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@medica so many!
Summer began many weeks ago, for Midsummer's Day draws now nigh.
@Mitch monty python *But I'm not dead yet!
@medica Or twelve. Or thirteen.
@tchrist meteorological summer is not so Mid-ish yet.
And it is Pentecost for Reg because he’s Russian.
@medica Exactly. The gods are not looking at the calendar.
@tchrist I only have the four at hand, but if they get better, I'll have to read them all.
@tchrist OK, thanks.
He gave me a good one too
gosh, I'm backwards on my church holidays.
@skullpatrol which one?
Uncle Sam's Cabin
I never heard of that one. What genre?
Cabin something?
@medica Long Sun is an easier read than New Sun, although Short Sun becomes intricate again and loops back to the start of New Sun. New Sun is about a bad man trying to be a good one, or at least, a good man in a terrible job. Long Sun is about a good man in a bad religion.
I got it wrong :(
The one that started the civil war
Short Sun is harder to pot in so few words.
@skullpatrol Uncle Tom's Cabin, yes. Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Yes :D
That's a classic.
@medica Lent, Easter, Pentecost — in that order.
Damn that Sam
@tchrist Thanks. I'll see if I can remember that for another decade now.
@skullpatrol :D
It sounded good!
@tchrist ascension?
Cinco de Mayo?
@Mitch whose? the catholics have two (I imagine RO, too.)
@Mitch lol (5 may)
?? I only know what I've picked up from calendars posted at the auto mechanic's shop (the ones with the holidays)
@Mitch good source!
@medica I look at them for the dates.
@medica Elijah. Enoch.
Not the scenes of...
@Mitch don't auto mechanics have girly calenders?
@tchrist They don't have feast days, tho!
But they did not die.
autumn leaves or mountain ranges or snow covered plains.
OK, I think you've named them all. Enoch was first,
And Elijah certainly has a feast day. Often, in fact.
@tchrist does he?
@skullpatrol Yes...I was trying to come up with insurance company calendars but 'auto mechanic shop sounded better.
Every Passover, there is an empty chair for Elijah.
Enoch has felt left out ever since
Because he hasn't died yet.
@tchrist that's true, at the passover meal, I forgot.
@Mitch Passed over even.
Read Stephenson: Enoch Root is with us always.
I drink his wine after it's done.
@Mitch I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean. Maybe you meant: t
@medica I wondered who got all his stuff.
@Mitch it's a secret. I go from house to house. My busiest night.
!!wiki Pentecost
@Mitch Maxwell's silver hammer / Came down upon her head. / Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer / Made sure that she was dead.
@skullpatrol The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
@KitSox NO I didn't mean that all. I think we're at cross purposes. I use '!!' to mean 'eyebrows raised'. I actually misused it back there, I really meant ':)'.
@Mitch Is that one of the Stations of the Cross?
@tchrist we have had a few Seders here, but it's been a dozen years now, I think.
(Western) (Eastern) |date = (Western) (Eastern) |date = (Western) (Eastern) |observances=Prayer, Vigils, Fasting (pre-festival), Novenas, Retreats Holy Communion, Litany |celebrations=Religious (church) services, Festive meals, Processions, Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination, Folk customs, Dancing, Spring & woodland rites, Festive clothing. |type=Christian |significance=Celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus |relatedto=Shavuot, historically and symbolically; Septuagesima, Sexagesima, Quinquagesima, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Lent...
@medica Like the Easter Rabbit and twinkerbell.
@Mitch :)
@Mitch Twinkerbell is a boy.
@Mitch my kids like Christmas an inordinate amount!
@tchrist ha ha! yeah, too many twinkies.
@medica Then you should have extras, like from Orthodox or Coptics. I predict America will eventually have a summertime Christmas to boost mall sales.
@medica xmas is great. there's this great expectation/anticipation of getting a bunch of stuff. And then it really does happen.
@tchrist I always thought it was funny that the "Christmastree shop' was open all year round.
I'm trying to wean my kids off of christmas. I mean, they're all married, for heaven's sake!
@medica !!
Now don't say anything about that @KitSox
They should be happy with a book.
