Noticing is the -ing form of the verb notice. It can be used as a noun. But it is still the verb that has of built into it.
I noticed her shoes. I took notice of her shoes.
I've always noticed her shoes. I've always taken notice of her shoes.
I normally notice her shoes. I normally take notice of her shoes.
I'm noticing her shoes. I'm taking notice of her shoes.
I'll notice her shoes. I'll take notice of her shoes.
@Mitch But the primitive value is the primitive value, if you follow what I'm saying. Why have a superfluous method that wouldn't return the value anyway if it didn't already exist?
so my health insurance website won't let me log in, it says my password is invalid. However if I click around it shows that the site has "hours of operation" and that it "closes" at 8pm Eastern on Saturdays.
I'm not sure what's the bigger WTF: that a website has hours of operation, or that the login failure doesnt' just tell you that the site is unavailable right now.
Ok so it doesn't metabolize to sugar, but it does contain calories. How many is hard to be sure about because it gets excreted before fully metabolized.
> The liver does not metabolize alcohol into sugar. On the contrary, most people will experience a dip in their blood sugar (glucose) levels when consuming alcohol. Alcohol is eventually broken down by the liver into acetate, and finally into carbon dioxide and water---not sugar.
No, I won’t. I am not going to waste my time tracking down where it says that this is a Q&A site not a chat forum, nor what all that implies. If you have not figured it out yet, then you never will. This is not about “rules”; it’s about intent, reason, logic, and community. — tchrist44 secs ago
Actually this is a paraprosdokian, not a zeugma. You have an example of a zeugma right there, it is a completely different thing. A paraprosdokian relies on how you read the sentence, a zeugma does not. In a zeugma, there are no different readings. The one word governs two other words simultaneously, and every which way you look at it. It is not subject to interpretation. — RegDwigнt ♦50 mins ago
@RegDwigнt: Oh, I know what I was going to ask you. In the recent flap about the NSA tapping Merkel's phone, I heard a report that included some German official complaining about it. And he used the word Nachrichtendienst which got translated as "security service." Is that a common usage? While I was listening to the German I thought he was referring to the news service.
@RegDwigнt Something like that. You have to know a lot before you can appreciate how much you don't know.
Nachrichtendienst means intelligence agency. And yeah it's very common, especially these days of course, but the Germans had their very own Bundesnachrichtendienst long before that.
The (, BND; ; CIA code name CASCOPE) is the foreign intelligence agency of Germany, directly subordinated to the Chancellor's Office. Its headquarters are in Pullach near Munich, and Berlin (planned to be centralised in Berlin by 2016, with about 4,000 people). The BND has 300 locations in Germany and foreign countries. In 2005, the BND employed around 6,050 people, 10% of them Bundeswehr soldiers; those are officially employed by the "Amt für Militärkunde" (Office for Military Sciences). The annual budget of the BND for 2013 was € 504,770,000.
The BND acts as an early warning system ...
BND is a nachrichtendienst, CIA is a nachrichtendienst, KGB FSB is a nachrichtendienst. API and Reuters are not nachrichtendienste in my book.
They are typically called Nachrichtenagenturen instead.
Nachrichten- und Presseagenturen sind Nachrichten liefernde Unternehmen, die Informationen über aktuelle Ereignisse enthalten, als vorgefertigte Meldungen in Text, Audio- oder Filmmaterial sowie Bilder für Massenmedien zur Verwendung in Zeitungen, Internetportalen und Nachrichtensendungen bei Radio und Fernsehen. Presse- und Nachrichtenagenturen spielen im weltweiten Nachrichtenfluss eine zentrale Rolle. Vor allem vor der Etablierung des Internets war überregionale und internationale Berichterstattung ohne Nachrichtenagenturen kaum möglich. Über 180 Nachrichtenagenturen gibt es zurzeit we...
Die Reuters Group plc war zuletzt die weltweit größte internationale Nachrichtenagentur mit Hauptsitz in London. Ihr Schwerpunkt waren Wirtschaftsthemen, doch verkaufte sie ähnlich der Deutschen Presse-Agentur oder Associated Press auch andere Nachrichten. Nach Kauf durch und Vereinigung mit der kanadischen Thomson-Gruppe heißt der Konzern seit dem 17. April 2008 Thomson Reuters und hat seinen Hauptsitz in New York.
90 % des Umsatzes wurden mit Börsen- und Wirtschaftsinformationen erwirtschaftet. Das Unternehmen wurde von Paul Julius Reuter 1850 in Aachen gegründet...
