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That was fun while it lasted.
It's gone after relogging.
@aedia I don't see the text thingy, no.
A: “John Doe”, “Jane Doe” - Why are they used many times?

Martin BeckettThe specific of John Doe is probably that it rhymes - and John is a very common English name. It's a very old (medieval) English usage but is now only really used in AE, John Smith is the typical generic name in BE, but it isn't used as a legal term in Britain. There is a similar usage in cryp...

KeithS told him "John Doe" doesn't rhyme, and his answer was that it's all right because the word flows.
Yeah, I was just looking on in faint disbelief.
It's kind of breathtaking in its blithe disregard for the idea that words do have specific meanings.
@Rhodri well, at least i got to use one of my last downvotes for the day
I'm just going to use words based on their sounds. So if I say I'm "leaning to the left" you'll know I mean I'm hungry or I want a new car.
@RegDwight Screenshot posted. I have tried going out and back in and such but you still look like text to me, except in brief flashes of viscacha.
@Robusto But I understood that anyway?
@Rhodri — By which I understand you to mean you're hungry, or you want a new car.
@Robusto And I couldn't help myself, even though my answer doesn't really answer the question (other than stating 'I don't know')
What's all this about? I'm seeing double vizcachas as well now!
@RegDwight Are you all fixed up now?
@z7sg Thems multiply fast if you leave them to their own devices.
Yes, rodents are such a nuisance of a pest.
@MrDisappointment It would appear so. <knocks on wood>
Oh my. What the heck is this:
Q: Should I fix typos / grammatical errors in quotation?

Dante is not a GeekWhen writing papers, I meet typos/grammatical errors in references now and then. Should I correct them, or leave them as they are?

@RegDwight Nuh-uh, you're someone completely different now! 977?!
I am RegDwight.
I, RegDwight.
yesterday, by RegDwight
Just two excellent movies with Will Smith.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I am RegDwight!
@z7sg Your onecorn, doh.
@z7sg I thought it was my turn to be RegDwight?
@Martha It's never your turn to be RegDwight.
@Martha — You just want to be @RegDwight so you can post baby pictures and people will think it's ironic.
You first have to unlock the secret room and beat it.
With thwacks.
@Robusto That's not ironic, FFS. That's litotes.
@RegDwight Nah. Thwacking rooms isn't any fun. They don't squeal or say "Ow" or anything.
@RegDwight — Careful, it might be prolepsis.
@Martha I see you haven't tried thwacking that particular one.
Apr 7 at 15:19, by RegDwight
I always pick litotes.
@MrDisappointment ?
@Martha That's a picture of a thwack, obviously.
@RegDwight Obviously, you've never met my thwacks. They do not look like that.
@Martha Yours don't, that's true.
Yours look like babies.
@RegDwight — I think that is the Cavernous Abyss of Black Despair. Just what we need to clear the air of all the Baby-Wipes and talcum powder redolence that's been pervading this place of late.
Ah, so it is a picture of the secret level, after all?
That would've been my second guess.
I've never seen it from this high above.
Yeah. Usually you see it from the bottom looking up.
@Robusto I haven't posted a baby picture since, since... I don't actually know when. So clearly, way too long ago.
@Martha Don't ask me to prove you wrong, cause you know I will.
I'm waiting...
Since just before the creation of the War Room.
So last week.
@Martha What, you won't even let me fight that war instead?
Off to looking for baby pictures...
This one is less than a week old.
@Rhodri Spot on.
RegDwight posted a baby picture! tee hee!
You win a nothing.
Oh. wait. He posted a link instead. Not fair.
My evil plan has been thwarted.
I am here to be not fair.
Off to fighting the war.
There. That should be sufficiently scary. (I still don't have the truly scary version on this computer.)
aargh, it's the corrupted version
not nearly as cute if you can't see the face properly
Fail :-(
Q: 1 to 10 quality rating labels

lolwutI'm not entirely sure how I can settle with a good 1 to 10 quality rating labels, where 1 is very poor and 10 is great, for example: Very poor Poor Slightly fair Fair Average Slightly good Good ... ... Great I don't know what could be 8 and 9, but I guess the labels can be changed/impr...