@medica Yeah! and listening to NPR!
I am.
I'll have to tell them that one.
I heard it on NPR so it must be true.
O thou fricatrice!
(wraps a small card that states NPR)
@tchrist fricasee
@medica You wrap your greeting cards? That's hardcore.
@tchrist Bilabial fricatrice.
@Mitch cheep
Oh...so you can reuse them...nice!
@Robusto bilingual fricatrice
@Robusto Of course it must be bilabial, for what is the sound of one hand clapping?
Bilingual fratricide.
I have no siblings left.
Maybe I should have said fricatrix; depends on the madame and the take, I suppose.
@tchrist oh, yuck!
@tchrist My piano loosening-up exercises include one where the hands are waved vigorously back and forth, so that the fingers slap against the palms: one hand clapping. And it makes a sound.
I’m leading horses to water this morning.
O, Christmastrix, O, Christmastrix.
But at least I wasn’t the one to bring up their labia.
Labially bicurious != bilabially curious
Ware libellous curiosity.
@tchrist I've been the victim of frotteurs before. It is awful.
It is surreal when it's happening... you don't want to believe it. Gross.
@medica So have we all, believe me.
@medica Don't go on the Tokyo subway then.
@tchrist lol
That’s when it’s time to put the puppy out the back door.
Esp. in rush hour.
@Robusto eww. I'll keep that in mind. It's not so wonderful in NY, either.
But if you do, remember to shout sukebe! when it happens.
@Robusto yeah, right! (what does that mean?)
@medica It's a pretty strong way of calling someone lewd or vulgar.
Pronounced something like s'keh-beh
@Robusto Then that's... can I trust you? It doesn't mean more does it?
@terdon Not if I can help it.
@tchrist Yeah, the fumes alone...
@medica I would never steer you wrong in matters involving personal safety.
@medica Mean? What is mean? Denote or connote?
@Robusto Ok.
@tchrist denote
There is a rude way of ordering a popular Japanese dish by way of mispronunciation that brushes close to Rob’s word.
You can also say dare-ga omae-nanka sawarekayo?
Which means...?
Meaning "Who would want to touch someone like you?" And it is very direct and rude, which is appropriate.
@Robusto I'd settle for a slap instead. By the time you get all of that out, the offender would have run away.
@Robusto I'm memorizing that one.
Oh, interesting, Rabelais had some rather nasty things to say about English frickers.
@terdon The point is, you want to alert everyone else as to what is going on. Even though they will probably do nothing.
@Robusto de rigeur to do nothing.
Or rather, Motteux did sur Rabelais.
> 1708 Motteux Rabelais v. v. 165 — Ingles, Fricatrices, He-Whores.
I meant it in the feminine, as -trice, -trix implies.
@medica Note that I am not making any silly puns about rigid there.
@medica Pronounced like: dah-reh-gah oh-mah-eh nah-n-kah sah-wah-reh-kah-yo
Very approximate.
I've got it: dah-reh-gah oh-mah-eh nah-n-kah sah-wah-reh-kah-yo!!! I'm going to try it out in NY next time I go.
Or would it be appropriate to yell at some bad looking suchi?
de rigeur, oh man, eh? No can say what rehkan. Yo!
@terdon there's a lot of testosterone in this room!
@medica Only if it is pseudosuchian.
@medica Actually, I have a better idea for pronunciation. Paste the following into Google translate and click the "speak this" button. It will be closer than the respelling I gave you. 誰がお前なんか触るかよ
@medica Fair amount of estrogen as well, I'm sure :)
Pay attention to the syllable length and the pitch rises.
@Robusto The pitch changes are significant in Japanese right?
@terdon Not as significant as in Chinese. But they are odd to a Western ear.
It sounds to us like they are emphasizing syllables that don't require emphasis.
@Robusto I did that. I have saved it. I will never sound as sweet as google translate though.
Gotta work on that then.
Haha, Google Trans renders the meaning as "Who you touch something?" They are so out of touch.
@tchrist how do you know so much? Do you listen to esoterica in your sleep. Archosauria. pseudosuchian. Who actually knows this stuff?
