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@RegDwigнt Solly.
@MattЭллен state, statist, statistic, statistical, statistically, statisticalidocious
those are all words
Meanwhile, I’m reading a thread on the Unicore mailing list with the delightful title, “Normalization is not dressed in an Armani suit”.
Which means it is not overpriced and ugly?
I mean, hello!
Actually, is Armani that expensive? What does a simple suit cost?
Dunno. Easy to check. Said to be expensive, yes.
> I'm not quite sure people are responding to me comments with any surprise: to use a cultural metaphor, there are several who have been saying for years that the Unicode normalization emperor is less than fully clothed. If the emperor is lounging in his chambers, his skivvies may be enough; but they're not enough for all of his daily agenda.
Unicode normalization was created to facilitate string comparison
of different representations considered equivalent. As been noted
on this list many, many times before, the equivalence defined by
normalization is useful for some purposes but not others, and that
this notion of "equivalence" is not something universal: there are
pairs of sequences that some would perceive as equivalent that are
not, in Unicode formalism, canonically equivalent, and other pairs
that some would not perceive as equivalent but that are, in Unicode
Canonical reordering and normalization forms are perfectly suited
to, say, defining valid IRIs or other identifiers. But that's not
because these formalisms provide some universal notion of equivalence;
rather, it's because the specifications for such identifiers have
been defined in terms of Unicode normalization. And, yes, that's
all very circular.
I mentioned issues for scripts beyond Latin, Greek and Cyrillic. A
few people have replied to me off-list pointing out how normalization
even presents issues for Latin. I will extend what I said earlier:
even for Latin, normalization can create significant usability
challenges in relation to text input and editing.
Reality bites.
But it's worse than that. For most scripts, normalization is unfit for purpose. It doesn't fold
different diacritic orderings into a consistent order for comparison. If we take as the base line
that that which looks the same should normalize to the same, then for many scripts (any which have a
non-spacing diacritic with CCC of 0) it will be possible to create two strings that look the same
but normalize to different strings.

So for these scripts, and there are a lot of them, the notion that things like DNS are actually
Now rewrite that in eighth grade language. :D
Better yet, Simple English.
> A (Latin) looks the same as Α (Greek) looks the same as А (Cyrillic), but they do not and cannot normalize to the same thing.
It's weird how difficult it is to have an encoding system for all written language.
And express it in Boyce–Codd normal form.
> \N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A} (Latin) looks the same as \N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA} (Greek) looks the same as \N{CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A} (Cyrillic), but they do not and cannot normalize to the same thing.
@MετάEd Standards committees work only in precisionist language-lawyer technicalese; you know that.
@MattЭллен Not so weird when you consider that writing is strokes or marks and we are trying to encode something more abstract, a "character" made of many strokes.
@tchrist Precision and Simple English are compatible.
Do not expect a low Fogg index.
CCC = Canonical Combining Class
tome tee flu
€ 800 for a suit is not that expensive.
I mean, it's neither cheap nor expensive.
CCC is for \pM type characters: combining marks. Possible values are Above, Above_Left, Above_Right, Attached_Above, Attached_Above_Right, Attached_Below, Attached_Below_Left, Below, Below_Left, Below_Right, Double_Above, Double_Below, Iota_Subscript, Kana_Voicing, Left, Not_Reordered, Nukta, Overlay, Right, and Virama.
It tells you where to attach the diacritic to the base character.
And no, I have no idea what some of those mean.
Normalization reorders combining marks in a canonical fashion.
But not within the same class.
Something with a tilde and a macron is going to look different from something with a macron and a tilde, because they have the same CCC.
Not within the same class?
Mon Dieu, a mésalliance.
Here for example, are precomposed characters that have two diacritics of same CCC=Above:
It’s easy to arrange to have one with those marks in the opposite order. Those are not canonically equivalent, and would not look the same.
Ã̄ vs Ā̃
Or Ã̄ vs Ā̃
I bet you can’t see those properly, at least not both of them.
Ah dang I missed.
There: that’s why you cannot reorder marks within the same CCC: because they should look different.
@tchrist None are proper.
That is, they don’t look like my big black picture, right?
Is there a way to get that right?
But we’ve had this discussion just recently with @Rob about Microsoft and their inability to do fonts properly. Those looks really rather poor, and in the extreme.
But I have to go now.
Not with the default font, no.
You need one that handles combining marks better.
Obviously, the Mac Terminal is using such a one, but that’s a constant-width font that is probably not acceptable in chat, where a proportional font is expected.
Meanwhile, back at the istas:
A: What English words employ the Spanish suffix '-ista'?

