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@JasperLoy , if I read one long book on Buddhism, which should it be?
@medica If you want only one book, it should be In the Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi.
Is tht available online?
Hmm, you can get a copy from amazon at a very low price.
I think I saw that in the multivolume set you bought
Yes, it is one of the six that I got.
ok, then it's available online. Thanks!
It is the definitive book, period.
Buddhism for Sheep It's got pictures.
I'm glad to start somewhere valuable and definitive (and without pictures:) )
So you two are back from your private talk, lol.
Mine would be more Buddhism for goats
@Jasper Thanks! Now that I'n on a normal sleep cycle again, I can read more challenging material.
The author got a PhD in philosophy before becoming a monk.
I will start here.
(Yes, that helps)
have you read any of Jon Kabat Zahn's books?
@medica Nope, never heard of him.
he is a medical person writing on Buddhism for people with terminal illnesses and depression
as a doctor, I've recommended his books often
Ah, I see.
(he doesn't mention heaven or hell, tho. )
anyway, I'm off. thanks again.
@medica It looks like he also wrote his own wikipedia page.
At least it sure reads that way.
I'm not sure why there would be an expectation that he would mention heaven or hell.
yeah, those aren't really Buddhist concepts, are they?
oh, my mistake, there are analogous concepts
Are there? I guess the concepts of distance and dissonance translate that way, right?
struggles to remember things about Buddhism
Naraka (Sanskrit: नरक) or Niraya (Pāli: निरय) is a term in Buddhist cosmology usually referred to in English as "hell", "hell realm", or "purgatory". The Narakas of Buddhism are closely related to diyu, the hell in Chinese mythology. A Naraka differs from the hells of Abrahamic religions in two respects: firstly, beings are not sent to Naraka as the result of a divine judgment and punishment; secondly, the length of a being's stay in a Naraka is not eternal, though it is usually very long. A being is born into a Naraka as a direct result of his or her accumulated karma and resides th...
Heaven, the Heavens or Seven Heavens, is a common religious, cosmological or transcendent place from which heavenly beings (such as a God, angels, the jinn, and sky deities like King or Queen of Heaven, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Son of Heaven, heavenly saints or venerated ancestors) originate, are enthroned or inhabit. It is commonly believed that heavenly beings can descend to earth or incarnate and that earthly beings can ascend to Heaven in the afterlife or, in exceptional cases, enter Heaven alive. Heaven is often described as a "higher place", the holiest place, a Paradise,...
(heaven link goes to #buddhism)
Does this strike you as a weird thing to have in a URL? .../gate.exe?f=search&state=k35m2a.1.1
it could be legit
some windows-based web-servers use .exe as a cgi
Well, it is, theoretically, but it's ...
Odd, innit?
Maybe I just don't have enough experience.
it seems pretty ... old-fashioned :)
@KitFox It is a little weird, yes.
Also, why are my chat pings going through my speaker, but everything else is in my headphones?
Speaking of which, how did your inventory task work out?
@KitFox Heh. Here, I'll help test it for you.
I'm looking at it now.
@KitFox now that's odd
Wait, wait, I haven't changed anything yet.
@KitFox Testing has used its allotted resources. Please wait until next sprint for further testing.
I'm sitting here trying not to asphyxiate while the guy is servicing my furnace.
@KitFox are your headphones plugged in properly? is your system somehow thinking you have 4 speakers instead of 2?
Saw this today in an email discussion: "Agree, [variable] isn’t ideal, probably was a bad idea making this a global static that gets overwritten from different places."
Who knew?
yay, global static variables!
@MrHen Wow! That is a particularly special piece of gibberish!
I use those all the time.
And I name them useful things like "Variable1" and "DataConx".
@KitFox And cout?
Oh, wait. I don't write code anymore.
@MrHen COut and CIn.
I like camelCase.
I once had the pleasure of working with interprocess global variables.
Did they ref a shared Excel spreadsheet that was posted on the mail server?
And by "working with" I mean "removing them" from the application
@KitFox No, but they did store tons of medically sensitive images on a file share without bothering to put the record id in the filename.
So when the database suddenly lost all of the image references there was no way to figure out what record each image belonged to
That is so you wouldn't violate HIPAA, duh.
