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I'm willing to help with any cleanup - but not until I feel I know what the required standard is before I start wasting my time doing it wrong :-/
@MichaelMyers It would be shorter to answer what you are not behind on.
Lunch time! TTFN.
@MichaelMyers Where would you like us to start? I warn you, it's not going to be pretty.
I've read the transcripts for the last several days.
@RegDwight do you have graphs of traffic on ELU and GLU?
and i mean the sites, not their respective chatrooms
@Kit Don't you do the yipping?
@MichaelMyers The current starred items summarise the emotional temperature of the room quite well, I think.
Sorry, back again. Having a discussion in the Teachers Lounge, and I can't search this room reliably without being logged in. Just ignore me.
@RegDwight It's easier to ignore you if you don't post btw (z7sg pro-tip)
Q: Basic questions are not so basic

JSBangsIt has come up in other threads that we have a lot of "basic" or "lowest common denominator" questions. However, a few myths about this need to be put to rest. First, we do have a general reference close reason, and we do use it. Questions which really are as basic as they seem can be closed, an...

i hope you all enjoy the comment in the middle about GMATs
@JSBangs I will read it now :)
@JSBangs good job.
i might have to log off for the day, though. this is destroying my ability to concentrate at work, and my employer does still, like, pay me and stuff
sorry. hopefully i'll be back later
Question: How many people here regularly downvote low-quality questions?
@JSBangs A JSBang-up job, one might say :-)
@Rhodri little thwack
@MichaelMyers I've long considered downvoting to be redundant when one has a close option
@MichaelMyers Seventeen
i think downvoting should be removed from the StackExchange system.
@MichaelMyers I'm more likely to close vote than down vote. I downvote if the question is egregious.
@z7sg Yes. That too.
@MichaelMyers Define "low-quality." I'm parsimonious with my downvotes, but I'm parsimonious with votes on questions anyway. Something has to stand out to me one way or the other before I'll vote.
Now really I am having lunch. AFK.
Bon Appetit!
People were complaining a little while ago about bad questions being spread on the multicollider and giving a bad impression of the site. Well, downvoting is how you can help prevent that.
@JSBangs Well written - thanks for doing that!
downvoting is about making you feel good that you've 'punished' the question asker, not good for the site
edit the question, or vote to close
@MichaelMyers That clearly doesn't just apply to us, you know.
There are badges for voting on many questions and there is no reputation penalty for downvoting them. This was all added in because people were leaving bad questions alone.
@JSBangs — Yes, noted. I'm interested to see what kind of response you get from, say, people who scored in that percentile on that test.
@Jez No I like downvoting where appropriate. Some questions are simply of low quality. I can't improve them by making up the missing bits. If the asker improves I can reverse my vote.
@z7sg what did I say? then vote to close.
downvoting achieves nothing.
@MichaelMyers I know you're trying to be helpful, but the temptation to say something sarcastic involving the word "shiny" is very strong. The underlying issue -- Jeff's behaviour -- is still being ignored.
I know, and I can't help that.
@MichaelMyers Then we are at an impasse.
@Jez I don't think there should be a low-quality close reason, I think downvote is better.
Only one person can solve the Jeff problem.
@z7sg I disagree. as has been made abundently clear, these sites are about at least medium quality questions. low-quality should be closed.
But the multicollider is, I believe, one reason for Jeff's poor opinion of the site.
Wow, there are 128 undealt-with flags on SO right now. I guess the mods must be somewhere else right now.
@MichaelMyers People seem to vote up questions they agree with or they understand. I can't downvote simply because a question is simple, that seems unfair. Yet these get picked up by the collider.
Is that what JA would call a "peculiarity" in moderation?
<rant deleted>
@MichaelMyers I downvote pretty frequently.
I don't get the impression that others do, however
@Jez This is wrong.
@Jez Besides, only 3k users have close votes so you are proposing to change the whole mechanics of the site. Please maek that proposal instead of telling me I am using the site incorrectly as this is clearly not the case.