tchristThe Spanish -ista suffix has in the last few generations become a reasonably common and at least semi-productive suffix in English. It’s nothing compared to our native -ist, but we do have a surprising number of imports with -ista. In Spanish, where there is not an -ist suffix but only -ista, t...

What is the difference between do you have any sales vs. do you have any sale?
@Noah The latter would be rare because sale is generally never a mass noun.
1 [ mass noun ] the exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something: we withdrew it from sale
So with count nouns it's always plural?
Like do you have any questions? or can we also say do you have any question
@Noah A count noun is plural when there's more than 1 of it.
Q: "Any" followed by singular or plural countable nouns?

Andy ChengThis question has troubled me for ages despite my several attempts of looking it up in dictionaries or usage books. Do we say, "Do you have any ideas" or "Do you have any idea"? I do see an example where "any" means "it doesn't matter who/which/what", therefore "You can borrow any book you like."...

This guy is evidence that Charles Fort was right.
He's not quite Nortonn S, but not quite not Nortonn S either.
@Cerberus Hello, puppy.
What's an interesting subject to talk about?
Nail care.
What interesting things could one say about it?
Are the white spots caused by a deprivation of calcium? I believe not.
You're not really doing your best to exhaust the subject.
Degalvanize them once a month. Prevents rusting in outdoor situations (and in humid indoor ones like kitchens).
Do you also polish them?
And what kind of hammer is gentlest with nails?
the hammer that doesn't touch them
Is it magnetic?
interesting. a hammer that moves with magnetism...
you should make one
If the magnetism is extremely strong, and the hammer moves very fast, why not?
I was thinking of one the projects a magnetic field so that it pulls the nails in from the other side
That's an unhammer
or if there were a way to make the steel be repelled by the field...
That's a nail gun.
or is it a rail gun?
Railgun is from Doom right?
it'd probably be easier just to enchant the hammer with a magic spell, so that it never bent nails
@JohanLarsson quake
I don't think doom had one
it had the BFG
and the rocket launcher
@MattЭллен and
lol, of course. how could I forget?
@MattЭллен It would be a combination. Attract and push away usually work well together.
@Cerberus :wink:
A railgun is an electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launcher based on similar principles to the homopolar motor. A railgun comprises a pair of parallel conducting rails, along which a sliding armature is accelerated by the electromagnetic effects of a current that flows down one rail, into the armature and then back along the other rail. Railguns have long existed as experimental technology but the mass, size and cost of the required power supplies have prevented railguns from becoming practical military weapons. However, in recent years, significant efforts have been made ...
Yes, somewhat like that.
This is a list of Internet Exchange Points by size, measured by peak incoming data rate (throughput), with additional data on location, establishment and average throughput. Generally only exchanges with more than one gigabit per second throughput have been taken into consideration. The numbers in the list represent switched traffic only (no private interconnects) and are rounded to whole gigabits. Take into consideration that traffic on each exchange point can change quickly, and be seasonal. This list is not exhaustive, as it includes only exchanges willing to make traffic data public...
Yay, we win!
By average traffic size.
Well we win by average language size
or something
you guys use a lot of internet
We mostly pass the Internet along.
We also have the largest port in the world, remember? We don't eat all that oil and cocaine ourselves.
the largest port in the world! I didn't know that
Well, sometimes Pusan or Yokohama overtakes us, but we usually crawl back, I think.