@KitFox They used the Patient Name and Diagnoses instead.
I fixed that problem, too
@KitFox Ah, now we're speaking my language. The Healthcare Information Portability and Accountabilty Act. My favorite @!*&%
@MrHen I hope they prefixed them with their SSN, to make sure they sorted properly.
@MrHen I once had to debug an application where a function, called from an http request handler, was "returning" a value by setting a global variable.
@KitFox Heh.
It's like I am the only one who thinks of these things.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Heh, nice
@KitFox There are other really amusing stories from that contract.
The developer was like "it works on my machine"
I once had to debug an application that had global variables that were set uphill in both directions.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ha!
@KitFox I used to have arguments with coworkers about whether that kind of global variable usage was proper. :(
@MrHen That guy, and his teammate who was working on the other half of that particular module, were two of the the most unsuited for coding people I've ever met.
Now I work at Microsoft so that isn't as much of an issue.
One of my surgeons had a theft in his office. The guy had thousands of patient images on the computers they stole (reconstructive surgeon). I cannot imagine the number of letters he had to send out to inform patients.
Oh, you're the second MS employee I know.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The application I've been talking about was designed and coded by someone with a PhD in something like French Philosophy. :P
@MrHen How's the new CEO working out?
@DavidM Oof, ouch.
@DavidM The internal buzz is good.
@MrHen That's good!
@MrHen That makes it better, in a way. More understandable.
@KitFox From ELU?
> <img src="images/home-metaphase_chromosome_spread.jpg" alt="image 4" />
I hate people who think that is suitable alt-text.
@KitFox haha, nice
@MrHen Hahahahahaha
When your file name is providing more information than your alt text, you are doing it wrong.
@KitFox yeah. Like Mother always said, If you don't have something nice to write in the alt text, don't write anything at all.
@MrHen Yes.
@KitFox Interesting. Who's the other, if you don't mind me asking?
@MrHen I will tell you and then delete it, since I'm not sure if he wants to advertise it.
@KitFox Noted.
Which division are you, if you don't mind me asking?
Interesting; I did not know that.
@KitFox DevDiv
I'm actually an SDET so I work on the test engineering stuffs
@MrHen What do you dev in your div?
@ntrrgc Hi.
@KitFox Primarily Visual Studio. My specific product isn't something I can really talk about, though.
Interesting. The other one is in AX, so both of you work on tools I work with.
But it gets kind of meta. I write test frameworks to test developer products that others use to develop products.
@KitFox Neat. The old product areas I've helped ship are Blend, the Xaml designer surface, and the new IE F12/Dev tools
Well, thank god for that.
@KitFox For what?
When I write documentation for my software projects I often compose phrases with 'the user', and I feel confused about if I should write them in a gender-neutral way and how.
laughs at self
@KitFox: Just sent you an email.
I am just thinking of how lost I would be if I had no dev tools.
@Robusto Yeah, I saw it already. Thanks.
@ntrrgc I typically don't use pronouns. So, "The user should do X. The next step is Y."
I saw many people talk about "singular they", but I find phrases composed with it sometimes harder to catch.
@KitFox Yeah... there are some nice tools. I'd be sad if they were gone.
@KitFox Wow, you're Janey-on-the-spot.
@ntrrgc There are three common approaches. Singular they; he/she; or alternating between genders.
@Robusto My phone is sitting next to me. It whispers things to me.
The third seems to be the most common.
He/she is kind of dated.
@MrHen problem with that is that you are restricted to simple phrases.
@ntrrgc Yes. I tend to write simple documentation. :)
The third is the most common?
You should use only simple phrases for that kind of writing anyway.
@KitFox Ahh. I tell mine not to wake me for emails.
So I can get away with it.
If I've ever seen it, I didn't notice.
@ntrrgc Yes. Documentation will pick a gender for each particular area and then switch when they get to a new area.
@MrHen When I started using Javascript there were zero dev tools. I can't even imagine how I survived.
@MrHen hmm... could you show me an example?
@ntrrgc Well, each "area" would be something like "each chapter"
It's hard to show a quick example :P
Let me see what I can pull up.
@ntrrgc Just write "The user blah blah, then she blah blah". Then later on, when talking about a different user, write "the user blah blah, then he blah blah"
But I would use "they".
