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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

I have too many toys to play with. I can't decide what to do.
Toys are the worst.
Toys are great. Too many toys are overwhelming.
is overwhelming.
are overwhelming.
First-world problems are great. But too many first-world problems is like a third-world problem.
Yes. Like how I just realized that my husband took the other car, so I had to go back my car into the barn.
so I won't have to clear the snow off it tomorrow.
Which is a little awkward because I started drinking as soon as I got home today, so missing the broad side of the barn was actually difficult.
And now I'm mugging for an audience of one.
An audience of one barn?
No. You.
But I am a one barn.
Mugging in the sense of attempting to be funny.
Yes yes.
Oh. You are a barn? In my imagination, you are svelte.
In Soviet Russia, barn mugs you.
And much taller than five-ten.
I need the other computer. Editing on this is such a pain.
I am debating doing a YouTube vid tonight.
Five sazhen ten arshin?
A native system of weights and measures was used in Imperial Russia and after the Russian Revolution, but it was abandoned in 1924 when the Soviet Union adopted the metric system. The Tatar system is very similar to the Russian one, but some names are different. The system existed since ancient Rus', but under Peter the Great, the Russian units were redefined relative to the English system. Until Peter the Great the system also used Cyrillic numerals, and only in the 18th century Peter the Great replaced it with the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. Length The basic unit is the Russian cubi...
I was thinking of writing on tinfoil and practicing German words.
And you need to make a video out of that how?
I am trying out different asmr techniques.
Unless you actually mean how instead of why.
Omg, really? I was sure we'd been over this, but you have a mind like a steel trap.
Autonomic sensory meridian response, aka the tingles.
@RegDwigнt Congrats!!
Oh. Shit. You're pulling my chain, aren't you?
I would remember that.
> 8350.
I know you would.
@RegDwigнt What's your high score anyway?
@Mitch A very promising score!!!
I am not much of a videoer, but I am a good rememberor.
I know.
Hey, have you ever scored over 9000?
Which is why I am dumbfounded. How can you and I have never discussed this before?
I'm getting closer!
I've never had a 768, though.
JSB introcduced me to it this summer or something.
It's been months of me talking about it.
This summer?
Vitaly and I used to discuss this in War Metal Tyrant...
@Cerberus still 7695.
A lot.
Never got a 384 again.
But I am aiming for other records now.
@RegDwigнt Wot I beat you? I'm shocked!
I think so. I know you talked it over with Vit, but I wasn't in on those.
Currently I'm at 109.
I usually suck at puzzle games.
Anyone can get 5000. Now try getting 50, that is art.
@KitFox Are you sure?
@Cerberus pretty sure. I know it was JSB who showed me the first one.
And, Reg, I think I talked to you about ASMR before. But it's hard to remember if you don't really experience it, because it is, well, excruciatingly boring otherwise.
At least he was in on the first conversation about it.
Oh, that tingle.
@KitFox Perhaps you didn't realise you had it before you saw any videos?
Vit and I never had any videos.
At least now I understand something.
I thought you were talking about the other tingles.
Nov 6 '13 at 20:05, by RegDwigнt
user image
I went to get my computer and I returned to this.
I wonder what will happen if I get my slippers, hoodie, and a cuppa.
That's what will happen.
In fact there is no chance that things won't happen.
It is inevitable.
Things. Stuff.
Gah, why am I so miserable?
Because you missed the barn?
I have this terrible desire to have everyone love me. It's awful.
Can't seem to shake it.
There is a new tea shop in the village where I live.
I hope to check it out this Saturday.
Howdy all. LTNS.
@KitFox You have a new fox!
Your avatar. It's a different fox than the one I recall.
Oh. What was the last one?
The tiny version looks kinda like a dinosaur head.
I have a few different ones that I rotate through.
The last one looked more like KitSox, I think. I've been away for a month or two though.
Based on arbitrary rules.
Yeah, maybe the one where I'm pouncing on a vole.
I change mine on the rare occasion that I take a better selfie than the last one, and I happen to feel motivated enough to change my avatars.
Although lately it's been more like “my girlfriend takes a better couple selfie”
I don't like to show my face.
Speaking of which, is there a better term for “couple selfie” or “group selfie”?
Wikipedia says that “group selfie” is the norm. Hm.
Anything more than one with selfie sounds kinda pornographic to me.
Well. Selfie sounds pretty pornographic for that matter.
I have to go quiet the children. bbs
Groupie already has a meaning.
So what's new?
Been busy with work, roller derby, new(ish) girlfriend. Haven't had much time to hang out here lately.
I saw a notice for SO elections. Is there an ELU election coming up too?
Not that I know of.
I think we've got things nailed down here OK.
I have no idea who the SO candidates are, so I'm not going to pollute the system with my vote.
They won't do elections again until we show some kind of need.
Ah OK, I know very little about how the election process works around here.
@BraddSzonye Is she a derby girl? I was snooping the pictures on your website.
@BraddSzonye Mod 4 life.
@KitFox She skates, but she is not (yet) a derby girl.
My ex- is a derby girl. Well, wannabe. She's a ref-in-training last I knew.