@Robusto (yes, I saw that. Sounds good enough to me. ;) )
They completely left out the nanka, which means something like something, and omae-nanka means "someone like you" or "such a thing as you".
Also, the particle yo at the end is the verbal equivalent of stamping your foot.
@medica Well, I should I guess (but I don't). In any case, tchrist has a set of tapes he goes to sleep with. They read him the OED while he sleeps.
Nah, he has a Perl script that does that.
AFK for errands
@Robusto I like that final yo, then. sounds cute actually.
(Gads, I wish I could type)
@Robusto perl -e '@oed=<>; while(1){ say "@oed"}' oed.txt perhaps?
@terdon that sounds like a good thing to try... the OED through osmosis...
And then we can all be lexiphanists!
@terdon What is your profession now?
@medica Computational biologist. Just finished my post doc.
wow! I don't even know what one does in that field. Please tell me.
@medica I merely have a pugnacious memory.
@tchrist I'll say. well, not pugnacious. prodigious.
@medica Depends really. Think of it as theoretical biology or meta analysis. Classic examples are gene prediction, genome annotation, phylogeny construction, protein structure prediction, modelling of various biological processes (protein-protein interaction networks, gene regulatory networks, immune response, ecologies) etc.
I've worked extensively on comparative genomics and gene family evolution (wonderfully close to language evolution by the way) and protein-protein interaction networks.
@terdon ooh, I actually guessed that correctly! Do you specialize in a field (genome annotation, e.g.) or do you do whatever you want?
That sounds really exciting! I am not kidding.
If I could start over, I would be doing genome work (if there was a living to be made for me. I'm no Francis Collins)
@medica It always does when it's not you doing it :)
But yeah, genomics is fascinating at the moment.
I am a little envious, really. It is such a great field to be in right now.
It is. In some ways it's like being a Physicist in the early 20th century.
On the flip side though, the competition is getting ridiculous. I do science for the fun of learning not to produce one Nature paper after another. There are now too many labs that work like factories, their aim is to publish rather than to understand.
@terdon It does. it's like you're on the forefront of this massive new field of knowledge.
@terdon That's how to earn a living at it, I guess that hasn't changed so much. I hated that part.
Yeah, me too. Which is why I'm getting disillusioned with the whole professional science jazz.
The trick is to get tenure in a small university in an out of the way country and teach for a living and then do research for fun. I hope so anyway.
Oh, that's sad. It is so wonderful to love something, some field of knowledge, to contribute to it. Then the realities set in.
@terdon I hope so for you too, then. I do. That sounds nice.
Also a great way to pick up languages :)
@terdon :) what country do you think you'd like to settle in?
Will you want to be in France?
@medica Probably not. I think I will go for somewhere that has English or Spanish as the main language. Latin America perhaps. Or one of the Aussie/Kiwi places.
@terdon Wow... that's adventurous. It is nice to be young. I hope you find a wonderful position.
@medica Not as young as I used to be :). The prospect is a good deal more daunting at 30something than it was at 20something.
@terdon I know. 20something is a magically worry-free time. But it's still good now. Find your job. Try to do what you love. I sometimes wonder what/if I would have been happier had I stayed in research - it was so exciting, really - instead of kind of selling out to make a living. Medicine has been good to me, but I did sell out.
@medica A man would say zo there to give it a rougher feel.
@terdon I would not presume to tell @tchrist how to write Perl scripts.
@Robusto should an older woman say zo or yo? I want to be assertive.
@medica Say yo or you risk being perceived in a way you didn't intend.
I was pretty worried in my 20s.
yo! I will practice that whole phrase.
The fact that you're already not using polite forms is quite "rough"; that, coupled with the low-register pronoun choice, makes it pretty emphatic
@Robusto I don't see why not. I learned a large chunk of my own Perl-fu by reading his books :)
That is the second time I've seen chink for chunk today, and I've only been awake for an hour.
I fixed it!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Really? I was fearless in my 20s. All of them. I even changed careers in my early 30s.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 "The preferred nomenclature is—"
@medica I've had the same career since I was 18.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I feel so different now. Do you have children?