Unless you have two unnamed users in one example.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The current phrase is "Once a user has been authenticated, messages sent by them ..."
Messages sent by authenticated users...
What's wrong with switching to plural: "Once users have been authenticated, messages they send ..."
hmm... that may suit for this case, but not for all.
@KitFox Hang on, I did some snooping and found contradictory information. How recently did you learn your info?
I generally can avoid most confusion that way.
But it's not a bad tip, thanks.
@ntrrgc I have no objection to that. Some people, however, do object. If you think they might be right, or care that they wrongly object, then you should avoid singular they. If you feel that over 400 years usage by people such as Shakespeare and others makes it okay, then go ahead and use it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I mostly ignore people who don't like singular they unless they are my boss or they happen to be a required style guide.
Also, it's not beyond the pale to use the second person. That simplifies things and makes it more personal. "Once you have been authenticated, messages you send ..."
@MrHen Last year, maybe.
May I ask, is really something wrong with using just 'he'? Do people really get offended?
Last summer.
@MrHen me too.
@KitFox Mmk. Then my snooping may have found old info.
He also does other stuff.
@ntrrgc I don't get offended, but I get annoyed.
@ntrrgc Not really. It is just more polite to not default to the male gender.
@ntrrgc Yes. some people do.
> <a href=&quot;http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/copy-number-variation-and-hu‌​man-disease-741737&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>between 1,000 and 5,000,000 bases</a>
Oh precious.
@ntrrgc I think the number of people who would experience an emotion even close to offense would be vanishingly small.
I should clarify; the people who get offended by gender in technical documentation aren't really a major concern. (In my opinion.)
Kinda jinx.
Just try to imagine if you were a woman and everything you read always referred to an example person who wasn't someone you could identify with.
If it's not an issue, then always use 'she' and be done with it.
@KitFox Pretty much everything I read in technical documentation is about people I can't identify with.
@KitFox I know some writers who just do that. :P
@ntrrgc another option is to use she instead. While not gender neutral as such, it is often a simpler solution.
@Robusto I get annoyed when there is people in my technical documentation.
Especially in technical documents.
And hello all.
@MrHen Hahaha.
@KitFox haha, clsasic
@terdon And hello one.
'when there is people in my technical documentation'?
What do you mean?
Solve the problem by first introducing a cast of example people, with various ages, genders, races, etc, and sprinkle them throughout the documentation. Then Alice sends a message to Bob, who is authenticated by Chang.
@KitFox what is that from?
Make sure you include non-offensive cartoon illustrations of these people
@ntrrgc It was a joke. Don't worry about it. :)
@terdon Web content inventory.
From a site I am reviewing.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, this is fairly common. It is usually reserved for lightweight documentation (and PM specs)
I work in that field, the amount of inane things that biologists can get up to with computers is incredible.
@MrHen I know. But I was being facetious. It's an awful practice.
@MrHen and what is Chang's gender?
@KitFox Then if I was named Eve I would be offended by reading documentation about cryptography?
@terdon whichever answer you pick will be offensive and wrong.
I'm not sure yet about what to do with this.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 :) I let the PMs do what they want and tell them how I will break their product.
@terdon If someone puts Chang in the documentation, they sort of have to figure that out on their own.
@ntrrgc I have no idea how you would feel.
@ntrrgc Nah.
@ntrrgc The easiest answer is to alternate gender by chapter or section.
(Or use singular they.)
There are indeedn heavens and hells even in Theravada Buddhism @KitFox and @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 see the link below.
Saṃsāra (Sanskrit, Pali; also samsara) is a Buddhist term that literally means "continuous movement" and is commonly translated as "cyclic existence", "cycle of existence", etc. Within Buddhism, samsara is defined as the continual repetitive cycle of birth and death that arises from ordinary beings' grasping and fixating on a self and experiences. Specifically, samsara refers to the process of cycling through one rebirth after another within the six realms of existence, where each realm can be understood as either a physical realm or a psychological state characterized by a particular ...
We already covered that, @Jasper.
Thanks though.
@Robusto: Hey, what's your opinion on stuff like TypeScript?
@MrHen Me hates it. It is a pointless abstraction for people who don't want to understand the beauty and power of Javascript.
