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How old?
Hi KitFox
And others
@KitFox Hmm, is he in the concrete-operational stage yet?
@KitFox lol
Germany will win this year
@Robusto past that.
@JohanLarsson They'll have to get through Belgium first. And didn't they try that exact thing 100 years ago?
@KitFox Formal operational?
Diving is such a total lack of class, can't believe they do it in front of cameras & the world.
What kind of diving? Cliff? Springboard? Platform? Muff?
Be specific.
@Robusto I believe so. He shows a lot of tactical and strategic thinking.
I hope Spain wins
@Robusto rolling in the grass looking like you are about to die cos someone ran two meters from you
@KitFox Then he's ahead of most of America.
He's very bright.
I thought you knew that.
He reads with the second graders.
@KitFox I only assumed it, considering that he is your child.
Ah flattery.
No. Factery.
@KitFox Yes stand up comedy is a good career too
@JohanLarsson it's how they earn their millions
I'm still waiting to find out if you can have seven-layer bitcoin pony.
@MattЭллен their millions should be paid in Zimbabwe dollars if caught diving. Scam the scammer.
Don't you think Spain should win?
@JohanLarsson Oh, you're talking about soccer football. Well, I thought that was the whole game. Only in America we call it "flopping."
@Farooq no way, do you?
@JohanLarsson I mean why not? Good players
I refuse to call it anything but football, it makes so much sense to me :)
The refs (or umpires, or linesmen, or whatever they're called) should just look them in the eye.
@Farooq sure they are #1 on the FIFA ranking but I don't see how they can beat Germany ever.
@JohanLarsson Yeah. What about Portugal?
dunno, they play pretty good right now vs Germany but still 3 - 0 after 45'
@KitFox Yeah kids are funny like that:)
I'm no expert, watch football a couple of weeks every four years
@JohanLarsson There is a lot of variance in sports. That's why in American football we have the saying, "On any given Sunday, any team can beat any other."
Germany, Brazil, Argentina is my guess
Me too. No expert either
have not seen Switzerland yet, they are pretty high on the ranking
Brazil with home advantage also
Brazil is great too
they are boring to watch imo
They're all great. And all but one will lose.
large % of the games at least
Me, I'd almost rather watch cricket.
I'd almost rather watch a non-sport! Yay!
Watching sports is a bit like gambling tois pollois.
Me personally I like running.
@Cerberus You always watch non-sports.
Indeed I do.
I also don't like gambling or chance games.
Me either. That's why I only ever bet on sure things.
I.e. you don't bet, you just...buy.
I just collect.
Okay, a tiny bit of chance can improve a game. But it should be tiny.
> In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man rules.
What is sight in this situation?
That reminds me of a short story that refuted that theory.
In chance games, like poker, if you are a good player you don't even need to see the cards.
Perhaps not...
You can surmise what your opponent is holding.
I don't really like poker. I just play it.
We should play sometime. For lots of money.
It is like a cycle of bluffing.
So yesterday I learned that my son thinks that luck has something to do with how good or worthy a person is.
A Calvinist? Already?
I smote him and told him that no son of mine was going to be religious.
Luck certainly goes hand in hand with how good we are
Smiting is very religious, however.
Then I kicked him out of the house.
Luck does not exist except in the eye of the beholder.
Bad mom.
@KitFox Or was that because he was straight?
@Cerberus Oh, I dunno. I've been on a huge heater and won even when I made bad bets.
Just kidding. I tried to explain that it was random chance, but he didn't believe me. I'm not sure what to do now.
@Cerberus Whoa, dude. Straight is one of my trigger words.
Easy now.
It is only luck from your anthropomorphic point of view.
Let's just say "non-queer", ok?
Or perhaps differently queer.
I refuse to be defined by people who have not tried to pray away their gay.
@Robusto Just get straight to the point an give it to me straight, are you ashamed of your heterosexuality?
You've heard the Tim minchin song?
starts praying
Bears don't dig on dancin'.
@Cerberus How could I possibly "give it to you" straight? If I gave it to you, I'd be gay. Because, like, you're a dude, dude.
@KitFox You could tell him about loved ones who died in freak accidents...
Bye guys
Or about mobsters who reigned supreme...
@Cerberus Or that Disney World burned down.
Oh brilliant.
@Farooq Bye!
she said sarcastically.
@Robusto Eww!
Straights are nothing but trouble.
@Robusto you're only gay if you're catching. I'm pretty sure anyway.
I don't do them, never have.
@KitFox You're sure about that? Because I wouldn't want to find out later . . .
@Robusto Provided that Kit indoctrinated him properly, that would be seen as just punishment by Good Taste.
I was thinking we could flip coins all day.
or draw cards from a deck of cards.
@KitFox Catching is just a double number of hours praying. No biggie.
How about drawing coins from a deck of cards?
@KitFox Can I get a new reading?
Superstition in the school age boy.
Also, where is your metallic friend?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 sure, in a bit. Are you ok?
@KitFox AFAIK.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 probably sleeping.
@KitFox Flipping coins actually sounds like a good idea. Make it a week; whenever you have time, you flip a few coins with him and write down the scores. You will probably need 200 times or so...
