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@skullpatrol I never heard of per cent of change here, but I guess it could mean percentage change.
@Cerberus Where?
A: Dependent clause/ prepositional phrase in second clause with comma

CerberusGenerally, style books recommend a comma to separate two complete/independent sentences joined by a coördinate conjunction like and and or. So the first comma is good. The commas around at the corner, however, are often not necessary. In this case I'd leave them out, but I wouldn't say they are w...

@jasper thanks, I also prefer to spell percent as per cent :-)
@Cerberus maybe people disagreed with your suggestion to leave the parenthetical commas out?
I have read too much on commas that I have forgotten everything.
I gave up trying to learn more grammar and punctuation.
(What do you mean?)
@skullpatrol Haha thanks!!
@MattЭллен Could be...even though I phrased it so carefully!
Woohoo, +1, even!
Now I feel less like a loser.
Never let other peoples votes affect your feelings
@Cerberus yeah. people are weird
@Cerberus Maybe they dislike your three heads, lol.
I have two heads, one on top and one below, lol.
Internet stranger's opinions...
Which one would you like to see?
@Cerberus take this morning, for example. I came out my flat door and started descending the stairs. Guess what I saw?
@MattЭллен A snake.
Dogs humping.
@MattЭллен Dog poo? A junkie?
@skullpatrol Let's keep it realistic.
It is impossible to guess.
The woman you had sex with last night.
@Cerberus close. junkie poo
I finally understand the joke "Not tonight, honey, I have a headache" lol.
@MattЭллен Lovely.
What is junkie poo?
I feel sorry for whoever cleared it up
What does junkie mean?
@JasperLoy human faecal matter.
Drug addict
I say junkie, I'm being presumptuous
I only ever smelt weed
certainly vagrant poo
There are no drugs here, lol.
@MattЭллен Eww. How did they get in?
@JasperLoy Don't be too sure!
@Cerberus Anyway, I don't do drugs, I only do sex, lol.
Good luck.
Once, the birds shit on me.
Junk is another word for drugs
@Cerberus either someone here who knows them, or they tailgated someone in
Be careful when you hear birds flying over you, they might shit on you.
I am careful. I've been bird-pooped more than once
Are you sure it was human and no dog or something?
Once, I found a cockroach between two slices of bread.
It was dead but completely whole.
fairly sure. not 100% I didn't see it happen, but there are a couple of homeless people who hang around and they don't have a dog
Most probably someone knows them
Why would people shit on the stairs? No toilet around?
Or felt sorry for them
@MattЭллен Annoying. Are there many junkies in the neighbourhood?
I find the model in your pic unattractive @skullpatrol
Ah, so yes.
@Cerberus not that I'm aware of. I don't really nkow many people around here, though
@JasperLoy no public toilet, but none-the-less, you don't shit on someone's stairs
@MattЭллен At least you call it a flat, as do I. I also live in a flat.
It's horrible.
I shit in the pants once.
@Jasper then don't look at it
Pal o mine
@skullpatrol I thought you would be in both rooms.
On mobile
I've become a chat room junkie :-/
I eat junk food daily. I am 10 kg overweight now.
How are you?
A bit better than last December.
Do you want to lose those 10 kg?
I've lost 2 kg this year!
By eating less.
Trying to go to bed hungry.
Go do something else when I'm hungry.
Like play a game.
Like jerk off, lol.
With the increased medications have you gained weight?
Whatever works for you.
@skullpatrol Yes.
Ah, is that it.
Then I imagine it is harder...
With the meds, it is harder to jerk off as well...
As long as you feel a bit better, that's a good thing @jasper
@KitFox St. Patrick's day observed. I think it's hard to stand there and not at least drink a beer or something.
@skullpatrol Are you on meds now?
Oh, I wonder why KitFox prefers to write that instead of Kit Fox.
Same thing for RegDwight and FumbleFingers.
It looks kind of weird to have no space.
Save space
I don't like skull patrol
Or skull-patrol
If you want an abbreviation "skully" is fine.
