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Last time I read it was a while ago, that I admit.
And now it's gone.
Now go compare it with MrHen's.
Same difference with minor reordering.
"Questions with the most links"?
I think Mr Hen's is realer.
@Cerberus that's just a short tooltip. Nobody knows the actual algorithm. And it changed (for the better) a few times.
@RegDwigнt So where is the actual fake FAQ? I really can't find it.
@Cerberus because it's called Help now.
Including you o@RegDwigнt
Hello Noah.
@RegDwigнt Does it have a list with questions like "a v. an"?
And under "Help" it's called the "Help Center".
Why do we say "Had no credit on the phone" while we mean "had no credit in the phone" @KitFox
I clicked that.
@Cerberus no, because it's fake, you forgot already?
But I didn't see a link called "FAQ" there, even though we used to have a page called FAQ.
It's "detailed answers to questions you might have" now.
@Cerberus Hello. Hello. Are you listening?
We used to have the actual FAQ and the fake FAQ and it was confusing which was which, obviously. One for the questions asked on the site, the other for questions about how the site is supposed to work.
So they renamed. Both.
One is "frequent" now. The other is "Help Center".
Ah OK.
@Noah I don't know.
@RegDwigнt I didn't even know we had this "actual FAQ", then—or I forgot.
@MattЭллен Budgies!
@MattЭллен rich pimps.
@RegDwigнt But anyway, as you say, the mysterious "frequent questions" do seem to coincide well with Mr Hen's duplicates.
I think I am finally beginning to understand why this new search is all messed up.
@Cerberus Yay!
@KitFox Yay!
Hiya! waves
@RegDwigнt But what I would like to see is two things: 1. the FAQs should be presented in an obtrusive way for new people who click "ask a question". 2. The titles of those questions should be processed such that they are clear and uniform, and they should have a snippet of the top answer instead of a snippet of the question body. Or perhaps even a condensed, hand-written excerpt of the answer. I would like to participate in 2 if this should be implemented.
Perhaps they could pop up more prominently as people are typing their new question?
I haven't asked a question here for a long time...
And 3. we should be able to pinpoint specific phrases in new questions that would link to relevant FAQs, also because SE's search algorithm just doesn't work well for questions like "a v. an".
> Title: A or an before UN?
> Body: Is it "a UN mission" or "an UN mission"?
Try asking this question. I don't get any relevant questions.
Always a UN mission
Yes, thank you.
How cool would it be if the actual answer to your question popped up on screen as you were typing it?
in I can haz jQuery?, 1 min ago, by Matt Эллен
Here's a grease monkey script for adding a translate button to chat, so you highlight text and click the button and it will send the text to google translate
This could/should happen only with our hand-picked FAQs.
"the actual answer to your question"
@MattЭллен Nice!
I gotta go and drink some tea
Is it translated in a pop-up, or does it send you to a new tab?
You guys may continue.
@Cerberus new tab
Bye Noah.
Gee, thanks!
@MattЭллен OK.
@MattЭллен Eee!
@Cerberus "the FAQs should be presented in an obtrusive way" I hope you mean -inobtrusive.
@KitFox because I can't read German or Russian :D
@Noah No that's OK we'll wait for you.
Can we add that to the bot?
@MattЭллен Could it also work on other websites, if we included those?
@KitFox I don't see why not, except that it uses a whole lotta jQuery
@Mitch Nope, I meant obtrusive!
It needs to be in your face.
I have to pull changes to something before I can commit again.
Okay, let's say prominent, then.
@Cerberus it would need a bit of modification, because button placement is based on the layout of this page
I bet I could adapt that though.
@Cerberus You're obtruding me with your in-your-face attitude.
We could give it to her as a command maybe.
@Cerberus yeah, that's better. I abjure you.
@KitFox actually, the main problem I see is getting the data back to the user, because it's not in the same domain as the script
cuz them words is too fancy.
Oh right.
Q: Is there a specific verb that carries the same effect of the VB “will lead us back to the origin?”

asefWhile the Victorian age witnessed great oppression against women, it was, at the same time, or perhaps as a result, the inception of Feminism as we know it today. Tracing the gradual synthesis and evolution of Feminism in today's modern Europe will always lead us back to the nucleus i.e. the Vict...

and google translate's API is not free
Interesting question with a self-answered lame answer.
Something dinged on my computer, but I can't figure out what.
Oh. Maybe it was on the other computer that I'm sitting on to keep my butt warm.
@MattЭллен Ah, of course, of course.
I use an Autohotkey script to put buttons on a certain page.
of course :D
But I imagine a GM will be slightly more reliable.
