before, so I'm looking forward to it, though I won't have much free time. :)
You think you can sleep?
It has been bombed into oblivion by the Brits, so...
I went hiking along the Rhein back in April, stayed in a youth hostel in Bingen, and the train we took down there went through Cologne.
I got a peek at the cathedral from the train.
If I had a nickel for every time I've seen Bingen, or Cologne for that matter...
It was my first trip to Germany! I wanted to see the pretty sights!
Yay for pretty sights.
It's so beautiful there, truly. It reminded me of where I grew up a lot.
Summer? Autumn?
My best friend here in the Netherlands is German (she also moved here for a Dutch boyfriend), so she's taught me a lot about Germany. :)
We do know how to haul foreign girls aboard.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It was early spring, so definitely not the peak in prettiness, but it's easier to get a hostel in the off-season.
@Cerberus The view from the other side is even more disconcerting.
Ever been to the Wallen?
@RegDwightѬſ道 You have a pic? I was trying to find a better one.
Lemme see...
@Cerberus It's so true too. I have more than a few Dutch friends with significant others from outside the country.
@Cerberus ...the Red Light District?
@FallenAngelEyes Perhaps it's also because you have many foreigners in your circles?
@FallenAngelEyes Yup.
Where the slaves are exhibited.
Well, about 1/3 may be here of their own free will.
Still the same side, but higher resolution.
@Cerberus Well my friends are native Dutchies.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Wow, perfect.
@Cerberus I've been there a couple times. I visited it on my first trip here, of course. As an American tourist, I'm practically obligated!
@FallenAngelEyes Hmm yeah then it's odd!
I have not been there since they cracked down in... 2007 I think it was?
@FallenAngelEyes I understand. I live practically at the Wallen.
When they closed a bunch of stuff.
Yeah sometime around that time.
I remember reading about it.
A hooker may very well be working not 6 meters from where I am sitting now.
Do you like where you live?
The back of my house is adjacent to one of the Wallen.
More to the point, his parents are adjacent to Linda de Mol.
@FallenAngelEyes It's extremely central and there's all old houses, so that is perfect. But the tourists and the hookers and the noise...
I don't really feel a need to go back there. Once you've walked through a few times, it's kinda eh.
@Cerberus Yeah, the tourists would drive me nuts.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yeah she lived a few houses down the street for about ten years.
I don't know if it's still there, but the first time I went, there was this really amusing penis fountain. The water spouted out the tip and there were balls that rotated from the water flow where the... well, balls would be.
That's probably at Casa Rosso. I don't really know where that is, so I'm not sure.
That name does ring a bell.
I have to walk through the Wallen whenever I go to university.
What annoyed me the most was all the people trying to sell me ecstasy.
Oh, did they?
I thought they were selling coke?
Coke and E, yeah.
They could probably see you were tourists.
I think that happens about once a year to me.
Yeah, I don't exactly look like a native Dutch person. I'm too short. :P
Awww. Well we have shorties too.
Jochem's... 1.93m tall or so?
I'm about 1.59m tall :P
However, Dutch boyfriends are very handy for putting dishes away on the top shelves of cupboards.
And you put the other ones on the shelves beneath the sink?
A third of a meter's different is quite a bit!
@Cerberus Yes, yes it is.
When we used to only see each other twice a year (back when I still lived in the US), sometimes I'd kind of "forget" just how much taller he was, and I'd see him again and be all, "Holy crap you're tall!"
Haha funny.
He can rest his chin on the top of my head when we hug.
Did he have the same the other way around?
Okay, time to sleep for real now. Have a good night everyone!
Good night.
And I am going to bed, too.
So, night all.
Hey @cerb
I'm trying to tiptoe around the gender/sex issues with "gay transexual woman"
Ah, that would not seem easy!
A: What's a gay transsexual woman?

simchonaA transexual woman is: a male-to-female (MTF) transsexual or transgender person and the term trans woman is preferred by some individuals over various medical terms. Because a transexual woman would view herself as of the female gender (though of the male sex), the term "gay" applies as it ...

I feel like either @Grace or @Kit would be helpful
It seems like a complicated business that I wouldn't touch with a twenty-foot pole...
@Cerberus I don't know why I tried.
A courageous attempt.
I was summoned?
A gay transsexual woman is a MTF lesbian.
It's unambiguous if you know the lingo.
That doesn't sound friendly.
Ha ha ha
Well it didn't.
@simchona You leave too much wiggle room in your answer.
I may draw a diagram. It doesn't matter which came first.
Well, then, I hope I didn't step on your toes, but I posted my own answer.
@KitΘδς No problem! I knew you could give a better one
You had good information in your answer. I hope you get lots of votes.
Thanks. I did what I could. I don't like the way the question is phrased
I don't really either. It's a cheap ploy for rep.
"Turn gay" shakes head
Thanks for pointing it out to me though.
You're welcome. I dv'ed the question
Also, Chaos asked a question about Old English
Q: When did we stop speaking Old English?

