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@tchrist #Cantaloupe.
By the pound?
Hello guys
I have a question. I figured that the topic "changes" in English grammar is one of my weakness. I cannot really figure out a great article explains on this topic, I assume searching for the keyword "change" was too broad. Could you please help me out to find some sources on this topic? Thanks
2 hours later…
Man, and I thought European soccer fans were extreme: Brazilian mob decapitates soccer referee after he stabs player
Brazil is scary
cool thing is the referee is only 20 years old
Make that “was” 20 years old.
@tchrist Excuseme, could you please answer my question above? I mean "changes" by examples like "dramatic increase", "sharp decline" or "weakening".
I don’t know what you are asking.
This is from a textbook that I am reading right now and there is a chapter dedicated for "changes" in English grammar. This is an example question from this chapter "Last year, 33% of the population worked in secondary industries and 48% worked in the tertiary
sector. This year, the figures are 27% and 53% respectively.
There has been a __________ of the gap between those working in different sectors of the
and I need to fill in this empty space with an appropriate word such as "dramatic increase", "sharp decline" or "weakening". I wish to figure out what is the technical term of this topic because I want to search it on Google =D...
I don’t know.
I hope someone else might answer =D.. Thanks anyways
You’re asking to characterize the change from 48 to 27 vs from 48 to 53?
That’s a strange question.
Author of the textbook named it "changes" but I think this isn't really globally recognised terminology
every one
No, there's not. Unless you were related to Mr.Obama.
In that case there would be wifi and hot chocolates with comfortable mattressses to sleep on
@tchrist This one is really funny. I like the Erlang one too, but this is by far the best.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What about NTFS?
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
In philosophy and psychology, an alief is an automatic or habitual belief-like attitude, particularly one that is in tension with a person’s explicit beliefs. For example, a person standing on a transparent balcony may believe that they are safe, but alieve that they are in danger. A person watching a sad movie may believe that the characters are completely fictional, but their aliefs may lead them to cry nonetheless. A person who is hesitant to eat fudge that has been formed into the shape of feces, or who exhibits reluctance in drinking from a sterilized bedpan may believe that the subst...
@RegDwighт Can you please suggest me a good book on prepositions?
Hm. Well. I can't even suggest you a bad book on prepositions.
Okay. I get it. am sorry. Every book is good; but I need a book where every preposition will be explained; as in, the usage of every prep
Not possible. And pointless. You can't learn prepositions like that. You are wasting your time to achieve nothing.
That being said, I suppose CGEL will have many chapters on prepositions.
I'd be surprised if it didn't.
And CGEL is generally of very high quality, so it likely won't be BSing you on prepositions either.
Is it a book?
Well, you asked for a book, so it's a book, yes.
Thank you so much.
No problem.
You can ask @Cerberus for details, as I think he owns one.
So he can probably tell you what information on prepositions is included and how detailed it is.
Okay. But I don't know this person. I mean, I didn't see the name Cerberus here yet. Of course I don;t know you also; but owing to your edits and frequency, I assumed you to be approachable.
Though again, personally I'd point out that this is a very cool book to read when you already have a high command of the language. But learning the language from such books is an insurmountable task.
@ShaonaBose he's probably asleep right now but you can see his icon in the list to the left, so he's in the room and you can ping him. I already did.
Okay. I am sorry, but I yet do not know how to ping here.
Ah okay.
You do it by prefixing that person's name with an at.
Like this: @ShaonaBose
If you have sound on, you actually hear a ping.
Also, the message is then delivered to that person's inbox on the main site.
So he can come back later and still answer your question.
I see.
Yeah. It's very practical. You can have a conversation without having to be in the room at the same time.
But now I must leave for a few minutes. I'm cooking!
You are male..if I aint wrong..
And you cook!
There, Reg gets to be approachable! That's cool too.
Cerberus is also male and cooks, @ShaonaBose.
@ShaonaBose What's so unusual about men cooking? I do all the cooking at my house.
I do all the cooking at my house too!
If you want something done right ...
