> nill /nɪl/, v. Now arch. Forms: (see below).
Etymology: OE. (pres. t.) nylle, nyle, nelle, nele, etc., = OFris. nil, nel(e, nelle, f. ne ne (def#3) (def#a) + wille, wile will v. In the Lindisf. Gosp. the more original forms nwill, nuill also occur. In early use another negative freq. occurs in the sentence.
I intr. To be unwilling, not to will.
1 Const. with infinitive (without to). Sometimes also denoting simple futurity.
a Present tense (and infinitive).
α1st and 3rd sing. 1 nylle, 1, 4 nyle, 1, 3-4 nile, 4-6 nil, nyl(l, 5 nylle, nille, 5- nill. 2nd sing. 1, 4-5 nylt, 3-6 nilt (Or…