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Well, we can hang them or something.
Or...let them be!
@Cerberus How did you paste only the photo? I want to do the same thing but can't seem to do it
I know, a novel idea.
@Arrowfar You need to make sure your line contains only the link, and the link needs to end on .jpg or .png or .gif or a similar extension.
What photo do you want to post?
What about San Fransisco and the East Village?
What was I doing just now?
@Cerberus For example I want to post this with photo chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/95/english-language-usage
@KitFox juggling being awesome and not scaring people with your awesomeness?
that's not an image
but if you post the link to the chatroom on a line by itself it will one-box for you

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
@KitFox What?
Gay villages.
@MattЭллен Do I scare people?
@KitFox I don't think so.
maybe if you jump out at them
You scare me :-O
and some people are just generally scared
@MattЭллен Yes how did you do this? On a line? I don't get it
I'm really very nice.
@Arrowfar you know how you chat? well the message should just be the link
I exactly want to do this
@KitFox Why would you want to segregate people? I honestly don't see the advantage.
@Arrowfar so just paste the link to the room as your only text in your message
@Cerberus We didn't do it. It just happened that way.
Was it perhaps because other neighbourhoods were unsafe or something?
@MattЭллен line by itself it will one-box for you How can I do this? If you don't mind me asking
Do that.
@Cerberus Birds of a feather, perhaps?
They don't here?
I wouldn't want to live near lots of gays, why should I?
@Arrowfar like I said above. the message that you send should be only the link to the chatroom
Maybe your population isn't big enough.
40% of the people in the inner city are said to be gay.
That's 32,000 people...
@Cerberus Easier to find dates?
Then you can have gay shops and stuff.
It's easy enough if they live in the same city in decent neighbourhoods?
And gay services centrally located.
What would I buy in a gay shop?
What gay services?
Gay stuff. Duh.
@Arrowfar Congratulations!!
@KitFox Like what? Gays are not...horses.
@Arrowfar Good job
@Cerberus How would I know? I'm not gay.
well, back then being openly homosexual in America was hard, right? so it makes sense for them to self congregate. but I think (I don't know) that Amsterdam is much more open minded. sexuality isn't a thing to judge people by. It's like trying to be friends with someone because they're blond
I don't know either.
Finally han haha :D
@Cerberus So you think gay neighborhoods aren't decent? Bigot.
@MattЭллен Exactly!
@KitFox No, they are most likely decent neighbourhoods, but not the other way around.
@Arrowfar that's it!
I would guess it happened in the East Village because of all the actor-waiters.
In the US, gay areas known for low crime.
Yeah. Gay is the way to go if you want a safe place to live.
We have low crime everywhere...but I rather think it could be like what Matt said.
@MattЭллен People always trying to touch their hair. How does it get like that?
I could be way off. I'm just going by what I saw in Milk
Bye Guys Thanks alot :)
Hi everyone
@Arrowfar CU
I can't see anything in milk.
Is enrollment a count noun?
I have no idea. Apparently, my backwater hometown of 30,000 people is in the top 25 places to live in the US if you have an alternative lifestyle.
Sort of.
:16144231 Only a small group does that. Just avoid bad neighbourhoods. You don't need a gay neighbourhood for that.
I'd rather hope that much larger places would be more accepting.
I'm sure most places are pretty accepting anyway.
@Kabir101 both count and mass: enrolment
I'm pretty sure everybody hates everybody.
@Mitch If only you were blond, we could get along
or blind
Is he?
@MattЭллен: how do you support the answer? can you give me an example?
@Kabir101 I linked you to the definition in a dictionary that has many examples :)
I'm blonde.
@KitFox I'd like to be your friend
@MattЭллен where will I find it?
@Kabir101 it's the link in my message
2 mins ago, by Matt Эллен
@Kabir101 both count and mass: enrolment
@MattЭллен You have been and always shall be my friend.
@MattЭллен Too late pal get in line behind me ;-)
@Kabir101 the word enrolment is in red, which means it is a link
Oh. Awkward.
@MattЭллен studies were done. blind people are total racists too.
@KitFox yay!
Sorry mate. It didn't appear that way. Now I can see that. thanks
no problem :)
@Mitch what did they use as a control? people who could see!!
think about it
they should have done a double blind study
swears profusely and utterly impotently
@skullpatrol no control, base line is 'everybody' (non-blind). comparison wihth blind people it's about the same.
@MattЭллен it was usefull, thank you.
@KitFox did you stub your toe?
@Kabir101 you're welcome
@Mitch how could someone who has NEVER seen color hate a black man?
Can I put an article like this: 'once a year, during an open enrollment'?
@skullpatrol it's not about color (of course that is a big thing).
