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Moderators, any update on the type of questions we need in the site yet?
@rest_day Meh. We can probably give them a few days to work things out. In the meantime, all input helps over at Meta:
Q: Is EL&U succeeding?

MrHenWhat with all of the hubbub lately, I want to focus on asking one specific question that I think is at the core of the problem/drama: Is EL&U succeeding? This is fairly open-ended and I think that is fine. The intent is to try and start locating things for us to work on or, at the very least...

ok, so is there anyway we can gather more input from regular users too on this (like people who are not regulars on meta)?
@rest_day I have no idea, honestly. As MrHen says, this is not an issue that can be solved in one fell swoop. Sadly.
@rest_day I have just put the featured tag on a number of meta questions. They will now appear on the ELU front page, in the box on the right-hand side.
Stupid meta-tag formatting doesn't work, sorry for the additional pings.
@RegDwight understand that, just sad to see the low opinion about this site especially since this is a site which I enjoy participating
Once upon a time the wife of my friend bought, by mistake, a combinatorial dictionary of English. She thought it was a regular d1ictionary. They gifted it (the book) me. I like this book very much.
@rest_day This is exactly how the entire core community feels, I assure you.
@trg787 What is a combinatorial dictionary?
Oxford dictionary - how words can be combined in English
More to the point, what's a regular d1ictionary?
Cut trg some slack, his keyboard is so malfunctioning you have no idea. Russian keyboards are like that.
[I am RegDwight's keyboard and I approve that message.]
Heh. My cousin had some problems recently with his laptop keys processing keys on the opposite side of the board, turned out to be a soda spillage. Annnd, I was just kidding, by the way^.
@rest_day Yeah, totally. Usually chat would work great for that but right now Meta is the best place. A lot of stuff is being said and worked out right now and real, true opinions deserve to be read by as many people as possible. The only place that can happen right now is Meta.
@MrDisappointment Yep; soda-spillage-keyboard exports usually end up in Russia
Hm. Let me check the map.
Jan 4 at 17:47, by Kosmonaut
Check out this fascinating page sometime: http://popvssoda.com/
I need MrD's exact location in order to establish Communism.
@RegDwight Eh? What is "Other" in that graph? "Fizzies?"
Pepsi? 7up?
Jan 4 at 17:45, by Kosmonaut
"You all want any coke?" -- "Sure, I'll have a 7up"
I'll have you know that an actual internal dialogue ensued when I was typing that, debating whether to use soda, pop, coke, other brand? Forget about it? et cetera.
Oh I was sure it did.
@RegDwight That is the red coke option.
Certainly you mean Red Heat?
Jun 15 at 12:56, by RegDwight
user image
@RegDwight Oh, and by the way: you may take my OpenID, but you'll never take my freedom.
@RegDwight Careful; we may get a baby picture if we start posting images.
@MrDisappointment I am too afraid of freedom.
May 5 at 17:55, by RegDwight
This is not a bagel-loving democracy. It's a malevolent pryanik-obsessed dictatorship.
a regular dict? When you see an English word on the left - and its translation to Russion to the right
@trg787 You misspelled Rossian.
Somewhere, someone is casually asking questions on EL&U. Someone else answers them. To them, no drama exists. To them, this was like any other Wednesday.
@RegDwight in our place soda is just carbonated water
Sorry. ((((
Themz damz keyz.
@MrHen You are begging to get starred or what?
Oh and BTW. Someone somewhere actually moderates the site.
And I am not even hinting at myself.
Dori is helping out, it would seem.
@RegDwight Haha, that would have been a great comeback: "Then bam closed as off-topic."
@RegDwight Does that work? Begging for stars?
@MrHen Dangit. You're right. You should be my comeback writer.
Speaking of comebacks.
I gotta go to bed.
This awfully long day has been even awfully longer than the last.
True that. Take care :)
Q: "Employment with" vs. "employment at"

misteraidanWhich of the following options are correct? [Some context] that is relevant to my employment with the company. [Some context] that is relevant to my employment at the company.

So, have fun all you russkies with your broken keyboards and all you texans with spilled pepsis, you knights of England... no wait, that would be me.
This is a dupe but I am having a devil of a time finding it
@MrHen Rly?
I think the other one was for schools
Q: Which one is more correct: "works at a university" or "works in a university"?