Get it done by @RegDwight!
(Sorry, but it was the only rhyme I could think of at short notice)
Actually most chefs are male. By a margin of OVER 9000.
My deal is, I prefer cooking to cleaning up. Also, I'm better at the former than the latter.
I'm better at both. As in, my wife just won't do the cleaning up.
If you know the first thing about Nahuatl, that's pretty straightforward.
@RegDwighт Mine will. We both prefer my cooking and her cleaning. Symbiosis.
And if you don’t, it isn’t.
Most people don’t know the first thing about Nahuatl.
Same for Russian. Or English, for that matter.
Those consonant pairs are rare to non-existent in English. Most Americans are monoglots with no education in anything else.
Like, what’s the gender of that person? :)
The only problem I see is the H. The rest can be read in English. Even if the result is nonsense.
@tchrist my first name is Alex. What is my gender?
Boy, you’re not Alix or Alyx or Alice.
In the U to the S of A, too many names are shemale.
Girls spell their names so funny.
It's the parents.
Of which at least one is typically male.
He should know better.
Um, ok.
Not sure how that stuff works.
It would be inconvenient to call both parents the same thing.
This is already a problem when step-parents are involved.
They are a married couple. One is the biological father of the one child, the other the biological father of the other. Here's the kicker: both children are biological siblings.
And here's the real kicker: they specifically don't know who's whose father.
Half-siblings, one presumes, but close enough: only the mother counted in ancient cultures, since you could only be sure of her.
That’s weird.
That’s why one’s sister’s sons were special in some cultures. You knew for sure they were your kin.
@RegDwighт That must have taken some arranging!
Whatever floats their boat.
That a woman consented to bear and give away to children, well.
Who are they?
@tchrist you don't recognize Neil Patrick Harris?
He's probably most famous for his roles in How I Met Your Mother and Starship Troopers.
Neil Patrick Harris (born June 15, 1973) is an American actor and comedian. He is best known for the title role in Doogie Howser, M.D., the womanizing Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother, a fictionalized version of himself in the Harold & Kumar series, and the title role in Joss Whedon's musical web series Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Harris was named as one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people in 2010, and was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in September 2011. Harris has also hosted the Tony Awards on Broadway in 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Early life Har...
I recognized him in the first picture, not in the others.
Well. He's wearing costumes.
I can’t match up the Peter Pan one.
Neil is Hook.
Is Peter his hubby?
I would think so.
I have a language problem.
> Following the passage of the Marriage Equality Act in New York on June 24, 2011, Harris and Burtka announced their engagement via Twitter,[31] stating that they had proposed to each other five years earlier but kept the engagement secret until same-sex marriage became legal.
I can’t get out of my head the notion that husband=a woman’s spouse and that wife=a man’s spouse.
I know that people use it mean husband=a male spouse and wife=a female spouse
@tchrist Well. That's because that is what these words mean.
But I’m stuck.
And I hate it.
@tchrist that's only recently.
I need to be reprogrammed or something.
I hate that I’m stuck, not that they use it that way,.
Well it is confusing. Just imagine if people started using gay to mean "homosexual".
It makes me sad because I feel dumb that I have the wrong associations.
And they are not subject to willful determination.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful or archaic, but I almost am those things completely against my own will.
The language becomes completely hardwired by the age of 25 or some such. Good luck trying to tinker with it after that.
You know, the only language I learned much of after 25 was Portuguese, and that one got to make use of pre-existing substrates in my brain.
You can learn it like you learn a phone number, but you can't learn it like riding a bicycle.
People don’t even learn phone numbers anymore.
Only adding to my point.
If the computer is to the mind as the machine is to the muscle, is this constant-Internet connectivity via smart-phones thing some sort of prosthetic device for the memory?
@RegDwighт That used to half-bother me, like when I was 11 or 12 maybe.
I never found a word to replace it.
@tchrist luckily they have since stopped doing that and gay means "stupid" now.
They should have invested all that effort into making verbs and plurals proper. "My childs eated leafs."
But no, alas.
