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@tchrist Yes, I know that. Didn't know if it was true for Chinese, though. FWIW, the months in Japanese are "Month 1, Month 2," (Ichigatsu, Nigatsu), etc.
hi i first time here
8 hours later…
Top of the morning to ya
Do you go in for the chocolate egg extravaganza, @JohanLarsson?
no, what is it?
An SE thing?
:D Easter, silly
I watched large parts of build at 2x speed
I see
I haven't seen any of it
is it interesting?
sec, lemme find you a couple of nice ones
80% is just ms pushing phone & Azure
Anders Hejlsberg is always fun to watch. Maybe this idk. You probably already know about the future of C#
@JohanLarsson ah. A friend of mine was telling me Azure is pretty good for new businesses. can't say anyone has sung the praises of windows phone
although my dad does have a windows phone. I'm not going to use him as a barometer of good tech, though :D
@JohanLarsson hmmmm. do these require Silverlight to view?
cuz I'm gettin nothin
You can choose html5 player
ah, yeah, I see
I always download and watch them in vlc
2x speed is prefect, prevents me from falling asleep. +/- are the shortcuts for playback speed btw.
think those are the ones I liked best
cool. I think I'm gonna have to do like you: d/l and watch later. this isn't streaming for me :D
oh, apparently I didn't have the codec
it's working now
dl the rest while watching one imo
hmmmm. Typescript seems to be solving problems that exists for people who love static typing. Prototype FTW!
What does by May 2014 mean? Does it mean by the end of April 2014 or the end of May 2014
posted on April 21, 2014 by sgdi

A thing that might happen to you You might be unsure what to do You’ll worry and you’ll fret And be quite upset And this might then cause you to spew

!!define skolem
@n11 My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
In mathematical logic, reduction to Skolem normal form (SNF) is a method for removing existential quantifiers from formal logic statements, often performed as the first step in an automated theorem prover. A formula of first-order logic is in Skolem normal form (named after Thoralf Skolem) if it is in prenex normal form with only universal first-order quantifiers. Every first-order formula can be converted into Skolem normal form while not changing its satisfiability via a process called Skolemization (sometimes spelled "Skolemnization"). The resulting formula is not necessarily equivale...
@n11 It means I ain't got time to learn your $5 words
o it's a name..
@Noah Well, just ask for clarification.
@MattЭллен Boo! I am very sad today...
@WillHunting what's up?
@MattЭллен Nothing, just the usual problems.
@MattЭллен What does by May 2014 mean?
@Noah depends who is saying it. before the end of definitely. maybe at the start of.
@MattЭллен My Professor. She wrote me that I had to submit my assigment by May 2014.
ask what she means
I don't know. She sent me the email long ago. It's about an incomplete grade that I have. And she told me if I could complete the course by May 2014 she would change it.
Well I can't tell you what she meant. you have to ask her.
if you finish it before May then you'll have no problems, right?
But I am not sure if I can finish it before may.
Then you definitely need to ask her what she meant.
As someone in a film once said "Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups."
And in this case it could be the mother of a fuck up that could screw my grade.
The world is flat?
@MattЭллен that is also an assumption.
@JohanLarsson or so you assume
Did you think of the move @0:26?
@JohanLarsson woah
@JohanLarsson Pfft, that's commonly how I climb all buildings I enter that don't have an elevator or stairs.
That's a bit strange.
The world is flat and there's no buildings.
this is pretty good, I think, prolly never gonna use it.
@Robusto and you probably get your commas right!
To Debian fans, Debian 6 will have security updates until 2016 instead of 2014.
This is good for lovers of GNOME 2, since MATE will only be out in Debian 8, not Debian 7.
Are they replacing GNOME with something else>
So for once I will install 6 after having installed 7, lol. And then I will wait for 8 to be released in 2015.
@Noah GNOME 2 becomes the terrible GNOME 3 which many dislike.
Umm. Never used GNOME. Not sure how bad it is
What 's bona happen to Mac?
Steve is dead, no offense, but it looks like that we have seen much after his death
!!youtube alex honnold
@JohanLarsson this ^
ew to watch at @3:20
I'd try it but with a parachute at least
What's wrong with 3:20?
Other than watching a guy free-climb, I mean.
maybe that it's windy
@JohanLarsson A rock-climbing buddy of mine says you don't see a lot of free climbers in their 40s and 50s. They tend to die a lot.
!!youtube alain robert
Why is everyone using this as their Youtube avatar nowadays?
I don't get it!
!!define doge
A doge (; plural dogi or doges) was an elected, chief-of-state lordship, the ruler of the republic in many of the Italian city-states during the medieval and renaissance periods, in the Italian "crowned republics". Etymology The word is from a Venetian word that descends from the Latin dux (as do the English duke and the standard Italian duce and duca), meaning "leader", especially in a military context. The wife of a doge is styled a dogaressa. Title The title of doge was used for the elected chief of state in a number of Italian "crowned republics". The two best known such republic...
@n11 [doge](http://doge.urbanup.com/7367825) wow
so urban
very informatiev
much confuse

Q: What's the difference between "dissatisfied" and "unsatisfied"?