CoffeScript too.
@Robusto Beauty and power such as _that = this? ;)
I understand your point, though.
@MrHen Beauty and power such as higher-order functions, etc.
I like it but that's because I came over to JS from C# so all the looseness made me nervous. :P
@Robusto What do you think about invoking methods of superclasses?
@Robusto What's an example? I don't do well with terms.
@MrHen That's why it's popular. For people who are really middle-tier or back-end programmers so they can have a horse's head on their horseless carriage.
I'm searching "the user" in the documentation of several projects to see how they handle it.
@Robusto Javascript has lots of beauty and power, but also some pretty asinine "features".
@Robusto Right, exactly. I don't have a problem using a crutch if it helps me walk faster.
@ntrrgc Do you understand prototype inheritance? Just look at the prototype chain.
@Robusto I already do that, but I think it's pretty ugly.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, like anything else it has its warts. But it more than makes up for it.
@Robusto I am liking JavaScript so far but I'd consider myself a newb.
('pretty ugly', cool)
@ntrrgc It actually saves a lot of space. If you attach your methods to the prototype, you don't have to include them in the class. It's just a different way of thinking about things.
Read what Joel Spolsky said about it a long time ago. Then realize it's gotten even better since then. ES5 is da bomb.
I don't refer to that, but to MySuperclassName.prototype.randomMethod.call(this, arguments) instead of just super.randomMethod(arguments)
@ntrrgc That's because you are thinking that classical inheritance is the only way to do things.
@Robusto But a language like TypeScript (dislcaimer: I've never used it) can go a long way towards hiding the warts, while adding new, useful functionality, without reducing the original expressiveness of the language.
How would you extend a method to provide aditional functionality in a better way?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It does reduce the original expressiveness of the language.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 TypeScript in particular is pretty much just JavaScript with type checking.
@Robusto According to the spec, every Javascript program is already a typescript program.
So I don't see how it reduces expressiveness.
@Robusto The TypeScript guys claim you can fall back to just writing JavaScript when you want to.
> Five years ago I wrote Classical Inheritance in JavaScript (Chinese Italian Japanese). It showed that JavaScript is a class-free, prototypal language, and that it has sufficient expressive power to simulate a classical system. My programming style has evolved since then, as any good programmer's should. I have learned to fully embrace prototypalism, and have liberated myself from the confines of the classical model. — Douglas Crockford
But I'm not a JS guru so I don't know if that's actually true.
@Robusto does that answer my question?
Read what Crockford says.
@Robusto Well, in any case, thanks for answering. I figured you'd have a good perspective on it. :)
You know, I don't really care if people use TypeScript and love it. But you can't really know if it's as expressive as prototypal JavaScript until you know JavaScript. TypeScript is an abstraction that puts a facade over JS. If you like that, be happy.
@Robusto Right. I don't really have a good way of answering that on my own so I just get to go by what others say. :P
@MrHen No problem. I'm not trying to be an evangelist for JavaScript. Some people like single-malt scotch, others like a sloe gin fizz. Go with what you like.
@Robusto Agreed. I just like to hear how others get their job done. Maybe I'll learn something useful during the conversation. :)
But I just wrote my first Node.js server app and was shocked at how quickly it all came together. :P
So this JS world seems kind of comfy.
@Robusto What it appears to do is add type checking (possibly among other things). And type checking is, IMO, a useful feature. Lots of times I am perfectly happy to have untyped code, or duck-typing. But sometimes I want to ensure that things are done a certain way, and to have a tool tell me if something is being done wrong. It's just one kind of error the compiler can catch for me.
If you really want to get at the power of JS, read David Herman's Effective Javascript. You'll see that TypeScript is like JavaScript with training wheels.
@Robusto Thanks. And yes, that's why I am using TypeScript. I still need/want the training wheels.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, well, I believe data types are coming in ES6.
It does not answer my question, but cool snippet.
@Robusto it appears to be one of the key features of typescript
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 For me that is an insufficient reason to use an awkward abstraction of the original.
@Robusto Have you used typescript?
@Robusto Is there an ETA on ES6?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I have explored it, but not with any work-related projects in mind.