@Kabir101 yes
@skullpatrol Why do people hate anybody? it's not always about appearance (though that is a popular motivator)
!!youtube people are people so why should it be
@MattЭллен That's what I thought.
@Mitch that^ is why
People hate each other because of annoying Depeche Mode songs? Yeah, I'll grant you that.
@MattЭллен The contractor did a wireframe for my project. I have not been solicited for feedback or otherwise consulted about it.
@KitFox was the wireframe your job?
@KitFox Hi blondy! Come here often ;-)
"We provide customers a service" Vs "We provide service to the customers"
Which one is more appropriate?
@Kabir101 they are both grammatical, but appropriateness requires more context
Like please, climb down from your ivory tower before you get on the internet pal.
I forget how easy going it is in here most of the time.
anyway, time to go!
@Mitch I will go further than that. I hate Depeche Mode because of annoying Depeche Mode songs.
@RegDwigнt Always taking it to the next level aren't you pal?
Always striving.
Speaking of the next level, I just got a "problem report" from a major US car manufacturer that pretty much literally said, "Sometimes there seems to be a problem. Why?"
I kid you not.
I wonder if you can just work into one of their shops and say "sometimes my car does not run" and have it fixed for you.
Too hard.
Like, it says so right in the title.
Also, must commute.
I was not as polite as perhaps I should have been.
To whom?
To the PM.
Prime Minister?
Now he will need to choose which asshole to use when he has to poop.
I don't often get angry at work, but when I do, I do it so that my sentence has some sort of clever ending.
Not just verbal diarrhea?
I don't do that.
So many do...
!!wiki verbal diarrhea
Verbosity is speech or writing which is deemed to use an excess of words. The opposite of verbosity is succinctness, which can be found in plain language (including Plain English), and laconism. Some teachers, including the author of The Elements of Style, warn writers not to be verbose. Similarly, some authors, including Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway, use a succinct style and avoid verbosity. Synonyms for verbosity include wordiness, prolixity, grandiloquence, garrulousness, expatiation, and logorrhea. Corresponding adjectival forms are verbose, wordy, prolix, grandiloquent, garrulou...
Mathematicians are notoriously concise with their words, especially the articles.
Or even a clever "s" put on the end of a word can change the meaning so much.
But taken to the extreme it can be annoying to spend hours on one sentence, and in my opinion, this does not aid the self-taught.
@KitFox Clever as in sarcastic or catty or zing, I presume you mean?
Funny would be acceptable.
in the heat of battle people don't find it funny
I bet
@Robusto Is that so?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I never lie about RAM.
Of course, there is a chance I could be mistaken. Last time I price-checked RAM was over a year ago.
@Robusto Oh odd. I have RAM lying about myself.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Ewe don't say.
@Robusto I never lie about ram.
I never lie about ewe, kid.
Wether or not I need to.
rings bell
@tchrist did @Rob get your goat?
Any more of this and I'm gonna hafta take it on the lamb.
BTW, if you get RAM, don't get Dodge Ram.
It's its own make now.
Chryst no!
They couldn't a Ford not to.
Do you drive a tChristler?
(Hint: the "t" is silent.)
I’m too audacious for that.
I didn't know you could afFord that.
Spare us the Saab story.
@tchrist is dodging questions now.
I think foreign firms marketing in the U.S. should be required not to spell their names with letters not meant to be pronounced. For example, Hyundai is supposed to be pronounced "Hun-day"; so why couldn't they just spell it "Hundai"?
@Robusto Bought it for cash back when I was rich and famous. Now I can hardly support its maintenance.
I thought it was hai-un-dai.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 that's how I pronounce it
I presume it is to be pronounced as it is spelled.
The rest of the country drops the "Y"; it's a conspiracy against intellectuals. As usual.
But really, I have no idea.
As a kid, I was the only one I knew who pronounced Volkswagen folksvahgen.
Everyone else pronounced it "volts wagon".
I doubt whether it's meant to rhyme with Sunday.
Everyone in the midwest says ɔdiz not audiz. It's awnoying.
Indians drive Tatas. I fondle them.
The ones I know drive Chevy pickups.
Best to avoid.
"Volk" means "folks" in English "Volk" is German word, means "people and army"
The reason we all pronounce "Volkswagen to Folksvahgen" is because it is originally called "Folk" and German pronounces "v" as "ph" which is nonvoice sound.
As Australian pronounces "A" as "I".... Game to GaIm, "Player" to "PlaIer"
The term is statuary frottage. Not to be confused with statutory frottage.John Lawler 20 secs ago
Mmm, frottage.
The Professor is not without humor.
@KitFox Hi
@Kabir101 Ja, ich weiß.