Joji ShaikhIs there any clear-cut nuance that exists between the two words?

A clear-cut nuance, eh.
Nuance between, eh.
@n11 doge (historical) The chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa.
I have no idea how to reword that in English.
@RegDwigнt An obviously demarcated nuance. The kind of nuance that hits slaps you in the face.
this is missatisfying
@Robusto but is it a nuance that exists?
Or exists a nuance that is?
I would reword it to use "nuance of" or a similar construction.
Does anyone have an answer to my question?
imo dissatisfied > unstatisfied in terms of unsatisfaction level
@RegDwigнt "Are there any clear-cut nuances that distinguish the two definitions from one another."
Something like that. Maybe "make a distinction between" or something else.
Wait...which question?
A clear cut nuance is not a nuance.
@Mitch Yes.
@Jez doge is a meme.
that picture is a picture of doge
3 mins ago, by Robusto
@RegDwigнt An obviously demarcated nuance. The kind of nuance that hits slaps you in the face.
Hence my joke.
Doges are cute
!!doge foo,bar
                          so foo
very bar
why has the meme started taking over Youtube though?
i don't get it
and you never will. such meme. very wow
because youtube ∈ internet
You must stand in the stupid for a long time to understand YouTube practices.
maybe everyone on youtube got stoned yesterday and decided doge would be a good avatar
ive seen maybe 5 or 10 users with that same avatar
You spend too much time reading YouTube comments.
I've seen none
Vickyace's answer is five minutes older. So either you plagiarized their answer, or, you know, you both plagiarized from the same place. Not cool at all, both of you. — RegDwigнt ♦ 18 secs ago
It's a gang affiliation
excluding the no avatar avatar
This is ridiculous.
People should flag the hell out of both answers.
This is not how we do business here.
@KitFox the rocks looks so hard
Master gangster Dogesciples.
The Latin Doges
@RegDwigнt Busted.
Bloods Crips,Doges
@Mitch Venetian mafia
don't give money to mafia though
@Robusto Youtube comments used to be a worthwhile read.
@JohanLarsson Covered wagons used to be a great way to travel.
@JohanLarsson I've been finding that some content actually attracts reasonable comment threads, as opposed to the torrent of bullshit that often ensues. The PBS Ideas Channel is a good example
hydrogen aerostats used to be a good transport mean, they were not polluting much though
@JohanLarsson I don't know, I think it's an American thing. Public Broadcast Service, perhaps
I don't know if the comments are worse now, read complaints about some change a while ago.
!!wiki PBS
not been reading comments lately
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is an American broadcast television network. The non-profit public broadcaster has 354 member television stations which hold collective ownership. The network's headquarters is located in Arlington, Virginia. PBS is the most prominent provider of television programs to public television stations in the United States, distributing series such as Sesame Street, PBS NewsHour, Masterpiece, Frontline and Antiques Roadshow. Since the mid-2000s, Roper polls commissioned by PBS have consistently placed the service as America's most-trusted national institut...
@n11 what do you mean used to? Why I'm off to the shop in my Zeppelin right now.
Wait, PBS still exists?
Yes. The Republicans haven't killed it yet.
i forget how random the internet is sometimes.... then i look at some posts on doge
and i'm like: .................................
I haven't seen their logo in years.
many dots
In fact I forgot all about what their logo was before checking out the article.
How can you be like 33 dots?
@KitFox Wo?
@MattЭллен eheh
many kitfox so wow
Very Kit much fox.
kitsox scare
@Robusto Not enough equalitys and larger thans.
@Robusto maybe he turned random?
Not to mention the 8.
!!> Array.apply(null, Array(33)).map(function () {return '.';}).join('');
@n11 "TypeError: (intermediate value).map(...).joint is not a function"
@Robusto I can be, like, uh, you know. 33 dots. You ain't no boss of me
@n11 ".,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,."
Actually a better comment for all those dots would be "Take me to your leader."
@n11 "................................."
could be eleven ellipses?
!!> range(1,10)
@n11 "ReferenceError: range is not defined"
@JohanLarsson Ellipses (plural)
ty sir, no need for delete :)
I can use it for future reference :)
bbl doges
!KitSox Kiss Reg's
So @Mitch lives in @Rob's backyards or something. What with never having heard "I am to go".
@RegDwigнt It's either stupid or stuffy, as I said in my comment. "I am to go to Devon tomorrow" is a perfectly valid sentence that almost nobody would ever use.
@Robusto yeah except to me you said nobody would use it ever because it was not English.
@RegDwigнt When did I say that?
We’re to have ham for dinner tonight, aren’t we, Mother?
I'm not having a beef with you, I just find it funny that Mitch lives in your backyard.
@Robusto dunno, some 18 months ago.
@RegDwigнt Pix or it didn't happen.
Sounds remarkably stuffy.
> In late December 2013, members of the U.S. Congress produced material in the meme's style. Huffington Post commented that Doge was "killed" because of the Congress members' usage of the meme.
what the actual fuck??
since when did US congress members do internet memes?
i guess the doge meme makes more sense than the GOP platform
All the time.
Compile time, Run time, what is it called when you write code? Edit time, type time?
code time?
sounds ok, did you invent it now?
I don't know. For me, it was Miller time.
!!youtube miller time
Yeah, not that.
@Robusto I am unable to find it. We were discussing a movie I had not seen yet. But I don't even remember what the movie was, and searching the transcript for "I am" is decidedly unhelpful.
Probably 'Empire Strikes Back'
That is indeed not improbable if you know how much I hate Star Wars.
You forgot to say, "it's a game".
Them's the rules.
When will the 2048 clones end? Sooner than 2048, I hope.
Did you try Reg's version? It was fun.
And cute little animals.
Tried it. Lost because I couldn't keep track of the values as well as I can with numbers.
@Robusto s/nobody//
@RegDwigнt I think both @Robusto and should take that as a slight against the quality of living in his backyard.
Is it possible to write an interesting presentation?
Robusto and blank?
Mitch is not feeling himself today.
For once.
@Robusto Yeah!
@KitFox No one else will do it.
Damn. So close. 16980.
I have to do a recruiting-type presentation. I am feeling a little panicky.
Thirty minutes! Who does thirty minute presentations anyway?
@Robusto Blank Mitch... Blank Reg...
That's a 1024 in the corner, and a 512 right next to it, and a 256 next to that one. So close.
Why does Mike Ehrmantraut wear an irokese?
@KitFox What...you want an hour?
Off to the dentyste. Lators.
Good Luck...wait that's not right...
Happy anniversary?
Bon Voyage?
My condolences?
Break a tooth?
No, that's for actors...
And Rob sucks at acting.
Except at acting all strange.
I did better at the doge version. I think that suggests uncomplimentary things about me.
You can count dogs easier?
@KitFox Was there at least snacks?
I'm so confused about what's going on
There's something going on?
I guess not
Would explain why I'm not able to follow it
Whew...I though I was missing something.
Oh good
@MattЭллен Snacks do nothing for the presenter. In fact, the attendees should suffer just as much as the presenter.
@Mitch That's what the presenter runs so long for. They take one for the team, so everyone else can sit down and snack.
Why would almonds be flavored like blueberries? Why not just buy blueberries?
@meer2kat saves time.
@Mitch Not seeing how
@meer2kat Oi... are you against progress or something?
@Mitch I mean. Almonds are a healthy thing. Blueberries are a healthy thing. I just don't see the point.
@MattЭллен There are no snacks. It's a webinar.
@meer2kat Sigh...OK I'll explain. You're eating almonds and you think to yourself "Gosh, I wish I were also eating blueberries, but then I'd have to go get some". Enter blueberry-flavored almonds. Problem solved.
@KitFox damnit.
I know.
So sad.
@KitFox :(
Why did I agree to this?
You were drunk at the time?
The person lied about the snacks?
@Mitch Hmmmmmm
It's the professional thing to do,
Back in the day convos. "Hello! How are you? How's your mom? How's you wife and kids?" *ten minute conversation*