@MrHen can you give me a reason why a question should ever be downvoted rather than edited/closed?
@z7sg well maybe that should be lowered a bit, but easily enough users should have that rep that they can be closing low-quality questions
morning folks (:
@Jez I generally go by the helpful tooltip over the downvote button :P
@RebeccaChernoff morning (afternoon here)
@RebeccaChernoff Liar. ;)
@RebeccaChernoff Good morning. Thanks again for being here, btw. (You too, @MichaelMyers.)
@MrHen it should be closed or edited if you were going to downvote it!
@Jez Why?
there's no reason for it to be open
There's no reason you can't vote to close and also downvote it.
Afternoon, @RebeccaChernoff
@Jez At least the downvoting gives the OP chance to correct themselves! Don't take it so personally (I say to them) if they are offended. Closing a question is final for a low rep person.
no, but that takes me back to: downvote is 100% redundant
and serves only to confuse
@Jez So? What does closing have to do with downvoting? A reason to close is different than a reason to downvote
@z7sg you can always edit your own question, regardless of rep
For instance, an answer that is wrong should be downvoted
@MrHen i disagree. give me one reason to downvote that isn't also a reason to edit/close/add a comment telling the user how to improve the question
im just talking about questions.
maybe downvote is ok for answers, yes
@Jez To signal to other people that something is incorrect without making them read long comment threads
well, that's less useful.
they may not know what is incorrect
@Jez Not really. Specifically for answers, sorting takes votes into account
and the comment thread is very unlikely to be long
@RebeccaChernoff It seems pointless to edit a question that was closed. In fact, when they attacked me and closed my first question on programmers I never went back.
im talking about questions
@z7sg pointless? Closed questions can be edited and reopened if appropriate.
@z7sg better than a ton of downvotes getting you permbanned.
@Jez Right, so apply the same principles to questions. Downvoting a question that is not helpful or useful or didn't do its research signals to people browsing questions, "This is not worth your time. Go elsewhere."
@MrHen so does closing the question.
@Jez This is your personal problem because you got banned for asking the same things on meta. Although I agree that is a problem with the meta mechanism, it isn't a problem with downvotes.
@Jez Downvoting happens immediately; closing doesn't. And a good question could be closed so editing can turn it on-topic. A worthless question should be downvote so people know not to spend their time on it.
perhaps, but there is a different problem with downvotes, namely that they are 100% redundant
@Jez Why is redundancy bad?
(And I still disagree that they are redundant.)
it is bad because it confuses
which should you do, downvote or vote to close?
@RebeccaChernoff It certainly feels pointless to edit a question that has been closed by mods, especially if you are a new user on that SE. I'm not saying questions shouldn't be closed but I'd rather have a downvote and a comment explaining what was wrong and how it could be fixed.
no, there should just be one mechanism
I don't have 3k rep, so I can't vote to close.
@Jez Why is it confusing? Who is confused?
@MichaelMyers no problem, just leave the question alone. an active community should have enough users with ex to close the question
@MrHen anyone who hasnt spent time reading about wtf each is for
@Jez I think people below 3k deserve an opinion.
@MrHen also, i'm not sure I want inexpeienced users downvoting. they can be overzealous.
If it is something minor, a downvote, an edit, there's no need to close.
@Jez So go read the manual? I don't understand why this is a problem...
much better than users with hi exp and the privilege to close to decide
If it doesn't fit the site, that's when you vote to close.
@Jez They are also overzealous about upvoting.
they deserve an opinion, but not a downvote
@RebeccaChernoff edit, then. no need for downvote.
Maybe you don't know how to edit it.
@Jez Okay... so if we removed all negative effects of the downvote, would it be okay? No rep hit; no autobanning. It just changes the number visible. Would that be okay?
ie, the expertise, or only a detail the author can add
@Jez Not everything is editable.
