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@BogdanLataianu Not funny.
i see you coming in/out often. Do you have internet cuts?
Who are you talking to?
with @Jasper
I think he just drifts in and out when he feels like it
I am here..
I am looking friends to help me to improve english..
saturday there are few people here tariq
yeah right..
I'm back. Sometimes I leave the room when no conversation is happening.
I'm off to bed.
And bye!
@Cerberus Boo and goodnight!
Boo and bye!
@Tariq So what are you waiting for?
but why jasper? isnt it easier to stay in the room/
@BogdanLataianu I'm weird.
u have a reason
@BogdanLataianu This one, no reason in particular. If there were I would say so. You know I never lie.
then you have a reason that you are not aware of
No, also not true. I have great awareness, a bit too much I must say.
Sim is gone. When she returns I think I want to discuss some EL&U formatting issues with her.
Hello Jasper loy
@Tariq Hello! Are you familiar with the buttons in this room?
Could you guide me on this?
You can just post a message, or use the arrow on the right to click reply, or the arrow on the left to refer to the message replied to.
You can also use the @ syntax to ping someone. For example, @tariq. You should get pinged now!
OK thats Cool
@JasperLoy thats Good.
@Tariq Since you are here to practise I will correct all your spellings. that's
@JasperLoy OK thank you for this kindness..
@JasperLoy I really love to improve my English Grammar mistakes and spellings..
@Tariq I suggest you read everything at grammarbook.com first. It covers grammar and punctuation rules and mistakes. It is mostly American English though.
@JasperLoy OK thank you I read this catch you later.. How could I contact you..
There are exercises there for you to do as well. You can just chat with me in this room when I am around.
@JasperLoy Ok thank you I learn this and catch you later..
@Tariq Take your time. The stuff there will take a few days to cover by the way.
@BogdanLataianu One reason I can think of is not to give others the impression I am in the room but don't want to reply to them.
@JasperLoy Yes?
@simchona There are multiple formatting conventions which is why we can never decide on one. But I noticed you changed some of the titles to "cat" vs "dog". I've not seen this kind of title where the first letter is small. I've always thought the first letter in a title must be in capital.
@JasperLoy I think I saw someone posted in meta about doing that -- I make them both upper or both lower because it is "word1" vs "word2"
Since it's not really a sentence, I don't cap the first word unless the second is also capped
drm usually changes them back to Word1 vs word2
Q: Standard format for questions on difference between two specified words

FumbleFingersQuite a lot of questions concern the difference between two specified words (often with an example sentence, where OP wants to know which to use). It's much easier to search for an existing Question about some given word-pair if you know the format that question is likely to be in. I personally ...

Looks like I've been doing it wrong. My bad
also, voting to close as NARQ on this--
Q: What is the opposite of "this is a painless process"?

PacerierWhat may be the opposite of "this is a painless process"?

@simchona The capitalisation of the first letter is not an issue discussed there. Although it is not a proper sentence, I feel that titles should always have first letter capitalised. What do you think?
@JasperLoy Hmm...there's a comment from Cerb in there that the first should be capped.
If you feel the same, I'll adopt it into my formatting
@simchona I gave a -1 on that because there was no context and he did not bother capitalising the obvious. I will vote to close too.
@simchona OK then.
@JasperLoy Yay for agreement!
Boo on Pcr for asking a poor question
@simchona Of course this is independent of other formatting issues which I don't even want to discuss now since I can't agree with myself either.
@JasperLoy Eventually questions will be whipped into shape because there are so many editors. i just do what I think is right
@simchona Right, I'm just saying there are multiple conventions and we as a site will never agree. In fact today I think this is good and tmr I think that is good.
@JasperLoy all the formatting will change as the community does
@simchona Exactly.
How'd your roof hold up?
It's supposed to get fixed by someone soon. Not in danger of collapsing. Just some big crack somewhere.
Ah. Well it's good you were safe in the storm
I don't mind a painless death in my current situation. :)
Anyway Soccoro purposely changed my capital to a small in the title, don't know why.
I don't know everything you're going through, but I have faith (and I'm not even religious) that you will be strong through it
And Soccoro also needs better questions
Soccoro did that a while ago. I'm wondering if he was trying to emulate you or if there was some other reason.
Hmm, not sure why he'd do that
But anyway, why did you use a small letter?
@JasperLoy parallelism between the words
since it's in ""s
I see. I like symmetry too. But in this case that symmetry does not extend to the case as well, and the nature of the title takes over to dictate it should be capital.
But what if you had question of the capitalization of "i"
@waiwai Would you like to blog as well?
would it be "I" vs "I"?
In such cases, for typographical consistency and aesthetics, I would rewrite the title in such a way to avoid these issues.
Good point.
You can always use Capitalisation of "I" as the title, for example.
Pacerier's question has disappeared! Waiwai just closed it.
And it got -4 so it doesn't appear on the main list.
@JasperLoy I went to check on it, and lo and behold! I guess we weren't the only ones who thought it was bad
@simchona Of course, great minds think alike, though it could also be that fools seldom differ, so cliche!
@JasperLoy "Fools seldom differ"--I'm going to keep that one
Waiwai seems to move very quickly on matters here.
I would not know how many flags they have to deal with every day.
It is a quiet weekend in chat.
Yeah--I wonder if aedia is still on vacation
Probably. The beach is too beautiful for her to visit us.
And Matt is sort of too, going to that performance in Edinburgh.
@sim I have downvoted and voted to close Pacerier's question again!
@JasperLoy Me too! I also wrote a note to the mods -- did you know he's question-banned from MSO?
I'm chatting with the Gaming people in the Bridge by the way--you should join if you feel up to it
@simchona No, and he could even be staying next to me!
@JasperLoy Grace said there's a lot of problems with him. Let me dig up some of the posts he made. Apparently he created sockpuppet accoutns
@simchona Nvm, see you in gaming!
Q: Why can I not have 2 accounts?

