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He asked me where I was the whole evening. That correct?
He asked me later that is. So, what do you think?
Sorry got deleted
reported speech always has already occurred
i.e. it's always referring to something in the past
"He asked me where I had been the whole evening" I wrote it with "was" and you said it was okay.
both are fine
simple past and perfect constructions are fine for reporting questions
So both are? Matt that's exactly what I been asking you
right, but your first question added in do-support, which is wrong
For reported right? Because some books give a choice
I saw wiki's do support article not sure I got it. Can you give the jest from it
there are always exceptions, but in the questions you've posed then either simple past or had + past participle are fine
do-support in question is one way of asking them
> How did you eat all the pies?
Top of the balrog, all.
Good balrog to ye, @cornbreadninja麵包忍者
@MattЭллен And...
omg, omg, 5 hours left.
@MattЭллен curtsies
@Farooq so when reporting the question *"He asked me how I did I eat all the pies" is wrong
So correct would be?
because you don't report like that. you report by turning it into simple past or had + past participle: "He asked how I ate / had eaten all the pies"
With "had"
you drop the do-support
and put it into some kind of past tense
Okay:) that's new to me. Thanks Matt. And reading...
no probs :)
So my first could go like this "Tom asked me where I heard about the vacancy" that okay without do-support
Do you have any other complex example that you would like to share with me?
Haha. Key criterion being "would like to share" . . .
@Robusto So:) Whats funny about that?
@Farooq It's funny because it's true.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 @MattЭллен at it all. Sorry.
@Robusto True what? I didn't get the joke
> Robusto asked me why I asked cornbread what she was doing with Mitch
That's why we go over this stuff.
"Robusto asked me why I asked cornbread what she was doing with Mitch" So here why not say it like "Robusto asked me why I had asked cornbread what she had been doing with Mitch"
Aw geez. Went for coffee at the wrong time.
Note that you can get your hair done and you can get your shit done, but not at the same time—unless getting your hair done was one of the elements involved in getting your shit done.
@MattЭллен So both are fine? Right
@Farooq yes
@Farooq Lies!
@MattЭллен But not like ""Robusto asked me why did I ask cornbread..." That would be with "do-support"?
I am not responsible. Note that this does not mean I am irresponsible.
@Robusto Lies:)???
What curious punctuation you have.
Lies about?
Looks like a cringing question. Interesting.
So I should drop my question? I guess
@Farooq No offense, but I was not addressing you. I was indulging in meta-contextual humor that you don't understand.
None taken
But not like ""Robusto asked me why did I ask cornbread..." That would be with "do-support"?
I'm tired.
lies about
If you come in here, expect that you may not understand much of the discussion going on.
Why? Not of my caliber?
@Farooq If you must know, that is a common usage. But more common might be "Robusto asked my why I asked cornbread ..."
@Farooq Matt used an example sentence that made a statement involving my username on this site. My joke was to take his example as a literal assertion about me.
It has nothing to do with you.
@Farooq that's right
sorry, work called
I might go offline, as they're "fixing" the firewall
@MattЭллен Heh. We may never hear from you again, if their goal is to prevent you wasting time at work.
true. I'd still be wasting my time though...
@MattЭллен So I asked not like ""Robusto asked me why did I ask cornbread..." That would be with "do-support"?
@Farooq You should write "Robusto asked me why I asked ... " instead.
@Farooq that's right
Thanks to all you guys
Appreciate it
That would be a million dollars, lol.
You're welcome
Perhaps can buy you all a car :)
It was a joke
Not rich
it's OK. we don't know where you live, so we can't send the bailiffs around
Bailiff? But if you knew?
They should have a feature that lets you hide replies to you from the sight of X if X has ignored you.
that would make sense
I am sick and tired of some users who are sick and tired of me as well.
maybe you should request it on metameta
Hi jasper
I have put up with them for too long, lol.
X says something bad to you, and he doesn't feel anything, then when you say something harmless to X, X pretends to be victimised.
that's people for you
Any good "reported speech" site?
You know any?
Sorry, I've not come across any
balrog balrog?
> I am in a party. The balrog is depleted. Then some son of Eru manufacture even more balro. Yay.
Whats balro?
A creature?
a balro is a balrog without the g
Yeah what is it?
a creature with wings of shadow
Haha I know
Yes! This chat is beyond any of you! Fly, you fools! Swords will be no use here!
on the Internet noöne knows you're a balrog
@MattЭллен I wonder if balrogs can type. Like, if a balrog awoke from wherever he'd been hiding lo all these years, and got annoyed by the dwarves oil companies drilling too deeply, would he just start smashing things? or start an angry blog
they can probably type
are they smart like wizards?