Wait, how come Kit gets metallic friends and I don't?
You can probably make one.
@Robusto You haven't made any?
Fork it, baby!
Call it Throbusto.
@KitFox No. The metallic folk all hate me. I don't know why.
You can fork my metallic friend. I don't get jealous about that kind of thing,
Call it Rob Steele.
Or Steely Dan.
I could change her name...
Or Chad Sexington.
Or Karl Hungus.
What about it?
Not much.
Sittin' on it.
There. She's renamed. Now I just have to find out where she went.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 That is the natural order of things.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 "Where did it all go wrong? There ought to be a law against Henry."
@Robusto It's a shame about me.
Sorry to interrupt with some drama. I think I will delete my accounts and not return anymore this time. Goodbye everyone. You may contact me at jasperloy at outlook dot com.
Have any of you seen "person of interest" tv show? Great show
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 the former
@JohanLarsson it's hard to avoid. But I was facing an NBA TV at dinner last night.
Can I ask a grammar question?
@pleasedeleteme good luck!
@Farooq isn't that the one based on the comic "human target"?
And of course you can ask a grammar question.
No they uses a machine to find victims or perps. Great cast. Including passion of Christ guy Jim Caviezel
@KitFox Anyways. Here is my question. The following sentence can be said with "had" too?
@KitFox In a bit
Then no.
@KitFox "Tom asked me why I asked Julia what she was doing with Michael". In this sentence why aren't we saying it with "had"?
@KitFox Sorry late reply
Either way would work.
@KitFox What is more common?
Changing the tense would shift the time frame, but hardly in a meaningful way for this kind of thing.
Well, where are you imagining the "had"?
I can see three places.
"Tom asked me why I HAD asked Julia what she HAD BEEN doing with Michael"
But doesn't this look complex?
"Why I had" in this construction. No inversion.
Yes sorry I miswrote
Using "had" that way would make me think that Tom had a specific event in mind.
okay thanks...
Some specific place in time when that happened. It is more definite seeming. Without it, it sounds like Tom either knew it, or had heard about it or inferred it for something.
I don't know if other people would read it that way. I'm not an expert on grammar.
with 'had' you mean?.
No expert? But you have many points.
Without "had", it sounds like Tom knew about what Julia said either directly or indirectly. with "had", it sounds like he was there when she said it.
@Farooq that really doesn't mean much.
What 'points'?
Native speakers are notoriously bad at explaining their own grammar.
i can just tell you what my impression is.
Its okay. Better than non-native
I'm not so sure about that.
I also see in Hollywood films that sometimes no grammar is being followed
Now I am overdue for a nap. Bbl
Most of the time
@Robusto Sorry, I’m in the middle of a hundred million things just right now, but I’ll get back to you on all that.
Last night the show altered several significant details that were in the book.
@Robusto Careful! I've read the books but have not seen the latest episode yet.
I didn't mention anything specific.
I know, just a warning.
The episode was fine.
@terdon Everybody died. The end.
@Cerberus Pffft. That's Hamlet!
@Cerberus All stories end that way.
@terdon Or any episode of GoT!
@tchrist Hah.
I haven't seen the last season yet.
Season 3?
@Cerberus Good that you can laugh at your mortality.
@Cerberus they had an orgy first.
@tchrist Yes, as long as it remains abstract.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Always!
And after! With the corpses!
@Cerberus This too shall pass.
Hello Everyone.
@terdon Horatio was still around.
@Robusto I knew him.
I thought you knew Yorick.
I have broad knowledge.
Too bad we can't discuss details in chat while OTHERS WHO HAVEN'T SEEN THE FINALE lurk among us.
looks at @terdon
@tchrist Yes. But not today.
@Kabir101 Hi!
@Cerberus You don't know that. Not to a certainty.
Not to a certainty.
But I shall count on it.
Some things come in their own season, others as a thief in the night.
@Robusto Fine, I don't want to be the spoilsport. Discuss away, hell, I've read the books, how bad can it be?
Ahh you have read the books, and you were still worried about spoilers!
they've changed the story though.
There can still be spoilers.
It's been a couple years since I read the books, but I don't recall a fight between Brienne and Sandor Clegane. Also, the circumstances of Tyrion's parricide seemed altered. And a couple other things I can't think of right now.
c c
c c
network pogram[m]ing, which version is better?
@cc All pogroms are bad things.
@Robusto You're spoiling...
@Cerberus . . . for a fight!
c c
c c
A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews. The term originally entered the English language to describe 19th- and 20th-century attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire (mostly within the Pale of Settlement in present-day Ukraine); similar attacks against Jews at other times and places also became retrospectively known as pogroms. The word is now also sometimes used to describe publicly sanctioned purgative attacks against non-Jewish ethnic or religious groups. Significant pogroms in the Russian Empire included...
fades away
You should know that real mythological creatures destroy fake myths.
@cc Double.
@cc there you have it
c c
c c
@cc note that this has nothing at all to do with program/programme both of those are fine.
posted on June 16, 2014 by sgdi