PacerierI am curious why I can't have 2 accounts. My accounts have been merged into one (i assumed by some admin): http://stackoverflow.com/users/632951/pacerier I've read these threads: Why are people allowed to have multiple user accounts? What's the SO policy about having multiple user account...

7 hours later…
just for the lols, does anyone wanna commit to French Language & Usage? We have 199, need 1 more :-p
But my French kinda sucks.
I am reading Le Père Goriot at the moment, though...
I can read it well enough, but speaking or writing...
well probably as bad as me
I doubt it.
Q: Suppletive adjectives

Otavio MacedoIn English, there are three suppletive adjectives: good, bad and far. Their comparative and superlative forms derive from different stems, i.e., we have best instead of *goodest, worse instead of *badder and so on. Do linguists have an explanation for why suppletion occurred only for these three ...

I wonder if this would be a better fit for Linguistics...
@JSBangs: isn't it that suppletion is actually much more common, but simply much more likely to survive in heavily-used words rather than in obscure ones? I'm not sure what the situation is with English adjectives. Perhaps @Robusto and @Martha can think of more examples from Old English.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That is true.
That it is more common in frequently used words.
@RegDwightѬſ道 — Actually, I can't think of any suppletive forms in Old English off the top of my head. And as all my OE reference materials are paper, I'm too lazy to do a search.
In fact, modern went is the past tense of wendan meaning "to leave" in OE. I think suppletion happens mostly when languages merge.
@Robusto How about I v. me? Am v. be?
Sure the first must have existed in OE already?
Hmm, true.
Stupid new OS X Lion ... I can't find my keyboard utility for typing OE chars.
Why have you switched to Lion?
Also, the "special characters" window is not resizable now. Progress? I think not.
I am seriously interested in what motivates people to change OSs and how happy they are with it afterwards.
By the way, I am the only user over 12.5k without a single gold badge.
@Cerberus — You should wear that as a badge of honor.
I am!
I don't give a shit about badges.
I have never consciously tried to get one.
@BogdanLataianu Jargon? Press Kit is a short text passage that explains what an application is about and what users' problems it solves. Promo code is a code which gives you an app free of charge in Apple App Store or Mac App Store.
@RegDwightѬſ道 — It does seem better suited to Linguistics.SE, did such a thing exist.
@JasperLoy Press Kit is a short text passage that explains what an application is about and what users' problems it solves. It's about 1 page long.
@Robusto Yeah get it fired up already! Perhaps we could entice Kos to come back too.
@Cerberus — I think Kos will come back when pigs fly.
Which is, coincidentally, the exact same time Jeff apologizes publicly.
Ah, I can't wait!
Q: Difference between female and male usage

Niklas RMaking statistics on material either women or men wrote, it seems to me that there are more vowels when the writer is a female and more consonants when the writer is male. Are there any evidence for or against my notion? Did anybody make a study like that? Does it have any purpose besides being a...

