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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Jaspers on ELU are also called jawsmiths.
@RegDwighт Among other things.
It's still that time of the day where I strive to pretend to be polite-ish.
Aw, somebody deleted the post before I could offer my helpful advice.
'This is a reasonable response, but it would be better if you used more formal English (i.e., punctuation) and went into a bit more depth. See How to Answer. Also, see Lynn's excellent answer, which offers roughly the same advice.”
@Robusto Yes. It's good for nine-inch nails.
@RegDwighт Wolverine!
@RegDwighт You're a pretty hate machine.
@BraddSzonye "This is not a response, reasonable or otherwise." FTFY
@Robusto thank you for noticing my princess attire.
I'm a bit puzzled by the Proofreading close vote on that question.
@RegDwighт Buongiorno principessa!
@RegDwighт How do you "princess" a tire?
Is Proofreading some kind of code for “I don't want to deal with this but none of the other reasons seem to fit”?
:D it shouldn't be
Do not say "sometimes you can't do things". Specify exactly when you can't do which things, and why. Otherwise your "answer" answers the question at hand as good as it does any other.
that's usually the rôle of "Too Broad"
33 mins ago, by RegDwighт
By trying real hard. And then succeeding. Two easy steps.
@MattЭллен rôflmao
@RegDwighт Oh, I'm sure you've tried "hard" before.
@Robusto and harder still.
Speaking of trying hard, I almost watched the entire Season 5 yesterday.
Q: English I am talking to a guy I like

linneaI feel silly for assuming you would actually call me last night

This should be migrated to dating. chuckles
@RegDwighт There is no try. There is only do.
> put on hold as unclear what you're asking by
See, that is offensive.
It is not unclear what he's asking. It is perfectly clear he is not asking.
@Jasper She asked TWO questions just like that!
Although the other one was a lot less coherent.
@Robusto three episodes to go. I was going to be watching them now. Instead I'm talking at Jasper. Life's cruel.
Maybe it's not a dating question so much as a Proofreading request for being passive-aggressive?
@Robusto яоӻгмао
@Jasper this must not be migrated to Dating.SE. This belongs on ClearlyNotDating.SE.
I like the fact that they've put English at the beginning of the title. Just in case we were unaware what this site was for.
@MattЭллен Perhaps she is dating an Englishman like you!
They should have put it at the end, too. By that time I had long forgotten what language this was about.
I'm not dating an Englishman
If she was dating me she would need to put Samsara there, lol.
Matt's is not an Englishman, it's a British hooligan.
I'm no hooligan!
You are not. Yours is.
Learn to read. Go to school. Do something.
Votes are a bit like stars, you get them when you least expect them, lol.
LOLs are like stars, too.
I never expect a lol. I'd rather expect the Spanish Inquisition, frankly.
Yeah, only when I am the one laughing.
I picked up the habit from a beautiful Canadian girl I was chatting with.
A girl using lol cannot be beautiful. Seriously, look it up in a dictionary.
Let's go!
Did you see the flag on that dating question? Hilarious.
Was it the Union Jack?
That one really is hilarious.
Or was it the American Mattress?
Usually, I answer the trivial questions to get some points. I am good at pulling it off.
@RegDwighт spittake
Hey not my fault that you use mattresses for flags.
@RegDwighт What if she uses “lawl”?
@RegDwighт You got the spelling right this time.
@BraddSzonye then her hotness is 1/2 on the Lawler scale.
John Lawler?
@Jasper you did not.
@BraddSzonye you know other lawlers?
“I'd sure like to collocate with you, doll”
We need the Laura Ramsey scale instead, lol.
Q: Measuring typographical emphasis: the “lawler” and “lawler weight”

MετάEd RegDwighт said: @Robusto wow, that's formatting to the max. Bold and italics and monospaced and in quotes. John has outlawlered himself.¹ It occurs to me that this is something we can measure. I propose that a single character’s lawler weight (lw) be the standard unit of measure of the typ...