Anybody know if French uses a space for the decimal separator?
@Cerberus? @Reg?
Don't they use a comma, instead of a period?
!!wiki decimal point
A decimal mark is a symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number written in decimal form. Different cultures use different symbols for the decimal mark. The choice of symbol for the decimal mark also affects the choice of symbol for the thousands separator used in digit grouping, so the latter is also treated in this article. In mathematics the decimal mark is a type of radix point, a term that also applies to number systems with bases other than ten. History In the Middle Ages, before printing, a bar ( ¯ ) over the units digit was used to separate the...
@skullpatrol And a period instead of a comma, lol.
@Robusto It doesn't?
Only before punctuation marks, as far as I know.
Are you asking me or telling me?
Telling you.
Do you use a comma or a period @cerb?
Un nombre décimal est un nombre possédant un développement décimal limité, c'est-à-dire un nombre qui s'écrit avec une quantité quelconque, mais finie, de chiffres décimaux (de 0 à 9) derrière la virgule. Un nombre décimal peut s'exprimer avec les puissances de 10. Caractérisation Si a est un nombre réel, les propriétés suivantes sont équivalentes et caractérisent le fait que le nombre a est décimal : #a admet un développement décimal limité ; #il existe un entier relatif m et un entier naturel p tels que a = \frac{m}{10^p} ; #on peut écrire a sous la forme d'une fraction irréductible...
@skullpatrol Comma. Except when I'm writing in English.
> La première assertion différencie 1,6666, qui est un nombre décimal, de 1,6666… qui n'en est pas un (ce dernier nombre qui s'écrirait avec une infinité de 6, peut s'écrire 5/3 sous forme de fraction).
Yeah. We had a disagreement here, but it was because we weren't defining our terms. Someone said "decimal separator" when they meant "grouping separator" . . .
Yes, I'm not sure about grouping separators.
Many languages use more than one style for that.
I think the space is more common there in French than in English?
I thought you knew all languages @cerb, lol.
There is this language on New Guinea that I don't know.
Because it is extinct.
Like Latin
@Cerberus but you know Latin and ancient Greek
It would be good to know Pali so that I can read the suttas in their original language.
they have been extinct for centuries
Like many millions of people, yes.
But Pali is also dead.
Tens of millions, at least.
@GnomeSlice Hi boy!
@JasperLoy Ahoy!
We have almost a million people in Holland alone who know some Latin and Greek.
@Cerberus Wow, so many!
Thanks for the link @Gnome
@skullpatrol Pretty neat huh
@GnomeSlice Is that your app?
@JasperLoy About 5 % of the population.
@JasperLoy No, I just found it.
Most of my friends do.
Hello, gnomey, don't you know me?
@Cerberus Never heard that one before. :P
@GnomeSlice The last time you were here, we were talking about Shawna Lenee, lol.
@JasperLoy Sounds about right.
@GnomeSlice Sorry!
I actually don't know where that quotation is from, but I heard it somewhere.
@GnomeSlice What's this, another version of Threes?
@Cerberus Kind of. It's based on a clone of threes.
Slightly different gameplay.
Tiles move until they hit something.
threesjs is cool though, been wanting to try that game
Feb 19 at 16:30, by Matt Эллен
three It's a game.
@MattЭллен Yeah, that.
@GnomeSlice Yeah it plays quite differently.
> 7060
@Cerberus Did you reach the 2048 tile?
Somehow I like Threes better.
Just 512.
It is less subtle, it seems; you have less choice.
Did you?
Still, a fun variation.
@Cerberus Nope. I only got to 256.
Ah OK.
How many times did you play?
A few.
I've got a 256 right now.
I went smoothly, until my second line got filled up. The I was forced to move up, and everything fell apart soon.
@Cerberus anitroubles.com
Another one you may enjoy
Gah! Link died!
Server not found.
There, same game.
I guess he took it down from his site.
Also that
That one is super addicting
@Cerberus I'm enjoying this new one more :D it seems easier
Glowgrid will eat up your entire day if you let it.