Keerist. This question is very low quality. I would give it a rating of poor.
@Robusto downvoted! and now i'm all out for the day
What exactly does "slightly fair" mean anyway? I mean, come on.
@Robusto That sort of criticism is not even slightly fair ;-)
I think it means "pale-complected" ... like a Commie or whatever.
That baby's face is green
@psmears — Next he'll have a 1-100 rating list for us.
What is the name for those expressions? I mean like "partially dead" or whatever.
@RegDwight But nothings are worth 10, so...
@psmears What is wrong with "keep getting" btw?
@z7sg Nothing, but (if my memory serves me well) "keep to get" was incorrect and that is what was being hinted at.
@Jez Is not. The picture isn't a very good one, though - bad lighting and bad camera.
@MrD wrong unicorn ;)
@z7sg Hulk.
@z7sg Indeedy.
@z7sg what huh? they have a name?
@RegDwight Thwack!
Happy now?
I am always happy.
You are here to be happy.
I am aching all over and in a job where I sit in front of a computer all day.
I am not happy.
Well, my boss won't be happy: why is this room so active when I am at work?
@Robusto I'm sure we can do that: a little bit fair, moderately fair, quite fair, a bigger bit fair, ..., slightly great, ..., very very excellent.
@z7sg Nothing...
I assume you're referring to a conversation I had with kiamlaluno?
I need some Valium.
@psmears Yes it was "keep to get" that was wrong. Sometimes comments are confusing.
@z7sg The real @kiamlaluno often uses "to ----" where mere mortals might use "----ing". It's how we know it's the real him.
Drugs and Pharmacology

Proposed Q&A site for experienced drug users, and those in the pharmacology-related businesses.

Currently in definition.

^ I could've sworn there was something like that in the commit phase!
You mean Philosophy?
It's in beta now.
eh? no, something like medicine or pharmacology...
cant seem to see anything
I'm not posting that link to the Wikipedia article on "Joke" again.
Apropos, @Cerberus is missing all the fun.
@RegDwight Clearly that is what started it all off in the first place
He's already missed all the fun in the last 3 days, and who knows what might happen in the next four.
@psmears As if anybody reads this chat.
Feb 10 at 16:01, by RegDwight
Even @RegDwight doesn't read all of @RegDwight's crap!
Where is he? Who signed his leave-of-absence form?
I did.
He's in France.
I could quote, but just believe me.
You still on the peninsula, BTW?
Last time I checked you were, but that's like 3 months ago.
I'll take it on trust.
No, that was just a week or so - back in Alexandria now...
Good times.
Less sangria, more falafels.
Sounds like a deal.
Also, that should be fewer sangria.
Jul 8 at 13:26, by RegDwight
@Rhodri Fewer Schwarzenegger, damnit. Fewer.
Wow, some use-mention distinction is in order:
Q: How to write only for female on jeans etiquette

Gok DemirWe want to indicate that jeans are for only female at the etiquette. So options: Only female, Only woman, For woman, For women, For female Which one is viable or are there any better one? Thanks