Der Allgemeine Deutsche Nachrichtendienst (ADN) war neben Panorama DDR die einzige zugelassene Nachrichten- und Bildagentur der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Er nahm eine Monopolstellung bei der Belieferung fast aller Zeitungen sowie von Funk und Fernsehen der DDR mit Nachrichten, Berichten, Artikeln und Fotos mit überregionalem Charakter ein. Mit rund sechzig Agenturen anderer Länder fand ein Nachrichtenaustausch statt, woraus sich zugleich auch die Filterfunktion für die DDR-Medien ergab. ADN unterstand offiziell dem Ministerrat der DDR, wurde aber angeleitet und beaufsichtigt vom ...
Following is an extract from a Rabindranath Tagore story called, "A Wrong Man in Workers' Paradise". I need help in understanding the contextual meaning of a line in it.
The story is about a man who never did any useful work and lived a leisurely life devoid of all care.
Some boys seldom ply...
@Robusto BTW, Twitter is a Kurznachrichtendienst. Always prefixed with that on the evening news and the like, for people who don't know what the heck Twitter is. Like myself.
@RegDwigнt So Twitter is a tiny spy network. I always suspected as much.
@PrasadShrivatsa The reference is to Edward Fitzgerald's translation of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. The "moving finger" is absolutely a metaphor, possibly for "fate" or "destiny," but it could also just describe reality playing out, and how what happens in life cannot be undone.
When I want to send an email to two person, is that the suitable way to write to them like this: Dear Dr. xxxx, Dear Dr. yyyy, or Dear Dr. xxx, and yyyy,
There is no corresponding term because in our common understanding a woman cannot be too doting on a man -- in fact, doting and overly attentive has long been the norm (though perhaps things are beginning to change just a bit). In other words, it is not an aberration, not even considered a pheno...
@tchrist Okay. So the sentence, 'This deduction was made by my noticing of fact X' is syntactically equivalent to 'This deduction was made by my taking notice of of fact X'. So it is wrong.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You mean, what is "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks"?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 That's just mean. What did you do to piss off Bartleby?
Oh, you're asking about the GD reference. Yeah, it's a late-Romantic composition by Richard Strauss, who pushed tonality to its limits. He was mostly pre-modern, but he could be categorized as expressionistic, I suppose. Anyway, the general likes him for his embrace of literature and philosophy, the intellect of his pieces. They're almost always programmatic, meaning they are based on some sort of text, as opposed to "absolute music," which exists in relation to nothing else but music..
Also, Strauss wrote some damn-near impossible flute parts. I had to sight-read the part for his Alpine Symphony in my audition for the Civic Orchestra. They wanted to hear the parts in altissimo register, which is up to a fifth above what is generally given as the flute's top note: C7, or three octaves above middle C. As I recall, they were all in ledger lines, too, no help from 8va shorthand. But I passed.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 "New Year's Eve contraption"?
Are you talking about one of the percussion instruments?
A ratchet, also called a noisemaker (or, when used in Judaism, a gragger or grogger (etymologically from ) or ra'ashan ()), is an orchestral musical instrument played by percussionists. Operating on the principle of the ratchet device, a gearwheel and a stiff board is mounted on a handle, which rotates freely.
The player holds the handle and swings the whole mechanism around. The momentum makes the board click against the gearwheel, producing a clicking and rattling noise. A popular design consists of a thick wooden cog wheel attached to a handle and two wooden flanges that alternately...
> The ratchet is similar to a football rattle, which is sometimes used in its place when a particularly loud sound is needed. It is used in, for example, Richard Strauss's piece Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks and Arnold Schoenberg's Gurre-Lieder.
@Robusto I liked what I listened to. I hadn't read any farther than the title, and once I listened to it, wondered how it would be relaxing. Then I read on.
@Robusto I do.
@Robusto Perhaps he wanted to rest overnight instead of being left open. I gave him some ginger nut cakes.
A ginger biscuit, ginger nut or ginger snap is a globally popular biscuit based snack food, flavoured with ginger.
Ginger biscuits are flavoured with powdered ginger and a variety of other spices, most commonly cinnamon, molasses and nutmeg. There are many recipes for ginger nuts.
Global terminology
In the UK, the Isle of Man, Australia, and New Zealand and most of the former British Empire, they are often called ginger nuts. Ginger nuts are not to be confused with pepper nuts, which are a variety of gingerbread, somewhat smaller in diameter, but thicker.
Gingernuts are the most popul...