Sometimes I think about using one of those awkward abstractions just to avoid writing 'function () {}'. Having a template defined for it alleviates it something, but not entirely.
@Robusto Because it seems to me that you could use it, and only use the features you like, without every worrying about the features you don't like, given that TS is a superset of JS.
A: When will I be able to use ES6 in a browser?

Nathan WallYes, I agree! ES6 is looking pretty exciting. Best-Guess Projections Supposedly, the draft is intended to be feature-complete by the end of 2013. And the spec is projected to be finalized by the end of 2014. If all goes well we'll see it in all A-grade browsers in 2015. Many of the features ar...

@MrHen there are ES6 to ES5 compilers.
@Robusto Thanks.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You could also speak pidgin with someone else who spoke English, but what would be the point of that? You can taxi an airplane from Chicago to Detroit, but why not just take off and fly?
@Robusto Because presumably some of TS's features are useful? I mean, if you hate type-checking, or code-generators, then maybe it's not for you. But I don't really see why you'd object to having more features if no old features are lost.
Chicago and Detroit are only a letter apart, lol.
Maybe because he?/she?/they? fear having to read code in TS.
@JasperLoy No. Chicago and Dhicago are a letter apart.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Because the problems they solve can mask other problems. That is the nature of abstractions. But really, if TS floats your boat, by all means enjoy.
Type-checked languages are slightly harder to read.
@ntrrgc How so?
@Robusto I'm reading the TS spec right now and I don't see how that is the case.
Because 1/3 of the line length is a type declaration, when you can just focus in your variable names.
@ntrrgc I disagree. Type-checked languages are easier to understand because they explicitly limit the possibilities.
Good Python code is not type-checked and uses to be pretty readable.
@ntrrgc 1/3? Not even Java is that bad.
When I was coding in Flex there was data-typing and classical inheritance in ActionScript 3. I like it just fine. But there were certain things you had to give up. IIRC, you couldn't pass function literals. You had to create an object and pass that. But it's been three years since I did any AS3, so I could be wrong about that.
@ntrrgc That kind of thing can be solved with proper coloring.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, the FileReader API...
@Robusto But TypeScript has all the same function-y goodness of Javascript. It doesn't force you to hide that.
@MrHen Well, I said 'slightly'. I didn't mean it was a big problem.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't think he's really so much disagreeing as admitting it isn't for him and he's not interested.
@ntrrgc I see. :)
Bigger problem is the need for explicit interfaces.
@ntrrgc The FileReader API? You mean, you don't like FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(filename)); ?
Sometimes you just want to monkey-patch something.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 no, the buffered one.
@ntrrgc I think your problem with the Java Reader/Stream/etc APIs isn't because they're typed, but rather because there are layers in the composition of the objects.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Enjoy.
and let me tell you: Keeping a distinction between bytes and characters is important.
It also helps to make it annoyingly verbose, right.
As opposed to python, where the code is actually wrong.
And python is still struggling to fix problems with unicode
@ntrrgc I never want to monkey-patch something. If I'm monkey-patching, I consider it a failure of the framework or library I'm using.
@Robusto Yeah, but sometimes I have had to deal with failure.
Only monkeys monkey-patch, lol.
(Or maybe not. See gevent.)
Also, if data-typing is optional in TypeScript, then how can it be said to be enforced?
@JasperLoy, I love you too.
@Robusto if you use the syntax that declares type checking, it is checked.
If you use the normal JS syntax, it is unchecked.
@ntrrgc Let's not use the word love so easily.
@Robusto Everything defaults to the "any" type.
I will say this for TypeScript, though: at least it isn't a wholesale destruction the way Google's Dart was.
@ntrrgc Haskell requires no type declaration but is a statically typed language, so that argument is entirely false.
I love both Haskell and JS, so it's all good, to me
Well, call them 'verbosely typed languages' then.
Hi @Matt!
I've been in meetings
Meetings about software
Hi Matt and Kit! This is so deja vu!
Déjà écrit
> The problem is exacerbated because some advocates of TypeScript position it as “better” than what everyone else is doing. They say things like, “it’s for ‘large scale’, ‘complex’” apps. Heck, even the homepage says it in big bold letters: “TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development.” In other words, Rest of World, all those apps you’ve been making with JavaScript for years without TypeScript are puny, simplistic, toy apps.
