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@alphabet Cure rhymes with fur? For me cur rhymes with fur.
@Xanne I concur with the lattur.
@Criggie To be sure.
@alphabet that's the only one you don't know?
@Xanne For me all three of those words rhyme. Merriam-Webster actually lists this pronunciation of cure ("ˈkyər" in their weird non-iPA notation).
@MetaEd I had myself convinced a while back that 'irony' was pronounced like 'iron-ee', because you don't pronounce 'ironic' /aj 'ɝ nik/
The pronunciation that confuses me is the one this guy uses at 25:25
@alphabet I think it's the/kj/ that is distracting.
@Mitch Both pronunciations of irony are reasonably common, though some people dislike the /ˈaɪ.ɚ.ni/ one.
I think there's too much tolerance of 'spelling' pronunciation.
What is 'spelling' pronunciation?
Which is to say I if the pronunciation police started bashing skulls for errors that I don't like, I would probably mumble something like 'That seems a little much' and then go back to yelling at the screen when the Jeopardy! Judges tell someone they're wrong for mispronouncing 'gangster'
@user85795 when the 'correct' (standard for a couple hundred years is one thing (which is not letter for letter, but then people start pronouncing it letter for letter.
Eg pronouncing 'often' as /'awf ten/
Instead of the standard /'aw fen/
@alphabet Some people dislike the 'iron-ee' one. (Namely those who I attempted to convince otherwise.
@user85795 look it up
('often' not 'spelling pronunciation')
ok, I will. But, the newest generation of English speaker may have to decide that
@user85795 standards change.
@Mitch I'm not sure which one is the spelling pronunciation there. The /ˈaɪ.ɚ.ni/ pronunciation is closer to that of the word "iron," but /ˈaɪ.ɹə.ni/ is closer to the spelling in putting a vowel between the 'r' and the 'n', and makes more etymological sense.
@Mitch yes, slowly
Like /sæl mn/ instead of /sæmn/
Dictionaries lie about which pronunciations are common/standard/correct.
@alphabet or could just be outdated
The title says that
Incidentally, in the UK the vowel in cure has also changed--but there it turns into the vowel in force in all words, which is why the single greatest song by the single greatest British band in history rhymes the word "insecure" with "for" and "door."
This sounds like a complaint from 20 years ago, but I trust a published encyclopedia or dictionary -way- more than wikipedia/Wiktionary
(One of the few features of their accents that actually survives in their music.)
For the longest time I thought Aerosmith was British.
By 'longest time' I mean 'still'.
1 hour later…
@MetaEd Around here where we have a Coors plant in Golden and a Coors Field in Denver, you only ever hear it pronounced with the /u/ from coo. As though it were several cooers (people who coo) except as one syllable. Apple cores have /o/ but Coors beer has /u/.
Cohrs, though, is pronounced like cores. Coors certainly is not.
@Mitch The only difference between Coors and cures is the /j/. The rest is the same as Coo coo ca choo, baby.
What happened to Laurel? She used to be quite active here.
@tchrist This isn't true for me (and for plenty of other speakers), but I know tchrist can't see messages from raccoons.
Anyway, I used to know Joe Coors. Before he died, of course. He pronounced his own name as @tchrist says.
6 hours later…
Word of the day:____ - this plant's name derives from obsolete French for "tobacco"
@Mitch I think that Wikipedia should institute full-time editors to weed out poorly researched work being stuffed in there.
Maybe the UN should collect funds for editors.
Or maybe create a UN-funded fork.
2 hours later…
