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not to mention some famous boostrophedon inscriptions.
But actually I don't know what fixed it to LTR.
Ancient Chinese is descending columns (because of the bamboo sticks) RTL. Sumerian akkadian etc RTL. Phoenician RTL
But we won.
Wait till the MPAA turns the Internet into a hell and we all need to learn Chinese !!!!
Motion Picture Association of America?
Oh... what is their evil plan this time?
The pipa (, ) is a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument, belonging to the plucked category of instruments (弹拨乐器/彈撥樂器). Sometimes called the Chinese lute, the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12–26. Another Chinese 4 string plucked lute is the liuqin, which looks like a smaller version of the pipa. The pipa is one of the most popular Chinese instruments and has been played for nearly two thousand years in China. Several related instruments in East and Southeast Asia are derived from the pipa; these include the Japanese biwa, the V...
I have a link in French if you can decipher...
This one is in English
Hey I can read French.
But I already read an article about it in English.
Probably better than I can read Dutch indeed.
Why is it that foreign newspapers are so much easier than novels?
So basically end of the DNS in the US. End of the IXP in the US. Internet back to borders.
I have no problem reading French newspapers or internet sites, or academic literature; but I practically gave up on Âmes grises.
True. I can read the FT much better than novels indded.
@AlainPannetier That would do huge economic damage to America, and Europe would profit...
Perhaps Âmes grises was particularly bad because it has so little dialogue.
Not the first time they shoot 'emselves in the foot.
Yeah... but do you think they're going to pass this Pipa?
It looks too ridiculous to be viable...
When was last time the fear of looking ridiculous stopped the MPAA or the NRA?
If they can buy enough lawmaker it will become a law.
Google can buy more lawmakers that's all.
That's the point.
If Google and numerous other powerful parties dislike it, not to mention the electorate, it won't happen...
Electorate ? Do you mean 'chads' makers?
Remember how tallahassee high court decided Gore electors did not know how to punch their bulletins.
Oh, the voting cattle?
Well, cattle still wants to be fed. If its porn doesn't arrive pronto, it will balk.
I wonder whether there's a connection between puritanism and harsh punishments.
There definitely is.
Europe is Americanizing, in a way, with England in the lead...
But Calvinist Holland isn't as quick.
I'm not sure how many languages have a single word equivalent for self-righteous.
Hmm... is self-righteous one word?
And I can see things brewing in France as well.
Speed of change leaves many people aside who will feel need for protection.
But speed of change is unstoppable by its very definition and it seems to have an intrinsic snowball effect characteristic...
To us, it seems a bit as though it was just Sarko's connection to the media lobby that is causing this clamp down on copyright issues?
Absolutely. Before wikileaks you couldn't helped being amazed by the coincidence in the the blooming of "three-strikes and you're out" anti P2P legislations all around the world.
After wikileaks there was no reason to wonder any more.
France, UK, New Zealand, Spain, you name it.
You think Wikileaks is increasing government support for reducing privacy?
Sounds probably. And yet the pace is rather slack in Germany and Holland.
And Scandinavia.
What to you mean ?
WL shows the necessity for accountability.
I believe it is still officially legal to download stuff that violates someone else's copyright in Holland.
Germany is also quite keen on protecting privacy.
The shocking thing is how the MPAA can interfere with national governments through the [ab]use of the US diplomatic arm-twisting skills.
"diplomatic arm-twisting skills"?
The skills of the State Dep in arm-twisting supposedly independent govs of supposedly sovereign supposedly allied states.
Hmm, what has it done?
If they can do it for Hollywood what else can they do it for?
Well, the world is partly ruled by lobbies. I think it's always been like that.
If you would calculate the financial damage the farmer's lobby has done over the years in Europe... unfathomable.
The WL dispatches learly show how the gov of say Spain was threatened of being put on some black list.
I'm well placed to know that (farmer lobby)...
Right I seem to remember that.
Are you?
Farmer lobby is very powerful in France
I know.
It is also quite powerful in Holland, though not as powerful as in France.
Oh, and don't forget the health risks we are subjecting the world to by the use of antibiotics.
I remember when the WTO was named the GATT. The whole country was up in arms.
And the damage we're doing to the economies of the developing countries. Subsidizing agriculture is one of the most damaging policies in history.
And a huge incentive for emigration, low education, lamination of the middle class.
Then there is the American arms lobby. And the European arms lobbies have probably played their part in the WMD scandal as well (Blair).
Lamination? Nice metaphor.
You mean Bliar?
That one.
Then there is the Jewish lobby causing America to support Israel's building new colonies...
But I believe people are waking up to all this. The same thing as the Iraq invasion could not be possible any more.
...which in turn fuels various conflicts in the Middle East and Asia, again causing America and Europe to go to enormous expense in their battle against terror etc.
This is coming o an end as well.
@AlainPannetier Proabably true. For now.
@AlainPannetier American support for Israel? I doubt it...
Even Europe is paralyzed by its Jewish lobbies.
The Dutch government always supports Israel firmly, even though 70% of the people are strongly against it.
I'm used to saying that we've lost 20 precious years since the fall of the Berlin wall. If we had not had the Middle East question we could have focused on ecology and we would probably be in a much better position now regarding climate.
Yeah well... it's the poor countries that are going to suffer from the climate change.
We'll be high and dry.
Raising the dykes one or two meters is peanuts for us, even in Holland.
Not sure that will do.
Why not?
All estimations are under estimated.
Even if it's five meters.
It will happen slowly.
This is what is gradually coming out.
Possibly so.
2 years ago there was already an alert no?
An alert?
Yes a large depression building up between the UK and Zeeland.
When was that?
A depression? In sea level? Never heard of that...
No the depression was atmospheric and the sea level rose many meters In the mean time the winds were pushing the water towards the zuidersee dykes. Can't remember neither the detail nor the date.
Oh? I don't remember anything about that... I would remember if it had been serious?
That was actually 2007
I seem to be in flagrant aging denial.
Okay, so there was a tidal surge. Those happen, and you just need to build your dykes higher.
Modern Dutch dykes have been built specifically to counter the kind of tidal waves that caused much damage in 1953.
I love the Dutch. I'd go in the mountains... Well you don't have too many of these actually.
The highest point of the Netherlands is about 300m.
The point is that it isn't a problem at all to live (far) below sea level.
You just need bigger dykes, and dykes aren't that expensive, especially not if you have enough time.
If you have gills you mean?
If you have dykes!
I am below sea level as we speak.
I don't spell dykes that way.
Eh it's probably dike.
As in dyke-head?
But once I started I felt I had to go on.
@AlainPannetier Che cosa?
Have no fear, our lesbians shall protect us.
Since I was speaking of gills I thought we were in body parts. Intended to be a joke.
Dyke is correct of course.
Ah. I see...
It seems both are correct, by the way.
But now I get it.
The sequence could have been.
- If you have gills you mean?
- If you have dykes!
- Do you mean dicks?
May be not funny.
Anyway. I should be going. I'll have a look at that spelling stuff about why German and many other Germanic languages, although they also had to switch to the Latin alphabet still have so many Ks where English still retains so many Cs.
Thanks for your valuable input.
I trust you coz I know these are the things you are doing on a daily basis.
@AlainPannetier Oops I missed your departure! Good luck on the c/k thing. Yes I've read my share of (central/late) medieval manuscripts; but it could be that there are patterns outside Dutch and Latin concerning spelling that I missed.

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