Typical kid-talk.
@Robusto I couldn't have said it any better.
They regularize everything.
Exactly. All it needs now is to catch on.
@ShaonaBose Alas, I don't have the CGEL.
Who needs spaghetti if everyone can understand pasketti just as easily.
You are a mole, damn it.
@Cerberus I thought you posted scans of some pages?
@tchrist as long as I'm not on Sarah Jessica Parker's face, I don't mind being a mole.
@RegDwighт From the library.
Ah well. See. You have a whole library of CGELs.
The world is my library, and you are my bookworm.
Anna Chapman
What is with her?
We talking Zimbabwe inflation again?
She married Alex and became a mole.
Or vice versa; timeline uncertain.
Ah, that.
I also am convinced that she did single-handedly fuck up Zimbabwe.
But who cares. It's like Africa or something.
You give Mugabe too little credit.
And the country itself too.
Well, that's because Mugabe already received too much credit from everyone else.
Fantastilliards of credit.
He can handle my overlooking him. He shall be fine.
I suppose.
U.S. Newsworthiness Formula: 1 American = 5 Brits or Canadians or Australians = 25 Western Europeans = 100 Eastern Europeans or Latin Americans = 1000 Africans or Asians. Maybe 10,000.
He needs to be locked away in a house for old people ASAP.
@tchrist I should think countries like China and North Korea also ranked high...
> Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Pasadena
What kind of person comes up with such a name.
But yeah, news about Belgium or Suriname or Indonesia also ranks higher here.
@RegDwighт Well, the cordon bleu is a kind of culinary mark of excellence, I believe?
News values, sometimes called news criteria, determine how much prominence a news story is given by a media outlet, and the attention it is given by the audience. A. Boyd states that: "News journalism has a broadly agreed set of values, often referred to as 'newsworthiness'..." News values are not universal and can vary widely between different cultures. In Western practice, decisions on the selection and prioritization of news are made by editors on the basis of their experience and intuition, although analysis by J. Galtung and M. Ruge showed that several factors are consistently appl...
Oh. I never realized it had a literal meaning.
était, sous l’Ancien Régime, le surnom donné aux chevaliers de l’ordre du Saint-Esprit. Il désigne aujourd’hui un grand chef cuisinier. Ordre du Saint-Esprit L’ordre du Saint-Esprit était la plus illustre des décorations de la Monarchie. Il fut fondé en 1578 par Henri III pendant les guerres de Religion afin de regrouper les principaux chefs du parti catholique contre les protestants. Les chevaliers de cet ordre portaient comme insigne une croix de Malte suspendue à un large ruban de couleur moirée bleu ciel. Aboli à la Révolution française, le cordon bleu constitua pendant deux si...
Well, TIL
It is still very funny.
Still sounds like Le Hotdog College to me. Ask @tchrist, it's hardwired.
> La locution pouvait donc s’appliquer par métaphore à tout ce qui est d’une rare élévation. Ainsi, le poète du XVIIe siècle Jean Regnault de Segrais, qui souhaitait se faire admettre à l’Académie française, déclare que cette assemblée était « le cordon bleu des beaux esprits » : il est élu1.
This is cordon bleu. Nothing else is cordon bleu. QED.
Yes, that is sold as "a cordon bleu" here too.
They make a cool vegetarian version of that here.
I sometimes purchase a cool vegetarian version of that here as well.
I don't get why people make "vegetarian versions" of anything.
I hate when someone notices that he/she is forgetting their native language after living in a foreign country for 1 ~ 2 years. Such as this woman
I don't want "vegetarian meat". I will either eat meat or not.
“They make” as in offer for purchase.
I don't want fake stuff.
It’s a mycoprotein product, brand-name Quorn.
@Cerberus you do realize that right now it's the "actual" stuff that's more fake than the fake stuff?
It's not about forgetting their native language but "they want to forget their native language =P..."
If you don't want fake meat, you have no choice but become a vegetarian. Conversely, this is probably the best time to be a vegetarian in the history of mankind.
