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You're pretty cool too.
Thanks! You too.
Are you Spell Check?
I wasn't sure if you'd still be up, Mr Cerberus.
But I suppose that The Gates must be guarded at all hours.
But I sleep at the gates.
Would you describe yourself as a light sleeper, a heavy sleeper, or a medium sleeper?
As in how easy it is to wake me up in the middle of the night?
Probably medium or maybe medium-light? You?
Say someone tried to escape The Gates while you slept.
Ah, OK.
Well, the gates are made to rattle.
I'd say medium-heavy.
Sounds good.
I sleep through thunderstorms, barking pets, etc.
Even in the morning?
Well, maybe after seven o'clock I would wake up.
I mean, people sleep faster during the first couple of hours.
Hmm OK.
Seven o'clock, independent of at what time to went to bed?
Yeah, I'd say so. The sun starts peeking through my blinds and it's easier to wake up when it's light in my room.
Yes. Also, I just sent you an e-mail.
It is peeping from under my curtains, telling me, "go to bed, Cerberus! You know you should have been in bed hours ago, and your sleep cycle is fucked up anyway, but you should still go now, because there is no other moment that is better or worse, and otherwise you'd never go to bed!".
That will be my last read before bed, then.
Sounds good. It's not very long.
Replied. Hotmail was behaving badly.
Ah. Darned hotmail.
Quite a lot.
Well, you know.
Cerberus - thank you. You too.
@Mahnax But enough money talk.
@Cerberus Sure.
@DavidWallace What have I done for you, good Sir?
@Mahnax I have a question that you might be able to answer, different subject:
Wishing me a happy sugar feast. I assume you didn't mean Kristina's birthday.
@Cerberus OK.
Do you think it will have much of an effect if the drinking age is raised from 16 to 18? That is a new law here. As a youngster, you would probably know more about this than I.
@DavidWallace Oh haha.
Indeed, I did not mean her.
@Cerberus Aw geez, I don't know.
Her wished her "happy birthday", oddly.
Ours was lowered from 20 to 18 several years ago. The consequences were not good.
I'm not sure what kids are up to in your country.
@Mahnax What is the drinking age in your country again?
@DavidWallace No? What happened?
Even factoring in my prejudice against alcohol.
@Cerberus Eighteen/nineteen, depending on what province you're in.
Ah OK.
There were suddenly a whole lot more drunk teenagers everywhere, including behind the wheels of cars.
I mean, we all know kids can get booze anyway, if they really want to. The question is, how much of a barrier is it, and does it truly stop the right segment of kids, that is, the ones who drink themselves into a coma?
@DavidWallace Oh...that's odd. Was that a temporary effect? Because we don't have that problem, so far as I know.
The effect seems to have lasted. The law change literally cost lives. And I struggle to see the benefit.
How many a year?
I was a heavy drinker when I was a teenager. Arguably an alcoholic. If the legal age had been 18 rather than 20 at the time, it would have done me in, totally.
And on that happy note, I must Salah. Back soon.
I must to bed.
Good night, Cerberus. I think I might go to bed too. So good night to you as well, David.
cloud of smoke
Good night!
cloud of sulphuric fumes
How do you copy result value from windows 7 calculator program?
found it. Edit -> copy
Oh, good night, Cerberus and Mahnax.
Pfft. I tried to add "Taita Community Hall" to Google maps, since it currently fails to find it. I put my little pink marker on the right spot, and it told me "we do not support adding a place here yet". Great. I'll just arrange for the Taita Community Hall to be moved to a place where you guys DO support adding a place. Pfft again.
There is a guy who is programming in Eclipse while falling in sleep at where I am now, should I wake him the F up?
Hey everyone!
Oh hi
What are you doing here?
The same what you are doing here :P j/k Visited here casually though I am actually interested in rectifying my errors in English and hone up my language skills.
how are you?
I am good, thanks. How are you?
@Appu fine thanks :-)
Hi @DavidWallace
How are you doing?
Akhi Noah! Eid Mubarak. How are you?
Eid Mubarak, Kaifa Haloka.
@Appu "honing" in place of "hone".
I am good, Alhamdullelah
What did you do for Eid? Anything special?
Well, nothing much. Just had a lot of food.
Visisted some relatives.
Hmm. I don't feel like eating lots of food all at once, any more.
What did you do?
One man invited me around this evening, then went out.
So I am sitting at home by myself.
