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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

you may borrow this: ♩
That is not your car. There is no personal property in Soviet Workers Paradise.
What was going to happen? Chat was going to explode in a puff of big-eyed teenage girls?
now we're pedalling backwards
Sorry, I meant [tag:kore-wa-watashi-no-kuruma-des-ka]
not even pocari sweat flavour?
Hippie, what a lovely avatar. Is that you?
Arme Cerberus
@Robusto More like boobploded.
falls down under the impact of teenage-girls explosion
You speak Dutch now, Boob?
@Boob Armer. Masculine.
maybe i'm the blonde on the left
@RegDwight Army?
@Cerberus — Dutch is just the German version of pig-Latin. We've been over this.
Mar 7 at 20:59, by RegDwight
user image
Just as English is the Germanic version of something porcine as well.
You just say a German word and drop the meaning and the pronunciation, and bingo! — you've got Dutch!
better than japanese cheese
Or Japanese ice-cream.
@Robusto Not quite. Perhaps the picture is too complicated, but you also need to be holding cheese.
waroom moet het lefje so moelijk zein?
(and i thought my english spelling was bad)
Well, I notice we're all hanging out in English chat, not Russian, German, or (especially) Dutch.
Is that Afrikaans?
And what is lefje?
@Robusto Read the room description.
My point.
@Rob: More like Deutsche Sprache und Gebrauch, most of the time.
waarom moet het leven zo moeilijk zijn?
room topic changed to English Language and Usage: aka The Incomprehensible Room
I see.
at least we're all translating from english in our heads
Why don't you just call it Babelonia?
@hippietrail That is correct. And the reason is Robusto.
@hippietrail Not Cerberus.
the best part about eurolanguages is there's so many dialects nobody should notice if i have my own
Yeah I ain't translatin' n'n!
if we can comprehend it what need for questions?
Well, I did sort of notice a slight dialect in your Dutch...
I.e. it fit our room's description.
@RegDwight — You misspelled "Insufferable" as "Incomprehensible"
i merely spoke double dutch then removed the redundant half
@Robusto Well, that would have to gain some momentum first.
I think it has plenty of momentum.
this channel makes my brain laugh
You only just invented it.
(if i may be so rude as to call it a channel)
It's been canalized, so it's not properly a channel.
How dare you!
No. 5.
This is the river Styx. By no means has this been dug by man!
There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man...
/me waits patiently to be challenged to a duel
i dig it man
/kick hippie real hard
Does that help?
A duel? What weapon?
dual weapons
Free choice?
only traditional armenian weapons
Ehh oh.
Just don't confuse épées with rapiers.
But I want other weapons!
Oh, that again...
No, not that again, as long as you don't confuse them.
But I might.
You know, memory and all...
But at least I appreciate that there is a distinction.
Does that count?
foiled again
@hippietrail May I have a clarification plz. Can hammer and sickle be considered hyponyms of traditional Armenian weapons?
what did the armenians fight off the yataghans with?
@RegDwight: since this is dual weapon duel then yes
Then count me in.
Apr 8 at 20:30, by Robusto
user image
Capitalization and punctuation! Great weapons! Give 'em a try!
@Robusto ROFLMAO.
@hippietrail Whoa!!!! Now, now. Hear that, Robusto?
@Robusto If only! I'd gladly be subjected by those.
Even I have never insulted our Capitalizationist that much! And it's not like I'm not trying.
Don't forget JSB...
J. S. Bach?
I haz to goes, coffee date (and I don't even drink it).
@Robusto His equivalent.
Prelude and fugue-state in d-lowercase?
Johann Gambolputty
my weapons shall be the † and the ‡
You know JSB, the guy who refuses capitalization.
Q: What's the meaning of the symbol ‡?

dino beytarI am trying to get the meaning of the symbol ‡. I saw it a couple of times: as a tattoo in a little boy finger, and on Wikipedia. How is this symbol called in English?