@tchrist Yes, I was just saying the /j/ is very ... strong... and mislead.
But 'coo'? That sounds like 'roof' but not 'book' to me.
@Xanne I find that @laurel pops in every so often, usually related to some mod issue. Not every day but every week or so.
@CowperKettle It's a dilemma. The quality of some things on wikipedia is poor, but sometimes it is good, and it allows coverage of things you just wouldn't put in an 'edited' source, eg that awesome page on IPA of English dialects (which to be contrary, is probably full of typos/errors)
@CowperKettle yeah, maybe there should be more than one version of things. but that has its own difficulties.
@Mitch The Coors family pronounces their own name with the /u/, and thus we must do so as well because they are the commanding authority on how their own name must be pronounced. Everyone else is wrong. :)
Also, roof and book have the same vowel: the one from put and could. :)
That's not the one in the Coors name.
@CowperKettle The United Federation of Planets will probably have a separate one for each star system plus a combined one representing the federation.
They've got the one from moon and coon and loom.
@tchrist I pronounce 'roof' like 'moon'
@Mitch I'm sorry to hear that.
'roof' like 'book' sounds midwestern to me.
In any case, you have to say Coors the way the family wants you to.
@tchrist whoof
@Mitch Cooks and kooks differ.
Don't shout the route.
@tchrist That's the polite thing to do. As long as you're able.
@Mitch Cain won.
@tchrist and great minds think alike.
@Mitch It's on the BBC news site, Mitchie.
@Lambie Yeah..what's the direct link to the story?
just copy paste
Yep, and you could have found it by now. bbc.com/future/article/…
@Lambie 1) that's neat
2) when you posted your first message about it, you could have saved multiple people the effort of having to search for it by cut and pasting the link that you already had right in front of you. That's what other people do here.
2 hours later…
Does anyone know what "practice consulting" really is? Google doesn't seem to be able to answer that question. I just can't find anything online that could clear this up for me.
@MichaelRybkin you can use them as target practice if their advice is bad
Some Google results suggest 'practice' is used in the sense of 'medical practice'. IOW, they help doctors with managing their offices or something?
@Lambie sounds nice but a long way from a truly viable working solution
@M.A.R. I'm not sure. You see it then as a term that is not common in English?
I don't think there is any meaning in this delivery work. I"ve been working for 102 days, sometimes 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and I have zero rubles of savings.
And I still cannot focus to translate normally, and I cannot open private messages for weeks and months, because I cannot concentrate my attention and feel afraid of opening.
@Xanne I'm around, but real life is limiting how much time I can dedicate to the site
Thanks 🙏 for dropping by and saying "🤗 hello"
@user85795 emojis 👣 yay 💯
@CowperKettle how about just giving it a go? Just open your social media app and read the messages
@MichaelRybkin it sounds almost intentionally vague. Most people can't guess much what it is without further context.
@MichaelRybkin Impossible to say without context.
It might be a phrase commonly used in some professional settings in one country (e.g. America)
or idiomatic
vs "consulting practice"
or "the practice of consulting"
so what it "really" is depends on the reality of the context, as stated by rob
Google won't help you because there are too many possibilities to search for.
#WhenTaken #106 (12.06.2024)