@Jasper I would bet that all the "beautiful Canadian girls" you have been chatting up on the Intertoobz are actually dudes.
Hot dogs.
@Robusto No, it was only one, and I saw her pic.
On the internet, nobody knows your picture is shopped.
@Jasper Because no one can post a fake pic on the internet.
Still, you can't shop a really bad photo and make it really good.
@Robusto Use up your white coke from the last time.
On the internet, noone knows you are a cat or dog.
@Jasper No, but you can steal a photo.
Not on the internet.
I can tell the difference. If the photo is not too professionally taken, it is probably genuine.
Jasper, Scarlett Johansson was not chatting with you. Deal with it.
On the internet you're cat until proven dog.
3 hours ago, by KitFox
But do you agree that 24 is the biggest number?
A genuine photo can still be misleading. Look up MySpace angle.
So I go to F***book and see so many people in my area on it, hahax.
That's F***edbook.
Time for me to join F***book.
Folk. Folks. You can say Fecebook here.
Jasper meant Fartbook.
Then why does he star out ART?
Garfunkel will not approve.
Because he is artless.
Whoa, I wonder if you can be sentenced to a term of art?
Amazing that fecebook.com actually redirects.
You can be garden-path sentenced to a term of art.
@Jasper to two girls, one cup?
@RegDwighт To a weird address with nothing on it. So it is safe.
@RegDwighт With Jasper it's two dudes, remember? We've been over this already.
Anyway, this is wasting my time. I'm off to watch Breaking Bad.
Good choice.
I just broke wind.
Later all! Nice chatting.
CU @BraddSzonye.
"do a take 5" is currently number 2 on the multicollider
@Mitch You are the biggest number.
@MετάEd No, you are, you flirt!
@Robusto srsly?
@Robusto Computer controlled laser guns? What could andromeda strain possibly go wrong?
@MετάEd But think how awesome it would be to zap mosquitoes like that.
@KitFox Thanks. What does he think?
He's seen it, but offered no comment. He doesn't often speak.
OK. I figured he wouldn't be too impressed.
'tis just a lil old spider.
hey @KitFox. do you still want that thing doing?
I would like that, thank you.
It's ready when you are
Thank you.
hot, buttery toast
Tot huttery boast.
Tossed huttery boat.
Bot tuttery host.
I should work on some bad poetry for bad poetry day.
Tottery hust bot.
@KitFox Good poetry is hard. Bad poetry is harder. Good bad poetry anyway.
that's totty, bro [ue]
drinks totty
I have not sipped tea in this chat for long.
Hahaha. I was thinking of toddy.
@MattЭллен I envy you Brits. You can get an excellent math undergrad education in your own country. I can't.
@KitFox I was thinking of t*ts.
@KitFox ah! I thought you might be :D
@Jasper oh, um, I didn't really look into it
So this chat is just Matt & Kit these days huh, hmm...
well, @Cerb is here a lot
when I'm sleeping lots of other people chat
@MattЭллен I mean, you and Kit talk the most to each other, lol.
bbl, eating
@Jasper That's because we like each other.
@KitFox Great! I will try not to interrupt you two too much then...
I'm sure it's fine if you want to interrupt.
wonders how to get into Kit's good books
Did you think you weren't?
Hey @mah!
@Jasper Spell check won't help you there.
Yay, my icons look good!
@KitFox But do they look awesome?
Uh, no.
I'm not awesome. Can't expect my icons to look that way.
These are all fake names.
Not bad for an amateur with one afternoon to make something look OK, huh?
The icon is blue without the New circle if there is a plan, grey otherwise.
squinches face up
It will be fine. I'm sure it will be fine.
For now.
pushes icons off plate Moving on to more important things...
What could be more important than icons? Dude, they're fucking iconic.
I tried to match the blue tones. groans
A rookie move.
Close enough, I think. And that's all they will see at the demo. "Oh, look, pretty icons!" Then the inevitable bikeshedding.
And I will bite my tongue and think about how they should hire a fucking graphics person if they want something that looks right.
Yes. Make sure you specify "fucking" because otherwise they will miss that important skill.
Interface design is really not my thing.
@KitFox pretty!
Thank you.
Now I am looking for a satisfactory comment icon, i.e. paperclip.
Maybe a talk bubble is friendlier than a paperclip.
I was going to suggest a voice balloon.
Or maybe...
Something like that?
Or that?
I don't like the shiny, but I could probably find something like it.
woo! rep capped :D
Urgh. Your icons just reminded me that I'm supposed to remake a logo for a thing.
curse those things and their logo needs
Down with things! Up with stuff!
I miss having a graphic designer in the cube next to me.
How can you do this stuff without going mad?
Me? I don't think I can.
So what do you think, talk bubble or bookmark on page thingy?
Or paperclip?
@Jasper how do you know that yours isn't as good?
I can spend like 12 hours straight in Lightroom processing photos I took but I get bored right away when I have to make a single icon or something.
@KitFox What does it stand for?
It's an indicator that there are comments on the record.
The talk bubble is good if it means "add a comment here" or something.
If it just distinguishes whether there are notes or not, and you don't click it to do stuff, maybe a marked page is better?
Not the paperclip. That seems like "attachment".
Talk bubble, or maybe a post-it note? Those are commonly used to leave notes on a document.
A sticky seems too informal, so I guess a talk bubble is most popular.
But it's true you don't actually click on it.
That's example with the talk bubble.
I hate this stuff. Think I'll go home instead.
What about the way SE does it? A comment box and a "save" button right where the comment would be displayed?
Oh. I looked at the screen shot. My idea is not going to work with a grid.
The talk bubble says comments or discussion. The bookmark says I want to bookmark something.
posted on August 15, 2013 by sgdi

There once was a girl in a rush To get out and visit her crush She put on some slap And a darling red cap The cut of her dress made him blush

