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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

The wearer might be called dowdy (though I think this can have a negative, 'frumpy' kind of connotation); the garment might be characterized as outmoded or antiquated
2 hours later…
But kitties.
Well, one kitty.
2 hours later…
Anyone want to see a cool spider?
attempts to summon Vitaly
lights candles; seances
Here she is. Warning: Spider.
I think she's just a lil old orb weaver, probably Neoscona arabesca.
1 hour later…
@Mahnax She looks as beautiful as you, lol.
@Jas Gee, thank you!
2 hours later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's OK, so long as you use native methods.
ok, i admit, i am getting sick of the google doodle.
just leave the fucking google logo alone already
they should have an option to disable it
Guys, in this video at 5:30, do you think the woman stressed the word "CUNT" to refer Maxmoefoe as cunt instead of the manager woman?
3 hours later…
Wow, I downvoted four people today (I must be in some kind of mood). And in three of the four cases, the poster removed their post shortly after I downvoted it. Oh, the power!
@Mahnax I passed it along to him.
@DavidWallace Carefull you don't trip over all that power
Good day, @KitFox
Matty Matt Mattingo.
Kitty McFoxerson
Hey, I never answered your question about whether I still wanted you to do that thing. The answer was yes, if you feel like it.
ok. cool. Can you repost the required info, please? I can't seem to get to it. But maybe wait a few hours to do it, in case it goes off the screen again
Sure, sure. If I remember, I'll do it after you're home tonight. If not, well, it's not urgent.
I don't think the "take 5" in that take 5 question has anything to do with resting for 5 minutes
Q: What does "take 5" mean?

StevenThe context is "We will always do a TAKE 5 prior to undertaking work". I have no idea what "take 5" is.

You think they decided to play some Dave Brubeck?
I think it's related to this
Ooh, could be. Never heard of such a thing myself.
It does make more sense than resting before work.
nor me, but I've never heard someone say "do a take 5" when taking a break.
Yeah. Good point.
(take 5, figure 8, hang 10, sweet 16, catch 22, dial 911)
A: What does "take 5" mean?

KitFoxIn business-speak, "do a take 5" is a specific meeting technique. According to the Harvard Business Review: Do a "Take 5": For the first five minutes of a virtual meeting, everyone should take turns and talk a little about what's going on in their lives, either personally or professionally. T...

Oh. Matt's sounds more plausible.
That's what I had been thinking, some kind of safety thing, but I didn't see it.
well, we'll see what the OP says makes more sense
@KitFox I was just thinking that this was even more plausible than Matt's.
I was about to post "when Kit's right, she's right".
No, no, Matt's makes more sense. You should post it, @Matt.
It makes way more sense that they would do a safety check before working.
I'm so tempted to post a joke answer about Brubeck though. He died last year :-(
Yeah, I was in the middle of writing it :)
I'm sorry, I don't get that.
@DavidWallace :D that would be funny. I can imagine the scene. Everyone's just got into the office and then they break into Jazz
Out with the saxophones!
I might just pull out one of my sock puppets, and do exactly that!
I can't believe someone downvoted Matt's answer.
It's been put on hold already! WHY????
plenty of people thought it was gen ref
debates acting like a dictator
remembers she left coffee on the brewer
You love it when the coffee's ready!
It means that my sock puppet can't post his joke answer :-(
You shouldn't be using sockpuppets anyway.
It should be in the reopen queue.
looks meaningfully
And yet I see no reopen votes on it.
maybe I got a downvote for the last paragraph, which might be viewed as rude, rather than clumsy
Aww, but your clumsy is so endearing.
I don't have any sock puppets with enough rep to vote to reopen.
Well, to be honest, the question doesn't say where they heard the sentence, so it doesn't make a lot of sense by itself.
Here's a message you don't see very often ...
In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 1 already displayed.
Does that still count as a google bomb?
but, I like your answer, so I'll vote to reopen
do you mean a real live sock puppet? gotta get me one
@MattЭллен But it's clearly "do a take 5" and you're right, that's not idiomatic, so it must be something else.
By live, I mean...oh forget it.
@KitFox true
And I said in my comment that it sounds like some kind of 5 step checklist.
so vote to reopen.
@KitFox I thought the official line was that sock puppets were OK if you didn't use them to create voting irregularities.
It could have multiple, legitimately different meanings/uses.
@DavidWallace Yes. Also, don't mess around and cause mischief and pretend it's not you.
Do you see me pretending anyone isn't me?
@DavidWallace Nobody sees anybody.
Nobody is seeing nothing.
And 24 is the biggest number.
not 25?
"another one of you that adds a number to another number is gonna get it from my 45"
God, Mr. Show is so funny.
Yeah, I just voted to reopen and removed my downvote, now that folks have pointed out that “do a take 5” is not the same as “take five”
This is another good reason for people to show their work and provide context!
But do you agree that 24 is the biggest number?
@BraddSzonye Agreed.
@BraddSzonye indeed. if we atleast knew where they heard or read it then we could be a little more certain what it means
Yeah, and more folks might have realized that it's not just a general reference.
Looks like it'll turn out all right, at least.
Haha, and now that he can, my sock puppet no longer wishes to make jazz-flavoured mischief.
@Bradd You don't come to chat much, so let me take this opportunity to say thank you for your contributions to the site.
Oh! Thank you!
Thank you for your contributions to the site.
I chat more often over at Role-playing Games, although lately I've been too busy with work for even that.
I think I've seen you there once or twice, the few times I've popped in.
There's a new person in Writer's chat, Metamaterial Girl, who I think would really enjoy rpg.se.
She got her feet wet with scifi.
Q: english I am asking a friend a question