@RebeccaChernoff why wouldnt you know how? you mean you cant find the link?
@MrHen no. i don't see any point in having a downvote.
@MrHen and I believe the downvote was there before close came in
@Jez Why couldn't it be the opposite of an upvote?
If an upvote says, "This is valuable," why couldn't a downvote simply be, "This is not valuable."?
@MrHen An upvote is, "this is good". A downvote is, "this is bad". but bad questions shouldn't be on the site.
therefore, "this is bad" = "close"
or "edit to make good"
@Jez There isn't actually a "close as bad" reason, as far as I know.
there are various reasons, one of which it will fall into
things are "bad" for different reasons.
@Jez not always
"bad -> downvote"; "inappropriate, off-topic, etc -> close"
@RebeccaChernoff quite. and there are various close reasons.
if there isnt one, one could be added
and one of them isn't "this is poor"
if necessary, a "bad question" close reason
then add it :-)
@Jez Yeah, and they just added General Reference. So that is a good point.
@Jez But that would be redundant because we have downvoting
until you removed downvoting from the system
(for questions)
RIght, I'm off. I when I say that, I mean I'm not coming back. The elephant is not going to leave the room, and this has shot my concentration at work too.
anyway im off home. bye
@RebeccaChernoff — Are you aware that Kosmonaut has left the building?
@Rhodri There is an elephant? Are you referring to the Kosmonaut vs Jeff thing?
@Rhodri I'm sorry you feel that way. Tis a loss and of course we do hope you stick around. Personally, I'm here to try and turn the elephant into a cute kitten. q:
I'm refering to Jeff's behaviour. More to the point, that Jeff won't apologise.
Q: What is the meaning of the suffix -don

GabeWhat is the meaning and origin of the suffix -don, as in the words pteranodon and megalodon?

Isn't this gen ref?
@RebeccaChernoff This is behaviour that I have invoked disciplinary procedures over at my previous job. I cannot take it lightly.
@Robusto ): I guess I should read what I missed while I slept? I was engaging in the current convo rather than reading back.
Well, that was weird...
That everyone with any clout appears to be taking it lightly does not enthuse me.
@Rhodri Hmm. I don't think we're taking it lightly by any means. ):
@RebeccaChernoff I think Jez left, so that conversation is over now.
It wouldn't let me talk, kept telling me to log in, then the log in page kept telling me 'go to any SE site and log in there'.
I already was, on numerous SE sites. :/
@RebeccaChernoff If you aren't, it's not the slightest bit visible from down here.
@MrDisappointment Didn't Reg have that problem yesterday?
3 hours ago, by JSBangs
i'm really, really upset over Kosmo's departure
@MrDisappointment sometimes it is that the data is too old...the way global auth is done is a bit...weird...sometimes.
@Rhodri I can see it. [snip]
@MrHen I'm not precisely sure, was that related to Reg not being Reg any more?
7 hours ago, by RegDwight
I just got an email from Kosmonaut. He's out. It is thoroughly written, heartwarming and heartbreaking, and most importantly, spot on. I don't know what to reply or to think or how to go on from here. I just want to cry. TTYL.
@RebeccaChernoff OK, thanks, so long as I'm still me ...checking.
@MrDisappointment No. I was responding to Rhodri.
@Rhodri I very sincerely apologize for that then. I have no goal here other than to help resolve any issues either side feel there are.
@Robusto yeah, open in another tab reading. ):
@MrHen Then I'm beginning to wonder, who me is. :/
@RebeccaChernoff: So if Kosmonaut is gone, what happens to Reg and nohat? It seems rough to expect them to carry on their own; especially with what is likely to be a storm of flags and meta discussions.
it is the act of logging out that clears the login data in such a way that'll refresh it...and that's what chat needs. The logout is important.
@MrDisappointment I don't understand.
@MrDisappointment Whoops, sorry, that was an irrelevant comment.
3 mins ago, by MrHen
@MrDisappointment Didn't Reg have that problem yesterday?