Rough sport, nice community.
Reminds me of the bikers I know, actually.
Oh cool. I'm a ref-in-training too.
Recent selfie w/Fred: facebook.com/…
Oh, I like the beard.
Thank you!
Just realized that my current picture here is beardless.
It was one of my Christmas presents to Fred. :)
The beard?
Yep. She specifically asked for it.
Well, for what it's worth, I think it looks good on you too.
Thank you!
What time is it out there? I can never remember the difference. 5pm-ish?
Yes, 5:13. We are 3 hours behind New England.
It's that damn Mountain Time. I always forget it.
Then I think, maybe there's one more in there.
3 hours behind is Pacific time
And then my BiL lives in Anchorage and fucked if I know how far behind they are.
Four hours, I think. But then I'm never sure.
Yeah, I can never remember AK or HI.
And since @Rob is here, I feel I should probably play Bioshock.
Fred went to Hawaii for vacation a few months ago. I just added the local clock to my iPhone to keep track.
I have too many games to choose from.
@BraddSzonye Oh, lucky.
Rob's been there, but I've never.
Looks like a lovely place.
My parents took me to Hawaii as an infant. I haven't been back as an adult.
I think I may have already lost at Bioshock. Damn my cruel, cruel heart.
Do you play video games, @Bradd?
@KitFox I do, occasionally. Been playing Soul Calibur V recently.
And Civilization V before that.
Soul Caliber, wow. I haven't thought about that game in ages. I played it before and I think I enjoyed it.
Strategy games (esp 4X), fighting games, music games, some CRPGs.
Those are my favorites. Oh and trivia, although good trivia video games are rare.
Civ V I figured I had better never play, at least not if I wanted to raise my children.
I'm an empty nester. ;)
@KitFox How far are you?
Hang on, killing rascists...
Hot, hot, fire...
Heh. That's an amusing pastime.
OK. I'm right at the beginning.
I just got my second vigor.
@KitFox Is that like racist fascists?
Yes, rather like that.
Holy shit. Guess that Gatling is still live.
Are you playing Bioshock? Or something else?
Bioshock Infinite.
I got it for free recently.
@Rob Once I have a vigor, do I keep it always? Just have to recharge it? Or do I have to find the same thing again if I run out of it?
I love how booze and cigarettes are good for you.
@KitFox It varies. I don't remember all the details of each one, but here are some charts.
Oh thanks. It's the modifications that I'm wondering about.
@KitFox IIRC, they up one state but drain the other.
BTW, take some time to explore around. There are lots of little fun things off the beaten path.
I'm looking around as much as possible when I'm not getting my ass shot up.
I'm really impressed with the attention to detail.
Sorry, I went to make sandwiches.
Oh, I would love a sandwich!
gets back up
What kind of jelly? We have blueberry, raspberry, and triple berry today.
Oh, don't trouble yourself. I'll get it.
wonders what 'turkey ham' is
Ever have garlic preserves?
Don't think so. Is that garlic in a lot of sugar and pectin?
I dunno. Only had it once. It was delicious.
omg really what is this? turkey flavored ham? ham flavored turkey? turkey and ham mashed together?
whatever it is, it don't look natural
BTW, I'm in a quandary. We decided not to go to Hawaii and can't make up our mind now between Curaçao and Aruba.
I hate trying to choose a hotel.
My brother went to Barbados. Someone...
Oh! @Mr.Shiny went to Aruba recently.
And my ex- has been there.
I don't know anyone who has been to Curaçao, but seems I've put that in drinks before.
Sammy with blueberry lemonade, and playing vids by myself with youse.
I've had worse nights.
I guess I need to go back and buy that Possession Aid.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hi!
Except it's far away now.
@Robusto Glad you said that. The icons are tiny and I didn't look closely.
I am bored with food. Nothing tastes good, and making it is too much trouble.
@KitFox "state" => "stat" ... durr
@BraddSzonye hello!
@Robusto I heard what you meant.
Can I pick up just one thing in a container or must I take it all?
@KitFox I don't remember. Experiment.
It's more than a year since I played the game, I think.
OK, about a year. Eleven months or so.
I've been experimenting. y u no gimme teh ansur?
That long?
Becuz me no remember every sinking detale.
I'm so behind the times.
Well, I guess we were playing Skyrim when you were playing that.
That was ages ago.
Plus some of the deets blur in my mind between the three versions of the franchise.
Well, I suppose I ought to focus on what I'm doing. Night all.
Night. For me too.
@Robusto From what I hear, Aruba is better suited to tourists. But Curaçao will not be that much different. And there may be a little bit more to see on Curaçao, Willemstad is very pretty.
2 hours later…
@RegDwigнt > Your score is 9179 ^__^
My score is OVER 9000!
1 hour later…
> The South African poet writer Breyten Breytenbach, attempting to visualize the language distance to anglophones once remarked that the differences between (Standard) Dutch and Afrikaans are comparable to those between the Received Pronunciation and Southern American English.
@skopp I don't know if you will see this, but anyway. ^
4 hours later…
a poet writer? someone who writes poets? That seems an odd profession.
