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@Mitch It's virtually indistinguishable from a land-fish
@Mitch I'm not sure I follow. I don't know what sex things they did with their wives.
@KitFox the point is that they didn't do them with their wives but somebody else.
Well, I suppose it depends on who knew what and how much was consensual.
Which I don't know.
Anyway, if you aren't aware of the Weiner sexting scandal, you haven't heard about how Weiner resigned from congress over it, and his current run for mayor of NYC. and that his wife works for Hilary Clinton.
I think neither of them is as offensive as Larry Craig or Whatshisnuts Souder.
@Mitch No, I've heard of that.
@KitFox hm... slightly familiar names but ... Souter? a former Supreme court judge?
@KitFox Oh. OK.
then Weiner or Clinton?
Well, like I said. Depends on who knew what and how much was consensual.
If Weiner's wife was cool with the sexting, then who am I to be up-in-arms about it?
Ditto with the strip-teasing intern.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm still working on the translation for that... Lascivious? Delicious?
well nobody knew nothing.
Are you sure?
Well, then...I think I'd take the humiliation of my husband posting sexy pics and flirting on Twitter over the humiliation of my husband jerking off on a young woman under his supervision.
But they are both pretty humiliating, so six of one, half dozen of the other.
w00t! Something good is about to happen!
But still, better that than my husband having an affair with the woman he made a "family values/sexual abstinence" preachy video with.
Or, my husband having an affair with a young woman under his supervision who he then had murdered when he found out she was pregnant.
Or, my husband having a baby with another woman while I was dying.
Or, my husband being arrested and sent to jail for luring someone he believed to be an underage girl.
All of those things would be much worse.
@dplass: How can this be a duplicate of a question that was asked after this one? If anything, that one should be a dupe of this one. — Robusto 31 secs ago
Weird how people think.
Also, that other question's accepted answer is wrong.
@Mitch But, so, why are you asking?
@KitFox bar bet?
What's the bet?
@KitFox yeah that's what I'm trying to do, put things on a scale of unacceptability.
That sounds like the definition of a bathroom scale: a scale of unacceptability. (Because it tells you your extra pounds are unacceptable.)
Well, personally, I wouldn't mind much if my husband posted pics and flirted with women via Twitter. This is something that we could discuss the limitations of acceptability if that was a thing for him.
Cheating is not OK, but less bad than hypocrisy, and also less bad than hypocrisy + murder.
Weiner's fate was ordained the day he got his surname. You can pronounce it wiener or you can pronounce it whiner, and either way it sucks. No wonder the guy is a mental case.
@Robusto I know! people used to plagiarize from the past. But nowadays the steal from the future all the time. I don't understand how you can be so old-fashioned. Or will be old-fashioned.
@Mitch No. I am plagiarizing from the future, so I will be young-fashioned before too much longer.
@KitFox they don't cancel each other out?
No, no, you're thinking of hypocrisy + death. That's different.
@Robusto watch out what you wish for or you'll end up with a dead naked woman on your kitchen floor. I mean...the mess... really hard to clean that up.
Sorry, I don't permit dead naked women in my kitchen. They have to be alive. My house, my rules.
@KitFox in stentorian voice "I stand here before you today grumble throat clear grumble to tell you that dying is a terrible thing you should never ever allow to gack splurt ack Argh!" thump
@Robusto No accounting for tastes.
@KitFox No no not sex and death. You mean that Eddie Izzard routine about how if the English did the Inquisition.
Hi @aediaλ!
Hi to everyone else, too.
How's it going?
I was a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding this past weekend, so I was incredibly busy leading up to that, helping the bride make sure she had everything ready and my own dress was hemmed and I got a haircut and all that fun stuff, so I haven't been chatting much.
@Mitch Not cake or death. I'm pretty sure it was those two things that are inevitable.
Oh, fun!
Hi stragglers!
I'm running out of friends who need to get hitched, though, so I'm hoping it'll calm down around here.
@aediaλ soon the divorces will begin, and then the second round of marriages.
They better realize they're not getting half as elaborately photoshopped save-the-dates the second time around.
just re-use the first one and strike-through one person's name.
