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I quite like it. Especially since it gives the option to thread/unthread at will.
Oh, does it?
Hello. May I ask a question, please?
I think there was something about it that I didn't like, but I don't remember.
@Cerberus Yes, you have to hover over one of the threaded comments and an unthread button appears.
@Malky.Kid Yes. In general, don't ask about asking. Just ask, if anyone can help they will answer.
okay then. I've read this comic:
, but I really didn't get the punchline (
Although, here I go again, unsure whether I should ask about that here..
Ummm... I don't get it either. Anyone else?
It has to do with the Cliffs Notes.
I don't get it at all!
He read her Cliffs Notes, I bet.
Instead of reading her.
What are those again?
Unless it was a literary supplement.
Summary of a work plus critical interpretations.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Is the cover somehow evocative of such books? The classic high-school cliff notes or something?
Yes it is: cliffsnotes.com
@terdon You've . . . yes.
Huh, I never knew the origin of the phrase.
That's a funny comic!
It is now, yes.
@Malky.Kid do you understand better?
I have often used the term, apparently mistakenly, as cliff notes. I had no idea it came from a specific book. Or set of books or whatever.
I'm going to poof now.
@cornbread Thanks :) but what's so wrong about reading her cliff notes?
this is very embarrassing, but I'm afraid I still don't get it..
@johnlawler If you didn't catch the drift already: Please don't edit spam. It just makes it harder for all mods & the community.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 HA! now i get it. Took me a while. Thank you very much
@hichris123 I think we have a somewhat different policy on ELU, if only because we are smaller than SO.
It could be hours before the next mod sees it.
Most or all of them are now asleep, for example.
Even so, it makes more work for me spam flagging.
Q: Dealing with spam

waiwai933With our recent spate of spam, a few reminders on how best to deal with it: First and foremost, please flag as spam. That's the first option when you open up the spam dialog, and that will delete the post once six spam flags are reached. This means that spam can be dealt even when moderators ar...

4 hours later…
I like my default avatar very much this time, I think I will keep it.
1 hour later…
Hey all.. Quick clarification regarding punctuation ..
Will a comma come before and after the word 'however' in the below sentence ?

I will, however, let our team know about your inputs.
@Jeyanthan Your sentence is fine with that pair of commas. It is also fine if you omit both commas.
Oh, isn't it mandatory?
There are many different theories of commas. Omitting commas where there is no confusion is alright in some of these theories.
Got it. Totally makes sense. Thanks much @JasperLoy
@tchrist now where's my royalty check.
posted on May 27, 2014 by sgdi

When packing somethings for a break There are certain things that you should take Your toothbrush and paste Underwear just in case And a pound and a half of fresh hake

4 hours later…
warning: hammy kids.
The Django open-source project have renamed master/slave (in context of databases) to primary/replica, resulting in lots of typing on the internet.
@Malky.Kid you're welcome!
@Hugo interesting. Seems pointless to me, or nearly so, but whatever. At least they didn't go with "leader/follower".
but primary/replica don't mean the same thing as master/slave
master/slave actually explains the roles...
should have gone with lord/serf. that'd be more PC, right?
@Andy It doesn't actually explain the roles. In what way is one a master and one a slave? Does the slave fetch coffee for the master? If the slave misbehaves, does the master have it beaten?
Yeah, don't you know anything about databases?
Also, the master can spawn child processes with the slave's wife
Go on. explain why "master" and "slave" are more descriptive than "primary" and "replica"
it's a very messy system
you can use a stored procedure in a master to update a slave, but the slave won't contain the stored procedure.
/me looks up
django? nevermind. i need to actually pay attention
i don't know the intricacies of django
-1 me
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 my apologies
No need to apologize
I don't know django either.
But my point was that "master" and "slave" are pretty generic terms that only mean something in IT because we define them to mean something. "Primary" is also fairly meaningless. "replica" has a more concrete meaning. It means something that is a copy of something else.
so we were talking about the inner workings of something we don't understand? gah, we're no better than politicians
So "master/slave" is vague. "Primary/replica" is more concrete.
Thus also possibly wrong, if it isn't describing the actual topology of the db network...
But I think in this case they are not concerned with all the possible db deployments, only the ones that involve replication for load balancing or redundancy
that would make sense
I wonder how many people are actually offended by the master/slave terminology though.
What's next? we have to rename the kill command?
We can't suspend computers, because it triggers people who have friends/relatives who died by hanging?
We can't mount file systems because it's insensitive to horses?
perl gets rid of the croak command because it's insensitive to frogs
and bless is insensitive to heathens
we need to stop treating data structures like objects.
but...but...they are objects.
ugh typical
We'll have to rename the Ruby language because it's insensitive to people who've suffered from conflict ruby mining
All this while we continue to make unrecyclable computers out of toxic materials, and ship them to poor countries to smash up.
well, they need something to do
That's the politician's fallacy: 1. We must do something! 2. This is something. 3. Therefore we must do it.
Why is this not yet closed as GR?
Q: what's the meaning of "likely unconstitutional"?

sovlerOn the newspapers, they said that "NSA phone program likely unconstitutional." See the link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/16/nsa-phone-surveillance-likely-unconstitutional-judge What's the difference between "unconstitutional" and "likely unconstitutional"? May I get the source of ...