@Cerberus I have scored 1530 over six times now. Does that count?
@MattЭллен what would you expect from one Broaden Broadencreek?
Okay, broadening creeks, perhaps.
But other than that, what?
Maybe some wandering. Wandering poets are common. I certainly wasn't expecting a new form of genesis
No Öne expects a new form of genesis.
That's why new forms of genesae's are so powerful.
indeed! I wonder if they can turn their talents from poets to extinct or endangered species.
Sam the troll is back, making fat mother comments in comments.
Hah. Wut.
Remember a month ago, a troll named sam?
I'm confused why you couldn't be bothered to create a username! Did you just insert 'user115444' straight into the database table or did GMail actually suggest that username for you! — Sam 4 hours ago
Heeeeeeee's back. I just flagged his second offensive comment in several minutes.
At least he's creative.
yeah, go to the next one.
(I feel like a little gitrl tattling on someone, but he is a troll.)
I wonder what Mary and Webster think! They would probably know more than anyone here. BTW the "your Mum is so fat" joke on your profile photo is against this site's regulations. Here's a link to an FAQ on how to ask questions and how to think and it pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the workings of the universe. Oh, actually you should just google it to show your research effort! (:-D) – Sam 4 hours ago
Ok, thanks
sorry to interrupt you so rudely.
No prob.
I did some cleanup. For the time being I'll leave it at that.
@JohnLawler Please, please stop replying to this thread as by now it is apparent that you are a linguistics troll who is a) ignoring my question, and b) trying to divert the conversation into some sort of entirely irrelevant discussion of semantics. To answer your question: No, I couldn't give a damn about Greek names, but we must have some sort of terminology in order to talk about rhetorical figures in literature, and this terminology must be stable. Oh, and if you really think that the study of literature is "trying to find out what the basic themes are," you've got another thing coming. — mig81 7 hours ago
Now this...
oh, my. trolls out from under their bridges tonight.
Thanks, Reg.
I guess I should be informing @Cerberus.
Speaking of which, 7674.
It looked good, but I got nervous.
> Our mood analysis revealed that you can find lots of smiling faces in Bangkok (0.68 average smile score) and Sao Paulo (0.64). People taking selfies in Moscow smile the least (only 0.53 on the smile score scale).
> On one hand, commas are often best taken out
> On balance, I would remove it.
but not follow your own advice?
Guys, my nurse friend wants to practice Venipuncture (Drawing blood from me) one day. Is it safe to trust a apprentice nurse with little experience? Can she kill her or infect me with some disease?
I know it's unsafe if she doesn't use hygienic equpments
Other than that, do you know any other risks regarding to this?
are you a haemophiliac?
are you afraid of needles?
nope, I love needles
do you think your friend is likely to make a mistake?
even trained nurses can take a few stabbing attempts to find a vein
hmm I'm not sure. After meeting with her for several times, I found she is slightly dumb. She thought Philiphines is located inside Thailand so I had to teach her that they are not.
that's not so bad
if you got a map with no labels on it, could she point out Australia?
I haven't tried it out but she knows what Australia is.
but more important than her geographic knowledge: does she have steady hands?
I never saw her shake her hands
I can't think of any dangers other than unclean equipment
Ok, thanks
maybe you should ask an actual nurse, though :D I have no medical training
merry crash mess?
10689 @Cerberus
I find jokes are much harder to tell on the bridge
Are you on the bridge now? Tell us a joke and we'll see.
How do you catch a squirrel?
To keep his pants up.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Climb up a tree and act like a nut.
Why does a fireman wear read suspenders?
To get to the other side.
How was that?
in The Bridge, 20 mins ago, by Arperum
@Fluttershy Stop telling me to buy new games :( glares at banished players
in The Bridge, 19 mins ago, by Matt Эллен
@Arperum buy old games
in The Bridge, 18 mins ago, by Arperum
@MattЭллен I have enough games I need to play first before I start buying other ones.
@EnglishMaster How do you think people learn venipuncture? It's as safe as it can be.
@MattЭллен Yes, they are all quite thick in The Bridge.
Reg got his feelings sorely hurt. They aren't any fun at all. Bunch of annoying children.
You should drop jQuery and buy old games.
Im Supermarkt!
mishears. Drops old games, buys jQuery.
As long as you don't do so totally...
Lookin good. Which means I will screw it up and get -314 points.
There really should be an undo button.
pay attention to me! pay attention to me! pay attention to me!
What are you doing @Kit?
That's over 9000!
@MattЭллен Nothing. Drawing diagrams. What are you doing?
Where is Kit, by the way?
I haven't seen her in a while.
Yeah, she's not been here in a few days.
Maybe she's snowed under at work
@KitFox building disk images
This is so much fun.
Which is to say, not.
I hate having itches I can't scratch.
Wow, that's a weird looking word.
does your arm not bend that way?
It's in my head.
in the middle of your brain?
And I haven't perfected transubstantiation.
@MattЭллен Kind of lower right.
Um. My left, your right.
I see
Sounds like you need your trepanning kit
Yes. Yes. That is a great idea.
Get all the evil spirits out.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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