I have a new graph, this time in color, but I can’t get it to upload to imgur without it timing out.
Scale it down.
@RegDwighт How so?
How so what?
It’s hard to read scaled down, but I’ll try.
@tchrist Yuck.
In fact you are probably the person in this chat who keeps bringing up how they put 50% water in meat and whatnot.
Are you an antifungal person, or an anti-corn person, or an anti–krab-with-a-k person?
Anyway. I am not here to discuss meat. Or absence thereof.
Sure, but it's still meat.
Most hamburgers are >50% soy. Truth.
PDF compresses large image quite efficiently
3 mins ago, by Cerberus
I don't want "vegetarian meat". I will either eat meat or not.
@Cerberus Not if it's been diluted under the Avogadro constant.
but the problem is I am not sure if you can upload it to imgurl anymore
@RegDwighт There's still meat in it.
Meatballs have always been part starches.
@RegDwighт With the only the best whackamole.
@Cerberus I see you do not know what the Avogadro constant is.
Is it like really firm guacamole?
I have a confession: I don’t like solid unmashed chunks of avocado in my guacamole.
@tchrist that picture is worth OVER 9000 words. Very, very long words. In Nahuatl.
Isn’t it, though?
I just hate avocado with a passion, period.
Avocado does not mix well with passion, fruit.
I don't want "vegetarian fat". I will either eat fat or not.
Call them lipids and they sneak under the radar.
@RegDwighт Then why bring it up?
Let’s talk about something else.
Oh, and you're both freaks. Avocado is my favourite fruit in the world.
What was the biggest amount of cereal you have ever eaten at once?
Did I say I hated avocado? No.
@tchrist "Page cannot be displayed because it contains errors."
I don’t like its chunks.
@Reg did you see the picture/graph? You did, right?
I just closed it this very second.
But I examined a whole number of places in it.
Better than a fractional number of places.
Imaginary's the best.
I expect it to take up the better part of an upcoming Indian conf call.
Because the other part will be even more boring.
You won't have bandwidth left for the call.
I would love to eavesdrop on that, though. It's kind of doable if you explore the graph in some software, where you can follow edges and such. But a static picture? Good luck with that.
I wish I could click through to the module source.
Well you could export it as an HTML image map, no?
Yes, but I don’t know what that looks like.
Well you could write the HTML image map now that you have the image.
What you would like to do is light up a module and its links.
There are only so many modules in there that'll be of interest, I suppose.
@tchrist that's what export to SVG is there for.
You take the end-modules, the yellow/gold/orange boxes, and trace their ancestry.
That is the interesting part.
Yeah. SVG + JS.
What the heck are you talking about?
Can be quite fun.
@Cerberus geek stuff.
Don’t know SVG.
Haven't touched SVG in years. But when I did, I did awesome things.
They're all offline now, alas.
Did it end up like this ^?
We killed the entire site. Wholesale.
Got an example of someone else’s SVG doing awesome thing?
I'd have to look. Adobe used to have really mindblowing demos. But that was literally ten years ago.
Right off the bat I have nothing.
I guess I could check out my old stuff at work. But it'll be old, too, by today's standards.
SVGs can kill sites?
No, SVG doesn't kill sites. People kill sites.
When I was working at the med school, I saw some pretty cool stuff done with interactive graphs of proteins and such.
It was actually connected to English natural-language-processing software analysing papers.
Regarding Anna Chapman: “U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden, when jokingly asked by Jay Leno on NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, "Do we have any spies that hot?", replied in a mock serious tone, "Let me be clear. It was not my idea to send her back".”
Look! The WYSIWYG editor on Wikipedia is live!
At last!
Just edit any page and you'll see.
Hmm, it's only on English Wikipedia.
It's been up for a week or so. And I can't use it. It literally does not work.
Not that I care.
WYSIWYG is just a euphemism for "blatant lie".
It doesn't work?
What happens when you try?
It tries to color that portion of the page or something, but I can't edit or really do anything other than reload the page.
It's been a couple days, perhaps they fixed it. Or perhaps it was FF's fault.