@Andy Why are you using QED? I thought only the regulars in this chat use it, lol.
@JasperLoy I guess I'm not enough of a regular to know that only regulars use it. Whoops!
@Andy I was the pioneer of the QED in this chat. The originator and inventor...
O, magistra
@KitFox It must be lunch time for you soon. This time I will try not to delete my account, lol.
@JasperLoy Actually, it was reg
Feb 20 '11 at 14:10, by RegDwight
although that doesn't seem like it could possibly be early enough
wonders if search is working properly
Hmm, OK, I was the one who popularised it then, lol
Actually, i'm going to take a guess and say the Romans popularized it ;)
A: Why is this sentence correct?

Blessed GeekI find this sentence having a flaw. Let me analyse it to expose the flaw. The old, discredited leaders of the Party had been used to gather there before they were finally purged. Let poopflies = {old, discredited leaders of the Party} Let familiar with = {used to} Defective constructio...

This is just wrong.
Heheheh poopflies
Also, WTF does "I find this sentence having a flaw" mean? I mean, other than that the poster doesn't speak da gud Inglich.
And since when do programming techniques become useful in parsing English sentences?
they become useful once you ditch english for a language that's actually reliably able to be parsed
@Robusto TLDR, lol
@Andy English is reliably parsed all the time. Just not by machines.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 clearly you didn't attend public school in Florida
Neither did I, but I use fluoride toothpaste
I don't know what you mean by that, but that could also be due to my aforementioned education in Florida.
Yeah, I just like to utter rubbish based on previous lines, lol
(well, I know what fluoride is, just not the meaning of the non sequitur)
By the way, they call me Non Sequitur, lol
they call me Andy
not sure why
They also call me Captain Obvious
I have an interesting problem here. I downloaded part of an ISO file, burnt it without knowing it was a partial download then found that I could not erase it anymore. Why does the partial image damage the disc like that?
@JasperLoy Is it a cdrw?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, rewritable DVD+RW
Hm. I dunno. You'd think you could just reset all the bits on the disc, but maybe there is some format information that got corrupted
@Jasper I like your avatar.
@KitFox Me too, it is as beautiful as LG, lol.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Erm, that's my secret with Kit, lol
Lorne Green.
But if you are smart and knew what happened years ago, you can guess, but shh....
X-men shows in cinemas this week, but I have not been following the movie series.
Oh, you're referring to when Liam Gallagher split up Oasis
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think that is a good brand.
@JasperLoy Some of their things are okay.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 By the way, there is no Fedora release this semiyear.
@JasperLoy I dig your avatar, too!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I supposed that means like, dig is a difficult word for me, lol
@JasperLoy I'm still on 19 anyway
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 digs home;place of residence
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I have switched to Linux Mint, because I like the MATE desktop, and Mint defaults to MATE.
@JasperLoy I think your avatar is okay, i guess
@Andy I just noticed you are a horse
nay, i just have a sore throat
...i'll show myself out
Hi @Deutschland you are my favourite country
@JasperLoy I'm not a country:)
I'm an island
@Deutschland The font size on your blog is too large
@JasperLoy Really? but I think it's a suitable font!
@Andy No man is an island.
@KitFox yeah, I've always maintained that I'm still a boy
Always? You must be pretty old then.
turning 25 on saturday?
I feel old.
25 years? That's not very long for always. I'd expect something closer to 14 billion years.
i'm an old soul.
@Andy So so old. My back is killing me!
@Mitch I actually have a bad back :(
@KitFox There's longer.
@Andy Oops!
@Andy I'm a rock.
I would like you, to tie a string around.
Everybody wants that.
Also, to rule the world.
@Andy I see what you did there.
Not girls, they just want to have fun.
@KitFox I ran out of string.
@Andy Not dudes either, cuz they look like a lady.
...I like it here, I think i'll stay.
@terdon Smells and tastes like the hay corner of a barn. And then burns your tongue. So the last thing you ever taste is horse-trodden hay.
Dunno about that. I quite enjoy it. Especially when sweetened with honey.
Sweet sweet boiled horse-trodden hay.
@Mitch How do you know what that tastes like?
@Hugo Is it a PC reason?
@Deutschland Why don't you ask the others what they think? I think most people would agree with me.
Anybody know anything about Hadoop?
No idea what that is.
@Robusto um... uh... the collection agency just called... I have to take this.
@KitFox I've heard of it. It means different things to different people. For some it is distributed file store. For others it is a way to do MapReduce, to have multiple processors run a homogeneous operation with a lot of processors on a lot of data and recombine the results.
