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!!wiki greetings
Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship (usually cordial) or social status (formal or informal) between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other. Greetings sometimes are used just prior to a conversation or to greet in passing, such as on a sidewalk or trail. While greeting customs are highly culture and situation-specific and may change within a culture depending on social status and relationship, they exist in all known human c...
@MattЭллен I couldn't stand the first few minutes of it and never saw the rest so I can't judge really.
handkiss to y'all
@Mitch I could not stand their poor, stupid portrayal of what A. I. could be like.
I watched the whole thing, hoping any scene would redeem it, but none ever did
@Jarvis "the ability to perform some type of time manipulation and telekinesis." One or the other is realistic, but both?
doffs cap?
Redon it!
@KitFox Yo.
@skullpatrol How you doin'?
!!Jarvis? is that you?
@Mitch Certainly not
!!how are you?
@skullpatrol Hi.
!!who are you?
@skullpatrol Yes!
@Jarvis !!Oh. My mistake. You remind of someone I knew long ago, or at least knew of, like in a dream.
!!tell Mitch eval "I still don't work like that"
@Mitch "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@Mitch "I still don't work like that"
@MattЭллен 'Still'? I'm just talking. What 'working' are you talking about?
well, you can't send a command to the bot by replying
and !! could imply you wanted to tell the bot something
Also, who the hell is @Jarvis? I miss @KitSox.
but it will ignore you if you use the reply mechanic
Is the election over yet? I have a bunch of suspensions that I want someone else to do.
it's over on Monday.
@MattЭллен You inferred correctly. I was telling the bot that I had mistaken him for someone else.
@Mitch It was too confusing for new users.
Hi Everyone
@KitFox That's not one of the prized perks of modding?
Yeah, you get a diamond and a pile of shit.
!!ha ha!
8pm on Monday they'll toll the bell and the chosen volunteers will receive their overalls and shovels
And no one likes you anymore.
@Mitch I don't understand. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Jarvis !!You never really understood me. I think you're playing me.
The colon plus numbers means you are replying to a message, @Arrowfar. It converts to a ping when you send the message.
@Cerberus How are you?
@KitFox Yeah...
@KitFox But...but... the uniform? Matt says you get a shovel.
No shovel.
Just your name turns blue and you get a diamond, provided you accept the moderator agreement.
um... gloves?
Oh, and you get welcomed in the Teacher's Lounge.
@Mitch No.
Well. Kind of.
@KitFox Nice.. the inner sanctum of pipes and brandy snifters.
Uh. Yeah.
!!wiki majin bu
, spelled "Majin Buu" in the Funimation anime dub and translated as "Djinn-Boo" in the Viz Media manga, is a fictional character and the final antagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He is introduced in chapter #460 first published in Weekly Shōnen Jump on June 3, 1995. Majin Boo is a magical life form created by the evil warlock Bibbidi that terrorized galaxies by destroying entire planets, millions of years before the events of Dragon Ball take place. He was temporarily sealed away and brought to Earth, however, Bibbidi was killed and Boo hidden. During th...
You got something going on with Buddhism, @skully?
@KitFox Nah
just interested in something new
@MattЭллен And they'll be crowned in a light tiara, escorted by youths to the cleansing room with a succulent buffet, then led out the 'Epiphany Gate', which drops off to a hidden cesspool slag heap where you tread over years of bones of those who slaved before.
But the buffet is magnificent!
It really is worth it.
Man, those strawberries alone.
I found the virgins a bit too tough for my liking though.
@KitFox That is so subtle. The diamond is special but the blue color is hardly noticeable even when you know to look for it.
@KitFox I know, right? A little too well-done.
@Mitch You need a new screen.
Or eyes.
looks on Amazon
has trouble because eyes
the eyes have it
So I left my window open last night and the driver's seat got soaked.
My son is chastising me about it on the way to the bus stop.
Then he says, "Too bad it wasn't meatballs."
hehe. what a cheeky one
I laughed and asked him if that's what he wanted for dinner tonight.
He shrugs and says "Not really, but meatballs would have been easier to clean up."
practically minded
has he seen "cloudy with a chance of meatballs" recently?
Read it, you mean?
looks pointedly @Matt
I meant seen it, but if he's read it, then that's good too
Not recently, but maybe at school. They did watch Frozen in music class.
We haven't seen the movie.
I'm not sure I'm doing him any favors.
Supporting pragmatic thinking, that is.
offering meatballs?
I worry about stunting his creativity and by extension, his enjoyment of life.
I don't know how it works
You're probably doing fine
New kid is listening to music just a little too loud.
in his class?
How do.
In my office.
@Robusto Howdoye?
I think it's Pearl Jam.
@KitFox I had to look at a paper about Frozen yesterday, and how it portrayed females.
@Robusto done
@KitFox Howdy Doody.
My student used the word phallus a lot.
clearly your student has an oral fixation
@Cerberus I suppose that's better than him using the actual item.
Or a phallic fixation.
Or both.
My student is a she.
She was applying a few vague theories to female characters in Disney films.
@Cerberus Nothing I said limited use to ownership.
Well, if she wants to use said item, why not let her?
She is an adult...
So they discussed the non-human animals as well?
@KitFox Basically, girls.
@Cerberus I'm just looking out for you.
I think all three are human, not sure.
The two sisters and who else?
the snowman
@Robusto I'm sure she already has...
The mother?
@Cerberus What? You're teaching Latin to little girls?
@KitFox She was looking at three films.
the lumberjack
@Robusto Yes, but not this time.
I'm teaching academic writing to adults.
Oh. Sounds like a snooze.
It depends.
I have another student who is 70 years old...
She's kind of cool.
it's easy! write in such a way that only your professor can understand what you mean.
I imagined you were going all Charles Lutwidge Dodgson on some poor unfortunate.