Well, they are Maiar, right? So, in theory, yes. But they've somehow become twisted by Melkor, so who knows. Maybe they're too grumpy to learn how to operate a computer.
balrogs are wizard's evil analog, right?
They're in the same class of beings. But they use strength and fear and fire and smoke to get shit done. Wizards use telling people to do stuff.
tumblr is the home of all grumpy teenagers
@MattЭллен If they so smart why ain't they rich?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So bossy.
@Mitch If you were so smart would you be rich?
@Mitch Saruman was pretty rich.
@MattЭллен Hell yeah. Rich in creamy creamy Nutella. cuz then I could afford it, That stuff is expensive.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 He just had a good dry cleaner. Don't let clothes fool you.
the real nutella was in you all along
@Mitch I dunno. He had his own tower, with its own walls, its own staff, presumably farms, and a standing army.
he squandered his money fighting a costly war against Rohan.
@Mitch if wizards would stop enchanting my clothes to be smarter than me, start a ponzy scheme and trick me into investing, then I would.
they should just enchant your clothes to invest for you.
they like to laugh at their own ability to outsmart me. bloody wizards
you'd think I'd learn by now
TeX Live 2014 has been released, but the mirrors may not have synced.
@MattЭллен I am actually a chicken. Cluck!
boc boc
time to go
@MattЭллен See you in your home, lol.
Would Bloggify be a good name for a blogging platform?
Or any other suggestions?
@IonicãBizãu Sounds good to me.
@IonicãBizãu is that not taken, already?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Is it? I didn't find any...
@IonicãBizãu Then you are lucky, lol.
If you find any, please tell me... I don't want to copy some product name that is already taken...
@IonicãBizãu Is your name Romanian?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 He was just an administrator. A functionary even. Lives in a split level. Mows his own lawn.
@JasperLoy Yes, it is. :-) My real name is Bizău Ioan
@IonicãBizãu I didn't see it on the first page of google results. But I dunno, it just seems too obvious, or something.
@MattЭллен I'm gonna start a pony scheme. Everyone gets a pony.
@JasperLoy Ioan == John, Ionică == Johnny
That's it. That's the scheme. I haven't worked out the details yet.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Cool... I already created a GitHub organization for that.
@MattЭллен I'm sorta flattered but I'm also sorta uncomfortable, because that's a lot of Nutella. I'm feeling a little queasy. Excuse ... for a moment.. I just have to... rushes from room.
@Mitch Nutella is too rich for me.
:16104322 He replied 2 hours after you posted it.
Sorry, brain cramp.
And shut up, Jasper, I have you on ignore, remember?
OK OK, lol.
You'd better not be LOL'ing me.
I forgive you this time.
. . .
Election begins in 4 hours.
I think I will vote for Andrew Leach, medica, and Mr Hen.
@Mitch 1. everyone gets a pony 2. ?? 3. profit
How much is a pony in bitcoin?
Also, how did I do on guessing what Jasper was saying to me?
> 404. That’s an error. The requested URL /q?ponies= was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
@Robusto yeah, google doesn't know the pony to bitcoin ratio
@Robusto pretty good
@MattЭллен If Google doesn't know, I guess we'll have to ask the NSA.
Of course, the NSA may consider the pony/bitcoin ratio a state secret.
Stupid cupertinos.
I'm in the car with my eldest on our way to the library a couple of days ago. He's thinking, as he often does, and after a while he says, very thoughtfully, "Mommy, I know what the 's word' is."
"Oh," I said, "Did you want to tell me what it is?"
He boggles a moment. "It's OK for me to say it?"
"Oh sure," I said, "I mean, if you're just telling me what it is, that's OK."
He mulls this over for a while.
then he nods and says, "um, OK, it's sucks, right?"
It's not something you want to say in front of your gramma. It's pretty inappropriate for school, but it's probably ok to say to your friends if you're talking about how you don't like something."
@Robusto they're such a one trick bitcoin
"Oh, so like breaking your arm sucks?"
@MattЭллен That implies a 1:1 ratio, IMO.
However much a bitcoin is worth, that's how big a pony is.
"Yeah, like that."
Ponies fluctuate wildly.
cover them in cheese and you have a traditional American dish
he thinks about this, and just as we're pulling into the library parking lot, he says, "I know what the 'f word' is too."
@MattЭллен But can you have seven-layer bitcoin ponies?
That was the actual punch line.
@KitFox That's pretty good. He has a future in comedy.
I'm trying to teach him that there are no bad words, just inappropriate contexts.

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