In this context, it is referred to as a third-party tool for analytics, but it doesn't seem like that's accurate.
For some it is a toy stuffed elephant.
@KitFox I know I like how it sounds, and I've come across O'Reilly books on the subject
It sounds like a search application indexer or something.
@KitFox It can be used in such a solution but it is not the entire soution.
@JasperLoy OK, but I like math formulas in large font. Did you visit my blog by PC?
@Mitch For one person anyway.
@Deutschland I visited it by zeppelin
@Deutschland I think it looks pretty.
@Deutschland Yes, but I don't think that affects the font size, maybe some other settings involved.
@Mitch That's what I'm thinking. It is a non-technical person who wrote this list and I think she just doesn't understand what the various bits are.
So I feel like she's saying "We're using Firefox for analytics!"
But I'm not familiar with Hadoop, so maybe I'm the one who is mistaken.
hadoop, there it is
I wanna hadoop, hoopy doop, hoopy doopy doopy doop.
Hadoop sounds like a name, not a real word.
@JasperLoy it is
(a name)
@JasperLoy The viewer can change the font size easily, so it is not an issue. I changed it to -20. That way you get the big picture.
Can iTunes be used to embed streaming audio on a website?
Is it an actual player like that? I thought it was just a storefront.
@KitFox :) yes. except at a certain level of readers you do use firefox for analytics.
She's got a lot of random stuff in here.
JW Player! She yells. Well, that's a plug-in for WordPress, so yes.
We don't really need to list that separately.
@KitFox But it is reasonable to say somethign like 'We're using Hadoop to power our analytics... um... analysis, our business analytics, that's it'
I suspect that Hoot Suite uses Hadoop and ow.ly on the back end.
And she's seen the linkages and assumed these were all separate tools.
And I don't think RSS is really a third-party tool.
okay, I don't mean to be on topic or anything, but I'm obviously pretty new to this particular stack exchange (I'm used to Linguistics and StackOverflow).
Is it typical for people to ask questions about novels? I'm seeing a lot of that.
It is typical for one person to ask questions about novels.
We generally discourage that, unless the thing you're asking about can be abstracted to an interesting topic
ah, okay. that makes sense.
@KitFox Oh also you have to have your separate search engine stuff run on Hadoop. Hadoop itself is not a text indexer
@Andy What novel did you see that in?
@Mitch wait, what?
Probably David Foster Wallace. IN a foot note. To another footnote.
About a tennis match.
I'm going to just... go sit over there.
@Andy also, you know you can be more precise in your responses by clicking the down arrow to the left of a message and clicking on 'reply to this message'.
Sadly one is not able to respond to ones own messages. I blame Microsoft.
But that's part of my allure, the mystery
Actually, that's the whole of my allure. I don't have much else going for me.
@Andy Undoubtedly alluring and mysterious. Like cake in an oven... is it done yet? It's smells so good! But if you open the door.. wait, that's the problem with souffle. With cake open the door all you want.
Where were we?
@Mitch oh, I always smell delicious.
Back in a moment...some how I'm thinking of cake.
@Mitch We were talking about databases earlier, so you're probably reminded of cakeDB. That would explain it.
Isn't that remarkable?
These stats are real.
clearly we need to import cheese from norway or something
i don't understand correlation vs causation
@Cerberus The anomaly from 2005-2008 can be explained by the natural gas discoveries off of Labrador and the correction in 2009 to an amendment to NAFTA.
heh. dogs have gas.
@TheodoreBroda Your profile looks impressive!
@Mitch Ahh the 2009 correction, of course.
I knew that.
@Cerberus Any news about your latest date?
@TheodoreBroda I take exception to your profile, actually. As a linguistic pedant, you shouldn't really have issues with grammatical errors. :)
@JasperLoy Hello. Yes, we're supposed to have a second date tomorrow!
@Cerberus Good good, the wedding is next, lol.
So you have deleted your account and are now a new, anonymous account?
Hell no!
@Cerberus @Cerberus claps
@Cerberus Refresh your browser.
Haha well, it's not hard to have a second date.
okay, so the arrow automatically inserts a name. got it.
@JasperLoy Never!
does they call him elvis ? I can not find meaning for elvis
Meaning? Elvis is a name.
"He is seen so infrequently seen around the office , that his employees nicknamed him elvis"
why ?
"Elvis has left the building"
@Ash Elvis is dead, but some people claim he isn't. There are reports of "sightings" of Elvis, rarely.
@Andy thanks :)
Is Elvis an elf?
@JasperLoy Close. A Rock n roll singer
@Andy I happened to listen to one of his songs that day. Never heard a second song.
@Cerberus I was going to send you a link to that site, for days now I've wanted to, but I didn't want to resurrect an old argument.
@Cerberus Is it the first or the third? Seventh?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha, you wanted to, and yet you didn't? What was the argument this time?