That's good.
I worked today, after Eid prayers.
@Noah Is it?
Going out with a friend is
Sorry that you are sitting all by yourself.
No, no, you misunderstand me. He invited me to his home, then wasn't there.
@Noah Eid Mubarak. Your name sounds Muslim and he who survived after the dooms day, right?
@DavidWallace Yeah. Thanks for correcting. This is what I wanted.
@Appu Teej ki badhai. Your name sounds Indian.
@Appu Didn't get the last part. But yes, I am Muslim.
@Noah He is referring to your Biblical (and Quranical) namesake.
@Noah He's talking about Noah.
As in Noah's Ark.
@DavidWallace Oh, but isn't there a community of Muslims that you can go to?
Okay, got you.
@Παρθ Κοχλι Hey pal long time no see at OS?
@Noah We all live in a yellow submarine.
@FOIL Skull? I don't visit OS anymore.
How's it with your parents, it's good to call them. Shouldn't be asking this, sorry if it's too personal.
@ΠαρθΚοχλι ;-)
@Noah Yeah, thanks, Noah. I'm not going to answer that.
@FOIL You made a new account?
@FOIL You're Rob?
@DavidWallace "Noah, I'm not gonna answer that!" :-D
No prob. Apologies.
None needed.
So was this your first Eid Prayer?
@ΠαρθΚοχλι I'm an outlaw.
@DavidWallace ;-)
@Noah Yes, I embarrassingly missed Eid ul Adha last year, by not knowing what time it was.
@FOIL Oh? How so?
I see that you logged in with skullpatrol 4 hours back.
@FOIL Wait, your real name is Rob?
@DavidWallace Oh, okay. The same thing happened to me when I was in the Midwest last year.
@FOIL OK, nice.
Have you heard from Jasper lately?
No, but I had made arrangments with this man that I would meet him at the masjid at quarter to eight. In the morning, obviously. But I thought he meant the evening.
@Appu Thanks. Talking of names, David also sounds Islamic. Dawood, you know one of the prophets.
So at 8am, I was lying in bed, chatting online to another Muslim; when he texted me unexpectedly, saying "where are you". I had to ask the person that I was chatting to whether Eid was supposed to happen in the morning or the evening. Which was just embarrassing.
No, it's not. I remember not knowing how to perform Eid prayer at all. So went to the mosque and had to listen to the Imam, I kind of overheard the instruction, but didn't really get all of it. So I quickly pulled out my iPhone and luckily found a Wiki page with all the instructions on it.
Why didn't you just follow along with what the others were doing? It worked for me today.
OK, so Eid is the end of Ramadan. Doesn't a month end at the same time every year?
@ΠαρθΚοχλι It depends what you mean by "year".
@DavidWallace Whatever a year is for Muslims.
The Qur'an states that a year consists of 12 lunar cycles. That's either 354 or 355 days. Not 365.
Yeah, so shouldn't a cycle end at the same time of the day?
oh wait.
Oh, I see what you mean.
I don't even know why that post of mine got 2 stars.
Eid prayers are always in the morning. I didn't know that a year ago. Anyway, the one that I missed last year was the other Eid. The one at Hajj time, not the one at the end of Ramadan.
@ΠαρθΚοχλι It got two stars because of the double meaning.
@DavidWallace Hmm, so I cracked some kind of joke without knowing about it. Life's good.
@DavidWallace I didn't know that. That's also a good way, but I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to sneak around and see what others are doing. I am a bit shy when it comes to not knowing these kind of things.
@Noah What do you mean? I was talking about what we do when we pray together in a group. Did you mean something different?
Yeah, like looking up and seeing what others are doing.
Hmm, you must be better than I am at keeping focussed on your own activities. I can't fail to see what others are doing during salah.
@ΠαρθΚοχλι You get it now though, right?
@DavidWallace Yeah yeah.
I was miserable at it once. Then I met this guy from Turkey and he told me an interesting thing. He said that you have to pray as if Allah were watching you. Just imagine doing that and you will feel how different it is.
But Allah IS watching you!
You are right.
You should do EVERYTHING in life, mindful that Allah is watching you.
Now, I know that now. But I didn't know that at the time.
So it was a mistake on my part.
At that time I didn't really know much about the Quran and Ahadith
Both NSA and Allah watch us. Yet I fail to understand why we hate the former.
@Noah Ignorance is not a sin, if you're trying to learn.