@KitFox no no not death and taxes. I'm pretty sure it was a pun on musical instruments that sounds racy.
@Mitch sax and violins
Really? Sax and violins? ... frigging @Mr.Shiny jinxed and killed it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 dude... play the game!
rolls eyes
glazed donuts all over again.
I would love a glazed donut right now
Me too.
Those pumpkin donuts they only make in october. soooooo tasty
me too! but what's the deal with 'glazed donuts all over again'?
I wonder if I could freeze them. Buy a couple dozen and put them in the freezer for the rest of the year.
I haven't made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies in ages.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 blurrrgh
@Mitch Oh that's how Mr.Shiny made me straight.
You're trying to make me swear off food, are you?
Alright, alright, I admit it.
It's been my secret goal since I joined to subtly reference delicious baked goods in such a way as to upend everyone's personal lives.
Heya @Kit! Can you help me with your mod powers with something? I just saw the thing about myopenid not being supported anymore. It is my only login method, and somehow in trying to add a new login method I now have two accounts. I don't know if I did something wrong or if they can be merged.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I got over it. Just had a delicious snack of ..mmmmm.
@aediaλ Um. I think I have to take it upstairs now. Let me see.
@Kit Whenever I try to log in with stackexchange or Google it now tells me "Google ([email protected]) belongs to another user (user229725)" and wants me to switch users :(
Thank you!
Is your gmail account the one I know about?
Yep. (should be the one on this account too, so I don't know why it even let me register it on a second account)
@Mitch you never know when I'll strike. You'll be blithely chatting along and I'll whisper "lemon tart" to you and poof. Suddenly you've realized that your whole life is a sham and you can't go on living the lie. You'll sell all your possessions, quit your job, and become a traveling troubadour, preaching the virtues of Zoroastrian asceticism.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You're assuming that Mitch is not already a travelling troubadour, preaching the virtues of Zoroastrian asceticism.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ya know, I really feel like quitting everything. It's all so ... arbitrary... Later, I'm quitting all this, this meaningless existence. Wait, do I get a lemon tart out of this?
@DavidWallace Shut up! Do not listen to David. He's talking about...about... someone else.
@Mitch No. The process has the side-effect of turning you off of the weaponized baked-good word, associating that word with your unpleasant former life. Or with your pleasant former life, which you recall fondly but can never return to, thus filling you with despair.
@aediaλ Can you link me to the profile of the second account?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OK good. I don't really like lemon tarts anyway.
@Mitch lemon tart is just an example anyway. So far all the weaponized baked-good names are donut-related.
So my life is in a shambles now. But I won't have to eat those stupid lemon tarts.
@Mitch Advice for living. Never listen to David. Listen to KitFox.
@aediaλ That user looks like you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What? That's ... that's ... that's just wrong. donutrelige. It's almost as using nutella as a terrorist device.
Found it. I can't merge a Meta.SO anyway, but I can't merge anymore.
@KitFox Sweet. I had no idea where to find that.
Me neither. Ironic that it's in the halps section.
@MattЭллен That you?
Off to find a lemon tart donut with nutella glazed frosting. and an endocrinologsit to treat my nascent diabetes.
@KitFox Wow, I didn't know we had a help centre. I think I need to go and read it.
It's new.
Grr it doesn't want me to use it because the second user doesn't have an English profile! Maybe there's a similar contact form on Meta.SO...
@KitFox Ooh, that would explain it.
It does exist and I was able to submit there. Now we wait.
And I go home. Later!
@KitFox hahaha. nah I'm not that good looking :D
Oh goodness, you're better looking than those boys.
> Ben's speech was actually really hard hitting. Satirical or serious, it doesn't matter how it was intended, the point is that it truly represents something honest about the YouTube community. Thank you for this Ben, you've made me open up my eyes a little bit about the 'YouTube digerati' as you called it, and question some of the values we hold as a YouTube community.
Holy asinine.
Sorry. That was bitchy of me.
I am very tired.
Nah, that's fine
So let's see some sexy pics.
people say all sorts of preach bollocks on youtube. especially in the comments
Turns out I have to wait a little longer.
sexy pics of whom?
Sure, sounds good.
Gee, I go away for a few minutes to read the help centre, and KitFox starts self-deleting.