@MrDisappointment Ah, I see. I don't know actually know what the problem was I just know there was a problem involving user names or something.
Anyway, @Rhodri, my comment was to imply anything wrong about your perspective. I was only trying to say that I do see some effort; it is just being swarmed by drama right now
@RebeccaChernoff Until the issue of Jeff's behviour resolved (and I'm fully aware you can't do that), I don't see any point in trying to resolve anything else. At best you'll be storing up resentment for the future.
Personally, I don't really care about Jeff's attitude. It doesn't affect my life on ELU in the slightest.
Jeff comes and goes and we get to clean up the mess. And?
@MrHen That's because he's never attacked you personally.
Anyway, @Rebecca, I think you should be aware that the level of unrest here is greater than "take two aspirin" or turning elephants into kittens may solve.
@MrHen I see lots of effort directed at the community. The only effort I see directed at Jeff has been from this community, not from anywhere higher up.
@Martha I don't think it would change, honestly.
@Rhodri Doing nothing and giving up does not seem like a winning option to me.
@Robusto I am aware.
@Martha He and I had a few comment trades and I left a little confused... but so?
@RebeccaChernoff That depends on whether I have an emotional investment in EL&U. I don't any more.
Jeff burned through my goodwill very thoroughly.
@Martha That isn't to say I don't see your point. I was just trying to add data. :P
@Rhodri rest assured this has been mentioned in our internal chat rooms. You may not see that discussion, but it exists.
@MrHen The problem is, we can't clean up after this latest mess of his. Unless you have Kosmonaut's clone hiding in your basement? And Rhodri's?
@Martha Honestly, Kosmonaut going away is a mess that Kosmonaut is leaving behind. You can blame Jeff all you want, but it was still Kosmonaut's choice. Same with Rhodri
That isn't going to be a popular thing to say but I think it is true.
@MrHen — Better to blame the victim, then?
I don't blame Kosmonaut for his (?) decision at all
It is his decision.
Whether he wants to be here or not is something that only he can decide
@MrHen True (on both counts, at least with me :-) But I am not prepared to put up with bullying. Period.
@Robusto No. This isn't meant to be blame. It is just cause/effect
@MrHen The "And" is that it seriously detracts from any enjoyment I get from the site. I'm not paid to be here, so if it's not fun - at least on average - I'm outta here.
Since I have no real clout here, leaving (and telling people why, of course) is all I can do.
@psmears I think that is completely fair. I really do. It is 100% your call.
I would rather you stay, obviously, along with Kosmonaut
But why you leave or stay is still your decision
@MrHen — I don't think Kosmonaut was waiting around for a pretext to quit. He loved this site and was totally committed to it. It took a lot to force him to this pass, and he is really broken up about it.
Kosmonaut stepping down leaves us without a third moderator
Not Jeff's insults
@Rhodri you do have clout. We are listening to the community. That's why I'm here.
@Robusto I agree.
Jeff insult -> Kosmonaut leaving
I agree
@MrHen I disagree.
@RebeccaChernoff You can discuss it in private all you like, but the insult was given in public.
@Martha Was Jeff's behavior bad? Sure. Was it dumb? Sure. But Kosmonaut's decision was still his decision.
@RebeccaChernoff: sorry, that sounds like I'm getting at you personally. I'm not intending to; it's the private/public distinction that's important.
@MichaelMyers All the time. Every single one. Even if I am going to delete it the very next moment.
I don't disagree with the decision; I don't think it was a bad or wrong decision
I think he had more than enough reason for the decision
@Rhodri Yes, fair point. Just trying to explain that there's more going on than just this chat here.
But it was still his decision. Jeff did not force his hand.
@Rhodri did not interpret it like that, s'all good. (:
I will have to catch up later, folks. Gotta run.
@MrHen But it was still caused by Jeff's actions. So it's still Jeff's mess that we have to clean up. Only we can't.

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