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00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 06:00

@jlliagre I dunno. Maybe that just means most people don't fully realize they've reached midlife until they're well past it.
2 hours later…
> Pogs - (Internet slang, text messaging, Twitch-speak) - A phrase that positively compliments something. Ex. praise. "Pogs in the chat!"
@Vikas Doctors who prescribe antibacterials for viral infections are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
@HippoSawrUs Fear not, for those who know more than you will correct you if you are wrong, just as those who know less than you will correct you if you are right.
@CowperKettle Welcome comrade! At the United Nations, America has now clearly realigned itself with the Axis of Evil. It's hard to wake up in the morning and find that you're playing on Team Bad Guys now.
@tchrist Yes, I will delete it all. I just wanted the OP to know what ppl might actually say. IDC now.
And you know I was referring to a…horse maybe, pointing in some direction
And that JC Superstar is just cussing in the South
currently reading récoltes et semailles by alexander grothendieck
@tchrist that's a harsh judgment
to pass on yourself i mean
@tchrist Don't take it close to heart! Things are always changing.
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« first day (5220 days earlier)