ChaosGamer ΕΛ-Υ ēel-ūThere is Old English, and there is the English we speak now. When did exactly did the British (or Americans) change from speaking Old English to speaking the current form of English?

Oh. I would've voted to close it as general reference.
@KitΘδς I'm about to
Or, I did
gasp Another Kit!
So why did you think I would know more about gay transsexuals than you?
@KitΘδς Exactly.
@JasperLoy Exactly what?
@KitΘδς I meant there's no reason to think you would know more about the matter.
@JasperLoy Because she has a better grasp of sex/gender than I do
@simchona Oh you wouldn't know...
Ah. Flatterer. ;-)
@JasperLoy I think you mean "wouldn't you know"
I have been giving out many Kit Kats you know.
They are all over the place now.
Thousands of them like the thank yous.
wrinkles nose Transcript polluter!
Switch to Twix
What is twix?
It is a candy bar: with a biscuit covered with caramel, all covered in chocolate
You get two per package
Oreo sounds better.
Just when I decided the chat room was cold and went to sleep, aedia, fallen, reg all come in and talk, sigh.
In other news, Mana is running for gaming mod.
And it was discovered that the water leaking from my roof is not due to the rains but a leaking water pipe between the fake ceiling and the real one. The whole fake ceiling in one part collapsed last night and my mum was slightly bruised. We should get the pipe fixed this week.
And I was not called back for the mobilisation exercise this time round after all @cerb.
@Cerberus You still not going to bed?
@bogdan I hope you get some more answers that you want on that question, but I doubt it. You can read up more on the matter from books etc.
thanks, yeah i doubt too. sorry for the commotion created about your question
@BogdanLataianu No sorries. I am not disturbed at all. I just don't want others to feel disturbed, yourself and the others.
i noticed that what we talk in chat appears on google\
kind of weird and you wonder whats the point of that
@BogdanLataianu The transcript is available; Google can see it
Indeed, so don't put stuff here that will haunt you in future. Even if it does not, the transcript is public.
Of course if you feel you have put something accidentally here, you can always flag for mod to delete it.
oh good to know-i was wondering about that
Chances are, nobody will bother about the transcript except crazy people.
You can of course self delete if soon enough.
it depends-what if what you say comes on top of Google page
Not likely. If no other online activity, chances are your SE accounts will appear first, and then some Q and A.
You can also change your user name to offset a bit of that.
I am very familiar with google searches. After all, internet stalking is my favourite pastime. :)
i thought about that too
@JasperLoy Yeah it's late again, a bad habit of mine, but I'm going now. Everything OK in here?
@Cerberus What would not be OK in this room?
You never know!
Well, a few Kit Kats will do the job as usual. Gute nacht @cerb!
Gute nacht
@bog Also note that the cache does not clear up so soon, so even if something is deleted or changed, it may still appear on google for a while.
If it really haunts you you can even contact google and see what they can do.
what about you?
no worries in that regard?you keep your name
@BogdanLataianu I thought about that. I don't think I have said anything to be ashamed of or to be afraid of.
whats the time in singapore?
must be morning
About noon now.
@JasperLoy On Monday, no?
Yes on Mon. And my 30th birthday is in 8 days.
There is a magazine here called 8 days, and a watch brand called 25 hours.
you change the prefix
@BogdanLataianu Prefix?
of his age
oh, I see what you're saying
@BogdanLataianu I see. Since I will be 30, then maybe it should be 31st birthday then!
That was sharp of you!
argh, I'm in a "It's gen ref" argument
Q: When did we stop speaking Old English?

ChaosGamer ΕΛ-Υ ēel-ūThere is Old English, and there is the English we speak now. When did exactly did the British (or Americans) change from speaking Old English to speaking the current form of English?