@ΠαρθΚοχλι Hahahaha.
Okay, good. Thank you.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Happy birthday!
So I was more like a school kid who goes with the crowd.
Music was my biggest addiction.
Better to be that than a school kid who doesn't go with the crowd, if the crowd are following siratal mustaqeem.
Yea, that will work.
Now, I don't listen to music and I try to pray five times a day. I always put my matters in the hands of Allah. Put my trust in him and I feel serenity inside. I never feel depressed or anything like that.
Alhamdu Lillah. That is fantastic, Noah.
Thank you, brother.
You make everything sound so simple. And in a way, it is.
I believe that's true. There's a very good podcast that I listen to on regular basis.
Do you want me to send you the link to it.
Sorry the second link might work.
I am no scholar. So analyze its content first.
Umm, I have stuff to listen to, up the wazoo.
But thank you.
Jazak Allah Khair.
No prob. My pleasure.
@Παρθ Κοχλι Yes, you are right :)
@Noah I remember I have read in a Muslim holy book that a person who named Knoah received a message from God about the dooms day and he was asked to go by a ship with his descendants. I don't remember exactly. So, I might be wrong too.
Yeah, in the Arabic versions, his name was Nuh.
Never mind. Isn't even in English.
@Appu No, you are quite right. Almost exactly the same story is in the Bible too.
Guys, could you tell me if this sentence is correctly written? I think not (because it sounds weird), but someone insists it does (and doesn't tell me why):
Your doom to the depth of Hell with me on the day of the Apocalypse.
@Omega hmmm. I think it is technically correct, but the style isn't used much these days
Using doom like that is found in Lord of The Rings, as well as H P Lovecraft's work
It's more usual to say "You're doomed to the depths of hell with me..."
You're doomed to the depth of hell.
@Matt: Really? Well I'll be damned.
Actually, he probably tried to say "you're" but said "your"..........
As it stands, it's a sentence fragment. No verb.
You could write ...
yes. it would make more sense if it was "Your doom is to the depths of hell with me..."
Your doom to the depth of Hell with me on the day of the Apocalypse is a consequence of your persistent bad behaviour.
He's not the anti-christ, he's a very naughty boy!
waits, too
should apocalypse be capitalized?
I don't see why not.
Dunno, why yes? XD
(sorry English is not my language...)
I capitalise because an Oxford dictionary tells me to. But the rationale is something like, we're only ever expecting one apocalypse. So if we're referring to that particular apocalypse, as opposed to apocalypses in general, it is the Apocalypse.
@DavidWallace Okay.
Who brought this bot here?
Which bot?
@MattЭллен That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@CapricaSix That's just what I wanted to say.
@Appu Zirak
Oh, now even the bot is tweening me.
Caprica, please stop.
"to the depth of hell" or "to the depths of hell"?
I'd say "depths". If you say "depth", it sounds like you're measuring something.
I prefer depths but I think either is fine.
@DavidWallace exactly
I see, thanks!
I get about four times as many hits in google for "depths of hell" as I do for "depth of hell". I know this proves nothing, but it's a start.
Google Search results prove anything.
@MattЭллен Hello
How are you doing?
Hi, Noah. I'm fine thanks. how are you?
I am good.
> Has food always been genetically modified?
Yes. I think we would consider all of the crops that we have as crops that have been subjected to some type of genetic modification. Now, of course, we have the newer techniques--recombinant DNA techniques--of introducing a single gene or a few genes. . . .
So everything that we eat in the US has been somehow modified.
I think the same is true around the world.
The food gets modified far more when you digest it, than it ever did in the genetics lab.
I think the main difference that people get upset about is that artificial selection is a lot easier to understand than humans fiddling about at the microscopic level with the genes of plants
Stormy weather.
I particularly liked your most recent limerick, @Matt.
TIL dirigible does not refer to a lighter-than-air ship with a rigid construction, but rather to an LTA ship that can be steered. Thus, any blimp is a dirigible. From Etymonline: dirigible (n.) "airship," 1885, from French dirigeable, literally "capable of being directed or guided," from Latin dirigere. The word existed as an adjective in English from 1580s, with the literal sense.
Thus Shakespeare could have written about dirigible boats (as distinct from rafts), had it occurred to him to do so.
@KitFox One thing Scrivener doesn't do is permit you to stylize the results of search terms. Bad Scrivener! Even Word lets you do that.