Autohotkey's copy function is not always reliable, sadly.
Maybe it's more reliable on Windows 7.
But anyway, I also love GM scripts.
you'd have to upgrade to find out!
So this user emailed me about her password and username. I emailed her back and told her that her password and username worked. She emailed me back to say they didn't, so could she get a new one? Then she emailed me again to say she had them backwards.
@Mitch That's not very nice!!
@MattЭллен Nooo...
@KitFox D'awwww. did you give her a pat on the head?
Hey, I have an old computer running 7. And a VM.
@KitFox One of my favorite IT stories is a user who wasn't able to log in because autocomplete was filling in their email address whenever they typed their username.
They never noticed the autocomplete because they had to hunt-and-peck and wouldn't look at the monitor while typing.
I can't understand how you could not notice having those backward.
It's a pretty standard format.
@KitFox See, the problem is that you are trying to understand. ;)
You probably could have just told them that you "reset" it back to what they had originally and it should work now.
Actually, I'm trying to understand how Elasticsearch works.
@MrHen Well, that's what I tried to pretend when I told her her username and password worked fine.
What is Ruby on Rails?
I assume it is different than Ruby?
@MrHen should be closed as 'not thinking clearly'
@Cerberus ha ha. I still don't know what it means. Even after knowing what it means (no not really).
@KitFox Sure that's idiotic but it happens all the time. I constantly accidentally use the password for one account for another. And I get mad trying to type it in even harder before I realize what account I'm really using.
So anyway, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, I think the only solution for the Things is to at least have a module whose firmware cannot be remotely upgraded (and cannot be remotely accessed from a privileged position). It would have to be replaced physically.
@Cerberus pacemakers already have that insecurity.
they're addressable by URLs.
@Mitch I wouldn't say it's idiotic. It's just confusing. The order is always username, then password. The username is almost always some kind of name variation. Mixing them up, how does that happen?
So @MattЭллен, if I can't have an Autohotkey button, can you make the GM button translate to Ancient Greek?
@Mitch You do!
Q: Is "they sold the stocks out from under me" a common idiom?

birdman1234 They sold the stocks out from under me. Is this "sold the stocks out from under me" common? It seems to mean they defrauded me.

Can someone help me get this off the unanswered list?
@Cerberus I want the app to translate everything before the light hits my eyes.
@Mitch They can be programmed from a short distance, yes. But at least they're not connected to the Internet.
@Cerberus yet.
@Cerberus it's, uh, low on the list of priorities... I'll get to it eventually, I'm sure
6 to 8 weeks?
(I was joking, obviously.)
shipping and handling extra.
@Cerberus (I was trying out that "polite developer" shtick.)
OK the pacemaker thing is scary, but what about when there's gene therapy that inserts a DNA sequence into all your cells so your body produces its own pharmaceuticals, essentially reprogramming your biological computer to compute hallucinogen's that make you think you're living in the early 21st century using those old-fashioned keyboards in a chat room?
Wait I know, the virus should insert DNA for cake making! There will be cake!
so long as there's cake, it'll all be OK
@MattЭллен ha ha, that'll never catch on.
@MattЭллен Exactly.
@Cerberus I think they are like in red and everything? Don't forget that the dupes we get are specifically from people who do not care about any and all warnings. We don't see all the people who do pay attention, check out the existing stuff, and do not go ahead and repost it.
@MattЭллен And you did well! That's exactly the kind of reaction I would expect for a request that the developer just doesn't want to do.
All FAQs are for people who don't read FAQs.
@Mitch I love it! We could easily make an army of slaves.
@Cerberus excellent :D
@RegDwigнt That is true, so that's why I wanted to make the answers to real FAQs more prominent.
If you make them more obtrusive...
Yes, yes, or just more prominent.
The only way to prevent people from posting dupes is to only display the FAQs and completely shut down the rest of the site. Except they will still post dupes, just on other sites.
The ELU posts "I have read on Reddit that X is true. Every dictionary and book confirms it. But is it actually true?" will then become Reddit posts "I have read on ELU that X is true. But is it?"
@MattЭллен I don't know if that's polite. It sounds sorta passive-aggressive. Which beats regular aggressive. I guess more beating would happen with aggressive though.
@Cerberus Or an army of cake!
@Mitch it was Cerb's example of how he'd like to be lied to ;)
@RegDwigнt I've read that before.
@MattЭллен As long as he's happy.
@Mitch but is it true?