@hippietrail — Sir, you stand there as an unarmed man to a flying tank.
Well, later, my noble Armenian-weapons-wielding flock!
Laterz, doggiez.
@Cerberus Right. Whatever happened to my soup-related plans?
nobody ever called me stupid before so i thought this move might help
I think I'll go check out where the kitchen is.
They walked into the soup, as we'd say in Dutch.
@RegDwight — Hint. It's in the kitchen.
@Robusto I'm still looking for the bed.
1 min ago, by Robusto
@RegDwight — Hint. It's in the kitchen.
Oh wait ... that's the bed of lettuce. Never mind.
soup? bed? walking? no wonder i'm getting peckish
do japanese swamis use a futon of nails?
strong my cut and paste muscles become
Well, don't be surprised if Google translate doesn't make much sense out of those. They're colloquial.
if you have any yamagata-ben tidbits to share i'm all ears
@92MGRXvmoFfCkCd1JH4p9jpZjFQRKp — No problem. I don't speak Chinese.
i'm surprised when google translate makes much out of anything but not as surprised as when linguaphile makes more out of it than google translate
BTW, you're supposed to put your username in the name field and your password in the password field. Your username doesn't have to be hack-proof.
boku mo
ok i'm off on the hunt for extruded savoury snacks
I'm experimenting with usernames which convey nothing about me
so i've been using a password gen to make usernames
nice to bound my brain around in this pit a little...
Well, I've put it off long enough, so I guess I have to finally clean my office so I can set up my new router. Laterz.
hi all
Hmmm Nice eyes
How they connect us to each other
oo hi @boob
how are you?
@vitaly... cool
@Miss Ganz gut, danke
@vitaly: what?
any ways .. see ya bye .do enjoy and bye
He seems to have an inborn talent for being cool
i'm not in denial and i don't have an addiction!
Check again
oh yeah my bad
@Vitaly Hey, I'm not wearing mascara today.
i went to buy extruded snacks but came back with corn chips and beer nuts
what is mascara ?
@RegDwight Your gravatar does, if you zoom it in.
pongo mi máscara
what does that mean?
mascara is the spanish word for mask
and the english word for mascara, oddly enough (-:
@Vitaly You're zooming it wrong.
You do realise that I only posted that to get the higher-res version? ;)
interestingly mascara comes from italian though
I helped him by the way
Makes it easier to shop stuff.
@Vitaly You do realize that you are the only person in this chat to know too well where the high-res version resides?
I cannot be bothered to go and catch one.
If you zoom in and enhance a few times, you can see my reflection in the owl's eyes.
Anyways, I'm out again.
Apr 30 at 16:35, by RegDwight
@PaulCalcraft yeah, sorry, stupid beer just won't buy and carry itself.
you can train it by drinking it
What about training an untrainable beer
there's a song about that
What about up-voting my answer, if there is not any song about it
about undrinkable beer?
Untrsuntable tear
reminds me of buffalo
You're planning to run away? don't worry, I can tolerate everything
you can't tolerate buffalo beer from nicaragua, nobody can
Um, Is it helpful to get to 3k?
i think you get a free boob job
Free job Boob
what is this going on?
i will be free of a job this time tomorrow
@Miss He's accusing me of something !
ahh so are you ready.. what do you want?
i don't want to drink bufalo again
btw, @boob, what type of "some thing" he wants from you?
and who?
@Miss Better to ask him now or never
but who?
is that @hippietrail?
@RegDwight 2 duplicates per second .. dps
Muss weg
what does mean by Muss weg?
who is whom?
ich muss weg = german : i must go away
heheh @hippietrail: why what happen?
@Robusto Coming soon to Cinemas?
In your dreams, pal.
@Vitaly Pfff, Could you please stop attracting me
@Vitaly How come you're not active on GraphicDesign.SE?
@RegDwight I guess because I am not a graphic designer.
Your postings here suggest otherwise.
Unless you outsource the shopping to your wife.
I could go on and on about what's wrong with my pictures.
In the last one, the collar is totally wrong.
It's flat.
Well, it's Hitler collar.
@Vitaly You misspelled "color" as "collar"
That, too.
BTW, my awesome sunset shot was taken in Maui. Where they have nothing but, like, awesomeness. All the time. Really.
Sounds a lot like Soviet Russia, to me.
Uh-huh. Nothing but beaches and bikinis. All the time. Right?
Well, that and some communism here and there.
So it's actually doubleplusawesome.
And by "beaches and bikinis" I mean, of course, "bitches and bliny" ...
Right, make that tripleplusawesome.
You can't spell tripleaplusawesome without USA. As in tripleaplUSAwesome.
Who needs bikinis when there are fur hats!?
Who needs fur hats when there are fur bikinis?
Umm, have you guys even seen a real bikini?
<makes notes>
That is tripleaplUSAwesome.
I will complain about your morphology to @Kosmonaut.
I think he will see it from my point of view.
Good thing I am not in the USA, or else I would have been sued by American females for looking at that picture.
@Robusto I think he will support my point of view that triple is not spelled "triplea". You pineapple, you.
Admit it. The dumpy hausfrau glimpsed between the middle bikini-wearer's legs are what got you Russkis hot in that picture.
@RegDwight — Ah, I thought you meant "triple A-plus awesome" instead of merely "triple plus awesome" ... so I overestimated you. Again.
@Robusto How is my admitting or not admitting stuff relevant to your points of view?
@RegDwight — So it's true. I knew it!
See, my point exactly.
German language

Proposed Q&A site for students having questions about German, expert speakers of German wanting to discuss the finer points of the language and translation questions from any language to German.