@MattЭллен Hah!
Dammit, I actually wanted to do some work today.
it's too late! the puzzles are calling
Oh, here's a great on3 @MattЭллен @Cerberus gamejolt.com/games/puzzle/lexicopolis-a-b-city/14954
Really neat little game.
What a wonderful list.
@GnomeSlice You're posting too many games! You need to clear some tiles first.
@Cerberus :P
Wow. The first rule is back.
I thought we had lost the troll for good.
I wonder what other high vote starred posts are lurking under the fold and waiting to resurface.
CC @Cerberus
@MετάEd ?
Wow, there was a fire in one of Samsung's factories, and the damage is ca. € 1 billion.
@Cerberus Wow!
I suppose what's clean isn't clean any more.
@Cerberus It was not one of Samsung's factories. Close; the factory manufactured printed circuit boards and was one of the factories contracted to Samsung to produce PCBs for the Galaxy S5.
Oh, then the news article was wrong.
If a fire ever occurs at my workplace I believe the firefighters have been told to keep the neighborhood cool and stay well away from the fire.
stupid game made me move the bottom row
it all went wrong after that
1 hour ago, by Cerberus
I went smoothly, until my second line got filled up. The I was forced to move up, and everything fell apart soon.
You win!
I've not beat Gracie, yet.
I have not played the game, yet.
@MattЭллен I saw that your profile just now had 3333 views and you are 33, lol.
@JasperLoy Half way there.
@JasperLoy yay!
@MετάEd Is that the collection of all your previous avatars in your profile?
@JasperLoy It's not a complete collection of past avatars, no, but the vast majority of my past avatars are there.
My profile avatars are a calendar of special observances.
Considering how hard it seems to get rep these days I wonder how I managed to get 20k in the past, lol.
I am going to bed, I hope I don't wake up...
@JasperLoy No, it's not allowed to have a date with one's spouse. It's in the rule book.
@Cerberus That doesn't seem right. There are only 900,000 people who live there. I think you overcounted.
@Mitch Google [ population of holland ] says 16.77 million (2012).
@JasperLoy bettern finding half a cockroach
@Cerberus Source? Look around you! How many people do you see? Less than a million I bet.
Oops. I violated the First Rule
@MετάEd Ha! Google. What do they know. They're just repeating things repeated elsewhere.
@MετάEd I know! the second rule is if you do go on a date with your spouse, you can instead just say 'we went out', and then it's OK. Calling it a date is the problem.
@Mitch On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a troll.
@Mitch Miss Manners would approve of the word date.
What is this first rule again?
I shall now retire to my bedroom.
@KitSox WTF. She went up into space, you have a very small weight quota for personal items, and she brought a flute -and- a penny whistle? She should brought a bag of nickels, then she could sell them at a dollar a piece for money from space.
@MετάEd I disagree. I think it's pretty obvious.
@MετάEd How about the word 'spittoon'? The word, not the object.
Feb 6 at 0:47, by MετάEd
"There are three possible parts to a date, of which at least two must be offered: entertainment, food, and affection. It is customary to begin a series of dates with a great deal of entertainment, a moderate amount of food, and the merest suggestion of affection. As the amount of affection increases, the entertainment can be reduced proportionately. When the affection IS the entertainment, we no longer call it dating. Under no circumstances can the food be omitted."
@Mitch I do not know.
@MετάEd Think harder man!
@MετάEd Is alcohol food?
@MετάEd I went back an hour. I prefer that way.
@Cerberus Good question.
@Cerberus When I asked Google [ is alcohol food ], it supplied nutritional information. So yes.
Besides, beer supplies chromium, an essential mineral.
Is this grammar OK>
"More things are unchanged than they are changed."
@user4550 Yes.
I meant.."There are many things that are unchanged than there are things that are changed.
But no google hits so I was not sure about this.
posted on March 10, 2014 by sgdi

Some hobos were taking a shit Where do you think they did it? Not where you’d think Not in a sink On the stairs to my flat’s carpet

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