linneaBecause I am.trykng to get to know you, do you usually say you will do something and not do it?

On rpg.se, I actually ask questions that get answers sometimes. :)
Amazing, isn't it?
I'm afraid that many of our academics left.
For most of the other SE sites I'm interested in, I'm too good at doing my own research. The few things I can't figure out, don't seem to have answers.
My accept rate is terrible on most of the sites, because the questions I ask are too hard or too subjective.
Why not?
@BraddSzonye They are interesting questions.
Thanks! I get the feeling that many of them could fall under the “you could write a book about this” close reason. :)
It's OK though, answering questions is the fun part for me anyway.
Some critic said Paul Desmond's sax sounded like a dry martini. Pretty good description, IMO.
Mmm, yes. Better if I liked martinis.
takes five and listens
Is linnea asking for English usage or dating advice?
ahhh how I miss it
I'm not sure, that's why I keep closing her questions.
It's almost like drunk-texting at SE.
Does anyone know what mokorniy is? I think some kind of Northern African food, but google is being quite unhelpful.
Drunk-texting.SE. Quick, propose it on Area51.
@DavidWallace No idea, sorry
@DavidWallace That looks more like a Russian/Slavic word than North African.
Ooh, I forgot about the lovely drum solo in the middle of Take Five.
@BraddSzonye Yes, it does rather, but it is likely to be a poor transliteration from Amharic.
nothing in the OED either
I shall have to pass the rest of my days in ignorance.
Well, what's in the dish? Do you have any clues?
Some similar words from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African_dishes – makroudh, méchoui, mulukhiyah
No, but my friend recently ate some.
méchoui in particular is a popular North African lamb spit roast
Yes, it may have been that. That page you linked to is making me hungry.
Although that appears to just be a French word for “barbecue”
So I guess it'd be pronounced “may-shwee” and not “mokorniy”
Yes, you're right, of course. "Mokorniy" may well have been a typo.
Like I say, I think I shall live the rest of my life, not knowing what my friend had for lunch today.
Or you could ask her to be more specific.
Haha, you don't know my friend!
Good assumption, BTW.
Not an assumption so much as an observation.
Or maybe you haven't noticed that you don't ever talk about male friends.
I should hang out in here with the cool kids more often.
Yeah. When do the cool kids get here?
They sound fun
It's funny, I never thought of myself much as an English person, but I have the most fun researching stuff here.
It helps that there are some good people around.
@KitFox I don't have very many male friends.
Well, you're here already, @Matt.
awww :D back at ya
I need some icon ideas. Anybody up for stupid little pics?
Kit, I nearly always enjoy your avatars.
@KitFox yes
I'm trying to come up with something that will show that there are notes on a file, and that will look different when there are unread notes.
I plan to use the paperclip icon for comments, so I want this to be something different.
I can't imagine what it ought to look like.
If I use exclamation points, I think it will look like errors or something.
But things like checkmarks might make it seem judgmental.
@MετάEd I hate that head shot. I look so sincere. What a nice picture of an actor who is certainly not me!
I'd use a pencil
For some reason, my brain interpreted “notes on a file” as musical notes on a rasp.
@DavidWallace A pencil is a good idea. How to make it different if there are unread notes?
@BraddSzonye Haha, yes, I should have been more specific.
@KitFox Maybe squiggly lines underneath the pencil, showing writing?
Or maybe, the squiggly lines mean "there are notes", and the pencil means "there are new notes that you haven't read".
Or something with a sticky-note metaphor.
@BraddSzonye Ooh, I like that idea. You should come here more often.
Sticky notes could work, but it's for K-3 teachers, so the pencil seems more thematically appropriate.
and then highlight the background when it's new
Yes, I was thinking of something about playing with the color and/or brightness when it's new.
@MattЭллен Hmm...like a txt file icon, with a sticky if it's new?
Matt, that kind of looks like a yacht.
Which would work for sticky notes or highlighter.
well, a file with a note on it, if it has a note, and then highlight the icon if the note is new
Maybe just a NEW! in a sunburst.
Or crayon.
yeah, that too :D
I know. The pencil could be lying down next to the squiggles, but when something is new, the pencil stands up as if it's writing something.
It's so nice to talk to people who have realistic ideas.
I could make it blink.
@DavidWallace Yes, I was just thinking roughly the same thing about the crayon idea.
@KitFox and marquee!
Perhaps squiggles for notes, and squiggle+crayon for new?
@KitFox Oh, Kit, you mean you're in another chat room as well as this one? :-)
@BraddSzonye I think I said that already, but with pencil in place of crayon.
No, I mean, if I put this out in the meeting, the inevitable bikeshedding would kill my brain.