The world's busiest port is contested by several ports around the world, as there is as yet no standardised means of evaluating port performance and traffic. For the past decade, the distinction has been claimed by both the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Singapore. The former based its measurement on cargo tonnage handled (total weight of goods loaded and discharged), while the latter ranked in terms of shipping tonnage handled (total volume of ships handled). Since 2005, the Port of Shanghai has exceeded both ports to take the title in terms of total cargo tonnage. Criteria Lists of wo...
Oh, well.
Apparently the lists change all the time.
But at any rate we're the biggest port outside Asia.
(Not that I would want to be caught dead in Rotterdam, but you know what I mean.)
There was one list that had Dover very high, transshipment.
I wonder if one could plausibly live inside a shipping crate and travel the world
if your work was done by telecommuting anyway
@Cerberus I don't think I'd mind being caught dead in Rotterdam. I'd prefer not to die there though. Well anywhere for that matter.
Rotterdam is anywhere
@MattЭллен I think one could, as long as the container ship were to provide food and fuel/electricity. You could use a satellite Internet phone.
@MattЭллен slimjim and crystal light. There'd probably be both a ventilation and waste management problem.
I think I could get a supply of food whenever we docked, but I would need their electricity
@Mitch Are you sure? The city centre was badly bombed, and then what was left was mostly demolished by stupid architects. Now it's very ugly.
@Mitch hmmm. waste mamangement
@MattЭллен Wait, you wouldn't be on a large container ship?
@MattЭллен The sea.
@Cerberus I could pop off at the docks
that would be the fun
Fish will eat your waste.
true, but I wouldn't want to be them
@MattЭллен You could pop off while the ship was unloading.
@Cerberus You can go in and out of your container? I thought it was going to be like biosphere, you're stuck in there until you are delivered.
@Cerberus exactly
@MattЭллен Nor they you.
@Mitch That doesn't sound like fun.
You need sunlight for vitamin D.
and if I want to stay somewhere for a while then I'd just have my container lifted off and left at the docks
a lover in every port!
@Cerberus My urban renewal appreciation will be at an all time low I expect after I die. It'll pick up after a bit but right away I suppose I'll have other things of concern.
@Cerberus at least it wasn't rebuilt with ugly houses. they can start now, with clever architechs
@Cerberus OK sunlamp and therefore an electric supply which maybe could be gotten from a stationary bike (good exercise that way too).
@MattЭллен A seafood lover in every port!
a port in every storm
@MattЭллен Waste removal might be more problematic, depending on how many days you would stay...
@Mitch Like lying still in a coffin?
I'd eat at restaurants and... use the facilities
@MattЭллен Umm yes it was, rebuilt ugly.
@Mitch I say the ship should provide electricity, it's only fair in exchange for all the waste they receive.
@Cerberus but if a lot of it is still destroyed, can't those bit be made nice?
It is no longer destroyed.
And, no, modern architects couldn't make things nice.
Look how ugly. I see one old house that was spared.
it's like someone sprung a trap
It's a giant flyswatter. I love it.
It's an alien landing site.
how progressive, allown extra terrestrials to migrate to your city
that's crazy
Someone forgot to close the hatch where the UFO kept its giant boxes, and they fell on houses.
A most unfortunate incident.
I hope noo
stupid keys
was hurt
This is supposed to be a shopping street, colloquially the koopgoot, the "shopping gutter".
At least they have a sense of humour.
In their hideous city.
you gotta laugh, lest you cry
Not that there is ever any competition between R'dam and A'dam.
I'm objective.
of course you are :D
I never doubted
I like the boxes.
@MattЭллен Good. Doubt is bad. Certainty good.
I like the foxes
You've been drinking again?
Would you do it here or there?
I would do it anywhere.
Well. There was a time when I would have done.
wow. my innertube just burst
that was loud
and unexpected
You have an innertube?
Oh, for your bike?
in the front wheel of my bicycle :D
spontaneous combustion