Anderson Silva My relative is a fairly big academic and works at a university. Is this correct? or should I have used in instead?

Got it
There was another one, too, because I remember the "with" part
Wow that's not fair, I was searching for with vs. at.
And all I got was perplexion.
Q: Correct use of 'with' or 'at' when talking about percentages?

KiranuI'm writing the following sentence: Women lead uptake at XX%. But a friend is saying that it should be written: Women lead uptake with XX%. Which one is correct?

@RegDwight Yeah, that doesn't work well
OMG. Reg, before you go
A: Is EL&U succeeding?

Jeff AtwoodFirst, I want to be clear that I have what I hope is a shared common goal with everyone on the english.se community: I want english.se to be great. Unfortunately, the current reality is kind of ... far from that. Almost every time I peek my head into the site, it's filled with puerile stuff lik...

I am a bit scared. Should I read that before going to bed?
I am reading it, one sec
Actually, whatever it says, it would probably make my night sleepless.
So I'll chicken out for today.
Okay, not much earthshattering
But probably best to wait
Night all.
Take care
I'd say either at or with (place of employment) would work in some cases, but not in (place of employment/university). I don't think those two questions are equal. @RegDwight
@SpareOom I agree. I really just meant to link them.
There is actually another dupe around, too
But I still cannot find it
I didn't make it in time for Reg. Drat.
@SpareOom He's tired :P He does read at-mentions though
Yeah, I know.
@MrHen I forget where you're from, but the at/in/with employment or uni. differ with American and British English too.
@SpareOom Sure. I am US.
Same here.
I listen to so many British people, that I'm not always sure if what I say is American or British in flavor sometimes.
Mostly American, though.
Jeff has also posted an apology (of sorts) in his answer to the explain-joke meta question. (I think it is... unfortunate that he chose to include a "but" in both of his apologies.)
> the "everyone can have an opinion" nature of this topic requires a stricter standard across the board
that's a bit of an opaque sentence. is he trying to say that "English Language & Usage" is a fuzzy title?
moreso than other titles?
@Jez Personally, I think we should wait a bit before jumping all over the response.
(Obviously, that is just my opinion.)
There is a bit of a low-bar-to-entry to ELU: anyone who speaks English can probably come up with a reasonable-sounding answer to pretty much every question that can be asked.
The problem is, that reasonable-sounding answer could be utter hogwash. Even from a native speaker. Maybe especially from a native speaker.
Jeff sees the former point. I'm not sure he realizes the latter point.
@Martha Yeah, it looks like it mostly redirects to the other post, ya?
@Martha I think the frustration is more rooted in the questions that take advantage of the looseness of the format to ask crappy questions that gain reputation.
may be we should open a ESL.SE
@Martha To what post are you referring?
@MrDisappointment — Did someone mention Cake?
@rest_day I think there is a Translations proposal
@SpareOom Nothing in particular, at least with that remark.
@rest_day chat room
Well, have a Nugget anyway.
@Shog9 sorry
@restday Jeff's primary problem seems to be that the site is 'embarrassing his network' because embarrassing (to him) questions are appearing in the multicollider.
Or this one
@restday an ESL site would presumably present this same problem
why doesn't he just remove ELU stuff from the supercollider if he's so embarrassed by it?
@Robusto Ok, are you offering cake, or nuggets? The two are not the same!
@Jez Mmm... I don't think that is entirely accurate, but I am getting a similar vibe
(But mmm... there will be hazelnut torte this weekend... drooling in advance...)
i personally never look at 'hot questions'
@Jez A lot of people only see EL&U stuff from the collider
@Martha :( not fair...
@rest_day Seems like one of those topics where a chat room might be more effective than a site - one-on-one help, y'know?
@MrHen well would removing the ELU feed be so bad? In fact, I'll go one further. Jeff should only put sites he thinks are 'reputable enough' in the collider.
@Martha — Watch the video and it will all be clear.
I think ELU is fine without being spammed over the rest of SEN
@Jez Why isn't EL&U reputable enough?
Can't watch, at work, boss still here.
Don't watch the first one, that was a mistake. Watch the second one.
@Shog9 because Jeff thinks some questions are embarrassing, like explaining a joke or something
but then that will not help others...
or 'unprofessional' or whatever
i have personally been assisted by a lot of 'newbie' questions here

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