I was just about to post that link.
For the ZOMG files.
I'll just go with "F". Or, to confuse everybody, with "M", as the Portuguese do.
heh, look at this dictionary definition of 'medicine':
> –verb (used with object)
> 6. to administer medicine to.
so, you can 'medicine someone'?
dictionary.com is BS
Well, English is flexible like that.
I could may you if I wanted to.
and I suppose I can TV someone
meaning smash a TV over their head
@Jez From OED:
Sure. Right after betweening them.
To treat or cure (a person, condition, etc.) by means of medicine; to give medicine to.
One example: "He finds that even the ills of human personality—insanity, for example—are better medicined in accordance with physical hypotheses and by explicitly physical methods."
the silly thing is, it doesn't have a transitive definition of 'bottle' meaning 'smash someone on the head with a bottle', a common definition over here
So, yes.
Hey, I have just betweened Kosmonaut with my betweening comment.
@Kosmonaut that sentence sounds decidedly dodgy to me.
@Robusto huh. i corrected his "at the etiquette" to "on the tag", since i think that's what he means. but it could also be that he meant "politely"
almost Shakesperian
@JSBangs tag FTW.
@Jez It says this is "now rare" — it has not been common for the past 50 years.
Das Etikett.
The quote I gave you was from 1944.
how many people think "I bottled him" sounds ok?
Oh wait
But as I read on...
@Jez "to bottle" means to put something in a bottle.
or to hit someone with a bottle
@RegDwight you have to be a pineapple or (in my case) be married to a pineapple to realize that "etiquette" is a common false friend for "tag"
@Jez That's only arisen in the last twenty years or so.
@JSBangs I am both! I win!
Romanian: eticheta
@RegDwight so you win twice
edit jinx
def. 3
@JSBangs Edit coke.
@Rhodri are online dictionaries that slow?
yesterday, by Mr. Disappointment
OK, stop talking 'till I catch up on all this hubbub, please...
@Jez That's not slow!
Because I love nitpicking... it's either till, or 'til
K party pipls, I gotta commute.
yesterday, by RegDwight
@MrDisappointment Gah! "'Till"! Gah! :P
@JSBangs — Yeah. Still feeling your way in the dark, though. It's impossible to tell what some of these people mean.
@JSBangs It's German too: Etikett
@z7sg RegDwight beat you to that one, if you look up
Yo everyone
5 mins ago, by RegDwight
Das Etikett.
@Jez — Yes, you could, but the sledgehammer is still the better tool for that work.
@Rhodri Taking over 20 years to update your site is not slow?
it's glacial in my book
@z7sg Y 'etiqueta' también...
@JSBangs I didn't see that so it still counts.
@Jez What's online generally isn't the up-to-date version. They still want you to pay for that.
ironic, it should be the other way round
@aedia According to @JSBangs we must be pineapples or married to pineapples.
i move that we ban everyone from this room except pineapples by birth or marriage, actually
Having looked up "English Public Schoolboy" this morning, I'm of the opinion that urbandictionary is a bit pants.
@JSBangs Fortunately the Registry Office is only a couple of hundred yards away from my desk.
@JSBangs But... but... cries by that reckoning yo no soy ananás
@Rhodri what did you expect to get?
@aedia well, can you marry one real quick?
@Rhodri I don't think English law allows for the registration of such marriages, unless you are a mad Hanoverian monarch.
@JSBangs Already married to a very non-pineapple.
@Jez Something a bit less billious.
@aedia i'm sure there are jurisdictions where that's not a problem
*ill billious*
something ILL dope or bad ass
"dam that shits ill billious"
@z7sg — Show me where there was ever a sane Hanoverian monarch.
Just so y'all stop bitchin'...
yesterday, by Mr. Disappointment
OK, stop talking till I catch up on all this hubbub, please...
Oh, like changing history is going to stop us.
Well, I guess I'll just have to shape the future.
@JSBangs This is what I was talking about:
Anyway, home time; TTYS.
12 mins ago, by aedia
@JSBangs Already married to a very non-pineapple.
What is the word for that? You can't be very non-pineapple. (sorry Aedia)
Either one is pineapple, or one is not, there is no inbetween, am I right?
From "Someone Puts a Pineapple Together" by Wallace Stevens:

He must say nothing of the fruit that is
Not true, nor think it, less. He must defy
The metaphor that murders metaphor.

He seeks as image a second of the self.
Made subtle by truth's most jealous subtlety.
Like the true light of the truest sun, the true

Power in the waving of the wand of the moon,
Whose shining is the intelligence of our sleep.
He seeks an image certain as meaning is

To sound, sound's substance and executant,
The particular tingle in a proclamation
@z7sg Hmm. I think partially dead, slightly fair, you're stickin' an adjective with an adjective it can't really modify, so it doesn't make sense. But with very pineapple it's different parts of speech (adverb+noun?) and that made even less sense.
@aedia You can have "mostly dead", so why not "partially dead"?
A: What does "dead as a door nail" mean?

F'xFrom the New Oxford American Dictionary: doornail (noun): a stud set in a door for strength or as an ornament. (as) dead as a doornail: quite dead. Note that it is “doornail” with no space.

