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I've read The Male Brain. I have studied neuroscience.
@Jez Um. I dunno. I have competed against women (and with women, on my team), at various points in my academic and professional career. and never once did I feel like this was about dick-waving.
@Jez "arguably", assuming your premise is true, that there are hard-wired differences that matter in "male brains".
Most studies do not find that to be the case.
There are genetic factors, but socialization teaches us how to appropriately channel our urges and tendencies.
They might show slight differences across whole populations, but the average difference is small and it's impossible to know how much that effect is due to socialization.
heh, apparently Jane Fonda loved The Male Brain. that alone makes me suspicious
Saying that men should be allowed to rape women because they have a genetic drive for sex that they can't control, for instance, is a stupid argument.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 of course it's not about dick waving when you're competing against women
they dont have a dick
@KitFox - in the help center, under answers, it's not readily apparent (to me) wfere we ask people to share their work and provide context (where I did see it on Meta, I believe). Any idea where I can find this (or more importantly, new users?)
@KitFox and not one that anyone has made.
@Jez Your point was that competition is intrinsically about manliness. And that competing with women somehow undermines that. I reject that completely. Competition is about individual fitness.
@Jez What? of course they've made that argument.
not here
in this discussion
Example: in India, rape is a problem.
So the fact that boys are wired to gain comfort from physical contact and using their muscles, and that they are more likely to learn by moving their bodies, is not a good rationale for how men should be allowed to wrestle each other in the office.
For instance.
Solution? ban sexy female mannequins from store displays.
In Muslim countries, rape is a problem.
@medica Not off the top of my head.
Solution? hide the women, so that men don't have to worry about their uncontrollable lusts being triggered.
But OK, I'll listen to the video. Let me find it.
@KitFox what about women dressing sexily? that's basically the first step in sexual relations; women put an "ad" out to everyone who sees them based on how sexily they dress. i could argue that that's as "unacceptable" as guys trying to chat up women at work, yet it's seen as fine while the latter isn't
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, cover them up good.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 also, the mobile app that maps areas of sexual harrassment
@Jez I am expected to dress appropriately at work.
@Jez No, looking attractive is something passive that you can easily get away from. Chatting people up is active.
Which means no cleavage and no ass hanging out.
ass "hanging out"?
No ass hanging out...
Well. Tasteful cleavage.
Yeas, what?
Hot pants or short skirts.
@Jez In Western countries, rape victims are often asked "what were you wearing?", and women are advised to not "dress like sluts".
There is a pervasive belief that men cannot control their urges.
No exposed midriff.
In other words, dressing "sexily" is discouraged.
For the same reason chatting up co-workers is discouraged.
Advising someone as such is not the same as blaming her. But "slut" is not only vulgar, but extremely unobjective.
@Jez By them or you?
@KitFox me
@Jez what? whose masturbation?
Don't tell them!
i'm not sure i wouldn't go in the other direction. why is it so bad for work colleagues to date again?
two reasons
You don't shit where you eat.
breakups in the same office
you can get over breakups professionally
And my workplace expectation is the same as it has been in all the places I've worked.
@Jez You can't, always
@KitFox i guess it's different in your neck of the woods
And conflicts of interest?
also, if you're dating your boss there can be allegations of your boss coercing you into sex (or be fired) or you can coerce your boss with sex
@Jez Maybe you find Redbook sexy.
@Jez some people can. not all people can
Not to mention that some people don't want to be hit on at work and it makes them uncomfortable.
you asked why it's frowned upon, not why you shouldn't do it
So finding out if someone is interested in you can make them feel weird and creeped out and get you fired.
@KitFox various things at work make me uncomfortable and i have to deal with them. but when feminists flip out over it, everyone has to bend over backwards to accommodate them
maybe some women want to be hit on at work
And for some of us, it gets really fucking old having guys hit on us when we're trying to work. It's hard enough being taken seriously as a professional in the field without having some jack-off treat us like all that is important is our ability to form intimate relationships. Or not.
@Jez I agree that some of the stuff from across the pond is exaggerated, but I think in general it is best for everyone not to flirt with colleagues.
@Jez Like what?
@Cerberus good luck trying to defeat human nature though
@KitFox like noise
It's usually possible.
or Islam
You're Muslim?