@Kabir101 Oh, is that what my mouth is doing there?
@tchrist That clever Lawler.
@KitFox Was macht dein Mund?
Can we get a filter that automatically rejects questions that start "Please help me to correct this sentence"?
@Robusto are you German?
@Kabir101 Ich bin kein Deutscher.
Then why are you talking like that? Dont talk to me like that, I didn't get what you said...lol
@Kabir101 Then don't explain German pronunciation to me.
Laters, all.
!!read or write
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 write
Wooo, Hey, it was a suggestion, if you didn't like, say it rather than playing around words. I mean discuss it.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 write
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 read
and I never said it was explained to you.
@RegDwigнt My car keeps running out of gas. I think that comes under a manufacturer recall. Can you fix that for me?
I swear I get pings that I can connect with no within-two-minute event nor room I am in. All I can figure is that a moderator has edited an old question that pinged me.
Like the one from ~20 seconds ago.
Checked the other rooms, wasn't it either.
Like an @tchrist kind of ping?
Is there a notice in your inbox?
That's odd.
This happens from time to time. It is curious.
If someone had mentioned me in another room I wasn't it, I believe I get an inbox notification to that effect.
But not a ping unless it's a mod.
And a mod wouldn't do that unless they wanted my attention.
You would get a top banner that said you were mentioned in a room you weren't in.
¿Quién sabe?
Ah, that's right.
If you had been in recently enough to be pung from there.
That's why the only thing I could think of would be somebody editing an old post that pinged me.
Could be.
Or maybe gremlins.
Or your email, and you just thought it was EL&U.
No, the chat ping is a unique sound.
It never occurs on my machine otherwise.
Well, I can think of one perfectly possible scenario, as I imagine could you, provided you've read my recent mail.
There may be some aisle-nine wet-cleanup going on as a result of what it was talking about.
Apropos of nothing, I do so delight in sitting here watching orioles at my oriole-feeder all day long. They are so vibrantly colorful.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 drablr.com Love you!
blows kisses
@KitFox Whoa!
@KitFox Double whoa!
catches kisses
I expect I shall never see you again now.
smacks face with kisses
@KitFox I'll want you to read them.
I'll subscribe to your feed.
@KitFox where are you from?
New England.
Hasn't the newness worn off?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 No.
Still has that new region smell.
Pine scented.
Nice. Pine-scented outgassing.
The aroma from ponderosa pines has a distinctly caramel-vanilla scent to it. Stick your nose in a furrow in the bark and sniff, and you’ll see what I mean.
@tchrist I'll put that on the list. googles ponderosa pines to learn what they look like
That guy know's what's up.
Exactly so.
Is the inner bark safe to eat?
Pine bark?
Ponderosa pine bark.
have you just eaten some?
Do you have any antibiotics? Just in case.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Nope, that was me.
I've heard that inner tree bark is safe to eat.
@Mitch Oh! Well.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Outer bark is good fiber.
@KitFox Ensure.
Willow bark is not safe if you are allergic to or have just taken aspirin.
What? Really?
What happens with aspirin and willow bark?
I thought aspirin was from willow bark.
@Mitch hence the OD risk
@Mitch I prefer whole trees. It's more efficient.
@KitFox - since one of our highest rep users didn't know that there was an election chat room, can it be a"annouced" and linked to in a few promonent places (here, for example) and maybe in the Community Bulletin?
OK. I think I...
Do you see a link to the chat room? Can you verify that it works?
hold on
The election page has a link to the chat room.
yes, there is a notice in the bulletin, thank you!
Well, good. First time I do that, I think.
fun, educational, and successful!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 He should be careful he doesn't get Dutch Elm disease.
@Cerberus You wood.
@KitFox What's the safety risk? bleeding stomach ulcers? hives? no headache for years?
A: Do I have to add LLC every time write my companies name in the same document?

apparatixYou can do the following: Joe Blow, LLC ("Joe Blow") is a company that welcomes... And you can simply use "Joe Blow" afterwards. If you really want to go all out: Joe Blow, LLC (hereafter "Joe Blow") is a company that welcomes...

Someone who is not Joe Blow mentioning Joe Blow. How coincidental
@Mitch I didn't woo, it was someone else.
Hi guys
I apologize if this is the wrong area to solicit advice. I am in the process of writing a personal statement and I was somewhat confused by the responses I had received on my thread. Is this an appropriate venue?
It is at least related to the medical field...
@Cerb Woo hoo!
Can I ask something?
I will wait for Arrowfar, you said hi first
So I have heard from some people that I look kinda worried in my pic here. You guys think that too?
Mine was related to writing so I maybe that just answered my previous question about being in the right place.
Yes, I would agree that you appear to look worried.