Today: "Hey." "*nods*" "Sup?" "Not much." *end conversation*
Yeah, because we know all that stuff already.
@meer2kat Tomorrow: <ping>
cuz we red it on ur FB.
@Mitch YEP
@KitFox FB is so 2010.
@KitFox hahaha so true
I can't keep up with the kids these days.
Old people just don't get it.
With the facebook and the instagram and the tweeter.
How do you set the time on this thing? Can you take a selfie for me?
And that filthy perverse "sexting". Just sounds nasty. What's wrong with necking?
Don't get me started on the twerking.
I never understood necking. I mean... doesn't that hurt your neck?
It does. Then you need to wear a turtleneck in the summer.
@KitFox I'm good with social media but I'm having trouble with new televisions. is it bad that i'm so young and having these issues already? LOL
I need to get coffee.
@KitFox So sophisticated!
So obvious.
@KitFox yeah sexting is just...no.
I have trouble with social gaming. I don't really want to connect fifty thousand social media hookups to my game console. I just want to build and destroy empires on my own.
I don't want to do it socially.
@meer2kat You kids got it so easy. When I was a kid we only had 500 hundred channels. and we had to use this thing called a 'remote'. And there was only -one- remote.
And there was still nothing on!
@KitFox Europa Universalis
@KitFox I like MMORPGs and chatting while I game. But there's no point in being on twitter and facebook when you want to be gaming.
although they've made EU4 a little too historical
And I don't want my friends and family knowing about the antisocial trophies I've won, or worse yet, that I have mastered Little Big Planet Karting.
@Mitch I WISH there were only 50 channels and ONE REMOTE now. I legitimately have to ask my mom to turn on her new TV when I go home for a holiday.
@KitFox sociopath alert True empire builders were people persons. You have to learn work with others
@meer2kat I don't mind gaming in a group, but I don't want to compete with strangers.
@KitFox oh i enjoy it
I know. Kids these days.
No offense.
@KitFox people already know that I'm a good mass debater
When I was growing up, gaming was something you did in the privacy of your room.

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