Islam can be fairly silent.
Maybe not ISIS.
no, but people sometimes leave meetings or whatever to go and pray
Prey on what?
Oh. Poor thing you.
and poor thing you for guys finding you attractive
cry me a river.
So you aren't allowed to have a ham sandwich at work?
why should i care about your issues when you dont care about mine?
It's because you don't care, @Jez. The whole world is an inconvenience for you.
anyway, the vid was
I got it.
because we find it difficult to understand how you have issues with other people being islamic. It's easy to understand how Kit has difficulties with being judged as "just eye candy"
@KitFox whole world my ass. i find quite a few things i like
I used to try to not be attractive, but it's hard when my features are so symmetrical.
I get blamed for it even when I don't wash and I cut myself and stuff.
I agree and sympathise with your problems with noise.
@Jez I work in one of the most multicultural cities in the world and I have never once seen a muslim leave a meeting to go pray.
@MattЭллен it's not just their being Islamic, it's their demanding special privileges for their religion
@KitFox you're just trying to be coy, I know you want me. Wash yourself and you can prove it
there was that case of the BA woman who got to ignore uniform rules so she could wear her big Christian cross and "express her religion"
what a load of BS that was
Whoa, we're having a religion-and-gender-issues discussion day? I'm out of here.
@MattЭллен You're supposed to call me a fucking bitch for not wanting to have sex with you, no matter how much I torture myself to make it so that you aren't attracted to me.
@Jez but is that really negatively impacting on you?
so, if you wanna ignore any uniform rules guys, just draw a cross on it and they can't stop you "expressing your religion"
@Jez OK, then do that.
@KitFox sorry, sorry, I'll ty harder next time. I'm not manly enough.
if i were an employer it would be a major problem
someone keeps flagging one of my posts
@Jez but you're not
isnt there some rule about "flag abuse"?
you don't have to think about any of these things
And you get to enjoy the same privilege.
It's not like they let them do it, but not you.
@Robusto The fun was just starting!
@Robusto apparently.
@Jez You could wear a colander on your head, like that mayor in some southern US town, who was sworn in to office as a Pastafarian.
not any more, the flag's been validated and he's out for the count I mean, suspended for 30 minutes.
wtf? why?
@tombull89 uh, seriously?
This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 28 minutes.
but it was appropriate!
All he did was deny the existence of Allah.
@tombull89 Did you do that?
For the record, millions of people likewise deny his existence.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 heretic! you'll be stoned to death.
including me. Allah does not exist! He's imaginary!
@Cerberus no, the flag timed out by the time I went to vote on it
We should probably take a break from the discussion in any case.
I voted "Invalid"
@tombull89 Oh, OK.
Kit, can you undo Jez's suspension?
@KitFox yeah, not a bad plan
The religion thing is a red-herring anyway. So what if religious accomodation goes too far or not far enough? So what if there are religious people who are pricks about their religion? That is irrelevant to the topic of whether or not women are bitches.
Quit flagging stuff.
jeez, now the masturbation thing got flagged.
Whoever's flagging: please lay off.
Some idiot is flagging Jez's lines.
I saw it, but I was too late to click.
The flagging system really sucks!! And it's not just that you get lots of notifications that you cannot do anything with except stare at a bar that appears without going away by itself.
He's been suspended, you can't suspend him again.
Must be going fast, because I haven't seen them.
Couldn't the suspension be increased?
@KitFox Considering they get sent to all in-chat users with 10k+ rep...not surprising.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Indeed it does.
what, now that's starred?
this chat is insane
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 thank you! the only way to diffuse sexy religion talk.
rubs self in holy water mmm. so sexy
Moar pls.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think we have some kind of immature person in the room...
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Better!
"I have all your cats. Ha ha!"
Yuck. Do you know what's in that water? They let it sit out for ever.
@Cerberus did you see the article on ars regarding the history of Android? they compared all the old versions up until the present one
I want!
@Mitch holiness?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 The next picture is him eating them.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm how long ago? I haven't visited the site recently.
@MattЭллен Whah? Hunh? I heard someone address me.
I have read other articles about the history of Android, on other websites, I think.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They did a hell of a job with that.
