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Mom got me a subscription to the Oxford American. Whee!
Like, the dictionary?
Ah, that makes more sense.
I was going to say, how often do they update the dictionary anyway.
Every year, I think.
Clearly you need a subscription then!
Hi @Gnome.
@KitFox Hello. =]
So what got you suspended for so long, anyway?
I heard about it only a couple of weeks ago. I asked one of the gaming mods what had happened to you.
I don't remember exactly.
I think it was mostly for cursing at people when I get mad.
Did you take an anger management class? I found that helpful.
I don't really have problems with anger, I just type and say things before I think about them.
Fuck anger management!
I had been banned for shorter times in the past so it incremented to the 6 month one.
suspends @cornbread
I got a 3 month site ban too
@KitFox hangs
@GnomeSlice geez.
Gnome is misunderstood.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 That was my own fault. They accidentally banned my site account when they banned my chat account (and they told me they weren't going to) so I used a sockpuppet to post a question I had on the site. Even though it was a mistake I circumvented the ban so they gave me a real one for three months.
Yeah, they take the sockpuppet thing pretty seriously.
Plus, with the other bans, well, it doesn't look so good.
Yeah, I know.
Whatever, I guess.
I cried.
Yeah, it's better to just move on.
Haters gonna hate.
So here's something funny. I came up with this genius way of handling this bit of data input.
Sounds hilarious.
And I changed all the stuff on the back end.
But that was like two months ago now and I have no idea what my plan was.
Documentation is key
See, it's right here in the sprocs I wrote. Delete the whole thing, then reinsert each line.
Have you written anything lately, or school getting in the way?
I graduated.
Already? I thought you were only in your second year.
Also no, haven't really written anything. I don't really have the motivation, hah.
@KitFox I was in my third, but it was only a two year program.
And thanks. =]
I guess. Now I have to get a job.
Well, how hard is that? You're an artist. High demand for that.
looks evasive
Not really. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I didn't do terribly well at my internship
I was pretty slow
I didn't finish the project I was working on
Although I was working on a bunch of other stuff for them as well.
What's your skill set? Are you able to work in the US?
Beats me, but I'm Canadian.
Yeah, but you could get a visa if you're not a criminal, etc.
Not that I know of.
shifty eyes
Do you know python?
Looks like no.
Hmm. Bummer.
I basically know basic programming logic and that's it.
Don't really know any language.
I know a bit of HTML, a bit of CSS, a bit of php (although I forgot it all)
Do you have any interest in designing for virtual environments?
php is worth forgetting.
virtual what
Virtual environments. Virtual reality.
Like Occulus Rift stuff?
I think I need an example.
Also probably not, although I've never really thought about it.
Uh, well, I had my old lab in mind.
Although I think I'm going to try to find a bottom feeder job before really looking at a career. But I'll still take a look.
I wrote a lot of python scripts, but there was always a big deficit in the design area, because I have no talent or skills with those tools.
@KitFox Heh. Do you remember any of the tools?
I'm pretty sure they were all Adobe, but also one of the techs was playing with Blender.
I'll post the link, but only for a short time. Are you ready?
@KitFox Sure
Got it
Oh Blender. So you're talking 3D?
I took a course in 3D and it was one of the most frustrating painful things I have ever done.
I know a guy who might be interested though...
@KitFox Holy crap there's a lot to read on this site.
Nick's not one for being succinct.
Hell of a nice guy though.
Interesting, but I don't think it's really my thing.
Thanks though. =]
No sweat.
This is where I interned. simplestoryvideos.com
And this is the project I haven't finished yet jumpshare.com/v/uYXfoVy10NIbNeKMpBTY
It ended like 2 months ago, I just haven't been very motivated lately...
Depression coming back, etc.
@KitFox :( I missed it.
@GnomeSlice Bummer.
@DavidWallace Bummer.
That'll teach me to go and have a shower.
@corn, you still here, sugar?
@DavidWallace Showers are like champagne. You should have one in case you need it.
@MετάEd I don't think Kit's going to re-post it, do you?
It's not worth re-posting.
@MετάEd Haha.
One for on the road.
@KitFox I won't sing for you again for at least another ten and a half months.
Is that a bribe or a threat?
Haha, touche.
@KitFox I won't write any more limericks for you.
sips tea
counts the letters in the word limerick
Look! With Swedish subtitles!
@KitFox That's not you!
OK, I'm outta here. Bye all.
quickly posts another video
See if it says removed it must have been good.
Well, you thought it was pretty good, right?
I probably shouldn't have shown so much cleavage.
Who doesn't like cleavage?
(Nobody, that's who)
Point taken.
Seems as though I missed the video. What was it of?
Hello, by the way.
He's truly a beautiful man, isn't he?