@Robusto you can't steer a raft? rethinks escape plans
Well, I guess you can. Sort of. But you can't turn it around and go back upstream.
@DavidWallace That's why a replicater (a la ST-TNG) is acceptable. You ask for a food item, it produces something with the right shape and texture, and rigth chemical taste to it, but it was really made out of reconstituted petroleum products and organic chemicals.
@Robusto "Upstream"? goddam it, more escape plan revision
@Mitch You mean like today's foods?
@MετάEd No like 1980's food, when ST-TNG was on the air and producing all our grocery food in a holodek. Food science has moved -way- on from then. It's all quantum detanglement...the fettucini vs linguini experiment on a macro scale. Hawking explained it all in the 50's but industry took a while to catch up. Soy beans? Insect proof crops? It's a sham to keep people in jobs.
@MετάEd I know! The emergency brake should be used for making on-the-dime 180 turns, so you can smash out the windshield and shoot at your pursuers while driving in reverse down the highway. Wait, are we still talking about religion?
@KitFox Pain in the what?
I can't remember what it stands for but damn I can't wait to play GTA 5.
It's the thing you do when in pursuit of another vehicle where you tap the front fender and they spin out and you end up blocking the door to the driver's side of the vehicle.
I was pretty good at it in GTA San Andreas.
Great for taking out gang bangers.
@KitFox Exactly!
I got bored with GTA 4. It's annoying when you're doing a race mission when you have to drive for half an hour just to get to it. The save points could be handled better.
Except I never played GTA any#.
Yeah. We stopped playing GTA 4 about the third of the way through, I think.
Very disappointing, especially after how much we played San Andreas.
I know this may sound um .. boring? ... but I don't get much out of ... clears throat ... gaming.
It's not for everyone.
GTA 3 was the first game that I was really addicted to.
I liked Portal for a bit. Does that count?
Portal was really fun.
@Mitch No. You have to finish Portal or you don't get the beauty of it.
another sign of my disability... I really have a hard time with the game controller. te two joy sticks and the A B X Y and two left and right triggers. Holy crap...it's like a messed up keyboard in 5 dimensions.
@Robusto We solved it. Funny joke at the end. "That's it?"
Oh, I thought you were saying you didn't solve it. What I liked about it was the introduction of an unreliable narrator into a video game. A brilliant conceit!
I laughed about the research methodology. It was a hilarious perversion of the stuff I used to have to do.
By 'a bit' meant that I liked it until we solved it then... blah.
@KitFox "research"?
Do you mean screwing around and dying a lot to figure out stuff?
No, no, I mean GLaDOS's informed consent and stuff.
@Mitch Well, you could say that of any puzzle.
@Robusto Rubik's cube?
I used to do the informed consent for human research experiments, so I found the um, wording, really very funny.
@Mitch I never, ever solved Rubik's Cube. Nor did I ever want to.
@KitFox Oh. You remember more of the 'framing'...I just remember some of the colors.
@Robusto It's a relatively simple algorithm that you can learn just by observation.
@KitFox If you are of a mind to.
@Mitch Yes, naturally, since I've conducted experiments on humans.
I didn't find the game particularly challenging.
@KitFox "relatively simple"? "Oh yeah, I thought organic chemistry was so easy, I don't know why everyone complains."
But hilarious. It was so funny. My husband did not understand why some of the stuff would send me into peals of laughter, so I guess it must be a scientist thing.
@KitFox It was nice. The game designers were trying to get in your head.
@Mitch It's like a six-step process that you re-iterate until done.
But I guess GTA is trying to get into a different kind of head.
Yes. And that, my friend, will tweak you out.
I have never been so close to committing crime as I was when playing GTA.
@KitFox sure but figure out the process yourself.
@KitFox What kind of crime? Tax fraud?
Stealing cars and joyriding.
Ignoring stop lights.
Oh. It's surprising that more people don't do it in reality because of these games.
Parking wherever I felt like.
The driving parts affected me the most. I didn't have any desire to get involved in racketeering or killing prostitutes or anything.
Although I did a lot of that in the games.
@KitFox Then maybe you should have got yourself a NASCAR game.
Well, Gran Turismo was a lot of fun too.
@Kit This is an ELL candidate, eh?
Q: Meaning of 'do' in questions like 'do you want...'