@Mitch are you in the water that you've left out for ever?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ah, that one is new to me. Is it interesting?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 What's funny is that she borrowed those shoes from her sister and she's really mad because they look better on her.
@Cerberus It's a bloody good read. A bit long, but good.
@tombull89 yeah it was neat. I'd been with Android since 2.3, and I've worked on android 2.2 apps, but I'd never seen anything older. Boy it's come a long way.
@MattЭллен Yeah, and it's hot.
@tombull89 Hmm anything interesting in particular?
@Mitch sexy hot, spicy hot or too many celcius hot?
@Cerberus It's mostly about how the UI has changed and how the standard phone has changed. I didn't realize that it wasn't until Android 2.0 that they had keyboardless android phones.
I jumped onto the Android at 4.0.
@Cerberus Yeah you missed the crazy days
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How long ago was that? 2007?
my N7 (2012) has arrived
like when there was no pinch-to-zoom
@MattЭллен Congrats!! Second hand?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm sorry but you're not making that relevant. Can you add some sex or religion please? Like "I've worked on Android 2.2 apps, but my priest says don't because bitches won't respect you"
@Cerberus refurbished, so I guess so :D
or maybe that just means stolen
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I didn't have pinch to zoom until two years ago...Windows Mobile.
which is sort of second hand
@MattЭллен OK cool.
@Mitch As an Alpha Male, I'm entitled to all the sexy Android I want
@MattЭллен I don't know, did the seller seem reputable?
@MattЭллен I only have one celciu. That's why bitches no respect me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 sexy androids do sound sexy
There is a plural on -us in Latin, in fact.
@Cerberus they were transatlantic
@MattЭллен ... so... no?
So at least it wasn't stolen here?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 so, I couldn't tell by their address :D
I don't know, I'm prepared to trust that big sellers on Ebay are trustworthy.
@Cerberus yeah. I don't steal from my own
@Cerberus yeah. they had hundreds of starts and something like 95% good feedback
Right, then it's probably not stolen. Right??
How much did you pay in the end?
70 pounds?
@Cerberus I'm not sure. I'll say £90
including shipping
Hmm OK.
I think the ones I once showed you were a bit cheaper, weren't they?
I think it was about the same
Oh OK.
@Cerberus No Latin, no pride.
See how I brought this all back to sexy talk?
Latin is sexy.
I'm still waiting for Latin.se to get into beta
I don't think it's finished commitment
Is it still up? Or again?
@Cerberus potus, passus, actus, fetus, genus, domus, portus, porticus, anus, tribus, spiritus, manus, echus in nom pl. Maybe even several Jesus. :)
There are many, many more, btw...
I have never heard of echus: it sounds Greek?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you know full well that isn't all they did. I am not the one who validated the flag and I'm not Muslim, but there is a big difference between mocking someone's deity and saying that you don't believe they exist.
@Cerberus Bingo. sg is echo, 4decl.
@AJHenderson They, the flaggers?
@Cerberus Yes, I know. I think all 4th not 5th or 2nd.
@tchrist Ah, I see. Never seen that plural!
@tchrist Yes all 4th.
Q: Do something about puerile chat flagging

JezRecently I got suspended from the chat because 2 of my posts were flagged and the flag "accepted"; one referenced Islam as people believing in a "magic sky man" or something, the other mentioned masturbation in a way that only the most puritanical person could find offensive: http://chat.stac...

@AJHenderson Mocking someone's deity or basically mocking anything should be OK, as long as it isn't directed at someone personally, and as long as it isn't impolite to a participant of the conversation, I would say.
@Cerberus so if I'm in a conversation with a bunch of white guys, it's okay to whip out the n word and start making black jokes?
@Cerberus I think proper names from the -ω/-υος Greek words landed as 4th declension -o/-us in Latin.
after all, it isn't impolite to a participant in the conversation
@Cerberus I don't know. People get pretty upset.
Maybe common ones, too, but I imagine that the proper nouns were “stickier”.
Damn you and your black holes and dark matter and heat death of the universe.
@tchrist All I know is cornus, and that wasn't on your list.
@Mitch That’s “wrong”.
The genitive sg of cornu is indeed cornus, but the nominative plural is cornua.

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