I wish I was as good at timing As I was once at rhyming But I find I misstep Which ruins my rep Hampering my social climbing

Can anyone correct this question\? 'May I know which document you are referring?'
'May I know which document you are referring to?' or ''May I know the document to which you are referring?'
That includes a snack and setup time for my laptop (I got a new desk yesterday).
@Robusto ooh! A Steelcase?
Naw. Just a table, basically, but room enough for all my monitors &c.
That sounds nice.
I have a card table.
Well, I have a steelcase at the cat cave.
@JSBձոգչ Why you no run this time?
Can anyone (who's been through an election) tell me how this happens? Do we get a message that it's time to answer questions, or what? I'm very curious.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 lack of interest. also time.
I should probably go for a bike ride. Too nice a day not to, I guess.
@Robusto here it's raining and 60 degrees. You could take my day and trade if you're looking for an excuse not to ride.
It's about 90 here. At least, I think it is. Haven't been outside for 6-7 hours.
78 and sunny. Bai!
@phenry - do you know how this works?
@medica - nope. I was hoping you did.
No chance
never been in one
I have all my answers written and ready to go wherever they're supposed to go.
I wrote some, too.
but not to all the questions.
good luck, btw.
you too!
@phenry looks like we're up!
Q: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. It was decided that we would take the top 9 ques...