I don't think this has a place on ELU.
I don't know. If it's true, why not?
Linguistics.se: does this flattening correlate to the crisis on EL&U?
@Cerberus — Umm, because it's not really constructive? What do we gain by studying gender differences regarding consonant-vs.-vowel usage, and how do we apply it if we even get an answer from that. Also, the OP cites statistics without reference, a version of the complex-question fallacy.
@Robusto We could gain a great deal. We could identify texts by female writers and theorize about it.
@Cerberus — There is perhaps a date correlation, but then a rise.
@Cerberus — You misspelled fantasize.
It is the statistics that's the problem: if those are bad, the whole question becomes moot.
@Robusto But a slower rise?
@Cerberus — My point exactly.
So I agree that the OP should present either references or his own statistics.
@Cerberus — Slower than what? Most of that line shows a similar slope.
@Robusto Ah, but it was approaching an asymptote just before the crisis!
I could have been a parabola, had not the crisis intervened.
@Cerberus — As would be expected from any graph for short periods of time. Spurts don't make trends.
We don't know that!
@Cerberus — And so you had to settle for hyperbole. How ironic.
@Cerberus — OK, well your spurts are definitely trends. So to speak.
@Robusto What else do I have left?
@Robusto My spurts? Where?
I was speaking figuratively. Sort of.
By the way, I just realized that we use spurten in Dutch. Never realized that we got it from English, though it does sound foreign when I think about it.
@Robusto I probably don't want to know...
@Cerberus — Dutch got everything from English.
Jun 24 at 15:39, by Kosmonaut
@Robusto Dutch isn't even a convincing forgery.
Hey, at least it's not English.
@Cerberus — Most made-up languages are not English. So?
So they have at least something going for them.
Could be. Anyway, gotta run. Laterz.
unconstructive attitude against my bounty
i will start to flag the comments
i flagged Hugo and Robusto's comments
Oh, dear.
Q: Correct Way Of Writing Letters (Print Handwriting)

HosseinMy mother-tongue's writing alphabet is not Latin. I learned Latin alphabet when I was a child by drawing pictures from the books I had at that time. I'm used to writing M with one movement of the pen, and I always write A by starting from the left bottom corner and ending in the right bottom cor...

Off Topic
I'd say...
2 hours later…
@BogdanLataianu Is it so serious to warrant a flag? Relax. Have a Kit Kat.
@JasperLoy I'm with you on this one
@Alenanno Voted to close as well.
@simchona I'm not voting on this one though.
@JasperLoy I think it'll be too subjective. People do write differently
@simchona Then it should be closed as subjective and not off-topic.
Did you notice Pcr is suspended?
Yes I did, you were responsible for it right?
It is very quiet this weekend.
There were a lot of new questions today though
Just not a lot of people in here
The latter is more important to me. :)
When do your hols end?
In about 2ish weeks
I see you have put the initial capital in the title to practice already!
Having multiple tabs in your browser is a good idea. You can jump from this room to that easily.
Yup! I figured I'd start adopting a style again now
Are you in the Bridge too?
No. I am too old for the kids there.
And I also hate computer games still.
I think you meant changing style, since you definitely had some style before this too.
Namely, the style of parallelism at all costs!
I would not close a question as off-topic here just because it pertains to other languages as well. I mean they can choose to ask it on any of the language sites they like and I think that's fine. Otherwise, my native speaker question is off-topic too.
Besides there may be things specific to that language in particular.
Yes, changing style--my bad
I think the problem with the handwriting question is that every country will answer differently. With the native speaker question, its not as subject to that difference
I actually think that there are at most two ways to write most letters, so not that subjective to me. Just like words can be pronounced in one, two or rarely three ways too.
But if he wants 'proper' style he'd need to adopt one and learn it
Who's going to tell him which one is right?
Which is fine since there are variant spellings too. We can just say there is this more common one and maybe this too. Now you can choose to learn this first for example.
People learning languages need suggestions like that.
Q: Is there any evidence that people really notice ellipses in computer applications

Roger AttrillFollowing a question on user experience stack exchange which discussed the ellipsis in the context of computer applications, I was asked whether there's any research indicating that users actually notice these dots. In computer applications, especially desktop applications, the ellipsis is used ...

I NARQed this one. OK, I need to go for you. Talk to ya later!
Nevermind. Waiwai got it.
> In computer applications, especially desktop applications, the ellipsis is used ...
nah, i can't see any ellipsis
why are we even talking about ellipsis?!
hello...anybody home?
smh.. -_-
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Hello kimchi!
dont call me kimchi...
not in good mood today
wish I could just implode everything in my room...
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I am sorry to hear you are in a bad mood. What happened?
sigh I need to learn how to do Chaos Blast....
@JasperLoy what went wrong? lets see...
I'd rather not talk about it. Anyhow, whats up?
Then don't talk about it. Nothing's up. I just responded to your call of anybody home.
alright. So what do we disscuss about? Or do you have time?
@jez FL at 200 now!
@JasperLoy yep. :-) beta soon
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū discuss, anything
I saw your "Its over 9000!" video. Pretty funny and intersting. I like Vegeta.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Whose video?
Oh wait, it wasn't you. Sorry
It was video matt gave me..
I have no videos anywhere on the internet, unless someone spied on me...
You have stalker?
I wouldn't say it's good or bad, just neutral.
ok... But in my opinion, having stalker is bad.
What kinds of Korean food do you recommend?
Q: What's a gay transexual woman?