Google it.
The well known Oxford Mathematician
ChARLES LutWIdge dOdgson
well, not enough letters, but close enough
What is the significance of the capitalization?
but jumbled up. I was trying to give Cerb a clue
Oh. I already gave him a clue: Google.
Yeah, but I was assuming Cerb wouldn't Google :D
Oh. Does he Bing?
I think he might
I don't want to cast aspersions
16 hours ago, by Cerberus
Let me Bing some pictures of the Ramblas...
but I will
Meh, best anagam I have time for from that name is "hued cad longs to wed girls "
Not sure how "hued" fits in, but . . .
I presume he had hues, and so was "hued" . . .
a complex character, no doubt
@MattЭллен Wow. On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog who uses Bing . . . unless you tell them.
@Cerb outed himself.
That's a Bing-o.
@Robusto The thing is, Bing Image search now seems to work better for me than Google's image search. So I had to switch.
And many of Google's heavier applications crash my browser...
@Cerberus Oh, I see. You did it for the sake of your porn.
@Cerberus And Windows XP.
How does it feel using a 13-year-old operating system?
Umm no.
Google Images is just the site.
My browser is fairly up to date.
You probably don't have enough memory. And can't because of your OS.
Anyone who's serious these days has a minimum of 8GB RAM. 16 is recommended.
16GB of RAM!
I have enough memory. It's not a memory issue.
Google stopped linking to the image itself: it now wants to load the entire page. That is why I switched.
@Cerberus But you're so forgetful. How can you be sure you have enough memory if you keep on forgetting?
I should probably Google for a userscript to fix that.
@Cerberus that's not true. you have both options
Your computer probably has more viruses than the streetwalkers in your city.
The orange line indicates how much memory I am using now.
@Cerberus That's a lot of viruses.
On the contrary, useful programs.
@Cerberus Who says viruses aren't useful programs?
Many of which I have made myself.
See, that's your problem right there.
I don't make viruses. I hate the declination of virus.
What is the heart folder? All your love letters &c.?
Favourite folders. Every Explorer window has a button where I can pick a folder from my favourites or history to go to.
Also in save/open dialogues.
What will you do when your computer dies and you have to upgrade? It will be a sad day in Hades, methinks.
Why would it die?
It's only 6 years old.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者: You can get 16GB for under $100.
@Cerberus Ask yourself how long that is in dog years.
Only 48.
And my life is eternal.
But, yeah, I'll have to switch to 7 some day.
But not today.
It works. Why would I go through a huge amount of trouble to change it?
If you wait too long you might not be able to get 7.
How do you mean?
Might have to use 8.
I can just install it.
Do you own a copy already?
I don't understand.
What if 7 isn't available at some point?
eventually people will stop selling 7
I have a downloaded copy running in a VM as we speak. And I know enough people who have CDs lying around. And OEM versions are cheap on Ebay.
You're limiting yourself to what you think your corporate overlords want you to do, not what is rational or economic.
@Cerberus Oh, here comes the labeling and the judging. Tsk, tsk. And I thought you were better than that.
I am the lowest of the low, you know that.
> But you know there's not a hope in Hades . . .
And I have no problem with unlabelled versions of Windows 7.
And Bingo was his name! B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name!
> Property developer in the Dutch city of Tilburg planning to build a gay neighbourhood.
Apparently, they think there is money in that.
@Cerberus I thought all Dutch cities were gay neighborhoods.
As if people wanted a ghetto!
@Robusto Yes, they are.
@Cerberus Both sexes, or is it mostly men?
At least the good neighbourhoods.
Both sexes, apparently.
And "third" sexes.
Apparently, Anthony Burgess was prescient.
Reactions are overwhelmingly negative.
Why is the reaction negative?
Because who wants a gay ghetto?
how would it be a ghetto?
Maybe in very unsafe countries, it could be like...a protected area or something. But otherwise?
The Wanting Seed is a dystopian novel by the English author Anthony Burgess, written in 1962. Theme Although the novel addresses many societal issues, the primary subject is overpopulation and its relation to culture. Religion, government, and history are also addressed. A significant portion of the book is a condemnation of war. Burgess once said, "I have spent the last 25 years thinking that The Wanting Seed could, in my leisurely old age, be expanded to a length worthy of the subject." Plot The novel begins by introducing the two protagonists: Tristram Foxe, a history teacher, an...
@MattЭллен Well, it would be mainly limited to gays.
@Cerberus I see, not ghetto as in run down, crime filled, etc.
@Robusto Ah, I have not read it.
I have heard tell there is a gay mafia
@MattЭллен Not like that, no.
Haha, is there?
Only in the minds of crazy people
@Cerberus oh, then I think it' is silly to tell gay people that they have to live somewhere
One of the things I like in it is that a euphemism for God is "Mr. Livedog."
One of the largest property owners here was a flamboyant gay guy. Bordering on criminal, with fraud and networks and whatnot.
Gay mafia.
@MattЭллен Yes, that.
Their website.
I filled in the survey.
did you lodge a formal protest?
I don't want it outlawed.
Did you compare them to Hitler?
No, I merely crossed my arms.
A mock-up, obviously!
I don't think it will happen.
I doubt enough people will sign up
It will be a mini-ghetto: they only need 50 people or so for development to commence.
is P+R park and ride?
If I were a gay basher in Tilburg, I know where I'd go. Success guaranteed.
Yes, I think so.
do people really go out hunting for gays to bash?
I don't know.
Perhaps they will now...
Rich neighbourhoods attract robbers and burglars...
I guess you'll have to pretend to be poor
or get some UAVs to patrol your airspace
borrow some from Obama
I could use some drones.
Or...I could live in a mixed neighbourhood!
Which is good for society and cities and everything.
but what about the heteros!

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