You're chatting while biking?
no. my bike is in another room
Scary bang!
it's not online
Kick it.
Oh, it's not online.
That sucks, can you mend it yourself?
yeah, I'll just put in another inner tube. I need to buy a few things for it, anyway. this can go on the list
I wonder what triggered it. I did hit a curb pretty hard yesterday
An anuresym.
my heating isn't on, so I don't think it expanded because of that
yeah, probably
Then a rumbling from your neighbor's pipes.
I hear those are common in bikes
I think it runs in families.
OK. Writing now. bbl
oh dear. I should probably tell the mother
@KitFox CU
@KitFox Would you do it in a boat? Would you do it with a goat?
@MετάEd Yes, no.
In that order.
If it's cold in your house, and the tube contains warmer air, perhaps it expanded?
Somewhere a goat is crying.
maybe, but surely that would make it contract? because warmer air would already be expanded, and so it would lose heat to the outside
plus, it been inside for couple of hours now
Somewhere a goat knows that I really like it as a friend, but I'm just not into it that way.
I think the other way around. The air in the tube warmed up from being inside.
Because it is cold outside. See?
This is not me writing.
@KitFox Somewhere a goat is now cutting itself and muttering about being liked as a friend.
frowns, wanders off
yeah, but I do that every day and it's not that cold in the city. it was pretty cold at work
@MετάEd Somewhere a goat is being pressed into a patty and drizzled with delicious tzatziki sauce.
@KitFox get back to word pooping, you!
I guess it just wore out
Roger wilco.
You're just gathering your strength for the weekend.
Oh no! It's @cornbreadninja麵包忍者! runs off to write something
looks busy
@KitFox Mmmmmm. F**k the goat. I mean don't.
by write something I mean watch something on youtube
And then let's have a Greek party.
@MattЭллен Warm tube in warm environment => sudden transition => warm tube in cold environment = initial expansion.
It's all relative.
@MattЭллен Yeah that makes my explanation impossible.
Not that it as ever probable.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Ohio.
Oh my holy gods, @mmyers is in da house painting our walls!
I haven't seen him in seven ages.
Ohio, Ohio it's a wonderful town
Speaking of which, are waiwai and simchona still around?
I know that nohat still does his ninja thing cuz that's his shtick and has always been, but those two are new to the ninja world.
@RegDwigнt I figured out how to log in without using MyOpenID
Welcome to Web 3.0!
It has been a while, hasn't it
Ah, yes, we were locked out of OurOpenIDs. That was annoying.
I switched to SE's own open ID.
Still, how dare you edit our stuffs without prior notice so that we can organize a nice procession with flambeaus and cake?
Did you at least get another Yearling?
Oh I see you like getting them in August...
@RegDwigнt If I understand the badge right, I can get 14 more without posting again. Possibly more if the rep-interest rate is high
Nah then you understand it wrong.
You have to get the 200 anew. You start from scratch each time.
So if you don't post again, you have to rely on your passive rep.
With forty posts, that's not too trivial.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 damn t. he keeps getting out!
I only tried twice. Was much better the second time around.
I am confident the third one will be a raging success.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I got him!
@RegDwigнt I posted exactly once in the last period (one vote and accepted) and still got it
SO is a lot easier. I get 1k a month and I never, ever post anymore
There I go, I got him, too.
Though I thought simply not letting him escape would be enough. Was puzzled when nothing happened.
So what's been new? Any good trolls lately?
@mmyers yeah I don't even know my SO rep.
@mmyers good? Nah, looks like we have to make do with mediocre.
Where's the Evan, anyway? He was pretty good.
Letting the standards slip, eh? Back in my day... oh, wait, that was your day too
@mmyers I even got a Great Answer recently for doing absolutely nothing. And by "doing absolutely nothing" I mean not just the waiting, but the answer itself, too.
A: Infinity symbol with html