@z7sg Although, I guess I said non-pineapple. So then it could be an adjective if I hadn't used "a". Like, very pink, very non-pink. Huh. I don't know. I don't think there's one class for these things.
@Rhodri Ha. I guess so!
@aedia Maybe so, but hell, I know I'm 700% non-pineapple and that's for suresies!
Hello... is anyone in here?
@TheChaz Welcome!
So... I am trying to populate my new Google+ world. Does anyone in here use G+, and would we be able to find a reason to add each other ?!?!? :)
Originally, I logged onto the math.se chat, but it's pretty dead there.
Welp... cya later!
Huh, drive-by friending?
that's... weird
i'm not on G+ and don't intend to go there any time soon
social networking per se has no attraction to me. i only got on facebook because my mom was there.
when my mom gets on G+, then i'll think about joining it
Yeah, I don't think I understood that one. I've tried G+ but only for close friends/family.
@JSBangs — That is the verbal equivalent of holding Facebook at arm's length between thumb and forefinger.
@JSBangs I kind of got my mom on facebook, but mostly to try to cut down on the emails she sends every time she's thinking of anything. And the emails were an effort to reduce the phone calls that I couldn't take while at work (or before that, college)... gotta love family ;)
@aedia i do love family :). getting on La Face for the purposes of being in touch with family/friends is the only reason i would participate at all.
meanwhile, i'm eating delicious green beans picked up from my own garden, fried in butter with garlic
@JSBangs I am so extremely jealous.
And hungry. Haven't gotten lunch yet. But mostly jealous; I have no garden, and I miss the tomatoes and peas and beans so much.
and tonight: the chinese buffet
which, to be honest, is pretty mediocre. but i'm still looking forward to it
@JSBangs It'd be unnerving to find a buffet that was too good. Would upset the natural order of things.
@aedia i'd say that Indian buffets (almost all of them) are quite good. indian food, unlike most cuisines, actually improves from simmering under a heat lamp for hours on end
36 mins ago, by The Chaz
Welp... cya later!
Who's biting? Stop it!
@JSBangs I hadn't thought of that, but there is an Indian buffet around here that's not half bad. A lot of Indian restaurants here, though, do buffet-style lunches and regular dinners, so I don't often get out for the buffets. Have to order a selection with your dinner companions instead.
well, now i'm hungry for curry
Mmm, maybe I'll order takeout tonight. Have not been to the grocery store in ages...
Hmmm, can't trust all you can eat buffet places, personally.
I want my food cooked on demand, especially for me. Or, better yet, go to a Mongolian place and have them cook it on demand, for me, right there in front of me.
@JSBangs I know! And vindaloo...
tandoori chicken...
@MrDisappointment mongolian grills are good in principle, but in practice i find that they're typically mediocre. cheap ingredients, preparation rushed too much, etc.
however, the buffet i'm going to tonight also includes a mongolian grill, as many of them do these days
@JSBangs Deep down, I have to agree; but yeah, the principle is sound, and once you know a great place, well, you know. Some of them do come off as a cultured Subway.
@MrDisappointment something like Benihana's is good, though: food grilled in front of you, but good ingredients and good chefs
All that said, Sesame Chicken from the Safeway hot food section used to go down a treat.
@OghmaOsiris Hello and welcome! I see you. :) Unfortunately, I'm about to go away again for some lousy meetings things where people talk instead of getting stuff done.
@Robusto did you miss the Strunk/White slash fiction discussion from yesterday?
I was responding to the S&W comment in the starred posts.
@Robusto That's what caused the S&W comment in the starred posts!
Hahaha. I didn't see that.
So we've come full circle.
But it's a great cartoon, so I'm not objecting.
sigh blood pressure rising again...
Look at Jeff's latest salvo in the jokes debate: scroll down to the last comment - he's marked it "@kia" but it's fairly clear he means @Kosmonaut... and @Kosmonaut, please take a few deep breaths before reading it - his comment is quite uncalled for...
Tee hee, I flagged it as "rude or offensive". :)
@Martha Nice... they don't call you the evil twin for nothing ;-)
I am finished with this place. This is just crap.
@psmears — I'm curious as to why he has such a burr under his saddle about this site and its moderation.
I can't work with people like this.
I can't participate in it.
@Kosmonaut: Damn, I feel you, but I hope you can get past this.
The stuff he is writing is so beyond offensive, so utterly wrong, and so condescending. I'm not even being paid to do this shit.
hi all!
Wow what am I walking in on?
@Robusto I am equally curious. And furious.
And I don't even have time, I gotta go again in a minute.
@RegDwight A commenter battle, I think
Plus from the last few posts here it appears that I don't want to have time to know.
@Kosmonaut It certainly is. I was tempted to respond with (well, actually several things), but something along the lines of pointing out how much he's not paying you...
From our point of view - he is being totally out of order
I guess my views are just incompatible with the SO way of doing things.
Okay so it's "just" one comment. Phew. At least it's not a fully blown-out answer to that question of kiam's.
Q: Are we not doing a good job in closing questions that should not suit EL&U?

kiamlalunoIn the past days, a question has been deleted by a diamond user (not one of our moderators), and some questions have been closed as off-topic because of something that was added to the FAQ (again, not by our moderators). Does that mean we are not doing a good job in closing questions that do not...