Gill BatesIf take question 'Do you want to eat?' as example, I don't understand meaning of 'do' because: to do something in my understanding is to take some actions, to want something is not an action, it is not something, that you 'do'. And in form of simple statement this question will be 'I want to ...

Unless you are looking for an answer steeped in heavy linguistics, this question would be better placed at our sister site for English Learners. — tchrist 36 secs ago
The question is not in well-formed English, either.
We have a thousand do-support questions.
Yes, we do.
Is this one new?
No, it's not. It should be closed as a dupe.
I'm looking for the appropriate one.
We have 1000 questions when the numeric base 3.07231682568585. :)
Meaning, we have 29 of them, and 3.07231682568585**3 == 29. :)
Q: English questions and negation with *do* in syntax

Felix DombekA former lecturer of mine once explained why, from a syntactic point of view, the English rule that negation and questions are formed with the auxiliary do follows from other syntactic facts about English. More precisely, if you gave a good syntactician not familiar with English a corpus of Engl...

What think you?
Sure. It’s the highest-voted do-support question that seems applicable.
@KitFox I read that as 'barking whenever I felt like'. and I thought, hm, maybe I should try that game out.
@tchrist And raises the bar on how questions should be asked and answered.
Always a good thing, that.
"I don't understand what you linked to." "OK, then ask on ELL."
I support 'do'. (to be read as Luke Skywalker "I care")
> ‘Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall,’ said Aragorn.
> ‘Neither does he use his right name, nor permit it to be spelt or spoken,’ said Aragorn.
> But no answer did he ever get.
> Only by a hair did they escape.
> Once only, as he stood and stared wildly round, did it seem that, though now awake, he could still see pale lights like eyes; but soon they flickered and vanished.
> ‘Now do I most grudge a time of rest or any halt in our chase,’ said Legolas.
> ‘Dark are her words,’ said Legolas, ‘and little do they mean to those that receive them.’
> Little did I know where the chief peril lay!
> His people neither mined nor worked metals or jewels, nor did they bother much with trade or with tilling the earth.
> Not until then did they notice that Gandalf was missing.
> No evil did we do on our road, but suffered ourselves great wrong; and forgave it.
@tchrist Why are you spamming LotR quotations?
No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. However, in a recent linguistic conference held in London England, and attended by some of the best linguists in the world, Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese, was the clear winner. His final challenge was this:

Some say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. Please explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand.

Here is his astute answer: "When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. But, when you marry the wrong woman, you are
I’m finding interesting cases of do-support.
That are not questions.
Negatives are often involved, but not always.
It’s one of only three corpora I have available for grepping.
OK. Well, if you would please limit it to a few of the very most interesting cases.
I think it has to have an adverb out front, or a prep phrase.
@KitFox But there are so many good ones.
> Only to the realm of Doriath, whose queen Melian was of the kindred of Valar, did the Sindar come near to match the Calaquendi of the Blessed Realm.
That’s not a negative.
I think these are all the kind of situation that triggers “Down the street came a big red fire truck” inversion.
What do you think?
I wonder whether Lawler would consider “Only once did he frob his flurthel” a negative polarity item.
@MετάEd I don't get it. He's talking about Jeopardy, right? The game is over when whether you're right or wrong.
@tchrist Much good may that do you.
I factored those ones out.
There is no other verb there.
Here’s one from Wolfe:
> Only when I saw the flash of its teeth and heard the scream of a zoanthrop did I realize it was the alzabo.
You need some kind of adverbial as a qualifier, not necessarily a negative. *Often does one find . . .", "Only now do you see . . .", etc.
What I'm looking at today...the yawning abyss of a Friday with so many things not done this week, should have been done last week, and the day filled with meetings about what's been done so no time to do them.
"Little does he know . . ."
Neither does he.
Lots and lots of negatives, though. “No sooner did I”, “Nor do I wish”.
> So hard and unexpectedly did we strike each other that I nearly fell, and as I went reeling back, I heard the thud of her body on the stone.
Hardly had I begun when the doors burst open and the gendarmes carted me away.
It’s the same sort of thing.
Like I said, adverbials.
Brazenly do you come before me with this rubbish!
se muda
a new study has found that excersize can help you improve your memory.
Too lazy to read studies.
A new study? I thought that was old news.
@Noah I had forgotten that.
No, it's new.
I just read it on the NYTImes.
Looking for the link.
This is the one
Don't read the first one.

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