I'm terrified of changing jobs. For some reason, I've survived three company name changes and countless layoffs.
I've been all over the map. Though I suspect the current one is the last I will have.
@medica Naw.
@Robusto Dude, 'Asian-American', please.
Rule of thumb: if you survive the layoffs, you're either underpaid or well able to get a job somewhere else.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 well, no wonder you're worried. I don't know if it was children that made me fearful, or if my frontal lobe finally finished developing, but in my later 30s, everything got smaller.
Luckily, I have no job, so I can't lose it.
@JasperLoy you hippie! How do you eat?
@medica My mum takes care of me. I am worthless.
@JasperLoy I'm sure that's not true. Your mum loves you, and I'm sure many others as well. Having a job is nice, but it's not one's identity, really, is it?
@medica Yeah. Once I get my OCD under control, I will start working and studying again.
I know that sounds trite, but it's true for my son. He is 27.5 and still not really working yet.
@medica Does he have some illness?
@medica I was more worried after my dad died.
@medica She is not married, lol.
he is a very anxious kid.
@Robusto Let's go with underpaid.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I don't know what that feels like in youth. I lost mine later.
Now I'm worried about what to do with mom and her saggy house full of stuff.
I have no idea why Borders and Carrefour here closed down.
I loved Borders.
Luckily I get all my books from Amazon now, lol.
Their CDs cost too damn much, but there was one really close to the office.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I liked reading there for free. cheep cheep
I wish there was a Half Price Books closer to work.
You can read most things online for free, lol.
@medica nice.
AFK to get ready for Mom's Day Out.
I visit lib.freescienceengineering.org to look at a book before deciding if I should buy it.
There's a 2nd & Charles here. Good stuff cheap, but little reading space.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 have a nice day!
@Robusto I hate Dylan. runs
@medica you too!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Seriously?
Him or his music?
I don't like his sangin'.
He writes a nice ditty, though.
Then perhaps you would prefer this one.
I still remember Adam Lambert from American Idol. His voice is really powerful.
Steve Stills a problem for you?
Opened and paused. Gotta shower.
Shower the Dylan off?
@Cerberus You remain logged in through your mobile?
I made cornbread take a shower.
I just had a shower, going out for a walk soon.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Well, of course you don't! The man could never sing and lord knows he can't play worth a damn. On the other hand, his singing is extremely expressive, he just has a horrible voice. It does grow on you after a while though. I love him but would never call him a good musician. The man's a poet.
Just about anyone who's ever done a Dylan version did it better than the man himself. Bob's still a genius though. @Robusto is that Stills from CSN&Y?
@terdon What do you mean, he can't play worth a damn?
@Robusto Just that.
@terdon Do you know another Steve Stills?
Did I start a feud?
@Robusto Nope, just checking, didn't see the Steven.
@terdon lol
@terdon This room has plenty of drama, lol.
@terdon He doesn't play up to his level on many things, I'll give you that.
Why does no one ever mention Ry Cooder?
@terdon It was hiding right there at the beginning of the sentence. No wonder you didn't see it.
I'm still pissed at him (Dylan) 'cause I saw him last year and he had finally decided to stop trying to play the guitar but chose to bang on an (out of tune) piano instead.
@medica I mention Ry Cooder quite often. Only not in this chat.
Oops, I stand corrected:
May 7 '11 at 14:03, by Robusto
BTW, that's Ry Cooder on bottleneck.
Really? Good! I really like Ry Cooder!
He is soooo good!
@Robusto just to clarify, I love Dylan. I consider him a great artist, just not a particularly great musician is all.
One of the best songwriters ever to draw breath though.
an underappreciated genius. I never heard that! That must be old. But once you know him, it really stands out.
@terdon That is the received view these days, yes. But listen to a different perspective.
@Robusto Are you learning to play guitar?
@medica No. I learned a long time ago. Also learned I never would be really good at it. I stick to keyboards.
@Robusto Hmm. He makes some good points but I'd have to look for evidence. Damn it Robusto! I'd made up my mind and here you go confusing me with facts!
More facts.
Well yes. That one happens to be one of my all time favorite songs. And yes, the picking is quite good.