@RegDwighт It works for me on FF.
2 hours later…
@Reg There ya go: the inheritance graph of just one final class, the yellow box at the bottom,
I don’t mean final in the Java way, oops.
@Cerberus What is the Dutch word for WYSIWYG? Or is that already Dutch?
@Robusto Ehh I was reluctant enough to type that in English, but I could think of a proper alternative. I'm not going to taint the Dutch language with a similarly horrible abbreviation as well!
What? You want to abbreviate the Dutch taint? Ouch!
Why not "live editor"?
Rot IDE evil live editor.
The people inventing new names for computer functions are so terribly uncreative these days.
They need a framework for naming programming things.
Or a "Software Function Naming For Dummies" book.
I wish I could export SVG from cad easily, exporting to dwg and opening in incscape ir pretty painful
@Robusto That would be a start.
A SFNFD book.
This is a pretty long name.
finding good names when programming is hard ime, pretty important also.
@JohanLarsson Names in code should be descriptive, and length is not a problem.
I'm talking about in actual language.
id say length is somewhat problematic, obscures the flow of the code ime
but I like avocado
I agree that the name in your example is too long.
avocados get soft fast when stored in room temperature, the softening slows down considerably when put in the fridge.
not every time one can pick up a bunch of perfect avocados in the store
Adding lemon juice also helps a great deal to prevent browning.
Just as with apples.
when peeled that is?
gf made something nice today, chunky avocado and red onion, not mixed together but in the same bowl. It was for a taco style dish.
It is often better not to mix avocado.
is it hot in Holland?
Yes, quite.
It's 26 degrees or so.
24 now.
was 30 today
It's about... does maths 30 here today too.
It's also very, very noisy in my house right now.
I have two five-year-old and two three-year-old boys playing.
Here's a situation. Give me your iPhone, I'll need to use it for something. Assuming the need is now. Do we need the will part? I think it's kind of redundant and would be better to say, "I need to use it for something." Thoughts?
The reason why I am posting this here is because I have to write something about it and to be honest I cannot really come with reasons to back up my claim with.
@Noah You are right.
> Tech firms including Microsoft are said to voluntarily give advanced warning to the US government of vulnerabilities in software products sold to governments overseas before they are patched, allowing US agencies to effectively use them to conduct foreign surveillance.
> The Reuters report notes that in order to maintain the integrity of tech companies with international customers, the government typically works through a thriving industry of third-party firms that offer services capable of compromising "virtually every major software vendor."
Apple doesn't.
At least that's what they say. They published a letter addressed to the public on their website claiming that they don't share anything with government agencies.
But you never know. they might be wrong. They might be trying to quell the anger of its customers before it even emerges.
I just bought a new car. The final guy who handled the paperwork included a document that certified that I wasn't on any government terrorist watch list (which, of course, I'm not). But they actually did a government background check on me before I could buy a car.
Well, good thing you're not a terrorist then.
2 hours later…
@Robusto You wouldn't know if you were on such a list.
@Noah They do. They have admitted to giving private information to the American government thousands of times a year, on FISA orders and probably also "national security letters".
2 hours later…
@Cerberus But apparently I'm not on one, because they sold me a car. If they sell a car to someone on the watch list and that person uses it to blow something up (or whatever), the dealership can be fined $5 million. That's what the guy told me.
@Robusto That's terrible!
But, really, can a a car dealer get this list? Auf welchem Grund?
Can you?
Weiss ich nicht.
I would assume not.
Just like the no-fly list(s).
I dunno. We may be past the point of no return on govt. spying. They're collecting data on everything we do, no matter how innocuous.
> If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.
@Robusto Encryption?
Public awareness and indignation?
Both of those are going up right now.
Encryption? How are you going to encrypt all your credit-card transactions, your SMS messages, your phone location (which can be triangulated between cell towers), and all the countless little things you do that are going to be recorded? It may all be harmless stuff, but low-level people will have access to all your shit and could make your life miserable for personal gain, spite, or just to fuck with you.

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