I figure if this goes the way my meta participation usually goes, my answers will get severely downvoted immediately by the regulars who all hate me, then slowly upvoted over a period of several days by less frequent visitors.
so I want to get my answers in quickly to allow for maximum upvotage.
@pleasedeleteme That's exactly my point. Rich tasting is rich banking as my mom used to say. Just for accuracy's sake she never ever said that.
@MattЭллен '??' = cash rolls in. pretty straightforward.
#3 is difficult because of international wiring restrictions. A pony in Bolivia is not the same as one in Moldavia, as my mom used to say.
@phenry Please post!
@medica They left out my favorite question which is 'What is your favorite word?' The only correct answer is 'I have no one favorite, I love them all! (but I do have a lot of secret favorites, don't tell the others)'
@Mitch or my favorite book - no, 100 books!
Hi everyone
@medica Exactly! "What books are on your nightstand?" "I have a bookcase there."
@medica I gave you a vote for this election
@Mitch (actually, so do I!) an entire, low bookcase, with a lamp on top. It's a pretty thing!
@Farooq thank you!
@medica Because you gave a very good answer to my question some days before.
@Farooq again, thank you. :-)
@medica I really do have a nightstand (not a bookcase), but I never read in bed, but I have a huge stack of books on it (about to fall over) that I plan on reading. I know, weird, right?
@Mitch :) I feel comfy with my favorites and some new ones beside me. In case of boredom.
"What's the last book that made you laugh out loud?" "Crime and Punishment. It slipped out of my hand while walking and then the person behind me tripped on it in an amazingly unintentionally comedic way. No one was hurt (badly)"
@medica I read on the couch and if I find myself nodding off, I give up altogether and go to bed.
@Mitch :D Hey, btw, good luck. I think you're a shoe in.
hey, what happened to Evan Carroll's nomination in the election?
@medica Ha ha. Thank you. Your praise is that much more persuasive given that I wasn't nominated.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think he must have dropped it.
@medica It's Matt everyone should be voting for.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'd like to nominate him.
As our Great Leader.
@Cerberus 1. it's too late, 2. he nominated himself, then dropped out, I guess
3. you can't nominate others.
@Cerberus Oh, I am so sorry. It was my nonimation of you in my head, and your color, though clearly you're not an orc!
That's stupid.
you can only volunteer.
Why didn't you hop on, by the way?
I'm sure you wouldn't have been too horribly incompetent.
I'm sure I wouldn't be. But I don't want to do it.
@medica Uh, what?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 For the same reason as the rest of us?
How about @mitch?
@Cerberus what what?
that is, I don't want to commit to doing it, since my election would imply that someone else would fail to be elected.
@medica I think you replied to the wrong person?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why would that be a problem?
@Cerberus because I don't want to do it that much.
someone who wants to do it should be given the opportunity.
@KitFox yes, but i think i'm better at magic than the guy in that essay :P
@Cerberus I'm nerveous. I do that. sorry.
instead of me, holding a mod spot and not modding.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Right, same here.
I also don't want any obligations towards SE.
The way Jeff treated us...
@Cerberus I think you can lay down your moderatorship at any time if you get tired of it.
I don't know, I'm a moderator on a little site where not much needs to be done :-)
A: How to use decades in this sentence?

AndyOver the three decades following its discovery... This is somewhere a determiner is necessary.

What do we think of this answer?
@snailboat Is ELL that small?
@Cerberus I'm not a moderator on ELL.
I'm a regular user on ELL. And probably not an especially well-loved one. :-)
What with my insistence on silly things all the time.
I'm a moderator on Japanese.SE!
Our questions/day have dipped to around 5.
Japanese Languagejapanese.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Japanese language.

Currently in public beta.

See? Little. :-)
@snailboat On the contrary!
Ah, Japanese, I see.
Does anyone know what the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices entail?
How are the results calculated?
There are 3 positions
I think they rank the candidates by popularity and take the top 3
How do they rank them?
A: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

yhw42Meek's method of STV is an iterative process that approaches the will of the people asymptotically. TL;DR Your vote, valued at 1.00 vote, is applied to your candidates in the order you rank them. Each candidate only uses as much of your vote as needed to become elected (shared equitably betwe...