Also listen to Corrina, Corrina from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.
Will do. Gotta run now though I've got a concert to get ready for!
What kind?
The kind where we play for a friend's party.
Cool. Have fun.
Cheers, will do.
!!eval 'hello'
@AwalGarg "hello"
@KitSox whats up?
!!eval 'ceiling'
@AwalGarg "ceiling"
@KitSox you are pretty intelligent
@Kitfox, your bot, she isn't properly coded (copied?)... look at below:
in Sandbox, 1 min ago, by KitSox
@AwalGarg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^she mentions the name of room as Javascript, and links to SO user rlemon's website...
@MattЭллен Nooo that's not good enough. Because it is really an event. You can't have a borrel where only two people show up without disappointment and embarrassment.
@Alraxite No, I just leave my computer on 24/7. Which I probably shouldn't, but...
@Cerberus Oh I see. How many years has it been running for?
ask kitsox
@Alraxite Oh, I do turn it off sometimes.
The last time I rebooted it was probably...a month ago?
@Cerberus Right. OK
@Mitch Good point; she's probably been running for years too
with some intermittent reboots
@Alraxite Do you always turn your computer off?
Body-part smugglers overloading their vehicles.
@Cerberus Yes. I'm so old-fashioned.
@Alraxite So then how can you chat with me?
@Cerberus I meant that I turn it off at least once a day :-)
@Alraxite I know, I know.
But that is less funny.
@Alraxite and, boy, is she tired!
@Alraxite The matrix will reconnect to it's implanted virus when you come back online. So turning it on and off only exercises the mechanical switches and expands and contracts mechanical components from the warming up and cooling down.
Kitsox told me to tell you that.
Oooh..red wagons...they rile me, too. — Mitch 50 secs ago
@Mitch I thought it vacuumed the virus into space.
As in, restored the matrix to factory conditions.
@Cerberus The matrix -is- the factory.
In the sentence "He likes the same music as my brother does", what is the function/name of the word does? I thought there was an elided like but I was informed, no, not since circa 17c. Does anyone know?
@Mitch why did you remove your red wagon comment? It was very funny.
@medica I think of it like 'does' is just a generic verb replacing the more specific 'likes'
@medica It's just a simple finite verb or main verb.
You could call it a "dummy verb".
@medica it was just for fun and didn't add anything meaningful. And the OP might not get that I'm just screwing around.
Hmm, thanks. Someone - StonyB maybe - ah! that's it! Dummy verb! Thanks!
or a 'pro-verb' like a 'pro-noun'
You could say that!
I just did!
@Mitch I tried to upvote it. :( I thought it was quite fully.
@medica But I think "elliptical auxiliary verb" is still a valid term, considering how it did come from does like.
OH! That's it. A pro-verb OK, now I know what to look under. I had never heard that. Pro noun, pro verb. makes sense.
Sadly you can't upvote chat. I also want to be able to downvote comments. I also want to be able to say 'I very strongly don't care one way or the other'
That is, I very intentionally neither up or down vote.
Pro in Latin can mean "instead of, in exchange for".
@Mitch Can you say that in one word?
because most of the time I just don't bother.
@Mitch I'd also like an option "I don't want to pick any of those three options, but I still want to vote in this poll".
@medica I think I just made it up. Or at least I don't remember ever seeing it. It would confse things with 'proverb' though.
(I have seen polls that actually have that option.)
@Cerberus haha!
@medica 'I disquivocate'?
@Mitch Yes, proverbium was already taken in Latin, for "saying".
@Cerberus Right, or (probably the same) 'I want to participate here but don't want to judge'
That sounds less funny.
@Cerberus Dammit, Latin did everything first.
I bet Latin doesn't have... what are those things called? where you have a verb and a preposition which doesn't have a prepositional target.
X verbs.
phrasal verbs! that's it.
Latin doesn't/didn't have phrasal verbs. Ha.
@Cerberus: Please let me down slowly if Latin does have phrasal verbs.
@Mitch I always forget the difference between phrasal verbs and some other term, I'll get back to you on this. Must run!
@Cerberus I find 'phrasal verb' very misleading.

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