@DavidWallace Oh yes, you did! GMTA.
Give Me That Ass?
Great minds think alike. :P
Oh. So. Same thing.
Did you see that Caprica is back?
where'd she been?
!!/urban GMTA
@KitFox GMTA great minds think alike; when two or more people think of the same thing at the (approximately) same time
@MattЭллен Dunno.
Anyway, I like the pencil/crayon idea. I think I will work with that.
Wow, a bot that can quote urban dictionary at you.
Oh, I wish Americans spelt arse the same way I do. I have no desire to give Kit a donkey-like creature.
@BraddSzonye Yes. She googles and youtubes as well.
The abuse potential is scary.
Just had a lovely strawberry ice dessert.
sounds nice
@MattЭллен I replied to your email!
@MετάEd Who is that? You many years ago?
It's Fox Mulder aka David Duchovny.
From the X-Files.
I have seen two episodes of that show.
Ah, I never heard of. Also not a fan of X-files.
I am a fan of Gilmore Girls. giggles
You don't have to be a fan to have heard of the man.
@Jasper He was one of the two protagonists in the show.
Mmmm. Gillian Anderson. Mmmm.
Also a fan of The Wonder Years, Desperate Housewives, Criminal Minds, Beverly Hills 90210.
iirc, he was the conspiracy theorist and Scully was the sensible scientist.
We call skullpatrol skullie in the math room, lol.
Hugh Jackman offered a hundred million for the next four Wolverine fims, OMG!
I wanna be an actor now! Can some Hollywood producer come here and put me in a role?
I wanna star in the next Superman movie series.
Man of Steel was very good.
Nah, Superman doesn't have Wolverine Publicity.
hmmm. I don't think you fit the stereotype look of superman
@MattЭллен Haha, you don't know what I look like from near, hehe.
Nor does he have the Hawkeye Initiative
I can just about picture an East Asian Superman.
@MattЭллен I like her voice.
@DavidWallace To be precise, SEAsian, lol.
The welsh stylings of Cerys Matthews
@BraddSzonye Oi! You're supposed to clearly identify TVTropes links!
Yeah I watched The Wolverine too, the Japanese actresses were lovely.
@Jasper yeah, I consider South East to be a subset of East. And it's more about ethnicity than geography.
Still, they are nothing compared to my favourite Laura Ramsey!
@MattЭллен Nice.
@Jasper A while back, I encountered some dodgy video on youtube, with Japanese women in it. The first commenter had said "Asian women are so hot", and the second commenter had said "they're Japanese, not Asian, you halfwit". Or words to that effect.
@KitFox It's quite funny :D
It is very funny how slutty all the female poses are when you really look at them.
really highlights the biases in certain comicbook artists
@DavidWallace Actually, I am beginning to think the prettiest Asians come from my place.
Well, naturally a woman is going to lead with her boobs and ass.
I am sure that all the prettiest Asians are at your place right now, Jasper.
I'll be round with a six pack shortly.
@KitFox Yeah, many of these actresses have nude scenes, lol.
Just like the men are drawn with their penises thrust forward into battle.
true, true
@KitFox I thought into a bottle, lol.
@Jasper We were talking about comics, but OK.
@Jasper You want to thrust your penis into a bottle?
I usually do post a tvtropes warning, but I was feeling mischievous.
Sigh, I really want to like Skeptics, but their nicest posters are like the worst pedants here.
@BraddSzonye Digger
@BraddSzonye We had a template for Skeptics questions.
Does X really Y?
Jun 27 '11 at 19:09, by JSBangs
Is copper really better than aluminum better for protecting my brain from harmful mind-control rays?
> "The effectiveness of tin foil hats is disputable [CITATION NEEDED]"
Hahaha. I forgot about that.
Downvotes used to really bug me until I realized that there is just no pleasing some pedants. Er, people.
My Skeptics questions are missing the really.
Perhaps I should edit them.
Does the color red really have psychological effects?
I was looking for the original thread. We had some good examples.
Hard to find though. @Reg could do it.
@BraddSzonye Even Skeet gets downvotes.
@BraddSzonye Well, psychological effects are not well defined, so this is hard to answer without further qualification.
Jun 20 '11 at 13:21, by Kit
Skeptics: Is there any evidence that cognitive science really means anything?
Jun 10 '11 at 18:53, by MrHen
@RegDwight No no, it has to be worded for Skeptics: "What evidence is there that I really am not a deity?"
There's the conversation.
@Jasper My actual question relates to a specific (meta)study that claims the psychological effects are overrated. But the study was over my head, so I wanted clarification about what the dude really meant.
but now there's Cognitive Sciences, so you can ask about it there!
@BraddSzonye Oh. Well, the answer is yes.
But if you post the article, I would be happy to peruse it and give you my opinion.
I have lots of opinions and I like sharing them, so you'd be doing me a favor.
Hehe, just answered two word request questions...
Haha, in fact you'd be doing everybody a favour, since we all like sharing Kit's opinions.
Q: Does the color red have psychological effects?