@Kosmonaut Well, your views and the views of the majority of people on the site, I'd have thought...
Seriously, @Kosmonaut, wait at least till someone responds to that.'
@Kosmonaut not SOP, but rather Jeff's?
I've got better things to do with my time than be publicly insulted by some condescending asshole who scored in the 99th percentile on his English GMATs.
@Kosmonaut We all have...
@psmears — Totally. Whatever happened to "This is your site! You own it. You moderate it."
Also, I would really like to hear what @rebeccachernoff and @robertcartaino have to say on this.
I need background info.
that's it. i'm writing an email
And then he goes all deus ex machina on our ass.
Jeff can't just go from "Hey grammar girl our English site is kinda awesome" to "english.se has enough severe quality issues as-is without adding pop culture guidance and ESL joke translation services to the litany of standing problems." in just a few months with nothing in between.
I am saddened to no end.
The way I see it, either you hand over control to others or you keep it for yourself. If you keep it for yourself, then it's your responsibility to moderate the site 24/7.
@RegDwight — Word.
This feels like a collapse and a failure.
I am curious, doesn't Jeff realise that his USP for the site is the users here. Why would he want antagonize them?
and the odd thing is, the actual high-activity users are not feeling that we have a quality problem
That's the thing, I am on the site 24/7, I am in chat all the time, he has my private email address, we could have talked. Even if he's allergic to ananas.
And now I gotta go spend time with my wife. TTYL.
@Robusto I even think there can be a happy medium between the two... where you mostly stay hands off, but provide guidance here and there if you feel it's going off course a little. Which is more or less the opposite of what he's done :-(
The way I see it, this site is now broken. There is no purpose to me attempting to moderate the site.
@JSBangs — Well, with the possible exception of 3i's depredations.
@RegDwight CYA
My interpretation of all events:
(1) Jeff sees meta question pertaining to jokes.
(2) Jeff has knee-jerk reaction to the word "jokes", changes the FAQ and immediately closes all questions mentioned.
(3) People point out that he hadn't considered all the ramifications of the policy.
@Kosmonaut — I'm relatively new here, and we've talked little. I am struggling to understand what's even going on right now. But I have an interest in linguistics and I want you to know that I feel I learn so much every time I read one of your answers. I would be terribly sad to see the site without you.
(4) Jeff is too stubborn and thinks too highly of himself to admit that he acted rashly and made a mistake.
(5) As people press the issue further, Jeff digs his heels in more, lashing out with an increasing number of insults and ad hominem attacks.
So how do you stop a rampaging community member?
I think the truth is, he doesn't even realize he's being abusive. And that's a problem in itself..
Honestly, when he just told me just now that my phonological connection to the pun question was a "flight of fantasy" and was disappointed to even see my remark, I can now see for sure that he is actually just trying to attack me. Not outwit me, just bring me personally down.
@aedia Seconded...
Well, I experienced his bullying early on:
Q: Why are comment lists abridged in the middle?

RobustoIn longish lists of comments the list gets abridged and a "more comments" link shows up at the end, kind of like an ellipsis. Normally, one would expect that such a list would be trimmed at the end, but on English.SE (and possibly on other SE sites) the elisions can occur anywhere in the list. F...

Which I sum up as "Because I said so, that's why."
My mistake, I was reading the wrong comment
@Kosmonaut He really ought to know that it's not a flight of fancy round here...
@aedia thirded
But I don't think he's actually trying to take you down specifically. I think he has still failed to grasp your point (well, all of our points, I guess)...
Maybe we should submit that thread to Coding Horror? It might be worth a laugh ... codinghorror.com/blog
@psmears He is trying to take down whoever stands in his way.
Anybody that points out "hey, you might have actually done something wrong" or "someone might possibly know more about something than you"
Like the walking thing you mentioned: I know hundreds of people who can walk, but how many of them could program a robot to do it? Or even teach it to someone who's lost the ability? This is what he is failing to get...
@Kosmonaut You're right, he doesn't react well to that...
@psmears — I think he has been known to act like a bully. It isn't about @Kosmonaut's point. Something set him off and he's lashing out.
maybe as he told @Robusto, it is his car
but he doesn't realise that the users are his driver
But I'm not happy with an EL&U where such questions should be closed for those reasons — I no longer have any feel for what questions should be open — and I see no point in continuing in an endeavor where I would have to continue this battle in order to move forward.
My boss and my advisor don't give me this kind of shit, and they pay me to do it.
"Joel and I have always positioned Stack Overflow, and all the other Stack Exchange Q&A sites, as lightweight, focused, "fun size" units of writing." — Jeff Atwood

So ... like ... where's the fun, dude?
@rest_day He is certainly acting as if he wants us to get out and walk...
"I scored 99th percentile on the English GMAT" : linguistics :: "I got a clean bill of health at the doctor" : biomedical engineering
^ here's the email i sent
@JSBangs — Damned good. And damned right, too.
@JSBangs It's really well-written.
good job, @JSBangs. but who were all copied?
glad you liked it. hopefully it'll get some notice @Robusto @Kos
@rest_day it went to [email protected]
which is the contact address for meta.english.se
@JSBangs Very good email. I especially like the bit about "it's not about the marginal questions, it's about dismissing the community like that".
i think the first person to read it will be one of the community liasons
And it will work its way up until it comes back down
(Only quibble is that I think you meant my answer rather than MrHen's, but I'll let you off since the rest is so good ;-) )
So what we have here is ... wait for it ... JA Rule.

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