ЯegDwightUse the HTML entity ∞ or ∞.

That's a bingo.
Now that is what I call back in my day...
I posted shit like that for a couple months, then retired.
And look where I am now! BWUAHAHAHAHA.
Actually, holy moly, I just noticed soon enough I'll be a 10k user.
@Robusto, here I come!
@RegDwigнt One of my answers (barely longer than that one) is over 500 votes now. I remember when that would have been unthinkable; now there are 500+ answers with 500+ votes
That's OVER 9000.
The math checks out
I think our first 500er will be @jsbձոգչ, but it will take him another two years.
Or five.
Really hard to tell.
We have a zillion views per second now, but nobody votes. Like, ever.
Except jwpat7. He tries to make up for all of us.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 damn that game. So unbalanced. Sometimes you start with a whole array of points at the edges, other times just half a dozen points right next to the cat. Mathematically umpossible.
222 votes on 15k views is still really good
"Disable any viral software and then press OK."
disables Stack Exchange
@RegDwigнt Pfft. You won't be in the same league till you have 15k privileges and you know it.
disables life hmmm. I can't seem to click OK any more.
@RegDwigнt: Anyway, this Russian colleague of mine says "History is such" when he means "That's the way it's been" or "It is what it is" or "That's the situation till now" or any of a number of phrases, none of which probably encompass what he thinks he means. I'm wondering if "history is such" is a Russian idiom that he's trying to translate.
@KitFox yay!
@RegDwigнt I'm sorry!
@MattЭллен damn him.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I have about a 20% catch rate
I was terrible at it for a while.
What are you going to do with all those cats?
And what happens next in my story?
does Cherry drown cats in a bag?
No! She would never do such a thing!
She's afraid of dead things. It's one of her triggers.
oh. well. then I have no idea what to do with these cats
"Meeting of the Carcinogen Identification Committee". I bet that's a smoke-filled room.
@Cerberus I know! I'd get all fidgety.
@KitFox triggers for what?
@KitFox She would cryopreserve live cats in a desperate, futile attempt to learn how to avoid dying.
Until the accumulated dead cats drive her insane and she goes to the zoo, shoots and kills various big cats and finally turns the gun on herself.
no! no more cat trapping.
back to work
Wow. That's really dark, Kit. I don't know where you get your ideas.
posted on November 14, 2013 by sgdi

I asking itself is a crime Then what should I do with my time? I broke the first rule Of not asking school I wonder how much is the fine?

So I'm getting an offer for the other company. It's more than I'm making now and the benefits are comparable. The question now is, how do I leave a company I've been working at for 3 months without appearing to be a giant asshole? I guess there's no way to do that absolutely, but I really don't want to drop them right on their heads.
I guess that means I'm entertaining ideas from y'all.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I hate this game. I beat it the first three times and thought it was too easy, and now I've won one out of the last ten. Grrr.
when I said "back to work" apparently I meant "back to youtube"
@MattЭллен Just because you aren't getting paid doesn't mean it isn't a job.
@Mitch Don't die, then.
Hmm, just won three of the last four. It helps if you start farther away. It's like go for cats.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Damn, that cat is annoying.
You have to do like 0x0x0x0.
And make that pattern at a distance, but in the general direction where it is going.
Then close the holes only at the last moment.
if moves away from your move if it's far away (> 4 moves, I think). It moves closer to your move if it is close to it
@Robusto I'm no good at this sort of thing. I would wait until I knew that I was going and then tell my current company.
just hand in my notice.
Or stay with your current employer and try again next year...
@mr.shinyandnew Oh, oh.
@Robusto if it is, I'm unable to think of it. Will ask wife to be sure.
386 children rescued, that's pretty big.
It's pretty awful if they were able to keep 386 children somewhere and abuse them.
@MετάEd I had a happy, well-adjusted childhood. It kind of broke me.
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