I scored 865/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 5 km - 🗓️ 15 yrs - ⚡ 170 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 183 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 192 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 21 km - 🗓️ 3 yrs - ⚡ 196 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 370 km - 🗓️ 27 yrs - ⚡ 115 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 167 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 192 / 200

Daily Octordle #870
Score: 64
#WhenTaken #106 (12.06.2024)

I scored 859/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 57 km - 🗓️ 4 yrs - ⚡ 193 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 452 km - 🗓️ 27 yrs - ⚡ 113 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 9 km - 🗓️ 0 yrs - ⚡ 200 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 984 km - 🗓️ 8 yrs - ⚡ 160 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 3 km - 🗓️ 6 yrs - ⚡ 193 / 200

Wordle 1,089 3/6

@M.A.R. After reading the article, I don't think it's that far away at all. It's more a question of will.
Wordle 1,090 3/6

@MichaelRybkin Without context, it's pretty hard to understand. However, consultants are often lone wolves; this could refer to consultants banding together to form a practice, often that would be in the form of an LLC.
Daily Octordle #870
Score: 60
@Mitch I very recently heard someone pronounce "fecal" a lot like "fissile", on the theory I suppose that "feces" has the soft S so "fecal" must also.
@MetaEd Already Thursday for you?
@jlliagre I'm playing from Kiribati, as far as you know :D
@MetaEd So they say fessal there :-)
@jlliagre if "feesal" is not idiosyncratic but regional, then I'd say Austin, Texas and St. Paul, Minnesota.
@MetaEd Fèces is almost never used orally in French, only in written form because it sounds exactly like fesses (buttocks).
@jlliagre I've "moved" eastward to the international date line, but I'm thinking of moving another few hours eastward more. Trying to get as far as possible from Numenor and the True West
cul apparently wasn't good enough for them
Different register.
@M.A.R. Thank you.
@Robusto Thank you.
@jlliagre So why doesn't my "spoiler" work?
Ah. So the markdown is more sophisticated than I gave it credit for.
A spoiler alert of a spoiler.
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Spare the alert, spoil the spoiler.
@CowperKettle there are apps available to rebuild your attention span out there.
> He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
Daily Sequence Octordle #870
Score: 80
Daily Sequence Octordle #870
Score: 74
@MetaEd So then how's the weather there?
@Mitch Christmasy.
@jlliagre what's the formal version of merde then?
@MetaEd Huh
@Mitch because honestly I was thinking of Kiritimati, not Kiribati.
@MetaEd Oh. I wasn't thinking at all of Kiritimati.
I'm still not thinking of it. I don't know what that is.
Is it related to a Kiwi opera singer?
@Mitch no, no, not Kiri Te Kanawa. You're thinking of that Dutch clockmaker.
In tangentially unrelated news, I kinda miss 'The Christmas Tree Shop'. You never know when you'll get a hankering for kitchen table placemats of all the presidents of the US or scented candles like Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
@Mitch Les fèces is definitely formal but a doctor would say les selles (metonymy from aller à la selle: "go on the saddle").
@MetaEd No no not Gerrit van der Hey. You're thinking of that 1970's teen idol.
googles furiously
@jlliagre A not uncommon word for shit in a medical context in English is 'stool'.
As in 'please deposit your stool sample in the convenient plastic container for analysis'
@Mitch Yes, similar.
@MetaEd Well, that's what I did too.
I don't know no Dutch clockmakers.
I was thinking of Corrie ten Boom.
@jlliagre And 'bowel movement' for shitting.
@MetaEd Oh.
Two new Dutch clockmakers to me now.
the secret is, they're ALL clockmakers
anyway, we can't possibly be talking about Eddie van Halen. You were maybe thinking of the pearl jam guy.
nah. Leif Garret.
The Bristol stool scale is a diagnostic medical tool designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories. It is used in both clinical and experimental fields. It was developed at the Bristol Royal Infirmary as a clinical assessment tool in 1997, and is widely used as a research tool to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for various diseases of the bowel, as well as a clinical communication aid; including being part of the diagnostic triad for irritable bowel syndrome. == Interpretation == The seven types of stool are: Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (difficult to pass...
@jlliagre Chocolate preparation stages?
Sort of.
Raisinets, Babe Ruth, Turtles, Tootsie Rolls, mini Tootsie rools, Rollos, Butterscotch.
To be clear, there's no chocolate in butterscotch, it's just a stage in sugar heating.
I thought it also contained coffee or something?
@M.A.R. Makes sense.
Are Urban Dictionary definiotions permitted? I mean sometimnes its the best option available for slang, but for boring words like "flakey" ?
Urban Dictionary is not a reliable lexicon. It's basically Wiktionary with no editors. It's the Wild West.
That was very rude. I've deleted it. We do not need that tone here.
An answer can certainly cite Urban Dictionary but the answer would have to defend that choice.
yeah - a quick google for a definition returns lots of pastery etc.
It was also misspelt.
There is no E in that word.
This is again because they don't teach our children how to "drop the silent E when adding suffixes" anymore. So they can't spell.
@tchrist If you're going to insult someone you better durn well spell it right.
@tchrist now I'm trying to imagine what the word you deleted could possible have been
I saw that
@Mitch y
Could possibley have been. Get with the program.
@Criggie Everything is -permitted-. But the reader will judge. UD is great for motivation, but not a reliable reference.
@tchrist I was on another screen when you deleted whatever
@tchrist offers @tchrist a potatoe
We don't need that sort of coarse language here, particularly when nothing demands it be used in the explanation.
correct - sometimes specifc words are needed, but in this case not really necessary.
@MetaEd I always find it disturbing when served fingerling potatoes.
@Criggie writing -about- taboo-spectrum language is totally on-topic. Using it is deletable.
and swoosh I'm off
@MetaEd They even take contributions from raccoons.
I should invent some more words to contribute.
yeah that's kinda what I meant. There's a difference between asking the etymology of the word "bitch" and using the word circumstantially/unnecessarily.
Original point was more about using UD as a reference.
mmmm pastry. Now I want a pie
I'd like to draw the mods' attention to a post that was vandalised by a reputable user.
I object! I am not reputable!
@andrewleach I have flagged it, but I feel flabbergasted that any user, with that experience and "pedigree",for want of a better word, could have possibly thought that the definition they selected would have been acceptable OR even believed for one second that it actually improved the answer.
@tchrist As a result the answer was deleted, through no fault of the author.
@Mari-LouA Which post ?
That deleted one mentioned a couple hours ago, about "Flaky" ?

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