"I believe that women have the right to walk the streets at night without being afraid for their lives..."
Because, of course, that's the line that gets stuck in your head.
@KitFox Who, me? I didn't see it.
It was a joke. I didn't actually post anything.
@KitFox Yes, the last time was obviously a bit of trolling.
Hence my comment.
Oh are we posting ourselves now?
And now for something completely different:
I'm getting a slew of Boston as a Second Language ads.
@MετάEd Haha. Good one.
I recognize that picture!
I might have linked it before
It's on your profile on that audio site.
It's not exclusively an audio site, but yeah it's where I keep my junk.
It's the only half-decent photo of myself I have, hah
I have similar headphones.
Except that mine are probably cheaper. But I like the format: small and light.
@Cerberus Yeah, me too.
Mine definitely weren't that much.
I guess the demand has gone up since they stopped making them
@Cerberus I recommend en-de.sennheiser.com/…
Ahh those are definitely a lot fancier than mine!
I haven't found a pair of headphones I like more.
I haven't even found many listener's phones in any size that sound better
The world is full of people who think that in whatever foreign language they are learning there's a rule stating how to use every preposition ever in every situation ever, even though no such rule exists in their own mother tongue.
The closest you come to such a rule is a large dictionary.
You can read the entire article in the Oxford English Dictionary about in.
I don't know how long it will take you, but it should help.
@Cerberus No, dictionaries suck at that. You should just ask me. I know.
Actually my point is it won't. Remember these people are only learning the language. Such articles are excellent reading and really fascinating when you're already fluent. But if you struggle to tell in from at, they will only make your brain boil. By the time you're done with a paragraph, you've long forgotten what the last one said.
@Mitch Check.
@RegDwighт That is true. But the information is there.
It's just too much to absorb.
A streamlined extract of the OED article on in aimed at current usage could be very helpful for learners, though.
The only other thing they need to learn then would be all the idiomatic expressions containing in that are mentioned anywhere in the OED.
Start by reading the articles about all the verbs.
Another point of mine is that that information only describes the language. These rules are not intrinsic. It just happens that in situation X we use at and not in. It might as well have been the other way round. It might as well have been between or even fatso. Really any word at all. There's no logic in language. Stuff gets constantly introduced, every living moment of every day, and some of it gets picked up, and some of it does not. Any logic we apply to it is applied post factum.
Well, there is a rule for prepositions in...never mind. Too tired for joking.
I prefer postpositions, myself.
I am a big fan o circumpositions f.
You are so clever. Like a...like a...hmm. Forgot.
A banana. I am like a banana.
Time flies like an arrow.
fruit flies like a banana.
Time flies are the worst.
They bite and sting and rip apart. The very fabric of the universe, mind you.
I see what you guys are doing but I don't know what it's called.
@GnomeSlice it's called chatting.
Oh, okay.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana," is a saying, often interpreted humorously, that is used in linguistics as an example of a garden path sentence and syntactic ambiguity, and in word play as an example of punning, double entendre, and antanaclasis. A fairly common variant is, "Time flies like the wind; fruit flies like a banana." The semicolon is sometimes replaced by a full stop, or the second half may be preceded by the word but. Some versions have bananas instead of a banana. History The expression is based on the proverb: "Time flies", a translation of the Latin T...
Garden, path, ambiguity, pick one.
picks nose
With a nosepick?
@RegDwighт That is to some extent true.
@Cerberus everything I say is to some extent true.
Including the previous sentence.
@RegDwighт That was quite an interesting read!
Thank you. I wrote it up just for you!
wishes she were Some Guy
But Foucault wouldn't bang some guy.
Presumably you wouldn't either.
That presumption is quite correct.
Of course, I am pretty certain I never claimed to have relations with Foucault.
We just haven't given you enough time.
It should be noted that you never denied it, either.
I might have...
Yeah sorry Some Guy, we've been discussing your bangability behind your back. Now would you mind turning the same on us again for a second.
Hahaha, sure, no problem.
turns around and walks away
You can peek. Just no touching.
So anyway. As I was saying...
Looks like I never denied it. Hurt.
@KitFox it's okay as long as it's the man in black and not nine inch nails.
Oh FFS. Stupid autocorrect.
Well. It didn't make you say "marvellous autocorrect". Gotta give it that.
Anyway, some guy and I have had lots of crazy relations in years prior. But not since my husband and I got hitched.
Well. Story of many lives.
Oh, yeah. Do you remember that time with all the monkeys that just kept staring?
Did you mean to post that to the 4chan tab?
Yeah, I'm bad at being funny.
I tried using 4chan once, but the interface was way too horrid.
I do remember that.
At least someone's still laughing. You hear, NSA? Still a long way to go.