Yeah! down with JS! It's for mortals!
Just answered a lhf.
@MattЭллен Yeah, and don't forget that TS also stands for Tough Shit!
@Robusto damn straight!
I wanted to get all the books in series X. So I went to the publisher website to look for series X. Now I also found all the books in series Y which is a superset of series X. It seems that there are some books in series Y also belonging to series X that are not listed in series X, so I emailed them to find out what series X really contains.
Anybody think 63º C (145º F), never varying, is too hot for a CPU to run at?
@Robusto sounds borderline
@Robusto I never check the temperature, so I would not know.
@MattЭллен Whee!
My rep is now 2048, which is the game, lol.
@Robusto our system's pcbs output warnings when they reach 55C
@MattЭллен I've been having overheating problems with my Mac, because when it would go to sleep the fans would turn off. So I downloaded some software that keeps the fans running (and sets their min rpm thresholds higher) and haven't had any overheating lockups for the last 18 hours.
I also don't understand the difference between "Northbridge chip" and "Northbridge core" . . .
@Robusto can you clean the air filters or fans?
The chip is at 63º, but the core is at 37º.
@MattЭллен That was the first thing I tried.
@Robusto I'm not sure. My gess is if it's a multicore chip?
I wonder if you need to remove the chip, clean the seat, and reapply thermal paste.
@Robusto oh, that's not it then
@MattЭллен Dual quad-core.
@KitFox Yeah. Surgery. I don't trust myself with most hardware tasks involving thermal paste.
Well, maybe don't worry about it.
If your paste isn't applied well, your chip will run hot.
So far upping the fans has cooled the rest of the system WAY down.
Or so I am lead to believe.
Yeah, if keeping the fans on solves the problem, that's probably enough
Oh, I know. Put an ice cube on it.
What if the fans overheat?
fans over heating would imply that they are melting, so I would think you have a different problem. maybe your home is on fire.
Or death rays. It could be death rays.
> However, based on a series of tests run with Apple Mac Pro systems, it can be assumed that the maximum allowed DTS temperature for which Intel and Apple designed the Mac Pro is 85°C. (
To put this in relation, it should be noted that the maximum DTS temperature for Intel Core processors under normal operating conditions is 100°C and the so-called "catastrophic" limit is at 125°C.
I like to eat sting rays.
@Robusto huh, so it sounds like your computer is being over cautious
@MattЭллен Maybe. But when I upped the fans the only temp that didn't go down was the "Northbridge chip" — I wish I knew if that indicates a faulty seal between it and the heat sink.
Weird to see opinions like that in an etymology
Windows 9 will be out next year, hope it looks like Windows 7 and not 8.
@Robusto ah. sorry, no idea
Red Hat 7 should be out this year.
@Robusto Maybe it means the heat sink can't do a better job than it is doing right now.
Maybe 63 is too cold.
I just opened Photoshop and ran a bunch of complicated filters on a large graphic. The chip temp didn't budge.
So stop worrying.
It's obviously a busted sensor.
Or not:
> The Northbridge chip is under the black heatsink in your PCI-e compartment of the Mac Pro. It is common for that chip to have readings up to 83°C or 182°F. Some people have taken to replacing the Northbridge heatsink in their Mac Pros to get things cooler, but I would not advise it unless you start to see temperatures above 170°F.
Anyway, 63 is well below 83. I'm no math expert, but I know that much.
Try putting a blow torch to it and see if that changes the temp.
makes notes
Mmm, smells like hot dogs.
!!define coisogenic
Is the bot working?
Yes, it's working for someone else
traitorous bot
!!are you working?
Invoke me please.
!!define word
@JasperLoy word The fact or action of speaking, as opposed to writing or to action. [from 9th c.]
!!did you have fun on your break?
@MattЭллен Impossible
!!are we playing twenty questions?
@MattЭллен Doubtfully
!!is it horse radish?
@MattЭллен Yes, absolutely
Woo, hoo, and boo!
!!define coisogenic
@KitFox coisogenic (genetics) Genetically identical to an inbred strain except for a mutation at a specific locus.
Oh. That's surprisingly helpful. Thanks.

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