The more I think about it, the more I think it was macaroni.
@MετάEd I know, right? It's making me crazy.
The bubble is a better icon at the small size. The bookmark is hard to recognize.
I would just use the bubble and make sure when you hover over it it clearly identifies what it is, like "this record has comments" or something. No matter what you put there, in the busy grid view users aren't going to know what it means and are going to try to interact with it to find out
OK, I can do that. Thanks.
I don't like the dark square around the light talk bubble. It's one more layer of noise. Can you just choose a colour for the talk bubble that contrasts sufficiently with its background?
Unless it's supposed to look like a button that you can click, which it almost does.
Yeah, I plan to make the colors happier later.
@Matt, what does "put on some slap" mean?
Landscapers are almost done! brb
@KitFox make-up
@KitFox aye, slap == make-up
@KitFox s/^/Prince /
Commute. Later, my friends.
Thanks for your help today.
Q: Pronunciation of "Great" vs "Treat"

BenjaminWhy pronunciation of Great is like: /greit/ while other words containing ea are pronounced differently? like the word Treat: /tri:t/. Why tow words with the same number of vowels and consonants and the same syllable structure are pronounced differently? Is there any way for people to guess a word...

Why indeed? And why has this question not had the begeezus migrated out of it already?
After you get through with those, consider teat (tɪt) which can be pronounced to rhyme with sit. The point is, English spelling and pronunciation are capricious and unpredictable. So we can't give you simple rules that will always apply. You just have to learn the variations as you go along. — Robusto 32 secs ago
The sod is sodden!
Now I just have to keep it that way for weeks.
@Mitch Just by comparing things like syllabus. I know some rankings are very good, but rankings don't mean much to me.
I should have taken more recent and detailed before pictures. The after pictures are kind of unimpressive if you don't realize what a badly graded dirt patch was there before. It just looks like lawn.
@aediaλ Do you mean the sodding sod is suddenly sodden?
And why is solder pronounced like fodder and not bolder? Hey!
I am confused by the alliteration.
Doesn't take much.
Robusto is too deep for me, lol.
@Robusto More like sluggishly sprinklered.
@aediaλ I like it.
I have to figure out why my water pressure is low.
@aediaλ Maybe some construction work.
I'm hoping it's just the water filter and not somewhere else along the line getting suddenly sodden.
@Jasper Nah, 'cause next-door is fine. Good guess though.
I'm stealing their hose right now to water the biggest lawn area.
Suddenly sprinklered     the sodding sod
Lay in the lawn          on Aedia's land
Grown green now          with great effort
But richly rewarded      now she can rest
@Robusto Suddenly I feel as if I'm in Hengist's country.
@MετάEd Was it that horsay?
Tell that bastard William he can have six feet of Aedia's land, no more.
And we'll plant him deep.
@Robusto Ooh!
@MετάEd I think you mean Harald.
@Robusto Depends on what century I'm talking about.
@MετάEd You could be talking about the same year.
Dust off your Heimskringla, Snorri!
Harald Sigurdsson (Old Norse: Haraldr Sigurðarson; c. 1015 – 25 September 1066), given the epithet Hardrada (harðráði, roughly translated as "stern counsel" or "hard ruler") in the sagas, was the King of Norway from 1046 to 1066 as Harald III. He also unsuccessfully claimed the Danish throne until 1064, and the English throne in 1066. Prior to becoming king, Harald had spent around fifteen years in exile as a mercenary and military commander in Kievan Rus' and in the Byzantine Empire. When he was fifteen years old, in 1030, Harald fought in the Battle of Stiklestad together with hi...
He's the one to whom Harold Godwinesson said, "You can have six feet of English earth, or as much more as you are taller than other men." (He was a seven-footer, by accounts.)
@Robusto I'm remembering the song wrong.
But William is still a bastard.
That's why we go over this stuff.
Jan 29 at 18:05, by Robusto
@Cerberus I believe you mean Willelm. Check out the Bayeux Tapestry again.
Jan 29 at 22:24, by Robusto
user image
Blast you for enticing me down the rabbit hole that is Wikipedia. I even left my coffee downstairs, that's how much I apparently wanted to learn about the Bayeux Tapestry.
runs off to fetch lukewarm coffee
@aediaλ The 11th century beckons. It cares nothing for your coffee.
@aediaλ Use the force. Luke, warm my coffee.
time goes slowly / but carries on / and now the best years / have come and gone / you took me by surprise / I didn't realize / that you were laughing
1 hour later…
maybe it's because i'm late, but i'm having trouble parsing "hold phone straight up & down"
can anyone elucidate this imperative?
@Jez Do they have your size?
they don't even give a size, apparently
@Jez the way it would look if you dangled it on a string in landscape mode.
why does "straight up & down" mean that?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You are an American Woman for sure.
DHCP. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
@Robusto hangs around your door
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I knew it.
@Jez the idea here is to make the face/screen/camera parallel with the boobs.
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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