I had sex with some guy at a state fair once.
What's a state fair? What's a state fair like?
Some guy sure gets around a lot.
Oh, so many good stories, but now time for dinner. Bye!
Hey that was my line.
I only just eated but am hungry again.
And it wasn't even Chinese food.
@SomeGuy I've never been so I can't tell.
But apparently there's some guys having sex.
BBL eating.
See you!
State fair is kind of like a carnival. Rides, animals to look at, tractor pulls, pie eating contests, etc.
Also, carneys. But you stay away from them.
Oh, nice. Sounds like it could be fun.
Do you guys also have hay mazes and stuff?
I've always found those amusing.
Yes. Usually corn though.
Hay rides and pumpkin patch paths.
Oh, and sheep dog trials at the bigger fairs.
Sheep dog trials? What does that even mean?
Ranchers demonstrate their dogs skills with herding sheep.
Oh, like the herding competition things?
Yeah. Best dogs win.
I used to have a border collie.
@KitFox Why are you invisible anyway?
She liked to come with, and hang out with the other dogs.
@GnomeSlice I told you, my avatar is at the cleaners.
I'll be judged if I say I don't like dogs, won't I?
No judgement. Not everyone has good experiences with dogs.
and a lot depends on the dog.
I don't actually dislike them. Just not fond of them as most people seem to be.
Border collie is a damn smart breed.
They are nice but they often look scared
My worst experience with a dog would be being chased down a street by one when I was 7 or so.
I've never met any other breed of dog that could generalize commands they way they do.
She knew the difference between find and get too.
She'd punish herself if she attacked the mail when we weren't home.
Sorry. Yammering about my dog. She was just the greatest thing ever.
Such a good dog.
Howdy ho, campers.
posted on August 07, 2013 by sgdi

A guy gave a talk about vim But I didn’t listen to him It’s down to the fact That I use emacs That other thing is a sin

I can't cry anymore / while you run around
break away / just when it seems so clear / that it's over now / drink your big black cow / and get outta here
@KitFox That, and the seasoning.
Nov 6 '12 at 22:49, by MετάEd
May 23 at 14:41, by MetaEd
"There once was a man from Purdue / Whose lim'ricks would end at line two".
Nov 6 '12 at 22:50, by MετάEd
May 23 at 14:41, by MetaEd
... and: "There once was a man from Verdun."
Nov 6 '12 at 22:50, by MετάEd
Jul 19 at 22:09, by MetaEd
And have you heard the one about Emperor Nero?
raises eyebrow
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I knew there were Vulcans visiting the Earth! I knew it!
Whoa, your new question feed is a lot less intrusive than the one on Gaming.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hmm, a Steely Dan fan.
Five points if you can tell me, without Googling, where the name Steely Dan comes from.
Spongebob Squarepants?
They are sold out in my town. cries
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Aye. But what exactly was it in Naked Lunch?
They're doing fucking Aja shows.
A dildo.
Speaking of fucking Aja.
You smart.
Then away with you, flag notifier.
Quit lying to me.
Yeah, WTF?
I tried refreshing the page, but no luck.
What's with the removal service on the page? Did someone's stuff get deleted?
I barely missed that. I think they just said naughty things.
I asked the husband candidate for SD tickets for my birthday after he said he hadn't bought me any presents yet, but they are sold out.
I'm going to ask for a digital piano instead.
Yeah. Probably about the same price.
They start at $60.
Seriously, TicketScalper takes a big cut.
I know, right?
What's the venue?
The Midland by AMC. An olde theatre.
Hmm, well, I guess SD never was arena rock anyway.
Last time I saw them, they were at Starlight.
Under the . . . clouds.
I mean stars.
Six years ago The Police filled Wrigley Field in Chicago on their 25-year reunion tour. I took my son and we got $94 tickets for $200 each.
But what the hey.
Really? The Eagles have been commanding $90ish since like 1993.
> I hate the fucking Eagles, man!
turn up the Eagles / the neighbors are listening
My super shift is nearly over.
Super shift?
We were asked to work 12 hours today to catch up on our Terrible Project.
You work in shifts? What do you do?
No. But I'm salary now.
So it's just like any other day.
> If you don't come in on Saturday, don't bother to come in on Sunday.
Woo-hoo, weekend!
Or something.
Yeah, I'm on vacation all week.
I am tomorrow and Friday.
Today I painted the outside of the new doorway to my new kitchen.
Tomorrow I will cut treads for the basement stairs and screw them in. After I rip out the old ones, of course.
Apropos of nothing, check out Bill Burr if you have Netflix. Pretty funny guy.
Metal 60s ones?
Or skateboard grippy tape ones?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 No, not metal. Wood. What do you think I live in, a warehouse?

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