"Hey Cerb, you don't really need your legs. they just get in the way. Also if we remove them think of how much less you'll weight."
yesterday, by Cerberus
What he really means may be, "I have so many other things to fix, this feature of yours will be on the list, but it will have to be low priority". That I can understand; but saying "that's not really useful" basically tells the user, "you're an idiot".
Weight is a verb now?
I think you misspelled "think of how much less your weight".
@RegDwigнt Well, yeah. X is true. I can read, can't I? Of course reading is overrated. Ha ha, you almost got me I heard that somewhere.
I'm not sure what I should do right now. Do you think I could get away with playing Fallout3? What would that be, research?
@KitFox fallout 3 has mutated mice in, right?
You can't research without searching first.
I don't know.
@RegDwigнt GUESSES
I only just started playing it last night.
I've not played it, but I assume everything is a mutant because of radiation
I killed my best friend's father, and now she's mad at me.
murder will do that
Strange friends you have.
So maybe I will start over again.
@RegDwigнt You can't prevent them all, but it may help. I am saying this because I think the current system doesn't do much to point new askers to the actual FAQs.
I it's hard, so I don't blame SE.
You could propose your ideas on MSO. That's what it is there for.
@Cerberus how about you stop chatting and patrol the site instead to point them there. Humans > machines.
@MattЭллен Hey, it's not really lying. You're just saying "sure, in theory I'd like to do what you ask, but in practice it is less important than other things". That is a lot better than "your idea lacks merit".
I am joking, of course. Someone else do it. Cerberus must keep chatting for kalina must not overtake him.
Don't you have some cheap slaves in Holland?
Wait, is Kalina up to a coup d'état?
Of course.
@RegDwigнt But machines can really help.
You haven't been noticing? Or you have been keeping forgetting?
I haven't seen it much here. A couple of times.
She wants to dethrone you as soon as possible.
It is a she?
She's all bragging and all.
Oh. Well, we can have a King and Queen.
No. You have three heads, that's for King, Queen, and one to spare.
She wouldn't let that stand, in any case.
It is easy to distract her, though. Just post a link to 200 questions on Arqade that need fixed, and she'll spend all day editing them. Works like a charm.
Wait, we're supposed to be impressed by 96.8k messages?
Oh, that's nice.
In five months or something. Since she deleted her account last.
in The Bridge, Jan 2 at 14:45, by kalina
you've been a member for 4 years and have ~160k messages, I have been a member for 18 months and have 92k messages
@Cerberus That's 4.8k messages in 8 days.
She ain't joking.
Still doesn't mean she could overtake us.
It's easier when you're unemployed.
If we speed up, she never will.
@Cerberus so speed up faster.
Talk about FAQs.
And we can still decide to speed up at the last moment, and still remain ahead forever.
May I...
I tried to speed up this very moment and stupid chat told me to wait 3 seconds.
Should just split my sentences.
Over more lines.
But I must be muting commies, so lators.
@Cerberus that was precisely what I wanted to do, but the software told me to wait 3 seconds, so for each next line it would've told me to wait one more second still.
@RegDwigнt By the way, I bet we would destroy her on character count!
We already have. Our character is so much stronger.
Annoying. I rarely get that any more these days.
Hah, it is indeed!
Ouvert et haut !
Au revoir.
you're slacking @Cerberus
!!parentuser 35822
there's another fox in the top 20 chatters
oh, there's no kitsox
look! it's a fox!
Hi fox!
Where's kitsox? Is that what you meant?
I assumed you turned her off for reasons
I hadn't realised she'd gone
I guess she was sleeping.
I burned my tongue just now.
I hate it when that hapens
Can you help with some JSONP stuff?
@MattЭллен Oh noes! She will overtake me in 4.8 years!
I'm so scared.
@Cerberus I came up with a little over one year. How did you figure 4.8?
@RegDwigнt wassup? 什么?
@KitFox sorry, I've got to head out. If you still need help when I get back, I can
@KitFox cors can in most cases replace jsonp
@KitFox If I keep posting at the same rate.
And she, too.
Oh, I was looking at reps, not messages. There's the problem.
Who is @hippietrail?
installs Chrome
installs Safari
fiddles with knobs
Hmm, why are you installing browsers? Doing testing?
creates script to post a message every 10 seconds for the next year
Who is conspiring against you?
look up there ^
No point competing who talks more.
looks up
feels hungry
looks down
sees no cake
What a nice poem!
Thank you.
@kalina Shoo! Fie!
destroys script
tastes the rainbow
I can't believe it's Friday. I'm so disoriented and tired this week. I think I need like nine more pots of coffee.