How does my 1st choice weigh compared to my 3rd choice?
@snailboat OK I get it, thanks.
@Ryan: I am unfriendly because I choose to communicate with a friend in Latin? I see no reason to lower the bar of my own scribblings. When have I ever been unfriendly to newcomers or to you, except in this comment? — Cerberus 18 secs ago
My answers are up.
A: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

phenryI'd be interested to hear how candidates feel about the existence of English Language Learners, and whether/how they intend to preserve/promote the distinct identities of the two sites. English Language Learners as it exists today is fatally flawed and should not be allowed out of beta in its cu...

Be kind.
That's long.
@phenry Well done!
You already have my vote.
@Cerberus - thanks!
That's 1 more than I expected.
oh, I worry that I'll just be seen as a malcontent.
and my answers are really long and I can see how they could be perceived as mere obsessive raving.
> English Language Learners as it exists today is fatally flawed
@phenry What, in practice, is currently the problem at ELL?
It seems to function well?
At least I have enjoyed myself there, it seems to be working.
The theoretical bit I find less interesting, about names and such.
The problem is that it's an ESL site that doesn't want to call itself an ESL site, and that is the source of the mass confusion about the distinction between our two sites.
@phenry Looking at that big wall of text, I'm also motivated to vote for you.
Except I can't vote.
@Alraxite Make sure you read it first ;)
Hiya, folks.
@Alraxite - why can't you vote?
@Mahnax - yes, exactly :)
@phenry It only doesn't call itself an "ESL" site because at the time of its creation the term "ESL" was seen as incorrect, and "ELL" was chosen instead.
@phenry Um, well.... I'm not a very reputed member here...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 - yes, I address that specifically in my response.
@phenry But...we basically tell people "ELL is an ESL site" when we direct them thither?
@Alraxite - ah, I see. That's likely to serve as a limiting factor on the number of votes I get. ;)
Hmm, I need only 34 rep to be able to vote though. Maybe if I try I can get it...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The theoretical reason was that native speakers who want to know how they should write x according to standard grammar/idiom should also go to ELL, not just pineapples.
@phenry Oh, is "English Language Learners" not obviously for learners of English as a second language?
@Cerberus - yes we do, which means we get the worst of both worlds.
@Alraxite Go for it!
@phenry but it IS an ESL site. ELL is a superset of ESL.
@phenry How so?
anyway, gotta go.
I personally don't see the problem.
@phenry I voted for you, too.
@snailboat - well, there are several EL&U users who essentially feel ELL should function as a wastebasket for questions they feel are "too basic" for us to soil our pretty hands with.
And I doubt whether changing the name would help people go to ELL/ESL first instead of ELU.
@phenry Yeah. That's a result of how the site was born.
@phenry Yes, that is of course a major part of the real reason(s).
I have no opinion on the ELL vs ESL controversy, though.
@Cerberus - the name change would only be part of it. The other part would be that we would finally have a bright-line distinction between the two sites, and we could migrate true ESL questions to the other site on that basis.
I do think that ideally there would just be one English site.
@snailboat - Thanks!
@phenry I thought we were already doing just that?
> Single word requests that get answered quickly and definitively are fine: someone wants to know what you call the person who draws blood at the blood bank, someone else says they're called phlebotomists, the answer gets accepted, and everyone is happy. Let's not pretend that those of us with high reputations haven't made them on the backs of such questions.
I dare you to find a single SWR among my top answers!
Those are your top SWR answers, looks like.
@Cerberus - ELL is not a designated migration target for EL&U, and migration is semi-discouraged due to some unpleasant history.
Q: Continued recommendations that things be moved to ELL

sfjacI've seen a number of questions (including one of mine) receive comments along the lines of "this would be a more appropriate question for the English Language Learners (ELL) site". While I understand that this site is trying to maintain an academic bent, I find this comment to be more than a lit...

So that's one, but only one, on the first page.
Q: "This question appears to be off topic because it is better asked on ELL."

WendiKiddA bit of background before I begin: I am a moderator on ELL, and I admit to not being entirely familiar with what is and isn't on-topic here on ELU. I am posting this discussion because I see a trend that I think needs to be addressed, and the following are just my brainstormed thoughts and opini...

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