LaurentI know how it sounds but it's a serious question, I saw an article title about it on the Guardian today. If someone tells you that a person is a "gay transsexual woman", is it possible, logically, to know who exactly this person is? Is it a man who became a woman, then turned gay and started li...

Interesting question above.
@jez The private beta is one week right?
yeah i think so, or maybe 2
@Jez And how long is the public beta actually? I have no idea.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Have you forgotten about the food?
@JasperLoy indefinitely long
@matt How was the trip? Tell us all the juicy details.
@Jez Until satisfactory that is?
rarely do they get closed
The atheism one got closed. It was doomed from the start.
I'm surprised skeptics is still alive.
I can't think of that many questions to ask on these sites, but that's just me.
And chaos left without telling me about Korean food. :(
@JasperLoy i r catching on transcript. brb
Anyway I hope GL and FL graduate eventually.
Everyone go flood them with questions! GL has too little movement it seems.
When you see a 2d ago on the main page, you know there's not enough activity.
In fact on GL there's a 2wk ago post at the bottom!
Perhaps the German speakers don't really use SE.
@JasperLoy I am hungover. The time I had was the best one possible. My friend's reading was excellent. A group of us went out on the town to celebrate and went to watch some comedy poetry. It was hilarious: three guys were competing to seem the least uncool through poetry. Then we went to a few more pubs and I played a game of space invaders with my friend. Then I went to bed.
oh, before I went to see my friend, I watched a comedy about the history of Halifax (a town in Yorkshire)
@MattEllenД OK good! I thought it was a musical performance. I didn't think it was poetry. And I didn't know you are that into poetry. I hate poetry, but my best friend here wrote about 200 of them.
@JasperLoy My friend didn't read poetry, she read a short story she had written. Her performance was part of a thing that UNESCO are doing in Edinburgh to showcase new writers
@MattEllenД I see. Anything else to report? No romantic encounters?
She is part of Story shop
@JasperLoy No. Nothing like that :)
@MattEllenД Soon it will come, soon.
@JasperLoy meh. I'm not bothered. I love hanging out with Cat (my friend), plus a couple of the people who came along to support her I am friends with too, so we had a great little reunion.
@MattEllenД Good! By the way, today I explored data.stackexchange.com. I didn't really know about its existence.
@JasperLoy I see. Did you find out anything interesting?
@MattEllenД Yes, see who topped "The exhibitionists" on EL. :)
@Jez Oh no!
@Cerberus Boo!
I hear Matt has has a good weekend.
@Cerberus That I have :)
have you?
Jolly god :)
So Edinburgh it was, no?
@Cerberus is was? Yes Edinburgh was and continues to be!
@Cerberus has had
I am glad you didn't burn it to the ground.
It's where I went. To the festivals going on there.
@Cerberus Now you are becoming like chaos!
@Cerberus Well, I was tempted, but then I remembered that I wanted to come back.
And it isn't raining!
It looks like it is going to rain in the picture.
I always wonder what it must be like for people who grew up in a warm country to visit our dreary, rainy ones.
Rain can be romantic.
Have you been to a colder country?
No, my travels is almost zero.
OK I don't like travelling much either.
Do you think you will hate it when it's 10 Celsius?
@Cerberus I have not been to a colder one than Scotland.
@JasperLoy In Edinburgh it always look like it's going to rain.
Even if I had lots of money, I wouldn't travel. I have travelled the whole world in my mind.
@MattEllenД That must be extremely cold for Jasper.
Same here.
I just can't stand any other climate than my own.
@StéphaneGimenez That was sudden! I noticed you entered the room yet again without any noise.
@Cerberus probably. I've only visited Singapore on a stop over, but it was really hot then.
And also no point travelling to a nice place if you need to leave it in a few days.
@Cerberus These are the two inextricable facts of Edinburgh.
When it's 30 Celsius in France I feel like I'm dying already.
My friends had 50 degrees in Egypt.
Why can't they just make it room temperature everywhere?
I think 25 degrees everywhere would be good, like natural airconditioning.
Is it too much to ask that they put up airconditioning and heating on the streets?
@JasperLoy That would be natural heating here!
And I prefer 20 degrees.
It's been 20 here for months, perfect.
But I don't like the airconditioned buses here. I prefer the wind, but they are all airconditioned now.
Announcement for Jez: Please visit his firefox addons page!
I wish we had a/c here everywhere!
Busses and trams become like torture in summer.
But you're probably used to it.
I wish there were only one country in the world.
Then there need not be wars and famines. Well, there still could be.
Ya I'm used to the heat. But it would be nice to live in a cold country, maybe that might happen this life...
@ste I see you are quite a unix expert!
Hello @bog I noticed you made some comments in math chat that it is not helpful.
yeah what about it?
@BogdanLataianu Well it's just that I didn't understand what you meant since I wasn't really there.
@JasperLoy Yup, I've been using linux for quite a long time.
there are much fewer people there too than here, so less chance to get feedback
it doesn't matter Jasper-different story\
@StéphaneGimenez what distro do you use?
Mostly gentoo, debian at work.
what worries me is people criticizing the bounty I gave as if it is wrong to give a bounty
@BogdanLataianu I think they didn't mean it like that.
i dont see why is a problem wanting to have other answer for a question
@StéphaneGimenez Debian is still hard to install, no nonfree firmware and no live cd.
@BogdanLataianu No problem at all, maybe they were just joking! Where's your sense of humour?
"Maybe Bogdan is just after the Altruist badge!"(Hugo)
@Cerberus No trams here, only MRT trains.
@BogdanLataianu Relax! Have a Kit Kat!
@JasperLoy MRT?
@MattEllenД I see.
SMRT Trains Limited (Chinese: 新加坡地铁有限公司) is a rail operator in Singapore and a wholly owned subsidiary of SMRT Corporation. Then known as Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (MRTC) when it was incorporated on 6 August 1987, it was renamed as Singapore MRT Limited before taking on its current name, SMRT Trains, in the year 2004. On 7 November 1987, MRTC started services on Singapore's first MRT section, consisting of five stations from Yio Chu Kang to Toa Payoh. SMRT Trains currently manages MRT services on all MRT lines except the North East Line. On 11 December 2001, SMRT merged with TIBS Hol...
@MattEllenД Looks cool.
Ah looks like lightrail?
@Cerberus Some are man-operated, some are machine-operated, but they look similar. A bit faster to get around and more expensive than buses, but about the same.
Q: Who is considered a 'native speaker' of English?