At least there's not any ess enn ohh doubleyou happening right now so hopefully the better half and I can go out and play board games tonight.
Wow, at least there is one good thing here, the weather.
I should maybe not eat this salad in bed.
You are working at home? I thought you were in the office.
can plaque be used as a verb?
None of the dics list it as such. But funny that I just read it used that way
@JasperLoy Not today.
@Noah Plaque? What's the context?
@Noah Can you quote the example?
@aediaλ Oops you almost said it! The weather gods may have heard it.
@JasperLoy I would die in your weather...
And hello.
@Cerberus It's good if you want a tan, lol.
I don't need a tan.
I just want to not sweat all day.
And not be a leather bag when I'm 40.
No offence!
@Cerberus Hopefully they're too busy with the arctic sharknado or whatever it is...
@KitFox It's this type of mentality that plaques this country.
@Noah Typo for plagues
It's only -20 for Mr Shiny, so even the North Pole is clearing up (Toronto is more or less on the North Pole, isn't it?).
@aediaλ Makes sense now. Thanks
Actually, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, Toronto is at the Côte d'Azur.
!!wiki North Pole
The North Pole, also known as the Geographic North Pole or Terrestrial North Pole, is, subject to the caveats explained below, defined as the point in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface. It should not be confused with the North Magnetic Pole. The North Pole is the northernmost point on the Earth, lying diametrically opposite the South Pole. It defines geodetic latitude 90° North, as well as the direction of true north. At the North Pole all directions point south; all lines of longitude converge there, so its longitude can be defined as any d...
New York is much coder than Toronto.
OMG that's Mr Shiny's lego train.
Looks like an image from Reg's lego set.
But it is the North Pole, so it must be the former's.
@Noah Only because of the population density of programmers.
@aediaλ The only firm that really has programmers in NY is Fog Creek. The rest seem to be web designers and fashion guys
!!wiki programmers
A programmer, computer programmer, developer, coder, or software engineer is a person who writes computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software. One who practices or professes a formal approach to programming may also be known as a programmer analyst. A programmer's primary computer language (C, C++, C#, Java, Lisp, Python, etc.) is often prefixed to the above titles, and those who work in a web environment often prefix their titles with Web. The term programmer c...
When you Google "fashion guys".
The wind can freeze your snot.
@Cerberus They look cute, but not as cute as you...
What is the difference between brogrammers and programmers.
@Cerberus Who are those wankers?
Fashion guys.
@JasperLoy They're verrrry fashionable.
@KitFox I am not 18.
@Noah Nah, not at all. Many major US tech companies have NY offices - even Google. And there's the entire investment banking industry.
@Noah ...OK.
I'm not sure why you are telling me this.
Are you?
so you need to filter me out.
@KitFox Well, because you said wankers, lol.
What's wrong with saying wankers?
He is someone who master-bates 24/7
It's spelt masturbates and so what?
!!Urban Wank
@KitFox I know, but sometimes you could get banned in this chat for using such words.
I started at 12, lol.
@skullpatrol wank predominantely British term for masturbation
@Noah Not in this chat.
@Noah That's a fuckin' shame.
@KitFox It's was just a joke. People under 18 are not allowed to get exposed to pornography.
Wanking and pornography are two very different things.
!!define wonk
@MετάEd wonk (derogatory) An overly studious person, particularly student; a nerd.
We have more wonks here than wankers.
!!wiki masturbate
That's probably true
Hell @skullpatrol now you seem to be crossing the line:)
Anyway, let us change the topic.
He's not, but wikipedia is bordering on it.
!!wiki porn
It;s just like giving someone a hand job.
Pornography (often abbreviated as "porn" or "porno" in informal usage) (, porneia, fornication) is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal. Pornography may use a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, and video games. The term applies to the depiction of the act rather than the act itself, and so does not include live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease. A pornographic model poses for still photographs. A pornographic actor or porn star performs in ...
I knew there was a good reason I had all images in this chat set to 48 pixels wide.
Just because of the picture.
Hmm. Wonder if Pandora has a porn music channel. You can't spell Pandora without porn.
In some cultures master-bation is frowned upon.
Or even prohibited.
Prohibited. chuckles
Oh, good. More "I looked up this word in a dictionary but am going to ignore the definition because my internal imagery didn't agree."
@Noah Really?
@JasperLoy Yeah.
@Noah Well, that's very sad.
@JasperLoy Yes but it isn't exactly enforced. They don't have spycams in every tissue box.
In Orthodox Christianity you are not supposed to do anything like that.
@Noah I suppose in Islam as well?

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