Currently in commitment.

> This proposal has reached 100% commitment. We are preparing for its launch and expect to create it soon.
So ... will there be an Austrian.SE as well? And will that prompt German.SE to have another Anschluß?
Wait and see. Internet Nazi Hitlers don't disclose their plans like that.
But we're not talking about just any Internet Nazi Hitlers. We're talking about Soviet Internet Nazi Hitler Owls.
That doesn't really complicate the matters for you.
It only complicates the matters for me.
But that's behind the scenes.
You'll only ever see the end result.
I think that's between you and your shrink.
I don't have a shrink.
Do I sound like someone who does?
That explains a lot.
That's why we go over these things.
Hm, if I had a free commitment, I could single-handedly push Japanese L&U into beta.
Commitments are rationed?
Drei Stück pro Nase.

Proposed Q&A site for speakers, students, learners and teachers of the Japanese language

Currently in commitment.

235 people committed, still no cigar.
How many does it take? 250?
Because them's not have enough awesom.
@Robusto 200. That's the point.
You need 200, but you also need some of them to have displayed a reasonable level of activity on any of the existing sites.
Throwing 2000 total newbies at a proposal won't help.
Well, I committed to Japanese. That should count for, like, 50 all by itself.
Very much so.
That's why I'm saying that if I had a free commitment, I could easily push it from 98% to 100%, all by myself.
But hey, now that German L&U is getting created, I'll probably get that commitment back in no time. <knocks on wood>
Instead you wasted it on a language you already speak.
Actually, I wasted it on Board and Card Games.
You speak that language too.
I am fairly certain it won't take me 200+ days to release my commitment to German.
But on BCG, it just takes foreva.
I can't think of any questions, and I don't have many answers.
F'x (was it F'x?) tried to cheat by posting like ten questions a la "what games should I play in a pool".
Q: Good games for playing in a pool

FX_Are there interesting board games out there suitable for playing in a pool (supposing one has a pool, friends, nice weather, and not too many waves in the pool so that cards can stay at relatively fixed positions)? With a deck of floating waterproof playing cards, belote or any other game is pos...

Actually, makes me feel like going off and playing L. A. Noire now.
Ha. We have commercials for that one all over the place.
Have fun.
Oh, absolutely. Later.
How would you describe an archetypical German?
What kind of hat? What kind of outfit?
No, really, that's the most accurate description I can think of.
@Vitaly Germany comprises 16 states. A Bavarian looks nothing like someone from Mecklenburg.
I'm accepted
@Boob Grats. But keep an eye on the ratio.
@RegDwight What about someone from Saarland?
@RegDwight you're invited to dinner
Perfect / thx.
Heinz Becker ist seit 1982 die wichtigste Figur des Kabarettisten Gerd Dudenhöffer. Grundidee der Figur Heinz Becker wohnt mit Ehefrau Hilde und Sohn Stefan im eigenen Haus im saarländischen Bexbach. Seine Person lässt sich als Biertrinker, leidenschaftlicher Heimwerker (in dieser Eigenschaft wohl eher ein Dilettant), Besserwisser, Nörgler, Spießer, Vereinsmeier, Stammgast im „Eckstübbche“ und mit dem „Maier Kurt“ befreundet beschreiben. Sein besonderes Erkennungszeichen ist eine Schiebermütze („Batschkapp“), ohne die man ihn grundsätzlich nie zu sehen bekommt. Ein oft zitierter Dauerw...
(It only just occurs to me what fundamental error I have made. Cue another shopped picture...)
You have got a problem with my pictures?
Then you have a problem with me!
/draws his rapier
En garde!
Oh, my rapier. Long, and sturdy. I am quick to make it rise, but only if the need be.
1 hour later…
Um, Reg? How come you have a picture of a woman in a fur bikini?
I don't. Google has.
@RegDwight Riiiiight. Google has.
And that's not a woman, that's Laetitia Casta.
@RegDwight A wink is as good as a nod to a blind man.
@Kit Well, it was the top result for "fur bikini".
@RegDwight I can see why.
@Kit Why?
Nice reason, I'm satisfied
3 hours later…
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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