They made up this new type of plastic That heals itself, ain’t it fantastic? If you puncture a spot Stuff’ll ooze out and clot But stabbing too much is quite drastic (source:
How can we unambiguously distinguish between I would and I had, if the native English speaker used the contraction I'd?
For instance, I'd read the newspaper.
We can mean the above sentence as either
I had read the newspaper.
I would read the newspaper.
Any help will be appreciated!!!
I found this site because I’m reading EGGS IN THE COFFEE, SHEEP IN THE CORN: My 17 Years as a Farmwife by Marjorie Myers Douglas (1994). She moved to her in-laws’ farm in western Minnesota in 1943 after growing up a city-girl in Minneapolis and a two-year career as a social worker in New York Ci...
I swear, from looking at the numbers it sure look like nobody ever votes on the delete queue, because it is not an integrated review queue. Stuff just sits there forever.
@IlmariKaronen How would we know what glyphs wont display though? We'd need a maintained list and update it each time an OS update comes out. — Kasra Rahjerdi ♦2 days ago
I agree with the comment, although not its orthography. :)
It just is not a reasonable approach. It requires constantly changing global knowledge.
Hmm why should we allow non-standard characters in names anyway? This is an English website; such characters are bound to result in display errors for some; and we cannot type them, so that we cannot @user or even refer to users properly. — Cerberus10 secs ago
@tchrist What do you think?
Of course I am all in favour of exotic characters, and I saw the Burmese characters just fine, but...
All round him the long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat.
English is my second language, my first language is Spanish.
I don't understand this sentence at all. Please explain.
Yes, you are now a Superhero, able to wield the mighty Mjölnir.
The rules are:
You can instantly close as a duplicate any question that was originally asked with a tag you have a gold badge for.
You can instantly reopen any question closed as a duplicate that was originally asked with a tag ...
i did used to vote. then came the AV referendum, and the UK voted No to AV. at that point, i just gave up on British democracy. what am i to do surrounded by fucktards?
> The independent Office for National Statistics (ONS) projects that the population of the UK will reach 70 million in 2027 compared to 63.7 today and that the population will increase by almost 10 million over the next 25 years. Nearly all of the increase will be in England.
@Cerberus Well, go ahead and open a bug on the real Meta that non-typewriter keystrokes are allowed in usernames, and that This Needs To Be Fixed because it bugs you. I triple-dog dare you!
@Jez The underlying question is, what evidence do you have that the EU caused a large new, net influx from Eastern Europe that would not have happened otherwise?
And to show that you actually believe what you’re saying, rather than just being contrarian in an ephemeral way for the sake of pure argument, not honest contribution.
And there is no direct connection between money for wind power and money for nuclear power, any more than there is between money for healthcare and nuclear power.
I agree that wind turbines on land are somewhat ugly...