Jasper LoyWho is considered a native speaker of English? I am a little confused by the various answers found online.

Looking at the comments to the question there, I hope no war is started.
so, I go away for one week and everyone change their username to include nice Unicode characters
since when is that possible?
and hi all!
@JasperLoy OK sounds comfortable, we have similar things. They are extensions of the underground, the lines pop above ground and continue through the suburbs like that.
Q: What's up with the strange characters in some display names?

drɱ65 δI assume it's not just me: Why have some users added special characters to their usernames? The list includes: Kit (now KitΘδς) z7sg (now z7sg Ѫ) JSBangs (now JSBᾶngs) Martha (now Marthaª) aedia (now aedia λ) Alain Pannetier (now Alain Pannetier Φ) Rhodri (now Rhŵdri) RegDwight ♦ (now RegDwight...

@Fx I apologize on their behalf.
@Cerberus We have underground ones and above ground ones too, depends on which station. And there are long ones and short ones.
@Cerberus but since when is that possible? I have tried to have all sorts of Unicode glyphs in my username when I first came in, but it's rejected by the system (saying only letters and digits)
oh, such cool things happen when I'm not around:
French Language & Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the French language.

Currently in commitment.

“This proposal has reached 100% commitment. We are preparing for its launch and expect to create it soon.”
@JasperLoy Asia is famous for its excellent urban railway networks.
@Fx I haven't a clue!
@Fx Mes très sincères félicitations! If that is correct.
@Cerberus thanks (and yes, that's correct, including all accents — a feat that can only be properly rewarded by an account on FL&U!)
Hehe well my French sucks.
I am reading Le Père Goriot now, just started. It seems doable. But Les Âmes Grises was a bit above my level, with all those endless descriptions of landscapes, clothing, objects... my vocabulary is just too narrow.
@Jasper thanks for Kit-Kat.
@Cerberus that's not bad, then
gotta go, see you later!
@JasperLoy I answered that one. I think my answer is better than wfaulks, to be honest
@BogdanLataianu Don't worry about it. I think people may think you're misusing the site--there's already a good answer there. I don't want to start an argument though.
Hi @Fallen -- Jasper and I checked out the Bridge yesterday!
@simchona Heya @simchona. Awesome. :D
sweet dreams!
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