I only tried that once.
I got better.
@MattЭллен I know everyone has their own taste, but that's REALLY not sexy.
ah well. better luck next time I guess?
I like her makeup. I want to muss it.
Now I'm off.
Toodle pip
@KitFox Well, if you musst.
user image
> It makes a hundred billion servings.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Then every serving must be several trillion tons at least.
Let's call it 1.898 × 10^16 kilograms.
piece of cake, if you're Galactus.
That's about 19 trillion metric tonnes each, if my math is correct.
I'll have a piece of the great red spot, please.
@Robusto Nice program for unit aware calculations, the free express version is very nice.
There is also this, no release planned :D
I think of it as calc for engineers.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha.
At first I thought those characters represented "goooo[gle]".
Sheep + Apple = dumb.
They will just all walk down a cliff anyway.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Wow!!
I must have that.
The crew in 2001 have just passed Jupiter too.
2 hours ago, by Robusto
w00t! Something good is about to happen!
Yay! It happened!
what was it
New job for yours truly. More money, more interesting work, closer to home, and I no longer have to work at the clusterfuck that calls itself my current employer.
sweet! congrats
Thank you, thank you. bows
JS gig?
Front-end engineer.
All that that entails.
@Robusto Congrats!!
Well done.
I am so psyched.
Call your psychiatrist.
Be sure to rub it into your current boss's face.
@Cerberus Nah. Living well is the best revenge.
or just enjoy the feeling, sit and smile for a while
do you like REM?
Yes. Always have.
To me they sound good but boring
you have any blues gems for us?
@JohanLarsson I wouldn't call them boring at all.
but I did :D
@KitFox No, no, not a seafish. You mean that thing with all the legs that's not a fish, really.
@JohanLarsson To each his own.
I'm sure some of the stuff you listen to would bore the crap out of me. Or maybe not. My tastes are very eclectic.
@Robusto nice and dirty, the opposite of boring imo.
I don't listen to much now days.
Well, there's room for all kinds of music.
except for the stuff they play on radio
Have you heard Ghost dog soundtrack?
@Robusto I suppose that's true.
Moby is boring. But appropriate here.
@JohanLarsson Link?
The film is good also imo
I'll check it out later.
Oh! Forest Whitaker is one of my favorite actors.
@Robusto agree, but same problem as with REM sounds good :)
I find hip-hop and dance/rave/house music to be kinda boring. When rap was revolutionary it had vitality, but now it's just reprocessed beats.
@Robusto ping when you have seen it. Long time since I saw it the last time but remember I really liked it.
@Robusto true, it was the jazz of the nineties though
dunno why I wrote jazz
Mahlzeit. Laters.
2 hours later…
Fricking 19-year-old know-it-all idiot fox.
Either delete the first letter of the last word or mutate its middle one.
Too many bong hits:
Q: I need a single word meaning "to keep silence"

RBerteigThe Hermitic tradition names four powers attributed to the Sphinx: to know, to dare, to will, and to keep silence. I am looking for a short word which means "to keep silence" to use in a graphic design along with the short words for the other three powers. My current design drafts use "know", "...

> Already ravaged by toxic algae, invasive mussels and industrial pollution, the Great Lakes now confront another potential threat that few had even imagined until recently: untold millions of plastic litter bits, some visible only through a microscope.
> Also, while it’s unknown where the ocean plastic came from, microscopic examination of Great Lakes samples has produced a smoking gun: many particles are perfectly round pellets. The scientists suspect they are abrasive "micro beads" used in personal care products such as facial and body washes and toothpaste.
From here.
Mass transit is sure taking a beating in Europe of late.
@tchrist almost spits out toothpaste, reconsiders, sits forlornly with mouth full of spit and toothpaste
@tchrist See, now I bet they don't have that problem in England.
You mean France, surely?
Well, you can throw in France. I was thinking of the toothpaste.
Have you noticed that the French never come here?
You mean to EL&U chat?
We had one for a while. Alain Panetier (sp?)
Oh, haven’t seen him.
We have lots and lots and lots of India people, and some English. And of course, the token Brit wannabe.
But pas de Frenchies.

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