But in a good way right?
I don't really know how to answer that.
I work in the medical field so if I encountered you in my occupation would not associate it with being good
How about if you made a new picture where you're smiling? Everybody likes a smile.
I* would not associate it with being in a good way
@Thomas Why not? You mean I don't look friendly?
@KitFox I mistakenly starred StonyB's suggestion for a campaign slogan. Noe it looks like an endorsement, which I'm sure was not intended. Might you (please?) take down that comment from the starred comments at your convenience. Sorry to interrupt. At our leisure. Thanks.
Not at all. You simply look nervous.
@MattЭллен I know of a Jon Blow. Whoa, no Joe Blow, though, bro.
That's a bit of a blow
Sorry, my comment may be perceived as meaning I don't associate your picture in a good way. I meant that I don't associate a worried look with being a good thing.
@MattЭллен It's a by-blow of your question.
posted on June 18, 2014 by sgdi

I’ve not got a fear of spiders Nor the large hadron collider I’m afraid of small things That flitter on wings And end up polluting my cider

@cornbreadninja麵包忍者: ping
So what do I do? I think that's why I don't get a good girl
@Thomas You saw my msg just now?
@Arrowfar Still trying to get a hang of this chat process. I work in the emergency setting. The lack of smile, in conjunction with the shiny skin appearance generated by the flash creates the impression of perspiration. The thin material from your t-shirt also reinforces this judgement.
@Robusto you've no proof that it's mine!
@Arrowfar Wouldn't you really rather have a bad girl?
@MattЭллен DNA tests are under way as we speak.
@Robusto Bad? define her for me please?
Ask @MattЭллен what I mean.
@Arrowfar It is a judgement, subject to bias. I have no idea why you are unable to get a girl. You asked if you appeared worried. From my perspective, you appear worried.
@Thomas what is your question?
@MattЭллен So Thomas define 'bad' girl for me or can I get a good one?
@Robusto Define "bad" please :)
@MattЭллен I am trying to convey that I have gradually come to learn why I dislike answering a certain question.
@MattЭллен Here is the context
@Arrowfar It means "good" in this sense.
hello, highly-sensitive chat area
Sorry guys if you are being irritated :D
I'm just telling you the truth. Not being sarcastic.
@MattЭллен The question “What is the worst thing you have ever seen?” arises inevitably when others learn I work as a paramedic on a medevac helicopter. I hate this question. I constantly struggle to answer it. Yet this wasn’t always the case. After greater than a decade in emergency medical services (EMS), I have gradually come to understand that any anecdote I may provide is actually shorthand for a much deeper and more serious idea.
@Robusto Oh you mean 'bad' like some girl on top of me :D Like crazy ones lol
Close enough.
Whats the closest then :p
@MattЭллен So what I am trying to convey is that when I first started as a volunteer in high school, I interpreted this question the same way as most do: tell me something gory. Now I interpret it as meaning something else entirely.
Say it I don't mind
@Thomas understood
So what do you want help with?
@MattЭллен Sorry for the ambiguity, I am trying to figure out the appropriate flow. The three short sentences "I hate this question...." seems choppy
@MattЭллен I also want it to be clear that I didn't always hate the question, nor struggle to answer it.
I see.
I'm not the best person to ask this of, I'm afraid.
You might get lucky in writer's chat, if someone's around
To me it reads fine, and I get the impression you want to give
@MattЭллен Cool. Thanks for pointing me in the appropriate direction.
no probs :)
@Thomas In what you wrote to Matt, the only wording I'd change is "after greater than" to "after more than". Also, is there more after "shorthand for a much deeper and more serious idea"? Because that reads like an introduction instead of a conclusion.
@Thomas Shouldn't you interpret the question the way you think the asker intends it?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Change noted. Yes there is more, I just didn't want to clog up the chat feed. I don't want to get kicked for a stupid mistake because I don't have too many writing resources to solicit input from.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Here is the rest. Every call for service that I have ever responded to is the worst experience, for that person, in that moment. While this sentiment appears to be nothing more than a banal platitude, the reality is I am no longer able to stratify any single event as being worse than another. This was made abundantly clear to me one afternoon by my preceptor, Bruce, with a single worded answer that I provided to him. Green.
@Thomas okay. style-wise, I think what you've written is fine. It makes me want to read more, why you now hate that question. Besides the fatigue of always answering it.
> with a single-word answer
> that I provided to him: Green.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "green" should be capitalized?
@Thomas hm. maybe not.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Phew. I was a political science major in college and I graduated quite some time ago...you had me worried all of a sudden.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Thank you for your assistance. I greatly appreciate the help you offered today.
@Thomas some style guides want capitals.
@Thomas no problem

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