@Mitch I...don't know what to say.
@Cerberus you were trying to claim that correlation implies causation
No, apparently you didn't understand what I was saying.
don't make me bring up the transcript
What is correlation? What is causation? That is a very deep question...
@JasperLoy no, it's not that deep.
I think what I was saying is that an indirect causal link is still causal, even though we usually reserve causal to indicate a direct causal link, or at least a temporally unidirectional one.
@Cerberus Which numbered date is the most difficult to get to? This is important. For resource allocation.
I think the infinite date will be the most difficult.
OK. That makes sense.
After that, infinite minus one, etc.
Why is there no freaking ordinal for infinite?? How is that fair?
I don't think you can say that. INifinite +1 is defeinitely harder, but infinite-1 is not necessarily easier.
But isn't it necessarily less hard?
@Cerberus There totally is an ordinal..it's called 'omega'
That ain't no ordinal!!
@Cerberus Oh. maybe you meant 'infinitieth'?
@Cerberus I'm telling you yes it is or at least that's what they call it.
@Mitch If such a word has existed, I would have meant it.
I think you would have said it if it existed. YOu can mean all sorts of things without saying them.
Or rather, all sorts of things exist wthout you meaning them.
Thank you.
If you'll excuse me, I now have to go tell the supermarket to give me money.
They overcharged me for the raw herring.
I'm on my old computer. I don't know why but the chat sometimes starts bobbing up and down slightly.
Happens to me too.
But only for a second or so.
Must be a XP bug. 'Cause I'm on XP too
Oh! Yay!
We rule!
With our bobbing!
We rule bobbingly!
Some people have crowns.
But not we.
Well, my bobbing seems continuous. When it starts bobbing, that is.
walks away slowly from 'bobbing' talk
Mine does not.
bobs Mitch XP-ly
Clear evidence that I own the more XP-y computer.
Should we downvote spam?
Jan 23 '12 at 14:27, by Cerberus
@Kitḫ But is that the relevant kind correlation? Can you name a non-causal kind of relation involved in correlation?
If too many people downvote it will disappear from the list, but no one will be flagged to delete it altogether.
@Alraxite Damn.
@Mitch I don't know, I always throw everything I have at it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh no, you are digging up old cows?
@Cerberus Whoa whoa whoa! holds on to railing
a little nauseous from all this bobbing
@Mitch There's no real point in that. Every spam flag gives it a downvote and then you can use it as a meter to figure out when it get deleted.
@Cerberus I'm not going to say anything further about it.
But downvoting it isn't wrong.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, you shall.
@Cerberus nope.
Not even if you try to argue with me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm trying to come up with a snappy answer to that, but it seems on the mark.
@Seth Oh, I didn't know that. No doubt-down-votes then?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hah, you already have!
@Cerberus Now that I can respond to and it is nasty.
@Cerberus No, now I'm talking about how I'm not going to talk about the other thing.
@Mitch Best novel I never finished,
@Mitch What?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Let the arguing begin!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Still doing it!
Stop arguing already!!
@Cerberus It isn't a big deal, but if you don't downvote it you can use the downvotes as a meter, 6 spam flags add 6 downvotes, but 6 spam flags also delete it.
Is someone calling me a cow?
(you guys have been getting a lot of spam o_O)
@Cerberus You're digging up old cows. Should be illegal.
@Seth Ah OK, I see.
@Mitch Why!
But I must go now, later!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And, you, stop arguing okay?? Jesus.
@Cerberus I don't know why you're digging up old cows.
@Cerberus I'll argue about Jesus if you want. But you probably don't.
@Seth Hi, lol
@Mitch They are barely a month old!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah too boring. He doesn't exist end of story.
@Cerberus The horror!
@JasperLoy 'yo
This time I found you :P
@Cerberus He probably did exist as a person
There's still some good meat on those bones.
@Seth I just created a new account 2 days ago
@JasperLoy Notice the present tense!
@JasperLoy :)
You can fit a lot of graphs together just by adjusting the scale on the Y-axis.
@JasperLoy Lately I've heard there's little to no historical evidence (like there is for King David or Mohammed or ... um ... some other dude).
@JasperLoy actually he may not have. There's debate.
Well, I've got to run now too. At least I'm done trying to twist my tongue around Spanish words. Nice language, my tongue just doesn't think so. I'll have to catch you later @Jasper!
@Seth Bye, you will be running in my mind all day!
@Cerberus Some dishes call for rancid meat.
@Mitch I see.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I see.
@Alraxite You're not a believer, are you.
How about the Buddha?
By the way, I consider myself of no religion now.

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