i meant you change from 2x to 3x
@BogdanLataianu Oh dear! It's OK, I got over that when I changed from 1x to 2x!
@simchona i got a bit tired of flagging/downvoting... 150 downvotes, deputy for flags, need a break
@BogdanLataianu Could still use one more
@BogdanLataianu Indeed, I was shocked by your flag weight. I do not flag anything here except obvious ads or f's posted as answers.
i dont think it's gen ref
I think we need to give people space on the internet so I don't really believe in flagging too much.
@BogdanLataianu Try search "old English". Click the Wiki. Look at the "date of extinction" on the right.
sup folks (:
For example, if someone says something offensive, we can correct him there and then and it need not be flagged and removed IMHO.
any blog progress? (:
Hello @reb! I noticed something special about you. Any guesses?
@simchona that's a bit complicated simchona
OK it is the way you type your smiley. People usually do :) but you do (: @reb.
@BogdanLataianu That's pretty much how gen ref works. It's 3 steps. It's a little bit of reading.
give chaos a break for Jasper's birthday
He clearly did no research. That's my biggest EL&U pet peeve
@BogdanLataianu It's not yet it so she can go on now. :)
blog progress? q:
I won't be blogging so soon if at all. I don't know about the rest. Let's give Reb some attention here!
@sim How? Blog?
@JasperLoy How what?
And I'll get to the blog eventually
@simchona That's what I was asking. Reb wants some feedback now you see.
@reb Have you guys considered giving +100 for each blog post?
Why would we do that?
@RebeccaChernoff To encourage people to blog? In the same way rep encourages people to answer. Well at least some people, not all.
Just my two cents. Sometimes this kind of thing has a subconscious psychological effect.
If you're just here for the rep...
Hmm, OK nvm then.
I have nothing to add now.
@RebeccaChernoff I was on a flight yesterday, so I didn't have a chance to reach out to people and talk to them. I'll be emailing them tomorrow if I haven't heard from them in chat or in GDoc but they have signed up for an account.
cool, just following up (:
7 hours ago, by Jez
@Cerberus are you an anglophone living in Holland or a dutchophone (is that a word) who knows English?
1 hour later…
Hey guys, anyone here?
Wanted to know if the sentence - "Are you Staff?" - is grammatically correct...?
you will see the answers
an ABC vs a ABC was covered before
Hey @Bog
Oh, just saying hi ^^
Are you okay about the bounty incident now?
sorry i have to sleep
we talk tomorrow
sure thing
@BogdanLataianu That is a good answer.
@simchona I noticed only girls use sure thing, very interesting. I'm sure Bogdan is fine after having my Kit Kat.
Hi @waiwai! Long time no see
@JasperLoy I never noticed
@simchona But I will use it since I like girl stuff.
@simchona I see waiwai all the time but he is a busy man. :)
I'm not actually that busy :); it's just that I was away from home for the last two weeks, so I couldn't be on EL&U as much, and the time I did spent was usually on moderation and not on chat. So hi!
@waiwai933 Yeah you seem very serious and professional for your age, must be a high-flyer!
A bunch of new questions popped up while I was away. Hooray!
@simchona Why hooray? You like to answer them?
@JasperLoy I like to see new ones and read the answers
I hate when the same 5 questions just get shuffled around and bumped
Well, I like to edit things I guess. I noticed you added an article in one of the titles I edited. That's fine. I just wanted to point out that I omitted the article sometimes for brevity. That's one style used in say newspaper headlines. Both are fine.
And I noticed that the excavator badge has been introduced so there is a whole bunch of them being awarded now.
@JasperLoy Yeah I was wondering about that new one
And you are going to be in the 6k league soon. Hooray! I have officially retired from answering questions. Just answer the simple one now and then.
What the hell is 'Thursagen' doing editing everything?
Look at this edit:
@z7sgѪ When I edit I try to make each edit count (when I'm in the mood). But changing "things" to "works" is totally unnecessary IMHO. So I don't know why he did that.
@z7sgѪ And why did you put his username in quotes?
He has changed it three times now.
Bogdan's bounty on my question is giving me a lot of upvotes.
@z7sgѪ I only see one from the edit history.
His name
@z7sgѪ I see. That was deep.
Yes, I am a contemplative unicorn.
Who likes to hand out coffee.
But I prefer tea, so I will handle the tea in this room and you do the coffee.
Yes, I agree to this division of labour.
Advertisement: Who wants to blog for EL&U please do so.
I think I will return to ELU later, once 'Thursagen' has gone beddy-byes.
OK see you.
Well I'm not going to blog, but for those who do, I will be an avid reader.
Q: Use of 'f' instead of 's' in Old English

Paul StovellI was at a museum in London yesterday, and one of the items on exhibit is a document from the 1700's. It uses the letter f a lot where s should be used - for example, in "Majefty". Did the letter 'f' once have the same sound as 's' today, or were some of those words actually spoken with an 'f...

I am still not sure where the threshold for gen ref is.
This, to me, is a gen ref question.
Thoughts? @JSBangs, @Martha, @Robusto.
It's about typography not English.
Yeah, but this is one of those chicken-and-egg cases.
You can't know whether the question is off-topic without knowing the answer.
The answer is egg. Egg! ( )
That's true but a question being OT doesn't mean it shouldn't be asked does it? You don't lose rep.
Oops, gotta go. Will be back later.
Good afternoon all

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