Bradd SzonyeIn answering a question about the effects of viewing different colors, I wanted to make a claim about the psychological effects of the color red – specifically that it causes psychological arousal or stress. However, not only did I have difficulty finding a source to back up the claim, I actually...

I enjoyed The Color Purple.
Purple is the colour I hate most.
@BraddSzonye I'm still reading, but the first thing that struck me is that the author is a philospoher, not an experimental psychologist.
Wut original thread?
A thread about the color red on Skeptics?
no, wool!
Let me look it up in my threadmill.
Sorry, no red, only beige, eggshell, apricot and chamois.
Also light white.
A++ would not help again.
how do you make a red thread from those colours?
By trying real hard. And then succeeding. Two easy steps.
So far, I'd say that the basis of his argument is that while some colors may evoke certain reactions in people, these reactions are experiential and not intrinsic or instinctive.
If you dine in a room with orange walls, you'll get upset stomach.
True story.
luckily he's wrong. It has been shown experimentally that all colours of light increase arousal, but blue light does it most.
@KitFox Interesting. I hadn't spotted that. Like I said, it was over my head.
That is such nonsense. What if the arousal already is increased?
by arousal I mean awakeness
The question still stands.
@RegDwighт what? then it increases more.
But what if it's all the way to the eleven already?
I demand to know.
For science.
Also, I was reading it late at night and too tired to really focus. Kind of like now, except that it has moved on from “late” to “early”
you expect a detailed explanation of the phenomenon in one chat line?
I'll have to do it later
the source is at home
That's three chat lines already, more than enough explanation for me.
So the first study suggests that it is not the hue, but the saturation that determines how calming a color is.
I dunno I find both heavily saturated and pastel colors calming.
I find darkness calming
@BraddSzonye All colors make me happy because they suggest I can still see.
I find beer calming.
I find whiskey calming
@MετάEd Qualia.
@BraddSzonye Of course I am equally happy in the morning when I can still pee. It's the little things.
You could be blind and still see color.
@RegDwighт Shhhh.
@MετάEd That reminds me of a joke.
So a color walks into a bar. The pope asks, why so pastel.
A: "Would it be" vs "Will it be"

user49812Why did you feel awkward when you had sent this mail? I would say that everything is OK in this mail ...

I can't find the joke, although I am pretty sure I told it here before.
Well I stole it.
It's in a secret room in a LEGO castle now.
Now that's exciting.
go can be transitive, and thus passified: I went mad -> mad was went by me
I'm sorry, @Kit, your joke is in another castle
It looks like Matt was right about Take 5. The context is safety.
Amusingly, KitFox has more upvotes. But somebody just commented that she is “undoubtedly wrong” given the context.
it was the more convincing answer, before the context was added
Amazingly, I no longer need to use the special method to log in to chat now.
don't jinx it!
Maybe because I am using Firefox 23, or maybe because my internet connection is faster now.
But nothing to fear, the special method always works!
@BraddSzonye I even said in my comment to Matt that I thought he was right. Without more context, I couldn't be sure.
Firefox 23 will scoop your soul out with a spoon.
Yeah, and his answer seemed overly specific – except that the context turns out to be exactly that specific thing.
@RegDwighт 23 is a magic number. I turn 32 on 23 of this month.
It's odd to strike gold on the first Google hit
A: Active to Passive voice: "Go to School Now"

user49812sometimes you just can't change the sentence from active to passive

@MattЭллен Well don't search for gold, then.
In Soviet Russia, gold searches for you.
Sigh. I am usually not a grammar & spelling Nazi, but it really bugs me to see this sort of thing on ELU.
I guess they are not familiar with the high quality that is expected on SE. chuckles
I think I will retire at 1k, lol.
Sometimes, when the only problem is poor style, I'll just clean it up for them.
But this is a little too far from a decent answer to fix myself.
Mods on ELU are also called janitors.
Aaand Lynn just posted exactly what this weak answer should be.
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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